VII Cults
rootlets of itself through numerous portals to attack
driven mad by the sight of the Outer God. Indeed,
and torment the cult’s foes. Additionally, constantly
cults love to summon the god as frequently as possible,
viewing the Great Old One and invoking its presence
as it protects them, exposes enemy agents, and provides
allows its mummified spellcasting worshippers to form
an inexhaustible amount of knowledge and magic.
accurate illusions of it as needed to aid in terrifying and
destroying enemies.
The father of serpents is worshipped primarily in those
lands abundant in venomous snakes. Even there, the
Cults to Nyogtha worship it as the inverse of existence.
worship he receives is usually mere propitiation to avert
Studying and learning from it reveals to devotees the
his wrath during seasons in which snakes are most
nature of pure negation or anti-creation. They may
active and breeding. Yig jealously seeks vengeance
seek oblivion for themselves, their entire world, or all
against any who slay a snake in areas he rules. Usually,
of creation. Worshippers frequently become undead in
the wrongdoer is slain quickly by a messenger of Yig,
their journey of faith, though even the negative energy
but sometimes the god takes his revenge by cursing
of undeath does not approach the horrible infinite
the offender or its future offspring to transform into
nothingness of the Thing that Should Not Be.
reptilian mutants, which are sometimes pitiful, and
Since Nyogtha tends to dwell in darkness and the
other times robustly monstrous.
vast emptiness of subterranean caverns are reminiscent
Some peoples, after years devoted to preventing
of its nature, cults worship it at entrances to the
Yig’s wrath, convert completely to worshipping him as
underworld. In some cases, the living worship under
their primary god. In time, Yig rewards them such that
the sun beside a shrine and the undead cultists worship
they can be counted among his own children. First,
in the dark beneath the same shrine.
they become immune to the venom of the snakes their
Cults of the Green Flame seek all manner of eldritch
knowledge and the secrets of the Outer Gods, with
whom Tulzscha dwells at the center of existence. They
accomplish this primarily by summoning an avatar
and gazing into its light. Tulzscha may reveal specific
secrets, driving its worshippers to take a particular
course of action, such as seeking out enigmatic tomes
so their secrets can be revealed in Tulzscha’s light;
illuminating pathways of travel through time and space;
or manipulating them into unwittingly summoning
Azathoth the Daemon Sultan itself.
Cults may also weaponize their god by summoning
nation once feared and loathed, which are now their
siblings. Next, they may obtain magic and spells from
Yig, usually related to poisons, snakes, shapeshifting,
and curses. Ultimately, after these blessings, the
people mystically mutates and degenerates into a sort
of snake-like hybrid race, and may eventually become
unintelligent venomous snakes, slithering amidst the
fallen wreckage of their civilization. This degeneration
can happen surprisingly quickly—in only one or two
generations after the folk have fully devoted themselves
to Yig.
Cultists of Yig often use serpentfolk alchemy to
produce metamorphic venom.
Tulzscha in areas occupied by their enemies, where
all of a foe’s secrets will be exposed and the people be