VII Cults
Flight: The cultists of the Howler gain the
Shadow Pharaoh’s cult in the hopes of disrupting a
ability to fly as the spell. They can do this for
corrupt social order or to bring about a the dawn of a
the entirety of his howling, and his form drips
new age. Over time, however, they sink into madness
a hideous sap from his chest which can be
and hatred, and their original goals are subsumed in
collected and stored for later use. When a user’s
the devastation his worship unleashes.
body is covered by the sap (this typically takes
a liter or more), they can fly until the substance
dries out, which typically takes 1d3 hours.
Summoning: When the Howler appears, normally
The Shadow Pharaoh typically provides these
benefits to his followers:
Contagious Madness: With a ceremony, the
Shadow Pharaoh can infect his cultists and
one or more of Nyarlathotep’s monstrous minions
an audience with a type of frenzied lust for
arrive with him. These typically remain behind
destruction. This effect creates a dangerous mob
after the Howler departs, and the cult can call
that contaminates other people as they draw
upon their services for an extended period of time.
near, spreading their insanity and vandalism
The Dark Demon
The Dark Demon is rarely worshiped directly, and
usually manifests only as an adjunct to another
Crawling Chaos cult. Occasionally, a person who seeks
contact with Nyarlathotep may summon the Dark
Demon by accident, not realizing the true horror of the
Dark Demon’s possession until it is too late.
A person transformed by the Dark Demon’s effect
(see page 264) is sometimes revered as one touched
by their god, and is sometimes mocked and reviled as
a fool.
The Shadow Pharaoh
wide. Entire cities can be destroyed in the
process. This particular result of the Shadow
Pharaoh’s cult requires a sort of critical mass, as
well as the Shadow Pharaoh’s physical presence
during the frantic demolition process. When
the Pharaoh leaves, those who were once his
militant foes come to their senses, usually
horrified by what they have wrought. Inevitably,
some few among them exult in secret and find
themselves hoping for more of the same. These
the cult seeks out to refresh its numbers.
One-time adjunct spells: By signing his dread
contract, the Pharaoh’s most loyal cultists gain
The Shadow Pharaoh is worshiped by the underside
a spell (regardless of any spellcasting ability
of society, typically in large cities or nations. His
or lack thereof) which they can use one time
cultists operate in secret; they are inspired by his will to
only to serve his ends (whether intentionally
overthrow the current political or social order. They do
or not). Cultists so blessed must summon the
not replace the forces of authority they overthrow but
Shadow Pharaoh again and do his bidding
instead they substitute the existing social order for the
before they can receive another spell.
horror and anarchy of the Crawling Chaos.
The Shadow Pharaoh’s clandestine forces operate
Secret knowledge: The Shadow Pharaoh knows
the weaknesses and dark hidden things of those
in effect like an organized crime family focused
whom his forces would wish to destroy. With
on fomenting nihilism and destruction. Some
this knowledge, they can expose the failings of
disenfranchised individuals may begin by joining the