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II Mythos Races
Dreamlands Cat






+2 Charisma
Tiny: Dreamslands cats are Tiny creatures, and
gain a +2 size bonus to Dexterity and a –2 penalty to
Strength (these bonuses are included in their ability
score adjustments above). They gain a +2 size bonus to
their AC, a +2 size bonus on attack rolls, a -2 penalty
on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and
a +8 size bonus on Stealth checks. Dreamlands cats
take up a space of 2-1/2 feet by 2-1/2 feet, so up to
four can fit into a single square. They have a reach of
0 feet, and must enter an opponent’s square to attack
it in melee. This provokes an attack of opportunity
from the opponent. Since Dreamlands cats have no
natural reach, they do not threaten the squares around
them. Other creatures can move through those squares
without provoking attacks of opportunity. Dreamlands

cats cannot flank an enemy.
Fast: Dreamlands cats are fast for their size, and
have a base speed of 30 feet.
Senses: In addition to having low-light vision,
Dreamlands cats have the scent ability.
Risky Explorer: Dreamlands cats gain a +4 racial
bonus on Climb, Escape Artist, and Stealth checks.
Natural Attacks: Dreamlands cats have three
primary natural attacks: a bite that inflicts 1d3 points
of damage and two claws that inflict 1d2 points of
damage each.
Weapon Finesse: Dreamlands cats gain Weapon
Finesse as a bonus feat.
Land on Your Feet: Dreamlands cats treat any
fall as if it were 20 feet less than the actual distance
of the fall. For example, a cat that falls 30 feet takes
only 1d6 points of damage (treating it as a 10-foot fall).

A fall of 20 feet or less does not harm a Dreamlands
cat. A Dreamlands cat that takes no damage from a
fall always lands on his feet. A Dreamlands cat that
takes damage from a fall lands on its feet if it makes
a successful Reflex save (DC = the damage taken by
the fall).
Nimble: Dreamlands cats use their Dexterity to
modify Climb and Swim checks.
Dreamlands Travel (Su): A Dreamlands cat can
physically travel to the Dreamlands via one of the
many hidden Gates of Slumber. These gates shift and
change their locations over time, and may only exist

in one space for a few seconds. A Dreamlands cat can
attempt to sense a nearby Gate of Slumber at will;
whether or not a Gate of Slumber is present is subject
to the GM’s discretion (typically, there’s a 20% chance
of a Gate of Slumber being somewhere within a 1-mile
radius). If a Gate of Slumber exists, the Dreamlands
cat knows instinctively where it is. Only a Dreamlands
cat can traverse a Gate of Slumber. Gates of Slumber
always manifest in hidden, obscure areas, and are
almost never in a convenient place when a cat needs
to travel to the Dreamlands, such as when trapped or
in sudden danger. Except in unusual cases, the dreamtraveling cat cannot generally return to the physical
world farther than 1 mile from where it left. Whenever
the cat returns to its body from the Dreamlands, it can
choose to return with Intelligence 2 (perhaps to protect

