that somewhere there exists a sort of ur-cat, the basic
cat upon which all other cats are based. Cats from
Dreamlands cats are perfectly capable of understanding
different worlds are often unfriendly with one another.
the uses and purposes behind magical items, and
In fact, it is quite common for them to live in a state of
sometimes find these to be practical adjuncts to their
low-level warfare.
adventuring. In the Dreamlands, there are smiths and
Cats have a spiritual nature, and often seem to
commune with the beyond. They have gods, of course,
but instead of worshiping them, they try to live in
harmony with them. Usually, these gods are known
to and sometimes worshiped by the local humanoids,
particularly if they value cats for religious reasons. For
example, Bastet is a well-known goddess of cats, but
other worlds (and other cultures) have these as well.
magicians who specialize in transforming magic items
into forms usable by cats.
Here is how it is done: the cat takes the item desired,
which must be small enough to be carried in its mouth,
to the Dreamlands on one of its forays. The cat then
visits one of these enchanters, who works the magic.
For full rules, see the Feline Item Focus feat on page
Cats sometimes feel a pull toward spiritual life,
Fundamentally, cats are friendly to humanoids—or at
and are known to serve alongside priests of compatible
least those who keep cats as companion animals. Of
gods for their purposes. Many worship sites have a cat
course, even within these societies, there are those who
that keeps out vermin and accompanies the priests
dislike cats, and cats are usually keenly aware of who
on their rounds. These cats, when they choose to be
likes them and who does not.
Dreamlands cats, often become clerics.
Cats like body heat and cuddling and are easy to take
Cats don’t have a true culture in the sense that
care of when on an adventure. They cost nothing
humanoids do. Instead, cats live for the now and
when staying at an inn and can often feed themselves,
participate in the culture of their owners. Even the
catching small rodents, bats, insects, or birds. They
intelligent Dreamlands cats use their greater brain
are clean and neat and take up little space. When
power to simply adapt to their environment to better
traveling in areas where cats find it hard to go (such as
enjoy their lives as cats.
up sheer cliffs), the cat can be easily carried in a pouch
Cats are unable to create material objects since they
or on a shoulder. They are incredibly convenient as
lack prehensile hands or any real means of manipulating
companions, and of course, a cat that can cast spells or
objects. They can only carry small objects for short
scout and communicate has obvious value.
distances in their mouths.
Cats who do not live with people may have a den,
but even this is not constructed by the cat itself: it is
merely a hole or hollow tree in which the cat finds
shelter from the elements.
Material Culture and Artifacts