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Organization theory and design: Lecture 30

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Innovation & Change
• Organizational change is considered the
adoption of a new idea or behavior by an
• Organizational innovation, in contrast, is the
adoption of an idea or behavior that is new to the
organization’s industry, market, or general
• For the purpose of managing change, the two
terms will be considered interchangeably

Elements of Successful Change
1. Idea

the field of creativity within organizations is not well

1. Need perceived – need for change

gap between actual and desired performance

1. Adoption – decision makers chose to go ahead
with the proposed idea

managerial consensus

1. Implementation – actual use of new idea,
technique or behavior
2. Resources – HR and others

Technology Change
• Ambidextrous approach
– combination of organic and mechanistic behaviors

• Switching structures
– an organization creates an organic structure when such a
structure is required for initiation of new ideas
– through transient teams, cross functional teams

• Creative departments
– R&D, design, engineering, system analysis

• Venture teams
– innovation department

• Corporate entrepreneurship/ Intrapreneurship
– idea champions are facilitated

