II Mythos Races
an advantage over paper and ink in that the method
operating on surface dwellers find their talents in much
remains viable above and below water.
demand. Gnorri surgeons can earn their communities
Traditional gnorri building methods utilize magic,
a huge haul of glass and metal tools by performing a
but also integrate nature and terrain. A gnorri group
single operation to graft gills onto a human merchant,
looking to establish a town is more likely to pick as the
for example.
site of their new home a craggy section of underwater
rifts and caverns than an open expanse of lush seaweed
plains. This gives the gnorri additional defenses against
sea monsters and other dangerous denizens of the deep.
Without the ability to easily manufacture metal, glass,
and pottery under water, gnorri who desire these items
must rely on trade.
Fortunately for the gnorri, two of their cultural
specialties are very much in demand from surface
dwellers—alchemy and surgery. Rather than focusing
on potions and fluids, which are difficult to contain
and manage in an aquatic environment, gnorri
alchemists focus on thicker, more solid media—ooze,
plant life, and small animals. A gnorri alchemist uses
a collection of venomous crustaceans, a wide array of
aquatic plants, and flesh harvested from a wide range
of invertebrate creatures for a diverse and versatile take
on alchemy. This work has made gnorri particularly
adept in the crafting of poisons, as much of their work
involves using and repurposing venoms extracted from
their living tools.
The gnorri’s deep knowledge of biology aids them
in larger healing projects involving more complex
organisms as well, and gnorri surgeons are among
the most gifted under the seas and above the waves
alike. While almost all gnorri display a talent for
minor applications of first aid and other applications
of healing, some among their number have taken this
science even further, with the ability to graft flesh and
transform subjects using a wide variety of methods.
While it’s easier for them to perform these flesh-altering
procedures on fellow gnorri, those who specialize in
Gnorri enjoy the beauty of their aquatic regions and
have, as a general rule, a productive relationship with
local wildlife built on deep understanding, but they
are the first to admit that many undersea cultures are
isolationist at best and violent at worst. While a typical
gnorri settlement is on good terms with neighboring
gnorri towns, beyond that things start to break down,
as communities grow more different as they are further
removed, becoming more and more opposed in belief
and teaching. Always self-sufficient, with populations
that embrace the dual concept of specialization and
supporting the community as a whole, gnorri have
traditionally not depended much on extensive trade or
support networks with their aquatic neighbors.
Nevertheless, there are many things that gnorri
cannot build or acquire with ease underwater,
particularly when it comes to objects that must be
forged. Items made of metal and glass are particularly
valued by the gnorri, both as luxuries and as
necessities. Scavenging for items from shipwrecks is
a long tradition, but unless gnorri specifically target
trade ships and sink them for goods, it’s impossible to
depend on sunken salvage as a constant supply source.
Since the gnorri are, as a whole, loath to prey upon the
ships that sail above, they have turned to more peaceful
options, setting aside long-standing superstitions and
fears about the surface world.
Still, gnorri have difficulty interacting with air
breathing creatures. Most trade groups employ at least
one diplomat, who serves as a translator, as well as an
ambassador to help handle confusing differences in