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Pete Brown
Revised Edition of
Silverlight 4 in Action

Silverlight 5 in Action
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 – MAL – 18 17 16 15 14 13 12
brief contents
1 C

Introducing Silverlight 3

XAML and the property system 26

The application model and the plug-in 47


Working with HTML and browsers 73

Out-of-browser applications 95

The security model and elevated trust 114
2 C




Rendering, layout, and transforming 127

Panels 160

Human input 180

Text fundamentals 199

Editing plain and rich text 225

Control basics and UserControls 247

Animation and behaviors 272

Resources, styles, and control templates 307

Extensions, converters, custom controls, and panels 337

Binding 367

Data controls: DataGrid and DataForm 410

Input validation 433

Networking basics 460

Working with SOAP services 491

RESTful services with the ASP.NET Web API 520

Working with XML, JSON, RSS, and Atom 549

Duplex, sockets, and local connections 575

Graphics and effects 603

Working with images 630

Introduction to 3D 649

3D lighting, texturing, and animation 679

Pop-ups, windows, and full-screen applications 711

Navigation 734

Working with files and directories 761

Printing 798

COM, Native Extensions, and p-invoke 832

Structuring and testing with the MVVM pattern 869

Debugging your application 913

The install experience and preloaders 929

preface xxi
acknowledgments xxiv
about this book xxvi
about the cover illustration xxxi

Introducing Silverlight 3
1.1 A Silverlight primer 4
Silverlight and the web 5

Silverlight and WPF 6
Types of Silverlight applications 6
1.2 A brief history of Silverlight 8
Features for business and client applications 8

Media and
graphics enhancements 10

User interaction 11

Text 11
1.3 Getting started with Silverlight development 12
Setting up your development environment 13

Helpful sites 13
1.4 Building your first Silverlight web application 14
Project setup 15

User interface 16

Calling Twitter
search 18

Parsing the results and binding the ListBox 19

Making the ListBox contents more meaningful 23
1.5 Summary 25

XAML and the property system 26
2.1 XAML basics 27
Objects 28

Namespaces 29

Properties 32
Dependency properties 33

Attached properties 35
Events 36

Commands 38
2.2 Object trees and namescope 39
Object trees 39

Namescope 42
2.3 XAML type converters 43
2.4 Loading XAML at runtime 44
2.5 Summary 46
The application model and the plug-in 47
3.1 The Silverlight application model 48
Application startup process 49

XAP 50

The application
manifest file 51

The Silverlight application object 52
Application dependencies 55

Assembly caching 56
3.2 Creating the Silverlight plug-in 58
Using the object tag 59

Using the Silverlight.js utility file 60
Creating an instance of the Silverlight plug-in 61
3.3 Integrating the Silverlight plug-in 62
Relating the Silverlight application to the HTML DOM 62
Clarifying the initial experience 64

Handling plug-in
events 68

Sending initialization parameters 70
3.4 Summary 71
Working with HTML and browsers 73
4.1 Silverlight and the HTML DOM 74
4.2 Working with the web page from managed code 75
Navigating web page contents 76

Working with element
properties 77

Handling CSS information 78
Accessing the query string 78
4.3 Working with the hosting browser window 79
Prompting the user 79

Navigating the browser window 81
Discovering the browser properties 81
4.4 Bridging the scripting and managed code worlds 82
Calling managed code from JavaScript 82

Using JavaScript
from managed code 85

4.5 Hosting HTML in Silverlight 86
Hosting the WebBrowser control 87

Using the
WebBrowserBrush 92
4.6 Summary 94
Out-of-browser applications 95
5.1 Implementation specifics 97
Process and hosting 97

Capabilities and restrictions 98

5.2 The end-user experience 98
5.3 Creating out-of-browser applications 100
The out-of-browser settings file 100

Controlling the
experience 102

Customizing icons 105

Updating 105
5.4 Alerting the user with notification toast 106
5.5 Controlling the host window 107
Basic window properties 108

Changing window
chrome 109

Minimizing, maximizing, restoring, and
closing 110

Moving a window 111

Resizing 111
5.6 Summary 112
The security model and elevated trust 114
6.1 Code classifications and the transparency model 115
6.2 User initiation and consent 117
6.3 Elevated trust 119
Creating elevated trust applications 120

Enabling in-browser
elevated trust applications 122

Detecting elevated trust
mode 124
6.4 Summary 124
Rendering, layout, and transforming 127
7.1 The UIElement and FrameworkElement 128
Properties 128

Methods 134
7.2 The rendering process 135
Clock tick 137

Per-frame rendering callback 137
Rasterization 138

7.3 The layout system 144
Multipass layout—measuring and arranging 144
The LayoutInformation class 146

considerations 147
7.4 Render transforms 148
RotateTransform 149

ScaleTransform 150
SkewTransform 150

TranslateTransform 151
TransformGroup 151

CompositeTransform 152
MatrixTransform 153
7.5 3D projection transforms 155
PlaneProjection 155

Matrix3dProjection 157
7.6 Summary 159
Panels 160
8.1 Canvas 161
Setting the offsets 162

Setting the stack order 163
8.2 The StackPanel 165
8.3 The WrapPanel 166
Vertical wrapping 167

Horizontal wrapping 168
8.4 The Grid 169
Arranging Grid content 170

Positioning Grid content 172
Spanning cells 172

Sizing it up 173

Working with the
grid programmatically 176

Customizing cell
boundaries 177
8.5 Summary 179
Human input 180
9.1 Capturing the keyboard 181
Understanding focus 181

Handling keyboard events 182
Dealing with modifier keys 184
9.2 Mouse input 185
Mouse movement events 186

Mouse button events 188
Using the mouse wheel 191
9.3 Using multitouch 193
9.4 Collecting ink drawings 194
Creating the InkPresenter 195

Collecting ink 195
Styling the ink 197
9.5 Summary 198


Text fundamentals 199
10.1 The text system 200
Subpixel text rendering 200

Text hinting 201

formatting 202

Text rendering 203
10.2 Displaying text 204
Font properties 204

Flow control 208

properties 209

Spacing 212
10.3 OpenType font support 215
Ligatures 216

Stylistic sets 217

Font capitals 219
Fractions and numbers 220

Variants, superscript, and

subscript 221
10.4 Embedding fonts 223
10.5 Summary 224
Editing plain and rich text 225
11.1 Handling basic text input 226
Enabling multiline text support 227

Mastering text
selection 228
11.2 Understanding input method editors 228
11.3 Copying text with the Clipboard API 231
11.4 Collecting sensitive data 232
11.5 Entering and displaying rich text 233
Formatting and inline elements 233

Working with selected
text 237
11.6 Multicolumn and free-form linked text 241
Multicolumn text 241

Free-form text layout 242
11.7 Summary 245
Control basics and UserControls 247
12.1 Control 248
Appearance 248

Tab navigation and control state 249
Templating 250

12.2 ContentControl 251
The ContentPresenter 252
12.3 Button controls 253
The Button 254

The HyperlinkButton 255
The RadioButton 255

The CheckBox 257

12.4 ItemsControls 258
The ListBox 259

The ComboBox 262

TabControl 262
12.5 Creating UserControls 265
Defining the appearance 266

Defining behavior of a
control 267

Calling the control 270
12.6 Summary 271
Animation and behaviors 272
13.1 Animating a value over time 273

13.2 Mastering the timeline 275
What type of property are you animating? 275

Where are you
starting from and where are you going? 277

How long should
the animation run? 280
13.3 Storyboards 283
Understanding the storyboard 283

Storyboard target 284
Controlling the Storyboard 287

Resources 289
13.4 Keyframing 291
13.5 Interpolation 293
Linear interpolation 294

Spline interpolation 294
Discrete interpolation 296

KeyTime 296
13.6 Easing functions 297
Using easing functions 298

Creating a custom easing
function 301
13.7 Behaviors, triggers, and actions 302
Using existing behaviors 303

Creating your own
behavior 305
13.8 Summary 306
Resources, styles, and control templates 307
14.1 Being resourceful 308
Declarative resources 308

Accessing loose resources 314
Bundled resources 315
14.2 Giving your elements style 317
Defining the look 319

Explicitly keyed style definitions 321
Implicit style definitions 322

14.3 Creating templates 323
Building a control template 323

Creating reusable
templates 328
14.4 Dealing with visual states 329
Understanding the components 329

Leveraging the
VisualStateManager 331
14.5 Sharing your visual states 335

14.6 Summary 335
Extensions, converters, custom controls, and panels 337
15.1 Markup extensions 338
Creating a simple custom markup extension 339

Creating a
parameterized markup extension 340
15.2 Custom type converters 342
Creating the converter 342

Using the converter 343
15.3 Creating a custom panel 345
Project setup 346

The OrbitPanel class 346
Properties 347

Custom layout 350

Enhancements 354
15.4 Creating a custom control 355
Choosing the base type 355

Properties 356

The control
template contract 357

The default template 359

Visual states 360

Visual states in template 361
15.5 Summary 363
Binding 367
16.1 Binding basics 368
Mastering the binding syntax 369

Choosing a binding
mode 371
16.2 Understanding your binding source 373
Binding to a property 374

Binding to an object 376
Binding to a UI element 378

Binding to an indexed
element 381

Binding to a keyed (string indexed)
element 382

Binding to an entire collection 383
Deciding when to update binding 385

16.3 Binding to dynamic properties 386

ICustomTypeProvider overview 387

Creating the helper
classes 387

Using the helper class 390
16.4 Customizing the display 395
Formatting values 395

Converting values during
binding 395

Providing default fallback values 399
Handling null values 399
16.5 Creating explicit data templates 400
Using a DataTemplate with a ContentControl 400
Rendering an ItemsControl with a DataTemplate 402
16.6 Creating implicit data templates 403
16.7 Summary 409
Data controls: DataGrid and DataForm 410
17.1 The DataGrid 411
Displaying your data 411

Editing grid data 417
Sorting items 417
17.2 The DataForm 418
Displaying your data 419

Binding to lists of data 421

Customizing display 424

Customizing edit, add, and display
templates 425

Finer control over editing and committing
data 427
17.3 Annotating for display 428
The Display attribute 429

The Editable attribute 430
17.4 Summary 431
Input validation 433
18.1 The validation example source and UI 434
18.2 Exception-based property validation 438
Handling exception validation errors 438

validation code 439

Validation error display 440
18.3 Synchronous validation with IDataErrorInfo 441
The IDataErrorInfo interface 441

Simple validation with
IDataErrorInfo 442

Cross-field validation with IData-
ErrorInfo 443

Combining exceptions and IDataErrorInfo 445
18.4 Asynchronous validation with INotifyDataErrorInfo 446
The INotifyDataErrorInfo interface 446

Implementing the
interface 447

Binding support 448

Building the WCF

web service 448

Adding the client service code 449
Property modifications 450
18.5 Annotating for validation 451
Validation attributes 452

Annotating your entity 453
Calling external validation functions 454

Creating custom
validators 456
18.6 Comparison of validation approaches 457
18.7 Summary 458
Networking basics 460

19.1 The web request/response pattern 461
WebRequest and HttpWebRequest 462

WebResponse and
HttpWebResponse 463
19.2 Simplifying the request/response pattern with WebClient 465
String operations 465

Stream operations 468
19.3 Asynchronous communication 469
When async methods attack 470

Saving your sanity
with Rx 471

Simplifying with tasks 474
19.4 Trust and cross-domain network access 476
Structuring the cross-domain file 477

Other cross-domain
policy files 479

Locating your cross-domain policy 480
19.5 The browser HTTP stack 481
Connection count limit 481

Cookies 482

Caching 482
19.6 The client HTTP stack 483

Manually creating the client stack 483

Automatically using
the client stack 484

Automatically setting the HTTP Referer
and other headers 484

Authentication credentials 485
Managing cookies with the CookieContainer 486

When to
use the client stack 488
19.7 Checking the network state 489
19.8 Summary 490
Working with SOAP services 491
20.1 Introducing ASP.NET SOAP services using ASP.NET 492
Silverlight-compatible SOAP services 492

references 495

Receiving data with the proxy 495
Sending data using the proxy 499

20.2 Using WCF services and complex data types 500
Creating the Silverlight-enabled WCF service 501

type definitions 505

Adding the service reference 508
Using the service 509
20.3 Using the configuration file 511
20.4 Error handling with WCF 513
Using an out parameter 513

Exposing exception information
for debugging 515

Error handling with WCF SOAP
faults 516
20.5 Summary 518
RESTful services with the ASP.NET Web API 520
21.1 Creating a RESTful service using the ASP.NET Web API 522
Solution setup 523

Creating the services 525

Testing the
service using the browser 530

Adding the Silverlight
project 531
21.2 Consuming REST services 539
REST service GET operations 540

Updating resources by
POSTing to the service 544

Removing resources using
21.3 Summary 548
Working with XML, JSON, RSS, and Atom 549
22.1 Parsing plain old XML 550
LINQ to XML 550

XmlSerializer 554
22.2 Working with JSON 558
JsonObject and JsonArray 559

DataContractJsonSerializer 562
22.3 Working with RSS and Atom 566
Reading syndication feeds 566

Working with feed
items 569
22.4 Summary 573
Duplex, sockets, and local connections 575
23.1 WCF polling duplex services 576
Creating the project and callback contract 577

Creating the
service 579

Creating the service logic 582

client subscriptions 584

Using the duplex service 585

23.2 Connecting to sockets 589
Serving the policy file 590

Opening the connection 591
Handling the response 591
23.3 Multicast sockets 593
Any-Source Multicast/Internet Standard Multicast 593
Source-Specific Multicast 594
23.4 Connecting to other local Silverlight applications 595
Creating the receiver 596

Creating the sender 597
Putting it all together 597
23.5 Summary 599
Graphics and effects 603
24.1 Shapes 604
Lines 605

Rectangle 605

Ellipse 606
Polyline 607

Polygon 608
24.2 Geometry 609
Simple geometries 609

Path geometries 611
Composite geometries 612
24.3 Brushes 613
SolidColorBrush 613

LinearGradientBrush 614
RadialGradientBrush 616

ImageBrush 618
VideoBrush 619
24.4 Effects 620
Using built-in effects 620

Creating custom pixel shaders 624
24.5 Summary 629
Working with images 630
25.1 Basic imaging 631
25.2 Creating images at runtime 632
Creating from existing images 633

Creating from UI
elements 634

A Mandelbrot fractal generator 636
25.3 Deep Zoom 638
Showing an image 639

Zooming in and out 639
Managing the viewport 641

Deploying multiscale
images 643

25.4 Dealing with dead space 643
Filling the space 644

Uniform sizing 645

Fill the
area 646

UniformToFill 647
25.5 Summary 647
Introduction to 3D 649
26.1 3D—a natural way of interacting with information 650
26.2 The Silverlight/XNA 3D API 652
Rendering pipeline 652

Project templates 653
26.3 Detecting capabilities with the GraphicsDeviceManager 654
26.4 Using the DrawingSurface 658
26.5 Project structure: the scene and objects 659
The scene 660

Renderable scene objects 663
The camera 665
26.6 Vertices 667
Building a triangle using vertices 668

Adding the triangle to
the scene 670
26.7 Primitives 671
The TriangleList primitive 672

The TriangleStrip
primitive 673

Tessellating a sphere 674

Rendering the
sphere with primitives 676
26.8 Summary 678
3D lighting, texturing, and animation 679
27.1 Lighting and normal vectors 680
Lighting the scene 681

Sphere normal vectors 682
Indexed vertices 684
27.2 Applying a texture 687
The ContentManager 687

Texturing the sphere 688
Adding and texturing a background 691
27.3 Coordinate spaces and matrices 695
The three coordinate space conversion matrices 696
The Matrix class 697
27.4 Keyframe animation 698
The KeyFrame and KeyframeAnimation classes 698
Using animation 703
27.5 Summary 706

Pop-ups, windows, and full-screen applications 711
28.1 Showing pop-ups and child windows 712
The Popup control 713

Displaying a dialog box with the
ChildWindow control 713
28.2 Creating native windows 717
Creating a normal window 718

Customizing window
chrome 723

28.3 Running in full screen 730
Normal full-screen mode 731

Elevated trust full-screen
mode 732
28.4 Summary 733
Navigation 734
29.1 Browser navigation background 735
Browser journals 735

Anchor hashtags 736
Back and forth 737
29.2 The Navigation Application template 738
Creating a navigation application 738

Adding a new
page 740

Changing the application theme 742
29.3 Navigating to pages 744
The Page class 744

The NavigationService class 746
Frames and URIs 748

Caching pages 751
Navigating to pages in other assemblies 753
29.4 Navigation out of the browser 755
Providing custom navigation controls 756

29.5 Summary 759
Working with files and directories 761
30.1 Using the file open and save dialogs 762
Working with the OpenFileDialog 763

Saving files with the
SaveFileDialog 767
30.2 Working with directories 770
Getting directory timestamps 772

Checking for directory
existence 774

Getting the directory root 774

and deleting directories 775

Listing directory contents 777
Accessing special folders 778

30.3 Working with individual files 780
Creating a file 784

Writing to a file 785

Reading from a

file 787

Getting and setting file metadata 789
File utility functions 790
30.4 Storing data in isolated storage 791
IsolatedStorageFile: the virtual filesystem 792

Reading and
writing files: the isolated storage way 795
30.5 Summary 797
Printing 798
31.1 How Silverlight printing works 799
The PrintDocument class 801

The PrintPage Event 804
Converting to PostScript 807

Rasterization 807
Forcing bitmap printing 808

Forcing vector printing 809
31.2 Printing onscreen information 810
Printing the content as is 810

Reparenting the elements
to fit 812

Scaling content to fit 814
31.3 Multipage printing dedicated trees 816

Prerequisites 816

Printing line items 820

multipage support 825

Adding a header and footer 827
31.4 Summary 830
COM, Native Extensions, and p-invoke 832
32.1 COM automation 833
Detecting COM automation availability 834

Using COM
automation to make Silverlight talk 835

Accessing GPS data
using COM automation 836

Automating Excel 837
32.2 Native Extensions for Silverlight 839
Accessing an accelerometer 840

Integrating with the
Windows taskbar 849

Runtime automation server
installation 855
32.3 P-invoke for API calls 857

Setting up the printer application 857

The Win32 API
interface 860
32.4 Summary 865

Structuring and testing with the MVVM pattern 869
33.1 Project setup and traditional code-behind approach 870
Project and service setup 871

A typical code-behind
solution 875
33.2 Model-View-ViewModel basics 878
Myths about MVVM Model-View-ViewModel 881

Keep it
simple: a basic ViewModel implementation 882
33.3 Factoring out reusable code 887
Business rules and logic 888

Data access and service
calls 890
33.4 Better separation from the UI 892
Using commands 892

Using the CallMethodAction

behavior 896

View-specific entities and ViewModels 898
Interfaces, IoC, and ViewModel locators 903
33.5 Testing MVVM applications 906
Introduction to the Silverlight Unit Testing Framework 906
Testing the ViewModel 910

Testing asynchronous
operations 911
33.6 Summary 912
Debugging your application 913
34.1 Debugging basics 914
Using the Debug class 914

IDE breakpoints 916
The good old MessageBox 918
34.2 Binding debugging 920
Viewing binding errors in the output window 921

with custom value converters 922

Using XAML
breakpoints 922
34.3 Troubleshooting network operations 923
Installing Fiddler 924

Monitoring and logging traffic 924

Inspecting individual requests 926
34.4 Summary 928

The install experience and preloaders 929
35.1 Handling the ‘Silverlight not installed’ scenarios 930
Creating your own install experience 931
35.2 Using a custom preloader 933
Creating the appearance 934

Integrating the custom splash
screen 936

Monitoring the load progress 936
35.3 Summary 937
appendix A Database, connection, and data model setup 939
index 945
online appendixes
appendix B Media basics
appendix C Raw media, webcam, and microphone
appendix D Introduction to WCF RIA Services
appendix E WCF RIA endpoints, security, business logic, and decoupling
appendix F WCF RIA Services and WVVM
Online appendixes available as a free download from


Coding on the client is fun. I started on the Commodore 64 in seventh grade in the
1980s; later moved to DOS with dBASE, QuickBasic, and C++; and eventually began Win-
dows programming using C++, Borland Delphi 1.0, PowerBuilder, Visual Basic 3-6, and
NET. I like the ozone smell of making my CPU work for a living. I like being able to tap
into the power of the local machine. I want to be able to hear the individual bits moving
across the bus.
I like client application development, and I really like
XAML. I like Silverlight, WPF,
and Windows 8 XAML. I even like working in the WPF subset on the .NET Micro
Framework and Gadgeteer boards I own. Sometimes, when I’m feeling especially dan-
gerous I’ll write some
C++, or C, or even a little assembly. It’s all about the power.
A year and a half ago, Manning published Silverlight 4 in Action. As proud as I am of
that book, I’m even more excited to bring you this updated version. Not only because
of the work involved in bringing you this edition, but because of how far Silverlight
has come in that time. With Silverlight 5, Silverlight has the power.
What a difference a year and a half makes! Silverlight 4 saw significant uptake
among business application developers, and those same developers helped drive the
features that made it into Silverlight 5. These developers are writing the types of
bread-and-butter applications that leverage Silverlight for its simple deployment and
great validation and data binding capabilities.
And now, you have C&C Music Factory’s “I Got the Power” looping in your head. You can thank me later.

General adoption of Silverlight is up too, as you can see in figure 1. These unofficial
third-party charts, reformatted for print from data obtained in

early 2012, show Silverlight and Adobe Flash adoption taken from a large segment of
the general internet population. They reveal overall Silverlight adoption at a hair over
75 percent with version 4 at a bit over 67 percent and overall flash adoption around 96
percent, with Flash 11 at a hair over 70 percent.
I’m not a marketing person; I’m a developer. Although such a blunt numbers com-
parison between the two competing products may look dire at first glance, adoption
numbers like these aren’t at all bad, considering Silverlight was a far more recent
introduction and didn’t benefit from either the late 1990s boom in website intro apps
or bundling with Internet Explorer 6. You can do a lot with 75 percent of the
PCs out
there. It’s my goal to help you do it.
2011 was also a rocky year for Silverlight and Flash developers, with confusion over
what Silverlight is to be used for and where it fits into the development strategy at
Microsoft and in the web as a whole. The Apple position on Flash didn’t help Flash or
plug-ins in general. Flash definitely had a reputation for websites, whereas Silverlight
evolved to more of a browser-delivered client technology. There were as many, if not
more, out-of-browser apps as in-browser apps written in Silverlight.
HTML5 (and JavaScript and CSS3, all of which I’ll lump into “HTML5” just as
the media tends to) having picked up serious speed, especially on the media and
casual games front on the public web, I think it’s a sure bet to become the way forward
for broad-reach, public-facing website content. There’s so much momentum behind
HTML5 that to fight it would simply land you behind others. HTML5 will suit you just
fine, especially for run-of-the-mill, non-digital rights management (DRM), non-
smooth-streaming media like what you see on YouTube.
But for many,
HTML5 isn’t a realistic choice. Either you can’t count on browser
support for key features, or you have a behind-the-firewall (or other controlled net-
work) application scenario that makes it easier for you to use technologies you’ll be
Figure 1 Adoption of Adobe Flash vs. Microsoft Silverlight in 2012

more productive in. Two key points rise above any trendy discourse and well into the
realm of GSD (Getting Stuff Done):

Know your audience —Develop in what your users can use (behind the firewall
has more choice and control than the public web).

Know your skills and requirements —Develop in what you can be most productive
in—what will meet the project requirements with the least amount of fudging.
Without a doubt, most .NET developers are more productive in Silverlight when build-
ing business applications. There’s so much there, right in the box, that makes it easy
for you to quickly create stunning, feature-rich apps. Not only that, but the added sys-
tem integration features of Silverlight 5 (like
COM and p-invoke) make it even more
compelling as a platform.
As a developer, or manager of developers, you must choose technology based not
only on the longevity of that technology, but also on what makes it possible for you to
deliver the best possible application for the most reasonable cost.
Regardless of where Silverlight goes in the long term, you already know that
C#, and Visual Basic are all here to stay. In addition to continued desktop support for
Silverlight and WPF, Microsoft is using XAML in Windows 8 Metro and on the Windows
Phone. I believe in XAML strongly enough to have written this book (around 1,200
pages if you include the downloadable content) while working at Microsoft, as well as
a book dedicated to
XAML on Windows 8. Given the resources dedicated to XAML
development and tools at Microsoft, I’m glad to see they believe in it too.
Ultimately, it’s good to have a choice. I choose XAML. I choose Silverlight.

A book of this size and complexity takes a large number of people to write (and to
lift). Though my name is on the cover, there’s no way I could’ve completed this with-
out the support and hard work of many others. I’d like to thank:

Chad Campbell and John Stockton for creating such an excellent first edition.
Without their hard work covering Silverlight 2, I’d never have thought to create
a Silverlight 4 edition or this Silverlight 5 edition.

The Silverlight product team for their continued help in digging into the
details of the runtime. There were too many helpful people to list here.

My stalwart tech reviewer Tom McKearney. I appreciate most that he didn’t just
die on the spot when he was told the 800 pages he had to review were actually in
the 1,200 neighborhood.

I’d like to thank my friends at Manning. People like Mary Piergies, Liz Welch,
Elizabeth Martin, and others worked tirelessly to get this book published in
time. Michael Stephens, Maureen Spencer, and of course, Marjan Bace all
worked with me to help ensure that you, the reader, get all the text I wrote,
without them having to print a multivolume set. I thank them and the rest of
the folks at Manning.

Unique in this thanks is my development editor, Jeff Bleiel. A good editor can
make the difference between a horrible authoring experience and a good one,
and for the second time, Jeff definitely made that difference. He was my inter-
face with Manning and my continued mentor as an author. Jeff made a positive
contribution to this book and to my writing in general.

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