Rolling a natural 20 on a research check acts like a
the potential insanity or not. Award an amount of
critical threat. If the researcher confirms the critical
experience as if the characters defeated a foe of a CR
hit by succeeding on a second research check with all
equal to one-fifth to one-third the book's complexity,
the same modifiers (this takes no additional time), two
depending on the level of risk and/or challenge.
further relevant facts are revealed. Conversely, rolling
a natural 1 on a research check automatically results in
failure, and the next check takes 16 hours instead of 8,
doubling the duration of any dread resulting from that
research check (if the researcher's save fails; see below).
The Risks of
Due to the depth and complexity of its content, each of
these books grants a bonus on skill checks for skills used
for research checks for that book. A book's entry also
notes if it allows skill checks untrained. A successful
sometime in the month before
attempting the skill check to
which the bonus is to be applied.
The researcher must specify the
with one or more Mythos books
type of skill used but need not
exposes the reader (and anyone
know the exact circumstances
ahead of time. For example, the
researcher may choose to use
the Knowledge (arcana) skill,
of whether a research check
resulting in identification of
succeeds, the reader must make
a spell or arcane topic, while
a saving throw against dread. The
use of the Craft (alchemy) skill
save DC of this dread is either
might apply to identifying the
equal to the book's shock rating or
as normal for a disturbing discovery (see Chapter
4) relevant to the topic being researched, whichever
is higher. Because disturbing material permeates each
Skill Bonus
ingredients and effects of a poison.
Spells, Rituals, and Item
Creation Instructions
text, no topic can be researched that avoids this risk,
Many Mythos books contain spells and rituals, but each
except in very unusual circumstances (entirely at the
requires a successful research check to recognize them
GM’s discretion). The dread from this research lasts
as such in addition to the normal difficulties of reading
for 1d3 days or the normal duration for the disturbing
spells and rituals. Some also include instructions for
discovery, whichever is longer.
creating magic items or alchemical items. A book's
If the dread risk or other non-combat challenge
skill bonus always applies to checks to learn a spell or
related to researching a book's contents is a significant
ritual from that book as well as to Craft or Spellcraft
one for player character researchers, the GM is
checks made to create an item from instructions in that
encouraged to award experience points upon a thorough
book. All spells in these books are found in Chapter
and significant discovery, whether the characters resist
5. The book's skill bonus doesn't apply to skill checks