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Dreamlands Cat
Racial Traits

dream form, creating a new dream body if necessary.
The Dreamlands cat must rest for 1d3 days in the
Dreamlands, after which point the Dreamlands cat
may return to the waking world. A Dreamlands cat

Of the races presented in this book, cats have
perhaps the most physical challenges integrating
into the party of typical humanoid adventurers
but adjust very well to the temperament and
mental nature of such a group, unlike ghouls,
gnorri, or zoogs, whose mere presence can
frighten or disturb the unprepared.
Dreamlands cats do not possess racial hit dice;
unlike normal cats, they are defined by their class
levels. Note that the cat’s size and lack of hands
make certain class choices challenging to play

may “resurrect” itself in this manner up to eight times,
giving it nine lives in all. Resurrections from other
methods (such as via raise dead or other powerful
magic) do not count against this limit.
Languages: Dreamlands cats speak Cat, but cannot
speak other languages. Dreamlands cats always know
the native language of the humanoid culture they live
in (this is most frequently Common). Dreamlands cats
with high Intelligence scores can choose any non-secret
language as a bonus language if raised in a humanoid

or even downright impossible, but other choices

society. If raised in a non-human society (such as elf,

can result in characters of much greater power

halfing, etc.) then they can choose from the bonus

than a human of the same class. Dreamlands cats

languages available to that race. The cats understand

are magical beasts; they have low-light vision,

these languages and can also read them but cannot

and must breathe, eat, and sleep.

speak them. Cats can be understood by anyone who
speaks Cat, or, as previously noted, anyone who has

its mind from disturbing discoveries or to thwart detect

spent a week with a specific cat can understand that

thoughts) or with its full Dreamlands intellect intact.


Moon Jump (Su): When in the Dreamlands,

Equipment Slots: Dreamlands cats are very

a Dreamlands cat can leap into the night sky and

limited in the type of magic items and equipment

travel to a moon (or, if on a moon, leap and travel to

they can use. As they have no hands, Dreamlands cats

the Dreamlands) as a full-round action that provokes

cannot use items that require hands (such as wielding

an attack of opportunity. This trip takes the cat 2d6

a manufactured weapon or a shield). A cat can wear

minutes to complete, and while jumping, the cat is

armor if the armor is tailored to fit its feline body. Cats

considered in an alternate dimension. A group of four

can wear and benefit from magic rings (up to two,

Dreamlands cats can bring a single Small creature with

worn on the tail as bracelets) and neck slot magic items.

them when they moon jump, while a group of eight

Specially tailored belt, body, shoulder, and wrist slot

Dreamlands cats can bring a single Medium creature

items can be used if they are created specifically for

with them. A Dreamlands cat may moon jump twice

a Dreamlands cat’s physiology. (Note that the Feline

per night, and always returns within 1 mile of its

Item Focus item creation feat allows for a Dreamlands

original departure point.

item crafter to transform a magic item into something

Nine Lives (Su): When killed, a Dreamlands cat’s
mind and consciousness shifts reflexively back into a


that merges with a cat’s body; see page 76 for more
