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X Expanded Mythos Bestiary
the other parent must create a new strange attractor.

anything they can exploit to trigger the collapse and

This ovoid is still a strange attractor in all respects save

implosion of entire dimensions or planes of existence.

for its shape, but if it is moved, the development of

Though they spend the majority of their time in

the embryonic hundun within must begin anew. The

solitary contemplation or action, hunduns sometimes

gestation of the new hundun takes many years. When

gather to oppose forms of creation or manifestations

the egg hatches, the strange attractor is destroyed and a

of law that require greater numbers to counteract. The

fully formed hundun emerges. Reproduction between

creatures come together spontaneously, drawn by an

hunduns doesn’t involve any sort of love or even

innate sensitivity to the structuring forces that operate

affection. Rather, the two hunduns feel a premonition

on reality.

that another hundun will be needed to fight order in
the future, then meet and breed wordlessly.

Hunduns stand around 10 feet tall, yet weigh only
about 700 pounds. Sustained entirely by negative

Hunduns can be found floating in the Negative

energy, hunduns never eat or rest and are immune

Energy Plane or within stable voids in the planes of

to aging; they are effectively immortal and die only

chaos, meditating on ways to corrupt universal truths

through violence.

and undermine the laws of nature on a cosmic scale—

“You can’t rest these days. We have nowhere to simply lie down. Our streets are overrun with
beasts, loping with cloven hooves and jackal grins. The skies are no better, filled by flying
abominations, dripping with fungus. I hear they take your brain. I don’t know what they
do with it. Eat it? They say not. Something worse. But whatever you do, don’t go into the

newly-grown woodlands. You’ll find Them there, giant horrors all mouths and tentacles.
And at the center, stands the one who made Them. No, my friend, stay out of the forest.”
—David Mendiola

