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culture, but this is only of limited use. For example,

not only do such gnorri abandon their homes to

telling one air breather apart from another is a constant

travel with surface dwellers, but also lack the focus to

struggle. A group of gnorri whose first contact with air

become properly specialized in a chosen field. Such

breathing creatures happens to be with centaurs is likely

gnorri are often not welcomed back into their homes,

to assume all air breathers are centaurs, even though

and in the unfortunate circumstance that sees such

humanity is typically much more diverse. Comments

an unfocused gnorri’s return, the gnorri’s outsider

about humans being “half-centaurs” or an inability

accomplices ironically find themselves more welcome

to understand that a human and his horse are not

than the gnorri.

the same creature that suffered a cataclysmic magical
curse or wound that separated their bodies might be a
common misunderstanding on the part of the gnorri.
The concept of legs is endlessly fascinating to the
gnorri and somewhat disturbing. It is as strange and
unsettling for a gnorri to see a humanoid walk by
putting one foot in front of the other as for a human to
watch a gnorri’s tail slither out in front of their upper
body like a snake. Gnorri are baffled and at times
disgusted by the rhythmic “sawing” of legs moving
back and forth, bending only at the knee and ankle but
otherwise rigid—a trait that many gnorri can’t help but
associate with the infirmities of age.


The gnorri are an aquatic race of vaguely humanoid
creatures. Their size and additional arms make them
a rather powerful option for a player character race,
despite the fact that they (like centaurs) are limited to
smaller weapons than their size would normally suggest.
GMs should consider carefully the implications of
allowing a Large creature with multiple arms into their
campaigns as player characters.
Gnorri are monstrous humanoids, have deepsight
120 ft. (darkvision only underwater) and low-light
vision, and must breathe, eat, and sleep.
+2 Wisdom, –2 Charisma: Gnorri are slow to
grasp concepts outside of their society and have a hard

To the gnorri, the single greatest drive for adventure

time interacting with and understanding air-breathers,

is curiosity. Particularly, they long to learn about the

but have minds as deep as the oceans in which they

nature of those who dwell above the waves. However

dwell. A gnorri’s Strength and Constitution scores can

wondrous it might seem to humans, the underwater

shift, depending on their number of arms (see Limb

world seems mundane to gnorri who have lived all their

Allocation, page 37).

lives there. While a gnorri character can be a significant

Large: While the gnorri’s upper torso, head, and

boon to a group needing to travel underwater, to a

arms are approximately the same size and girth as a

gnorri such excursions are often dull. As a result, the

particularly robust human, their longer lower bodies

vast majority of gnorri adventurers seek out surface

push them into the next size category—gnorri are

parties in order that they might accompany them on

Large creatures. A gnorri has a space of 10 feet, but

their escapades and quests above the waves.

only has a reach of 5 feet. They take a –1 penalty to

The gnorri’s focus on specialization means that it’s

AC, take a –4 penalty on Stealth checks, and gain a +1

unusual for many to multiclass. Those who do pursue

size bonus on combat maneuver checks and to combat

such paths tend to do so out of a sense of wanderlust.

maneuver defense.

To many gnorri, this lack of focus is doubly troubling:


Gnorri Traits
