Cult of the Sleeper
Tsathoggua is keenly interested in worshippers because
congregations work together as groups to capture and
he is always hungry for sacrifice. His cult follows the
provide victims for the awakening of Tsathoggua.
same natural cycle in almost every case (see below). All
When possible, they attempt to bring their cult to a
the stages of the cult may be present simultaneously on
position of importance in their land.
a world or continent, but in any one region or nation,
only one stage manifests at a time.
to begin kidnapping humans and other intelligent
At all times and at all stages, the primary function
victims to sacrifice to their god. The benefits they
of the cult is to keep Tsathoggua fed so that he
receive from this are obvious, even to outsiders, and the
continues to reward his worshippers. Unlike other
cult continues to grow. Typically, the cult still attempts
Mythos cultists, cultists of the Sleeper are often sane
to keep the sacrificial nature and true purpose of the
and rational, if callously so. Tsathoggua places no
religion at least somewhat hidden.
premium on madness or destruction for its own sake,
and thus his cult can operate in an ordered society—at
least for a while.
Sleeper Cult Beginnings
Downfall of the Sleeper Cult
Unless the cult is able to achieve a stranglehold on
an entire nation, eventually its prominence leads to
disaster. The vile practices, kidnappings, and murders
Initially, only a few unlucky individuals in any given
of the cult, as well as its dealings with hideous formless
region know about Tsathoggua. The Great Old One
spawn and other monsters (such as serpent folk), lead
may make personal appearances or his formless spawn
the forces of law and order to strike back and try to
may contact likely individuals. These people begin
suppress the Sleeper.
worshiping Tsathoggua and start organizing services
Even if the Sleeper Cult does manage to gain support
for fellow cultists. Tsathoggua’s cult at this early stage
in high places (for example, by converting a nation’s
often seems more or less harmless. Only animals (dogs,
king or vizier to its number), this can lead to a mass
cows, etc.) are sacrificed to their foul deity, and the
revolt against the horrors it perpetrates. The natural
obvious benefits of the cult make it seem attractive, at
response to the Sleeper is a call for its official ban or
least to those of a low moral nature.
even a pogrom against the cult. Sleeper worshippers
At this stage, the cult may be limited to a particular
go into hiding or engage in pitched battles with the
clan, race, or guild, but it always looks to expand. The
authorities. Usually the Sleeper Cult is exposed before
cult is not an exclusionary organization and welcomes
it has grown too powerful to be stopped, and thus it is
outsiders as adherents.
eventually doomed to widespread destruction.
The Rise of the Sleeper Cult
Eventually, the Cult of the Sleeper becomes large and
But even then it is not gone.
The Sleeper in Secret
forms a proper church. At this point it is grouped
A few cultists almost always remain, often the most
into congregations, each of which has formal worship
intelligent and potent. They carry on the lore and the
services, one or more temples, and an organized
legend of their god. Even if most of the cult dies out,
hierarchy with initiates, acolytes, and priests. These
At this stage, the cult is strong and bold enough