II Mythos Races
Lastly, Dreamlands cats are known for wearing
Martian Cats
magical earrings. A single earring or a set typically
Martian cats are hairless and of bright, unusual colors,
takes up one magical ring slot. However, at the GM’s
such as purple, violet, or fluorescent orange. They have
discretion, a set of earrings could hold the magical
long legs and an extremely long tail, but their body
power of items that would take the eyes, feet, or hand
mass is about the same as that of an Earth cat. Unlike
slots. Under no circumstances can a Dreamlands cat
the cats of Saturn and Uranus, they are not hostile to
wear more than two sets of magical earrings, regardless
Earth cats at all, and indeed have made a treaty that
of where they are worn. Of couse, a cat may wear as
Earth cats can visit the two moons of Mars in exchange
many tail rings as it feels are fashionable.
for letting Martian cats visit Earth’s moon.
Spellcasting: A Dreamlands cat can make verbal
spell components by yowling and meowing. It can
make somatic components by flicking its whiskers and
tail and moving its paws. If a spell requires a material
component or a focus, the component or focus must
be adjacent to the cat (note that the Faithful Feline
feat allows a cat to “carry” a divine focus on its body
as a pattern in its fur; see page 76). A cat must
concentrate as a move action to cast spells with a
somatic component. If the cat does not, the spell is lost
unless the cat succeeds at a concentration check against
DC 15 + twice the spell’s level.
Other Types of Cats
Saturnian Cats
The large and unusual cats from Saturn love to frolic
on Earth’s Dreamlands moon, just as do Earthly cats.
The bodies of Saturnian cats are bright and sparkling,
almost jewel-like, with delicate swirls and arabesques.
Their heads are identifiable by their huge glowing
eyes. They can produce legs seemingly at will from
their complex bodies, somewhat like a gnorri's arms,
and may use one, two, or more legs (there does seem
to be an upper limit of about 7 limbs). A retractable
and prehensile tail is at the opposite end from the head.
These cats are about the size of a puma.
Uranian Cats
Two extraterrestrial species of cats are well documented
Cats from Uranus are even larger than the cats from
and another has recently been recorded (Martian cats).
Saturn and have star-shaped heads with multiple
Their forms and abilities differ somewhat from the
senses. Their body is covered with armored scutes, and
terrestrial cats described in this chapter.
their claws are long and thick. They are not as fast as
Earth cats, who can easily avoid them, but are powerful
beings. They are rarely glimpsed and do not seem
attracted to Earth’s moon.