Black Goat Cult
Shub-Niggurath resembles a perverted fertility goddess,
Depravity can be found everywhere, and the Goat is
and her cultists follow her example. They revel in lust
flexible and undiscriminating.
and gluttony and often react with anger and aggression,
Typically, the cult leaders of the Goat are not
and while they are not necessarily stupid, their raw
human: Shub-Niggurath prefers dark young, fungi
emotions rule rather than intellect. Their cult rituals
from Yuggoth, ghouls, and other monstrous forces to
seem like bloodthirsty orgies to outsiders. Their own
lead the lesser human mob. Monstrous minions are
lives no longer matter, as they are caught up in service
often more reliable, particularly compared to the bulk
to the goddess and her needs.
of human cultists whose minds are often warped by
Many of her cultists are lowly deviants, rejected from
the orgies and rituals of the Black Goat’s worship. Also,
society as perverts or lunatics. Higher class devotees
if and when the authorities descend upon such a cult,
often start out as dilettantes and hedonists, but soon
seeding the ranks with monstrous combatants helps
make the changeover to full, paranoid madness. Most
the cult survive. The mi-go make particularly effective
members eventually become depraved and licentious
masters of these cults, infusing the organization with
serial killers.
their alien technology and using the mad humans for
Though insane, cultists of the Black Goat generally
breeding purposes.
manage to keep their madness under wraps most of
Some cults of the Black Goat are able to take
the time, allowing them to appear more or less normal
over entire communities. In these cases, they often
around others. They live a secret life, in which they are
encourage or force most community members to cross-
devoted to the Goat, alongside a normal life, in which
breed with satyrs and other monsters and drink of
their neighbors and friends may have no idea about the
the mother’s milk, thus devolving into monstrosities
awful horrors beneath the surface.
themselves. In due course, entire villages of monsters
Like other Mythos sects, the cultists of the Black
can arise in which everyone is a Mythos satyr, ghoul,
Goat are not focused on any kind of coherent afterlife:
or other hybrid. Of course, the most deformed villagers
their reward is in the here and now. Indeed, the cult’s
stay in hiding except after dark, while those who look
massive orgies are their reward for worship. Finding
more normal wear clothing to attempt to conceal their
new members increases the pleasure and depth of
true natures. If the cult is careful, other folks may
these demented worship services, in which the awful
travel through or even visit the cursed land and never
offspring of the Black Goat take full part. Constantly
know the truth.
seeking new meat for their goddess’s pleasure, cultists
evangelize and lure unsuspecting recruits deeper into
the mysteries with promises of increasingly intense
Sometimes cultists are able to build up a cult in a
city or developed area, while other times they restrict
their activities to the woodlands and wilderness.
Black Goat Cult Gifts
Fertility: The cultists' fields, animals, and
even their persons are all subject to the
influence of Shub-Niggurath’s horrific fertility
powers. Their cattle might all birth triplets.
Of course, those triplets are likely to be twoheaded or otherwise deformed, but they are
still useful for milking and slaughter.