II Mythos Races
have chosen a specific type of humanoid as the
A ghoul’s bestial features extend to the rest of its
focus of your curiosity: you may consider yourself
body. Its stance is somewhat hunched, with broad
to have once been one of these humanoids, prefer
shoulders, hands that appear human but bear sharp
the flavor of their flesh, or simply wish to adopt
talon-like nails on the fingertips, and legs that bend
elements of their culture and belief as your own.
like those of a dog. The ghoul’s feet are hooved like
underestimate others’ repugnance at your
feeding, even as you wallow in your depravity.
Others probably:
think you’re an undead creature.
worry and assume you want to eat them.
are frightened of your appearance and
assume you’re barely intelligent.
assume you live in a graveyard or sleep in a coffin.
from a distance, mistake you for a were-creature
Though Mythos ghouls blur the line between life and
those of a goat.
Ghouls are immune to non-magical disease, and
thus are not often vectors for disease as many might
expect. Despite this, they tend to have slovenly personal
habits and bear a musty stink on the best of days. More
often, the cloying stench of decay accompanies them,
an odious perfume carried on their breath and under
their nails. Almost never falling ill encourages such
filthy habits, but this nonchalance toward personal
hygiene stems in part from the amusement most ghouls
derive out of making humanoids feel uncomfortable
and nauseated.
death, they are indeed living organisms. While many
One of the most notable aspects of ghoul physiology
of their habits, appetites, and preferences are identical
is that when ghouls feed, they experience and absorb
to those possessed by undead ghouls, no one who gets
the memories held within the flesh of their repast.
to know a Mythos ghoul will make the mistake of
Scholars have yet to discern a scientific explanation
assuming they’re ravenous undead again. From their
for this ability, relegating such powers to the realm
distinctive appearances to their behavior, the contrast
of the supernatural. While they delight in this ability
grows increasingly stark.
to digest memories, ghouls themselves have neither
A ghoul is humanoid in shape, yet much more
an explanation nor a desire to learn more about how
monstrous in appearance than a mere human. The
or why it functions, and many adhere to a strange
ghoul’s visage is almost canine, with a pronounced
superstition that knowing the reason for this would
snout filled with sharp teeth that look almost akin to
disrupt the mechanism itself. That it works at all is
the fangs of a hyena. This snout isn’t large enough to
enough for ghouls, who ironically enjoy indulging
significantly distort or hamper the ghoul’s ability to
in the procedure to divine all manner of secrets and
speak or express itself, although ghouls do tend to have
forgotten tidbits of lore.
a guttural, raspy tone to their voices. A ghoul’s ears
are large and pointed, and its hair is generally short
and mangy with thick bristly patches on the back,
shoulders, and forearms. A ghoul’s mouth slavers and
its long tongue frequently lolls when not in active use.
Mythos ghouls are not born displaying ghoul
characteristics but undergo a transition later in life to
become ghouls. As such, family is a complex subject
for ghouls: many of them have been forced to abandon
their own when their transformation into a ghoul