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Beginning Android Tablet
Starting with Android Honeycomb for Tablets

Robbie Matthews

Beginning Android Tablet Programming: Starting with Android Honeycomb for Tablets
Copyright © 2011 by Robbie Matthews
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system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner and the publisher.
ISBN-13 (pbk): 978-1-4302-3783-9
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I dedicate this book to my family. Without your support and occasional nagging
this book would never have been finished.
Robbie Matthews

Contents at a Glance
„ About the Author.................................................................................................. xiv
„ About the Technical Reviewer .............................................................................. xv
„ Acknowledgments ............................................................................................... xvi
„ Some Notes on Using the Downloaded Code ...................................................... xvii
„ Chapter 1: Getting Started ......................................................................................1

„ Chapter 2: How Android Works.............................................................................27
„ Chapter 3: What Can You Do with an Android Tablet?.........................................53
„ Chapter 4: Beyond Java: Programming in Python and Friends ............................79
„ Chapter 5: Project 1: Media Player .....................................................................105
„ Chapter 6: Explorer .............................................................................................123
„ Chapter 7: Contact Manager ...............................................................................151
„ Chapter 8: Dude, Where’s My Car? .....................................................................175
„ Chapter 10: Remind Me ......................................................................................221
„ Chapter 11: Everything Else................................................................................243
„ Index ...................................................................................................................269



Reflection, 133, 137
remapCoordinateSystem, 62
Remind Me, 221
List Manager, 237, 238
manipulating Alarms Table, 239
contacts, 233, 234
enhancing the application, 241
main screen, 231, 232
onscreen keyboard, 232, 233
responding to Alarm, 235–237
setting Reminder Alarm, 234, 235
testing TTS, 240, 241
Runnable, 244

savedInstanceState, 33
scaledDensity, 155
Scripting Layer for Android (SL4A), 79, 80.
See also Script management
Script management, 80
battery management, 97–99
contacts and phone numbers, 102–
control phone settings, 94–95
editing, 100–101
events, 89–90
Facades, 82–83
hello_world script, 81
Intent, 83–86
location function, 95–97
media files, 91–94
Prompt, and Help, 82
Python help system, 82
sample programs, 81
SQL, 103
user interaction, 86–88
WakeLock commands, 99–100
SeekBar, 121, 122
accessing SensorManager, 56
Button Click Events, 60
getting orientation, 61–62

onListClick Event, 56
Portrait Mode, 61
screen layout, 54–55
SensorEventListener, 58
testing, 55

types, 54
Values, 60–61
Services, 187–188
Share My Stuff, 75–77
SharedPreferences, 41
shouldOverrideUrlLoading, 69
SimpleCursorAdapter, 114
receiving, 224
sending, 223–224
SmsManager, 223
SmsReceiver, 225
creating database, 228
definition, 227
getting database, 229
using database, 229, 230
SQLite3, 104
SQLiteOpenHelper, 228
startActivityForResult, 64
static member, 14, 15
staticVariable, 15, 17
StringBuffer and StringBuilder, 21
SurfaceHolder, 121, 204–207

swapCursor, 120

code for ManageList, 195–196
edit dialog, 196–197
TableLayout, 194–195
Target class, 193–194
target editor, 196
TextPaint, 155
Text To Speech (TTS)
queues, 227
SMSReceiveService Class, 225–226
TextView, 32
Android Threads, 203
concepts of, 199
Java Threads, 200–203
Three dimensional graphics
BA3TPOpenGl, 214
GLSurfaceView implementation, 215
initializing 3D environment, 216,
interprocess communication, 219,



Three dimensional graphics (cont.)
MainActivity for 3D demo, 216
MainActivity onCreate event, 219
onDrawFrame event, 218
onSurfaceChanged event, 218
onSurfaceCreated event, 217
spinning box, 214
TickerText, 188
Timers, 243
Handler, 244
Handler.postAtTime with token,
Handler.PostDelayed, 245
implementing real-time clock, 245,
stopping gracefully, 246
Toast, 34
toString(), 24
Touch Events, 209
TreeMap. IdentityHashMap, 22
Tricorder, 54


Uri.withAppendedPath, 117
USB, 262
device filter, 266
in action, 267

list of devices, 263–264
responding to a plugged device, 266
responding to an unplugged device, 265–266
simple activity, 263
Thread to read from, 265

varargs, 248

„ W, X, Y, Z
Wakeup Calls, 186
WeakHashMap, 23
