Automating ActionScript Projects
with Eclipse and Ant
Sidney de Koning
Beijing • Cambridge • Farnham • Köln • Sebastopol • Tokyo
Automating ActionScript Projects with Eclipse and Ant
by Sidney de Koning
Copyright © 2012 Sidney de Koning. All rights reserved.
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ISBN: 978-1-449-30773-8
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About the Author
Sidney de Koning is a full time geek. When he was 8, he got hooked on BASIC on his
grandfather’s Amiga 500. Now he still gets excited developing mobile applications and
websites. His passion is to play with technologies like Adobe’s AIR and the Android
platform, and he loves to translate complex abstract ideas into concrete usable
He started programming in Turbo Pascal and Delphi, and tried PHP, but later found
his true love—Flash. Now Sidney is a Flash Platform developer with more than 10 years
of experience in ActionScript (1, 2, and 3), AIR, and lately also Android. And a little iOS.
After setting up the online department at the Dutch MTV in 2005, he freelanced and
worked for smaller companies until 2009. He has worked for and with a multitude of
companies including MTV, TMF, Nickelodeon, Media Catalyst, and Code d’Azur. His
current employment is at LBi Lost Boys in Amsterdam, where he develops in AS3, solves
technical problems, and acts as technical lead. His specialties are streamlining development processes, AIR, and AIR for Android. In his spare time, he has written content
for the Dutch Adobe User Group and taught programming classes at the international
SAE College.
From writing articles on blogs to writing magazines and a book, and from teaching
students programming to coding and talking about code, it all has to do with transferring knowledge and inspiring people who share the same passion: creation.
He likes to keep sane by meditating, reading, writing, and running. He also maintains
a weblog about AIR, mobile, and Flash development at .