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Sandy petersens cthulhu mythos (1) 16

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The Mythos Player Character Races
Particularly notable among Lovecraft’s high fantasy
stories is the novella The Dream-Quest of Unknown
Kadath, from which stem the player races presented
herein. Each has been chosen carefully for its interesting
nature, usefulness, and utility when set alongside the
standard races of a fantasy campaign.
First the Dreamlands cats pad softly into view. All
household or alley cats could potentially be Dreamlands
The ghouls were in general respectful,

cats: all that is required is the cats’ decision to return

even if one did attempt to pinch

from their nightly trip to the Dreamlands while

him while several others eyed his

retaining human-level (though not human-centric)

leanness speculatively. Through

intelligence and purpose. Anonymity is their ally, for

patient gibbering he made inquiries

few expect stray cats to pose any threat.

regarding his vanished friend, and

Second in a Mythos game lurk the ghouls, which

found he had become a ghoul of some

are emphatically not undead but rather undead-eaters.

prominence in abysses nearer the

These entities might be degenerated humans or else

waking world. A greenish elderly

“true” ghouls. Memories of their former lives–as well

ghoul offered to conduct him to

as the lives of others—play a prominent role in their

Pickman’s present habitation, so

savage society.

despite a natural loathing he followed

Next come the gnorri: amphibious entities

the creature into a capacious burrow

with little understanding of the surface world who

and crawled after him for hours

nevertheless wish to participate in it. The gnorri are

in the blackness of rank mould.

“blessed” with unusual and incredible abilities based

—The Dream-Quest of Unknown
Kadath, H. P. Lovecraft

on their astounding anatomy.
Last but not least are the zoogs: well known to
readers of Lovecraft’s Dream-Quest, the zoogs are feral
but diminutive horrors with secretive and enigmatic
ways. Dangerous and unpredictable, they are closely
tied to the cosmic entities beyond.
We have enjoyed creating these races, testing them,
and seeing them interact with the standard races. I
think you will enjoy playing them as well.
—Sandy Petersen

