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Công ty TNHH du lịch và dịch vụ việt trung

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Khái quát về Công ty TNHH Dịch vụ và Du lịch VIỆT TRUNG
Tầm nhìn
“Trở thành biểu tượng của niềm tin và sự lựa chọn hàng đầu về cơ sở du học, biên
phiên dịch và đào tạo Ngoại Ngữ chuẩn quốc tế, cung cấp dịch vụ chất lượng cao”
Sứ mệnh
“Việt trung cam kết mang lại cho cộng đồng mạng lưới đào tạo giáo dục chuẩn quốc tế
cùng các dịch vụ thương mại chất lượng bằng chính sự tâm huyết, chuyên nghiệp và
trách nhiệm cao của mình.”
Gía trị cốt lõi

Sáng tạo

Việt Trung ln ln nhạy bén trong việc tìm hiểu, sáng tạo để mang đến những
phương thức đào tạo mới mẽ dựa trên nền tảng cung cấp kiến thức quy chuẩn nhằm
đem lại hiệu quả cao trong công tác đào tạo ngoại ngữ và phát triển dịch vụ của cơng

Năng động

Sự tích cực, chủ động, nhạy bén trong suy nghĩ và hành động của mỗi các nhân, tập
thể cơng ty Việt trung.

Tâm huyết

Đội ngũ giảng viên, nhân viên Việt trung luôn tận tâm, tận tình, nổ lực hết mình trong
cơng việc nhằm mang lại giá trị tốt nhất cho học viên, cho cộng đồng và là để khẳng
định giá trị của Việt trung
Lịch sử công ty

Công ty TNHH du lịch và dịch vụ Việt Trung được thành lập vào năm 2014, với
hơn 6 năm hình thành và phát triển Việt Trung có 2 cơ sở hoạt động, trụ sở chính tại
thành phố Huế và trụ sở thứ 2 nằm ở thành phố Đà Nẵng.
Những năm đầu khởi nghiệp từ 2014, Việt trung đẩy mạnh vào khai thác thị trường
du lịch, dịch vụ, biên phiên dịch khắp các tỉnh miền Trung, công ty đã đón các đồn
khách đến từ Trung Quốc tham quan các điểm di tích văn hóa vui chơi tại Huế, Đà
Nẵng, Hội An... Trải qua những biến động về vấn đề văn hóa xã hội, tranh chấp đặc
biệt là về giàn khoan Hải Dương 981 giữa hai nước Việt Nam-Trung Quốc đã có tác
động tiêu cực vào sự phát triển của một số doanh nghiệp vừa mới khởi đầu, hang loạt
tuor tuyến bị hủy, công ty đứng trước nguy cơ đóng cửa, với tình hình đó, Cơng ty

TNHH Dịch vụ và Du lịch Việt Trung đã phải tạm ngừng hoạt động kinh doanh trong
một khoản thời gian ngắn.
Khơng dừng lại ở những khó khăn ban đầu, Việt trung đã nhanh chóng tìm hướng
phát triển ngành nghề khác, tái cơ cấu mơ hình kinh doanh, vực lại cơng ty sau chuỗi
ngày trượt dài trong biến động. Công ty Việt Trung tái hoạt động trở lại, mở rộng các
lĩnh vực dịch vụ khác như Đào tạo Du học Biên Phiên dịch… đặc biệt là phát triển
chương trình đào tạo ngôn ngữ tiếng Trung – đang là xu hướng của thị trường và được
Sở giáo dục tỉnh Thừa Thiên Huế cấp giấy phép con, tìm hiểu và vận hành mơ hình
liên kết đào tạo, du học tạo cơ hội cho hàng trăm bạn học sinh sinh viên tiếp xúc với
các trường đại học nước ngồi.
Từ đó đến nay, Cơng ty Việt Trung ngày càng khẳng định thương hiệu của mình
trong thị thường khu vực miền trung, chuyên cung cấp các dịch vụ du lịch, xin visa,
biên-phiên dịch cho các đoàn cấp cao về làm việc tại các tỉnh miền Trung, làm hồ sơ
du học có uy tín bậc nhất tại Huế, có mơ hình đạo tạo tiếng Trung đảm bảo đầu ra cho
hàng nghìn học sinh – sinh viên tại Huế, Đà Nẵng và các tỉnh miền Trung – là một
trong những trung tâm ngoại ngữ tiếng Trung, tiếng Anh lớn tại Huế với trang thiết bị
dạy và học được đầu tư hiện đại.
Hàng năm, công ty đào tạo hàng trăm học viên là học sinh sinh viên và người lao

động... cung cấp lao động tiếng Trung ra thị trường miền Trung và cả nước. Do nhu
cầu cấp thiết của thị trường, Chi nhánh Việt Trung đã được thành lập vào năm 2019.
Hiện cơng ty đang tiếp tục tìm kiếm đối tác và mở rộng chi nhánh của công ty trên cả
Các mảng hoạt động chủ yếu của Công ty Dịch vụ và Du lịch Việt Trung

Đào tạo ngoại ngữ

Trong bối cảnh nền kinh tế mở cửa và hội nhập như hiện nay, ngày càng nhiều
các doanh nghiệp nước ngoài đầu tư sang thị trường Việt Nam và mang theo rất nhiều
cơ hội việc làm cho các lao động trẻ. Do đó, ngoại ngữ cịn được ví như cầu nối về
ngơn ngữ giữa các quốc gia trên thế giới, có tác dụng tích cực trong việc giao lưu hợp
tác với con người giữa các nước với nhau.
Đến với Việt Trung bạn sẽ có 2 lựa chọn đó là Khóa Học Tiếng Trung và Khóa
Học Tiếng Anh, với mỗi khóa học học viên sẽ được kiểm tra phân cấp độ phù hợp với
trình độ cũng như lộ trình học của bản thân, từ cơ bản đến nâng cao, tiếng Tung giao
tiếp, luyện thi HSK/HSKK, tiếng Anh giao tiếp và các khóa kèm theo cùng với đó học
viên cịn được tham gia các hoạt động ngoại khóa bổ ích, các lớp kĩ năng mền, các
buổi giao lưu với thầy cô, bạn bè nước ngoài.


Hàng năm trung tâm Việt Trung Huế có gần 1.000 học sinh, sinh viên đến học và làm
Việt Trung là đơn vị đào tạo ngoại ngữ theo chương trình chuẩn quốc tế với đội ngũ
giảng dạy nhiệt huyết, tận tâm, với trình độ chun mơn cao.
Được tham gia các chương trình ngoại khóa trong q trình học, các khóa kỹ năng
mềm cho học viên, giúp cho các bạn sớm hòa nhập công việc xã hội sau khi ra trường.

Nhiều học viên hiện đã làm quản lý tại các công ty doanh nghiệp tập đoàn trên cả nước
Được định hướng du học, việc làm sau khi hồn thành khóa học tại Công ty.

Tư vấn học bổng du học

Mỗi năm,Công ty đã tạo điều kiện liên kết với gần 50 xuất học bổng du học tại
các trường đại học danh tiếng Trung Quốc, xin thành công cho hàng trăm ứng viên đậu
các loại học bổng hệ Đại học Thạc sĩ Tiến sĩ trong cả nước. Đến nay Công ty Việt
Trung đã liên kết được với nhiều trường đại học danh tiếng tại Trung Quốc: Đại học
Thượng Hải, Đại học Bắc Kinh, Đại học Quảng Tây, …Miễn phí tư vấn và làm hồ sơ
dịch thuật công chứng....
-Học bổng bao gồm thêm một năm học tiếng đối với các bạn chưa học qua tiếng
Trung. Ưu tiên các bạn học chuyên ngành tiếng Trung hoặc có chứng chỉ Hsk, hskk….
- Học bổng ưu tiên cho các bạn chuyên ngành tiếng Anh hoặc các ngành
khác có các chứng chỉ IE hoặc Toefl.
- Học bổng gồm các chuyên ngành ngôn ngữ, quản lý, giáo dục, kinh tế, hành
chính, y học hiện đại và cổ truyền.... tại các trường danh tiếng ở Bắc Kinh, Thượng
Hải, Trùng Khánh, Quang Chau, Quảng Tây, Vân Nam,.... Các loại học bổng yêu cầu
như sau:
- HỌC BỔNG ĐẠI HỌC: ứng viên học 12 hoặc đã tốt nghiệp cấp 3 + giấy khám
sức khỏe + hộ chiếu + ảnh 46 nền trắng + học bạ + bằng
- HỌC BỔNG THẠC SĨ: ứng viên học năm cuối các trường đại học chính quy
và khơng chính quy (hệ tại chức + vừa học vừa làm + đào tạo từ xa....) hoặc đã tốt
nghiệp đại học + giấy khám sức khỏe + hộ chiếu + ảnh 46 nền trắng + học bạ + bằng
-HỌC BỔNG TIẾN SĨ: ứng viên năm cuối thạc sĩ các trường đại học chính quy
và khơng chính quy (hệ tại chức + vừa học vừa làm + đào tạo từ xa....) hoặc đã tốt
nghiệp thạc sĩ + giấy khám sức khỏe + hộ chiếu + ảnh 46 nền trắng + học bạ + bằng
- Học bổng tiếng: là loại học bổng ngắn hạn 6 tháng/ một năm học tiếng trung

Học bổng bao gồm: học phí, sách vở, tiền đi lại, tiền ở ký túc xá... và tiền sinh
hoạt phí.

Biên phiên dịch, dịch thuật

Trong nền kinh tế hội nhập, thì biên dịch, dịch thuật càng đóng vai trị quan trọng.
Hầu hết các lĩnh vực như xây dựng, y tế, tài chính, du lịch,... đều sử dụng những tài
liệu chuyên ngành cả tiếng Việt cũng như ngoại ngữ. Với xu thế hội nhập kinh tế quốc
tế thì dịch vụ biên dịch, dịch thuật đối với việc kinh doanh và trao đổi văn hóa là vơ
cùng thiết yếu.
Nhằm phát huy vai trị triệt để của một cỡ sỡ đào tạo ngoại ngữ uy tín, Cơng ty
TNHH du lịch và dịch vụ Việt Trung cung cấp cho cộng đồng dịch vụ biên phiên dịch,
dịch thuật với phương châm chất lượng đặt lên hàng đầu.


Phiên dịch cho các buổi hội nghị, hội thảo và các buổi làm việc của lãnh đạo
Tháp tùng các đoàn đại biểu, doanh nghiệp đến thăm và làm việc ở Việt Nam
và các đồn Việt Nam đi Trung Quốc
Cơng ty hiện tại có thể tiếp nhận hồ sơ Dịch thuật công chứng tư pháp cho
các trường hợp hồ sơ du học, hồ sơ lao động làm việc, hồ sơ kết hôn...
Tháp tùng tham quan, sắp xếp hướng dẫn viên du lịch cho các đoàn tham

Tư vấn kết nối đầu tư thương mại

Bên cạnh đó Việt trung cịn cung cấp thêm các dịch vụ: Tư vấn hợp tác đầu tư
thương mại đầu tư Việt Nam và Trung Quốc.
Kết nối giao thương giữa hai nước, giúp các doanh nghiệp cá nhân Việt Nam tìm
kiếm các mặt hàng như: áo quần, máy móc, đồ gia dụng… tại thị trường Trung Quốc,
để hợp tác thương mại.
Hỗ trợ các nhà đầu tư đến tìm hiểm thị trường Việt Nam, đặc biệt là thị trường
miền trung Việt Nam. Mở công ty nhà máy công xưởng… Hỗ trợ các chính sách, giấy
phép kinh doanh, thuê đất, tuyển dụng lao động….

Dịch vụ liên quan

Ngoài ra nhằm đáp ứng cho nhu cầu cá nhân doanh nghiệp nước ngoài và trên
địa bàn, cơng ty chúng tơi cịn hỗ trợ các dịch vụ như cho th phịng làm việc…,
th xe ơ tô đi lại, khách sạn, đặt ăn …;

Hỗ trợ xin visa du học du lịch công tác Trung Quốc.
Thành tích
Doanh nghiệp:
Chủ tịch Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Thừa Thiên Huế tặng Bằng khen Công ty TNHH
MTV dịch vụ và du lịch Việt Trung đã có thành tích tiêu biểu trong phong trào thi đua
năm 2020.
Cá nhân:
- Ủy ban Trung ương Hội Doanh nhân trẻ Việt Nam tặng bằng khen đã có thành
tích xuất sắc trong cơng tác Hội và phong trào Doanh nhân trẻ tỉnh Thừa Thiên Huế
năm 2019.
- Ủy ban Trung ương Hội Doanh nhân trẻ Việt Nam tặng bằng khen đã có thành
tích xuất sắc trong công tác Hội và phong trào Doanh nhân trẻ tỉnh Thừa Thiên Huế
năm 2020.

“SÁNG TẠO”, “NĂNG ĐỘNG” và “TÂM HUYẾT” là những điều mà chúng tơi
ln ln tự hào, vì đã mang đến chất lượng tuyệt vời cho học viên. Được khởi nguồn
và “Chắp cánh ước mơ” từ một khát khao tri thức cho tất cả mọi người. Với mong
muốn biến ước mơ thành hiện thực. Mục tiêu phát triển của VIỆT TRUNG mang theo
tầm nhìn Quốc tế.”
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Một số tài liệu tiếng Anh và Trung liên quan dịch qua tiếng Việt:
China is located in East Asia and borders the western part of the Pacific Ocean. It has a
land area of more than 9.6 million square kilometers, and a mainland coastline of more
than 18,000 kilometers. Its water area, including inland sea and marginal sea, is over
4.7 million square kilometers, in which there are more than 7,600 islands of every size.
Among them, the island of Taiwan is the largest, with an area of 35,798 square
kilometers. China borders 14 countries and is adjacent to 8 island countries on the sea.
By provincial administrative division, China has 4 municipalities, 23 provinces, 5
autonomous regions and 2 special administrative regions. Its capital is Beijing. There
are 56 ethnic groups in China, which is a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, multi-dialect and
multi-text country. The common language is Mandarin and standard Chinese
Source: The official website of the Chinese government
Application Guide for Chinese Government Scholarship
In order to strengthen mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese and
people around the world and promote China’s exchange and cooperation with other
countries in various fields, the Chinese government sets up scholarships for talented
students and scholars to pursue higher education or conduct research in Chinese
The China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as “CSC”), entrusted by
China’s Ministry of Education, is responsible for the admission, enrollment and
administration of Chinese Government Scholarship recipients.
I. Scholarship Categories and Application

(I) Bilateral Program

The program accords with the cooperation and exchange agreements or consensus
reached by the Chinese government and the governments and institutions of other
nations. It is open to undergraduates, postgraduates, general and senior scholars.
An applicant shall file an application with the dispatching department of their home
(II) University Program
The program is designed to finance the study of talented international students in
China that are directly selected and recommended by designated Chinese universities.
The supporting student categories are various which is subject to the requirements of
each of these universities.
An applicant shall file an application with Chinese universities undertaking this
(III) Designated Scholarship Programs
These programs are set up in accordance with cooperation agreements between China
and international organizations and institutions.
An applicant shall file an application with the international organizations and
institutions concerned.
Scholarship Programs

Target Groups

Supporting Categories

Great Wall Program

Students and scholars from
developing countries

General Scholars
Senior Scholars

EU Program

Students and scholars from
EU member states

General Scholars
Senior Scholars

AUN Program
PIF Program

Students and scholars from
ASEAN member states
Students and scholars from
Pacific Island countries


General Scholars
Senior Scholars

WMO Program

Aspiring international
students and scholars in
meteorological research


(IV) Student Exchange Program
The program, launched in accordance with exchange and cooperation agreements
between Chinese universities and foreign partners, is designed to support general and
senior scholars for a training session of no more than 12 months.
An applicant shall file an application with Chinese universities and their foreign
II. Supporting Categories, Duration, Institutions, and Majors
(I) Supporting Categories
Chinese Government Scholarship programs sponsor undergraduates, postgraduates,
general and senior scholars.
(II) Duration
The Chinese Government Scholarship covers both major study and Chinese language
(preparatory) study. The language courses last one year, whereas the duration of the
scholarship for major study conforms to that as required.
(III) Institutions and Majors
Designated Chinese universities offer scholarship recipients academic programs in
science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, economics, law, management, education,
history, literature, philosophy, and fine arts, among others. Please visit the website (for
further information about designated Chinese universities and majors they offer.
III. Scholarship Coverage
1. Tuition fees;

2. Free university dormitory or accommodation subsidy;
3. Stipend:
Undergraduates: CNY 2,500 per month;

Master’s students/general scholars: CNY 3,000 per month;
Doctoral students/senior scholars: CNY 3,500 per month.
4. Comprehensive medical insurance:
CNY 800 per person per year;
CNY 400 per person (for programs lasting less than six months)
IV. Eligibility
To be eligible, an applicant must:
1. be a citizen of a country other than the PRC and in good health both mentally and
2. be an academically excellent holder of high school diploma or its equivalent under
the age of 25 when applying for an undergraduate program;
3. be an academically excellent holder of a Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent under
the age of 35 when applying for a Master’s program;
4. be an academically excellent holder of a Master’s degree or its equivalent under the
age of 40 when applying for a doctoral program;
5. be a holder of a high school diploma (or higher) under the age of 45 when applying
for a general scholar program;
6. be a master’s degree holder or an associate professor (or above) under the age of 50
when applying for a senior scholar program;
7. have passed the HSK (Level 3) when applying for a Chinese-taught undergraduate
or general scholar program (excluding Chinese language majors);
8. have passed the HSK (Level 3) when applying for a Chinese-taught senior scholar
9. have passed the HSK (Level 4) when applying for a Chinese-taught postgraduate

10. meet the admission requirements of the university of preference in terms of
language proficiency and academic ability, among others, when applying for a
program taught in a language other than Chinese.
V. Application Process

1. An applicant shall learn about designated Chinese universities and majors they offer
by visiting websites () or other means, and identify the preferred scholarship program,
designated university and major;
2. An applicant shall reach the designated university for admission documents;
3. An applicant shall reach an application receiving agency for a recommendation;
4. An applicant shall fill in and submit the Application Form for Chinese Government
Scholarship online via the Chinese Government Scholarship Information System;
5. The application receiving agency shall submit the recommended candidates list and
their application documents;
6. The CSC will organize designated universities and experts concerned to examine
applicants’ eligibility and academic performance before finalizing the short-list
7. The CSC will notify the admission results to the application receiving agency that
will subsequently have the applicant informed.
VI. Application Documents
1. Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (filled in online);
2. A scanned copy of the Passport Information Page. An applicant shall submit a clear
scanned copy of the information page of his/her passport that will not expire on or
before March 1, 2023. Renew the passport if the requirement is not met. An applicant
who fails to apply for a passport due to objective reasons may submit valid
documentation or documentary evidence that carries information about the full English
name, sex, nationality and date of birth of the applicant upon the approval of the
application receiving agency;
3. Diploma and certificate of highest education (notarized photocopy). An applicant

who is a current university student shall submit the certificate of expected graduation
or student status issued by his/her university;
4. Academic transcripts. Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English shall
be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English;
5. Certificate of language proficiency. When applying for a Chinese-taught program,
an applicant shall provide a valid HSK score report that meets the program’s language
ability requirements. When applying for a program taught in a language other than
Chinese, an applicant shall provide a certificate of proficiency in the language as
required by the designated university, such as the IELTS or TOEFL test report;

6. Admission documents. When applying for a postgraduate program or for academic
education as a general or senior scholar, an applicant shall provide the admission
documents issued by the university of preference, including an admission letter, a preadmission letter, or the invitation letter from a prospect supervisor (admission
documents will serve as a priority of admission in granting the Chinese Government
7. A study or research plan written in Chinese or in English (no less than 200
words/characters for undergraduates; no less than 500 words/characters for scholars;
no less than 800 words/characters for postgraduates);
8. Recommendation letters. An applicant for a postgraduate program or for academic
education as a senior scholar shall submit two recommendation letters in Chinese or in
English from professors or associate professors;
9. An applicant for the arts or design program shall provide his/her own works (such as
videos and paintings);
10. An applicant under the age of 18 shall submit the legal documents of his/her legal
guardian(s) in China;
11. An applicant to study in China for more than six months shall submit a photocopy
of the Foreigner Physical Examination Form (the original document, printed by
Chinese quarantine authorities, shall be filled in in English and kept by the applicant).
The medical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical

Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending
physician, the official stamp of the hospital, or a sealed photograph of the applicant are
invalid. Medical examination results are valid for only six months;
12. An applicant shall submit a valid Certificate of Non-Criminal Record (or Police
Clearance Certificate) issued by the local public security (such as the police station),
usually issued within six months prior to the submission date of the application.
Guidebook to the ASEAN-China Young Leaders Scholarship
Ⅰ. Introduction to ASEAN-China Young Leaders Scholarship
The ASEAN-China Young Leaders Scholarship Program (ACYLS) is an initiative in
response to the call of the Leaders of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and
ASEAN Member States (AMS) to increase people-to-people exchanges, strengthen
educational cooperation and promote academic exchanges and linkages between AMS
and the PRC, in an effort to foster a third pillar of socio-cultural and people-to-people

exchanges within ASEAN-China relationship towards building a closer community of
shared future.
ACYLS is a dedicated project for ASEAN nationals, in particular young and
promising professionals with working experience in ASEAN Member States. The
Chinese government will provide funding for ACYLS mainly through the ASEANChina Cooperation Fund (ACCF).
ACYLS will support nationals from AMS to study for Master or PhD degrees,
undertake short-term research programs, and participate in training courses in the
PRC. ACYLS provides a full scholarship award covering all program-related
expenses including tuition waiver and other school fees, accommodation, roundtrip international air fare, comprehensive medical insurance and stipends.

Ⅱ. ACYLS Application Guidelines
1. Supporting Categories, Length of Scholarship and Instruction Language
Supporting categories: ACYLS supports young and promising professionals with
working experience from ASEAN Member States to pursue Master or PhD degrees,
undertake short-term research programs, and participate in training courses in the

Length of Scholarship: Recipients of ACYLS will be sponsored by the scholarship for
a certain duration according to their enrolled length of schooling. The recipients shall
complete their studies within the duration of scholarship. The length of schooling for
each supporting category is as follows:

g Category

Length of Schooling

Length of Sc


2-3 academic years

2-3 academ


3-4 academic years

3-4 academ

h Scholars

4-5 months
Instruction Language: English. Candidates are strongly advised to register for Englishtaught programs, and their English language proficiency must meet the language
requirements of the applied programs.

4-5 mo

2. Coverage and Standard
Stipend: Within the scholarship duration, registered scholarship students will receive a
stipend from their host university on a monthly basis. Students registering on or before
the 15th of the month will receive a full stipend of that month. Those who register after
the 15th of the month will receive a half stipend of that month. Graduating students will
receive stipend for another half a month following the graduation date. If a registered
student stays out of China for more than 15 days due to personal reasons (school
holidays excluded), his/her stipend will be stopped during his/her absence from China.
Master’s students: 4,000 RMB per month
Doctoral students: 5,000 RMB per month
Research scholar: 5,000 RMB per month
One-time Settlement Fee: ACYLS recipients will receive the one-time settlement fee
from the host university upon their registration. It is provided to master’s students,
doctoral students and research scholars. The standard is 3,000 RMB per person and
will be issued in Chinese currency.
International Round-trip Air Fare: The fund will be used by the China Scholarship
Council and the host universities to support round trip air fares (Economy Class only)
of ACYLS recipients between their home country and the city of host university.
Details for the use of the fund and reimbursement of flight tickets are spelled out in
Chapter VI of this document.
Tuition: Tuition will be entirely covered by the ACYLS program and funds will be
directly allocated to the host universities.
Accommodation: ACYLS recipients will be provided with university dormitory with
one single room for each recipient.
Medical Insurance: It is covered by the ACYLS program. To check insurance policy
and insurance claims, please visit or
and refer to Comprehensive Insurance & Protection

Scheme for Foreigners Staying in China.
3. where & When to Apply
Applicants shall submit their applications to ACYLS national focal points of their
respective home countries before the deadline. Faculty and staff from ASEAN
universities, who apply through ASEAN University Network (AUN) and AUN
Thematic Networks, shall submit their applications to AUN Secretariat before the

deadline. The application generally opens from January to April every year. For the
application deadline of the current year, applicants shall consult the ACYLS national
focal points or AUN Secretariat directly.
4. Eligibility
Applicants of ACYLS should meet the following criteria:
a. Citizen of an ASEAN Member State (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao
PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam);
b. In sound physical and mental health;
c. Proficient in English (i.e., must possess an IELTS score of at least 6.0 or a TOEFL
score of at least 80 points);
d. Holder of an undergraduate degree and under the age of 45 if applying for a
master’s degree;
e. Holder of a graduate/master’s degree and under the age of 45 if applying for a PhD
f. Holder of at least an undergraduate degree if applying for the short-term research
g. Having at least one-year work experience within government agencies, public or
private institutions, universities, think-tanks or similar social agencies, and preferably
has experience in the following:

work related to foreign and international affairs, especially ASEAN and ChinaASEAN affairs;

work or study in the PRC;

academic work on China or ASEAN-related affairs;

h. Not a concurrent awardee of a Chinese government scholarship;
i. Meets other admission requirements of the Chinese universities to which the
applicant has applied.
5. Application Procedures
Step 1- Complete online application by visiting CGSIS (Chinese Government
Scholarship Information System) (Visit or
and click “Scholarship Application for Students” to log
in). Online submission of the application is compulsory for each applicant by

completing the application information and uploading all necessary supporting
Step 2- Prepare the application documents according to the “List of Application
Documents” and upload all the required documents into the online application system.
Also submit the hard copies of application form and relevant documents to the ACYLS
national focal points/AUN Secretariat as required before the deadline. ACYLS
national focal points of ASEAN Member States and AUN Secretariat will then review
the qualifications of all applicants and provide the list of recommended recipients to
the Joint Committee of the ACYLS, which will decide the final recommendation list.
Step 3- The Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) will only process the applications
recommended by the Joint Committee. Applicants not included in the list will not be
considered. CSC reserves the right to make necessary adjustments to the applicants’
host universities.

6. Application Documents
Applicants must provide authentic and valid documents according to the requests and
upload clear scanned copies onto CGSIS. Failure to fulfill the requirements will
negatively influence the scholarship results.
When submitting applications to the ACYLS national focal points and AUN
Secretariat, the applicants should follow the prescribed requirements.
7. Placement
The ACYLS will be carried out within 22 designated Chinese universities (List of the
universities attached hereto). Each applicant can choose one major and three preferred
universities out of the 22 designated universities. CSC will place each applicant in one
university based on their choices and universities’ requirements. CSC will make due
adjustments on the placements of those who are not selected by their preferred
8. Scholarship Confirmation
A. Qualified applications will be sent to the candidates’ preferred universities for
placement by CSC. Based on various factors, such as the scholarship funding
requirements, the host university's teaching capacity, study length and applicants’
criteria, CSC reserves the right to make necessary adjustments/changes to the

candidate’s preferred university and field of study. The placement results will be
confirmed by the universities.
B. Winners of the scholarship will receive the final results from CSC through email
before 31 July. The admission documents (Admission Letter and Visa Application
Form for Study in China (JW201)) will be mailed to the candidates by the host
C. Scholarship recipients shall not change their host university, field of study, or
duration of study stipulated on the Admission Letter after their coming to China.
D. Scholarship will not be reserved if the scholarship recipients cannot register before
the registration deadline.

Note: To ensure that the admission documents can be mailed to the recipients in a
timely fashion, applicants must provide accurate, detailed and valid information
for the “Current Contact Information” of CGSIS.
9. Application for Change
Scholarship students are not allowed, in principle, to change their academic programs,
host universities or the length of schooling during their study in China. Those who
need to change for special reasons are required to apply to CSC via their host
universities. The change can happen only after the approval from both CSC and the
ACYLS Joint Committee based in Jakarta.
10. Timeline

Applicants apply to ACYLS national focal points and AUN Sec
via the CGSIS(Chinese Government Scholarship information Sy


ACYLS national focal points of AMS and AUN Secretariat revi
list to the Joint Committee based in Jakarta. The Joint Committe
Secretariat, then submits a nomination list to CSC.


CSC engages with the designated universities for placement.

End of July

CSC notifies the scholarship recipients of the final results upon
the admission documents to respective recipients.


ACYLS recipients receive admission documents and go through


ACYLS recipients arrive in China and register with the host uni

Ⅲ. Designated Universities






Peking University




Beihang University




Beijing Institute of Technology




Beijing Normal University




Beijing Foreign Studies University




Beijing Language and Culture




University of International Business and




Fudan University




East China University of Science and




Huazhong University of Science and




Tsinghua University



Ⅳ. List of Application Documents
1. Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (in English);
2. A copy of your valid ordinary passport home page;
3. Notarized highest diploma. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English
must be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations.
4. Academic transcripts. Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must
be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations.
5. A Study Plan or Research Proposal (written in Chinese or English). This should be

a minimum of 500 words for non-degree students, and 800 words for graduate
6. Two Recommendation Letters (written in Chinese or English). Applicants for the
graduate programs or the short-term research scholar programs must submit two
recommendation letters, one from the candidate’s current employer and one from the
candidate’s university professor.
7. Valid documents of your legal guardians in China (only required for applicants
under the age of 18).
8. Certificates of English language proficiency (IELTS with minimum 6.0/TOFEL
with 80 or above, or other internationally accepted certificates in the equivalent level).
9. Foreigner Physical Examination Form, (written in English, only required for
applicants planning to stay in China for more than 6 months, can be downloaded from
or ); The physical
examinations must cover all of the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination
Form. Incomplete forms or forms without the signature of the attending physician, or
the official stamp of the hospital, or a sealed photograph of the applicants are
considered as invalid. Please carefully plan your physical examination schedule as the
result is valid for only 6 months.
10. A resume or CV including the educational background and working experience
after high school (Upload to “Other Supporting Documents” in the CGSIS).
11. Non-criminal record report. The applicant shall submit a valid certificate of NonCriminal Record issued by the local public security authority, usually issued within 6
months prior to the submission date of the application.

Ⅴ. Instructions for Chinese Government Scholarship

Information System (CGSIS)
Please carefully read the instructions before applying for the scholarship.
Step 1: Visit “CSC Study in China” website and click “Scholarship Application for

Register an account through [CREATE AN ACCOUNT] and login with your
Step 2: Input Personal Details. Click “Edit Personal Details” and finish inputting
personal details by filling in all the information, verifying and saving the information.
After the completion of this section, return to the previous page by clicking “Finish”
and start filling in your application information.
Step 3: Select the correct “Program Category”.
Please select Program Category “Type A”.
Step 4: Input the correct Agency Number.
Your Agency Number is: 0025.
Program Category and Agency Number are directly matched, both are mandatory
for online application. Scholarship receiving authorities (or application processing
authorities) will inform the program category and agency number to candidates who
are qualified for applying.
After inputting agency number, the matched agency name will automatically show on
the page. As Program Category and Agency Number are directly matched,
application processing authorities will not receive your online application if the
program category or agency number are not correct.
Step 5: Input Application Information
Next, please move on to the section of “Language Proficiency and Study Plan” and
upload “Supporting Documents” as requested, then click “Submit” to complete the
application. Check each part of your application carefully before submission. Please
make sure that all the information and uploaded documents are valid and accurate.
When applicants of “Type A” application choose the “Preferences of Institutes”,
system will automatically match the available universities according to the selected
“Student Category, Preferred teaching language and Major Applying for”. With any
inquiry concerning the available majors of each university, please visit the following

“Catalog of Discipline Field, First-level Discipline, Specialty” is available from the
“Help”, applicants could download the file to identify the relation between Discipline
and Major.
Step 6: Once submitted, amendment cannot be made on “Personal Details” and
“Application Information”. Before the application being processed by the processing
authorities, applicant can revoke the submitted application by clicking “Withdraw”
and edit the application. After revoking the application, applicant must submit at
second time after re-editing, or the application will not be processed. Once the
application is processed, application cannot be revoked.
Step 7: Click” Print the Application Form” and download the form.
Step 8: Submit scholarship application under the requirements of the dispatching
authorities (or application processing agency)
China Scholarship Council never entrust any individual or intermediary agent to
process Chinese government scholarship applications. Kindly remind that all
applicants to directly submit your scholarship applications through official dispatching
authorities, avoiding being deceived. The website below is the only official website
that China Scholarship Council publishing Study in China information, please do not
trust information from any other portals or sources.
Application with incorrect Agency Number will not be processed.
Please use Firefox or Internet Explorer (11.0).
For applicants using Internet Explorer, please close the “compatible view mode”
function ahead of editing.
Please fill in all application information in Chinese or English.

Ⅵ. Tips for Coming to China
1. Visa Application
ACYLS winners should apply for a visa to study in China to the Chinese embassy or
consulate-general with the original documents and photocopies of the Admission
Letter, Visa Application for Study in China (JW201), Foreigner Physical Examination

Form and valid ordinary passport. Those who will study in China for more than 6
months must apply for “X1” visa, and those who will study in China for less than 6
months (including 6 months) can apply for “X2” visa. Students who come to China
with other types of passports, visas or without the original documents will not be able

to register with the universities, nor will they be able to apply for the residence permit
in China.
Visa application cost is at student’s own expense.

Registration, Health Verification and Residence Permit

Scholarship students must register with the host universities before the deadline of the
registration as specified in Admission Letter with the original Admission Letter, Visa
Application for Study in China (JW201) and Foreigner Physical Examination
Form. Those who are unable to register on time must get permission from the host
institution directly. Those who fail to register without the prior consent of the
institution will be considered as voluntarily giving up the scholarship and the
scholarship will be automatically terminated.
Health Verification and Residence Permit
Health Verification: Scholarship students who are to stay in China for more than 6
months are requested to submit the original documents of their passport, Admission
Letter, Foreigner Physical Examination Form and Blood Test Report to the local
health quarantine office to have their physical examination report verified. Scholarship
students who do not meet the requirements of the above authority will be required to
re-take the physical examination. Those who refuse to re-take the physical
examination or are diagnosed with diseases that are not permitted to stay in China
according to Chinese laws and regulations will be required to leave China.

Residence Permit: Upon their arrival in China, scholarship students must apply for
residence permit to the local police authority before the deadline regulated by the visaissuing authority with their passport, Admission Letter, Visa Application Form for
Study in China (JW201), verified health report, and photograph that meets the image
requirements of the authority.
3. Funding of International Round-trip Air Fare
For master’s and doctoral degree students, ACYLS will provide them with
international round-trip air fare for their first visit to China and return to home country
after graduation, as well as one international round-trip air fare for home visit each
academic year. Students need to purchase the air tickets (economy class only) by
themselves according to relevant regulations, and apply for reimbursement of the
expenses from the host university with the original purchase receipt.
For the first visit to China and return to home country upon graduation, the ceiling for
reimbursement is 3000 RMB each. The ceiling for round-trip ticket for home visit is
6000 RMB. The excess fee shall be borne by the students.

For the first visit ticket to China, students can apply for reimbursement after their
registration with the university. For the return ticket to home country upon graduation,
the students can apply for reimbursement when they are qualified for graduation. For
home visit round-trip ticket every academic year, students can apply for
reimbursement after their return to school from home visit.
For Research Scholars, ACYLS will provide them with one-time international roundtrip air fare. Students need to purchase the air tickets (economy class only) by
themselves according to relevant regulations, and apply for reimbursement of the
expenses from the host university with the original purchase receipt. The round-trip air
ticket shall not exceed 6000 RMB. The students can apply for reimbursement prior to
their completion of study.
MOFCOM SCHOLARSHIP-CSC Program(Enrollment Guide(
Degree Education Programs sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce of People’s
Republic of China is designed to foster high-end business officials and managerial
personnel for the recipient countries, offering one-year and two-year master programs

as well as three-year doctoral programs for the purpose of educating high-end and
inter-disciplinary talent working in the applied fields of government, trade, foreign
affairs, agriculture, technology, education, culture and health, building intellectual
capacity and facilitating the economic and social development of the recipient
countries. These programs provide assistance to governmental officials, research
fellows, and senior managerial personnel on their master and doctor education in
China, which are fully conducted in English. Admission requirements include a
bachelor’s degree, relevant working experiences, and decent physical conditions,
essential for the high-compact curriculum needed for the degrees. The programs are
playing a more and more important role in stimulating economic cooperation between
China and students’ home countries, which the host governments are attaching great
attention to this program.

MOFCOM Scholarship-CSC Program is set up by Ministry of Commerce of People’s
Republic of China to further strengthen the communication and cooperation between
China and other countries as well as to develop talents for developing countries.
Starting from 2015, MOFCOM Scholarship-CSC Program mainly sponsors the young
and the middle-aged talents from recipient countries to pursue their postgraduate
degree education in China. China Scholarship Council is entrusted to administer the


Supporting categories, duration of scholarship and instruction language

MOFCOM Scholarship-CSC Program supports Master’s program for 2-3 years or PhD
program for 3 years. Scholarship winners must register for English-taught program.

II. Where & When to Apply

The Economic and Commercial Counselor’s Office (ECCO) of the Chinese Embassy
in your country will be open for application. Please consult the application receiving
authority for the deadline of each year.
III. Eligibility
To be eligible, applicants must:
-be a citizen of a developing country other than the People’s Republic of China, and
under the age of 45;
-be healthy physically and mentally with a physical examination report issued by a
local public hospital, and not having any disease or situation listed below:
a) Diseases prohibited by Chinese Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Laws and
b) Other severe chronic diseases like high blood pressure, cardio-cerebrovascular
disease, diabetes; psychological diseases; or other infectious diseases which may harm
public health
c) In recovery period after major surgery or acute disease attacks
d) Severe physically challenged
e) Pregnancy
-with at least three years’ working experience, and be a bachelor’s degree holder when
applying for master’s program; be a master’s degree holder when applying for doctoral
-be incumbents with a relevant educational background or working experience to the
applied program are preferred;

-be public officials of division level and above (or corresponding level) in government
sectors, or senior management staff of organizations and enterprises, or academic
backbones of universities and research institutions;
-be sufficient in English which meets the academic requirements of the program, be
equivalent to IELTS 6.0 or TOEFL 80 and above level;
-be with the potential of professional development, and is committed to promoting the

friendly exchanges and cooperation between the host country and China;
-be neither studying in China nor being admitted to other scholarship programs
provided by Chinese government.
IV. Scholarship Coverage
1. Students are exempt from tuition fee, teaching material fee, research and survey fee,
allowance of English-taught program, dissertation guidance fee;
2. Free on-campus accommodation;
3. Monthly stipend:
36000RMB per year per master student,
42000RMB per year per PhD student;
4. One-off resettlement fee: 3000RMB per person;
5. Free medical insurance for international students;
6. One-time round-trip international airfare for all the students (First time fly to China
after enrollment, and Fly back to home country while graduation), and a maximum of
“n-1” (“n” is for the length of schooling year which is set while the student was
enrolled by the program, “n” is maximally to three) round-trip international airfares for
home visits (one time per year set at the end of an academic year);
7. The annual review is compulsory for all students. Those who pass the review may
continue to enjoy full scholarships in the next year.
8. Other expenses shall be managed and used by the Ministry of Commerce or the
universities as a whole, and shall not be distributed to students. The Ministry of
Commerce only provides students with financial assistance within their enrolled
academic duration. Students who postpone their graduation will not receive the
continuing sponsorship.

V. Application Documents (written in Chinese or English)
Application Online and Documents List
1. Application Form for MOFCOM Scholarship-CSC Program;
Ensure you have both submitted it online (, click “Scholarship Application for

Students”) and printed the hard copy. For more application instructions, please check
Attachment I;
2. Photocopy of highest diploma;
3. Photocopy of academic transcripts;
4. A Study Plan or Research Proposal, plus a resume including the educational
background and working experience after high school;
5. Two recommendation letters, including one from current employer and one from
academic perspective;
6. Photocopy of the Foreigner Physical Examination Form;
7. Photocopy of the English proficiency certificate;
8. Photocopy of a valid passport;
9. Non-criminal Record Report. The applicant shall submit a valid certificate of NonCriminal Record issued by the local public security authority, usually issued within 6
months prior to the submission date of the application.
Submission Offline
1. The applicants shall obtain the approval and recommendation from the relevant
department of host country before applying for this scholarship. Afterwards, the
applicants could submit application according to the requirements of above
2. For the applicants whose host government allows them to submit the application
directly to the Embassy of China, please obtain the permission or recommendation
letter from the host government which states that the applicant has been approved to
study in China, and submit the original documents of the letter and other above
mentioned application documents to the ECCO of Chinese Embassy in the host
country. The scanned electronic edition of the documents is needed as well. For emails
and addresses of the Economic and Commercial Counsellor’s Offices, please visit
