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Android Apps
with Eclipse
Onur Cinar
Contents at a Glance
About the Author................................................................................................ x
About the Technical Reviewer .......................................................................... xi
Introduction ..................................................................................................... xii
■Chapter 1: Android Primer ............................................................................... 1
■Chapter 2: Application Architecture .............................................................. 27
■Chapter 3: Eclipse Primer .............................................................................. 45
■Chapter 4: Mastering Eclipse......................................................................... 73
■Chapter 5: Android Development Tools for Eclipse...................................... 111
■Chapter 6: Project: Movie Player ................................................................. 151
■Chapter 7: Android Native Development Using Eclipse................................ 185
■Chapter 8: Project: Extending Movie Player for AVI Movies ........................ 239
■Chapter 9: Android Scripting Using Eclipse ................................................ 271
■Chapter 10: Project: Movie Player Using HTML and JavaScript .................. 307
■Appendix A: Testing Android Applications................................................... 333
■Index ............................................................................................................ 349
Android is one of the major players in the mobile phone market, and its market share is
continuously growing. Android is the first complete, open, and free mobile platform, and it offers
endless opportunities for mobile application developers. As with all other platforms, having a
robust and flexible development environment is the key for the platform's success.
Eclipse is the most adopted integrated development environment (IDE) for Java
programmers. And now Eclipse is the preferred IDE for Android app developers.
Android Apps with Eclipse provides a detailed overview of Eclipse, including the steps
and illustrations to help Android developers quickly get up to speed on Eclipse and to streamline
their day-to-day software development.
Who This Book Is For
This book is for both beginners and intermediate developers who would like to quickly come up
to speed on Android development using the Eclipse IDE.
What You Will Learn
This book covers the following topics:
How the Android platform works and the basics of Android application development
How to use the most popular Java IDE, Eclipse, to develop Android applications
How to install and configure Eclipse for Android development
How to leverage Eclipse with the Android Native Development Kit (NDK) for C/C++
How to leverage Eclipse for scripting using Android's Scripting Layer for Android (SL4A)
How to debug and troubleshoot Android applications using Eclipse
Stress testing, 348
Synchronization, 226
selection, 65
Viking Killer. See Low memory killer
W, X
Table layout, 32
Telephony service, 23
Testing. See Android application
Text mode debugging using ndk-gdb,
Threading, 11
constraints, 225–226
native threads, 226–227
synchronization, 226
TODO keywords, 86
Toolbars, 69
toolchains directory, 198
Type Hierarchy view, 79–81
USB service, 23
Wakelocks, 11–12
Wallpaper service, 24
Widget, 31
Wi-Fi peer-to-peer service, 24
Wi-Fi service, 24
Workbench, 62–63
Working sets, 74–77
Assign Working Sets selection, 74
naming and adding elements, 75–
New Working Set wizard, 74–75
Package Explorer view
filtered, 77
menu, 76–77
Working Set Assignments dialog,
Workspace, 60–62
Vibrator service, 24
View object, 31
fast views, 66–67
Quick views, 67
Yet Another Flash File System
(YAFFS2), 19
Zygote, 14–16