In the sad case of gnorri whose age outstrips their
Nor do they have a concept of a “Mother Earth” or
accomplishments, exile may be a preferable fate to
“Heavenly Father,” as they have no concept of family.
constant ridicule or pity from the mouths of younger,
more accomplished generations.
wonder, is sufficient unto itself in terms of eliciting the
Gnorri do not build complex cities, but settlements
intellectual and emotional responses associated with
can grow quite large in size. They tend to be in tune
spiritual experience, and that there is no need for faith
with their environments, using nearby materials for
in traditional anthropormorphic concept of gods or
construction—especially coral. Gnorri coral shapers
similar ideas.
are masters at guiding the growth of coral through
They have no creation myths or foretold apocalypses
diverse methods, ranging from physical carving to
to concern themselves with. Nature has always existed
alchemical enhancement. Often, naturally-occurring
and will always exist and so it is with the gnorri.
caverns or rifts along the cave floor will serve as a gnorri
They recognize the existence of ghosts, spirits,
settlement, but in most cases, they wed such natural
and other things that “prove” that there is life after
features to crafted palaces. Bones are a valued building
death. But they have no concern about these or any
material for weapons and buildings alike. When a great
introspection on what happens to individuals after
sea beast dies, gnorri are quick to strip the body of its
they’ve died. They have a “does it matter” perspective
flesh and harvest the bones to serve once more as a
on what happens after life ends.
skeleton—only this time as the superstructure for a
coral building rather than a flesh-and-blood beast.
While they respect nature, they neither worship nor
revere it. While they work in harmony with nature,
While gnorri are omnivorous, they generally prefer
they don’t avoid manipulating the world around them
lives as vegetarians, for their teeth are not sharp and have
to suit their community’s needs. An example of this is
difficulty chewing through flesh. This is, of course, a
how they use their innate magical ability to turn rock
strange disconnect for very young gnorri, who in their
into mud to make grottos.
plankton stage are dedicated carnivores who feed only
on flesh. Gnorri keep large farms of kelp and other
As a society, gnorri don’t build places of worship
within their communities. They see no need to.
seaweeds, but also raise slow-moving slug-like creatures
Those who wish to harness the power of nature are
or pens of jellyfish as livestock. These creatures are
often called to a druidic lifestyle. While recognized
generally not kept for food, but as resources for gnorri
as druids by druids of the lands, gnorri do not view
alchemists (see “Culture” on page 34).
themselves as part of a religion or sect. While a land
Some societies of gnorri are particularly wise, and with
that wisdom comes an intrinsic understanding that they
are not the center of the world: that there exist truths
out in the world greater than themselves. Gnorri don’t
have a specific god or pantheon they worship. They of
course recognize that there are powerful entittes in the
universe, some of which grant power to their servants.
Gnorri believe that nature, in all its diversity and
druid who has disrespected a gnorri would be kicked
out of their sect by other members, this is not the
gnorri’s doing but a result of the land druid’s beliefs
about gnorri as a society of “nature lovers.”
Gnorri druids do gather in groups to learn from one
another, but not to worship. They recognize that some
of these teachings can lead to great power. To protect
this power and to trade learning with land druids,