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Question 5
Once a sales training program has been carried out, a four-level method can be
used to gauge( đánh giá) its effectiveness. At the first level, the reaction level
method measures trainees' attitudes and feelings toward the training program.
1. T*Correct Answer
2. F
Question 4
A job description is known as the process of identifying ( xác định) the duties,
requirements, responsibilities, and conditions of a job.
1. T
2. F*Correct Answer
Question 5
For firms that sell through channel partners, it is appropriate to ( phù hợp) use
trading areas as a control unit.
1. T*Correct Answer
2. F
Question 4
Tactical ( chiến thuật) planning refers to the process of setting overall objectives,
allocating resources, and developing broad courses of action
1. T
2. F*Correct Answer
Anything that the prospect or customer says or does that impedes( cản trở) the sales
negotiations is called an invalid objection.( phản đối không hợp lệ)
1. T*Correct Answer
2. F
Question 4
An advantage of the formula( theo công thức) sales presentation strategy is that it
requires a highly skilled salesperson.
1. T*Correct Answer
2. F
Question 4

Macroenvironmental ( môi trường vĩ mô) factors, which include technology,
economic conditions, resource availability, competitors, laws, and culture, are
considered to be largely dynamic.

1. T*Correct Answer
2. F
Question 7
360-degree performance evaluations have supplanted ( thay thế) traditional topdown assessments (các đánh giá).
1. T
2. F*Correct Answer
8. Reasons for Not Having Sales Territories
Sales territories are not needed for small companies with a small sales force or if the
sales coverage is far below the sales potential of the market.
Exercise 2
A firm's sales force includes 20 employees sold nationwide. The relevant data of this
sales force is as the following:
1. Sales staffs get 5 weeks off, 2 weeks' training and an exhibition week. Besides, in
case of force majeure, they have a backup ( dự phòng) week (given that there are 52
weeks in a year)
2. According to regulations, there are two days off per week (Saturday and Sunday),
Monday is spent on administrative ( hành chính) work such as group meeting,
making first drafts of reports, making appointments with customers,...
3. Taking into account customer, dispersion, sales manager has evaluated each
saleperson's work as the following:
There are 9 working hours per day in which there are 2 hours not involved directly
in sales (không gắn trực tiếp với việc bán hàng)(phoning, eating, making first
drafts of daily reports)
Moving journey is about 25.000 kilometres per year with an average speed of 40

4. The average time of each meeting is estimated to be 1 hour 30 minutes (including
of moving)
5. The head of sales department has researched and classified 1.600 customers into
categories by A,B,C method in which A accounted for 10%, B accounted for 40%, C
accounted for 50%. Then he wants:
● Customer A meets 20 times per year
● Customer B meets 15 times per year
● Customer C meets 5 times per year
Besides, there are 600 potential customers who meet once a year.

Require: Determine whether the size of this sales force is appropriate or not?
Suggest some solutions.
Number of working weeks of 1 employee in a year: 52-5-2-1-1 = 43 (weeks)
Number of working days of 1 employee in a week: 7-2-1 = 4 (days)
Number of working days of 1 employee in a year: 43x4 = 172 (days)
Number of working hours of 1 employee in a year: (9-2)x 172 = 1204 (hours)




number of

time of 1

Total contact
time with

Thus, if the business has 20 employees nationwide, in the year, each employee needs:
26100:20 = 1305 (hours) (excluding travel time).
Meanwhile, each employee only has 1204 hours a year (excluding travel time).
So the size of 20 employees is not reasonable.
→ Solution:
To conduct 26100 hours of meeting with customers, businesses need:
26100:1204=21.67 (employees)
There are 2 cases:
+ Or enterprises employ 21 employees (i.e. need to recruit 1 more employee). Then,
omit: 26100 –(1204x21)=816 meeting hours, i.e. 816:1.5 = 544 customer meetings.
+ Or the business uses 22 employees (i.e. needs to recruit 2 more employees), then it
can ask these sales staff to perform some additional tasks, because they do not use all
the time for meeting.
Question 15

What is a trial close? Give some examples of trial closes. When
should they be used?
A trial close is any well-placed attempt to close the sale; it can be used early and often

throughout the selling process. Professional salespeople should be prepared to close
anytime, anywhere because they know their ABC's (i.e., Always Be Closing), which
advocates ( ủng hộ) making trial closes throughout your interaction with the prospect.
One of the most straightforward( đơn giản nhất) closing approaches, when the
salesperson and the prospect seem to be in agreement, is simply to ask, “Shall we
write up the order?” But the close need not be that blatant. Often, the salesperson can
accomplish the same result with a more subtle assumptive ( tinh tế hơn)close question,
such as "When do you need the product delivered?" Another concern for many new
salespeople is determining when to try to close the sale. There's no single best time.
The close can happen at any time during the sales
process in the first few minutes of the first sales call, or in the last few seconds of the
sixth. Trial closes are simply attempts to test the prospect's readiness to buy.
Question 11
Salespeople spend more time on prospecting than on any other of the seven PSP
stages. Why do you think this is so?
A company's current customers may leave for various reasons-death, bankruptcy,
relocation, or switching to other suppliers. Thus, to increase or even maintain sales
volume, salespeople must continually search for potential new customers, called
prospects. But prospecting requires salespeople to first obtain leads, which is basically
the name and address or telephone number of a person or organization potentially
needing the company's products or services. Before considering a lead to be a valid
prospect, the salesperson must qualify ( đánh giá) it in terms of need or want,
authority ( thẩm quyền) to buy, money to buy, and eligibility ( tư cách) to buy. One
way to remember these four qualifiers (tiêu chuẩn) is the acronym ( viết tắt) NAME,
each of which is a prospecting stage. Encompassing ( bao gồm) an extremely timeconsuming process, when companies or individuals pass all four of these screens, they

become prospects for a sales call, after which salespeople can plan the next step of the
personal selling process.
Question 14
Describe how a performance review ranking system can be used in evaluating sales
force performance
Sales managers evaluate each of their salespeople by ranking them on multiple
performance dimensions ( khía cạnh) using a scale ( thang điểm), such as A =
excellent, B = above average, C = average, D = satisfactory performance, and E = subpar ( dưới trung bình) performance. Salespeople are placed in the following
performance categories: the top 20 percent, the middle 70 percent, and the bottom 10

percent. By moving out the bottom performers, managers can make room for new
talent, thus creating meritocracies ( nhân tài).

Bài 3
A company's sales force across a market segment has 4 employees. Currently these
employees are in charge of selling to a market using their personal vehicles.
The company pays each person 2 usd for a kilometer traveled and the statistical
( thống kê) results in a year, the average number of kilometers traveled by these
employees are as follows:
Employee A: 10,000 Km; B: 30,000 Km; C: 80,000Km; D: 60,000Km
The above company has conducted research on a number of other solutions in this
movement of sales staff. Information about this new solution is as follows:
- Long-term car rental:
+ Annual car rental price: 20 000 USD / 1 car by the rental period of 5 years
+ Cost of insurance: 5,000 usd/year for 1 car.
+ Cost for 1km: 0.65 usd
- Buy a car to use:
+ Car purchase price: 70 000 usd/car.

Depreciated ( khấu hao) over 5 years and the value at the end of the 5th year is $0.
+ Insurance: 4 000 usd/year for the car.
+ Cost of kilometers:
0.5 usd from 0 to 10,000 km.
0.6 usd from over 10,000 to 25,000 km.
0.65 usd from over 25,000 to 50,000 km.
0.7 usd from over 50,000 km or more.
1/ Please identify a common solution for all 4 employees.
2/ Please determine the optimal solution for each person.
Bài 3 (Lời giải tt)

- Chi phí cho nhân viên A trong 1 năm: Cost for employee A for 1 year
- Tổng chi phí trong 1 năm của 4 nhân viên: Total cost in 1 year of 4 employees
1/ Common solution for all 4 employees:
Looking at the above table, we see that the total cost in 1 year of all 4 employees in
the option of buying a car is the lowest ($182,750 < $217,000 < $360,000).
=> Choose the option of Buying a car
2/ The optimal solution for each person:
Looking at the above spreadsheet, we see the cost in 1 year of the employees as
For employee A, the cost of using a personal car is the lowest (USD 20,000 < USD
23,000 < USD 31,500), so the option of using a personal car is chosen.
For employee B, the cost of the car option is the lowest (35,250 USD < 44,500 USD <
60,000 USD), so choose the car option.
Similarly for employees C and D, the cost in the option of buying a car is the lowest,
so also choose the option of buying a car for these two employees.
Question 8
Identify outcome-based, behavior-based, and professional development measures

that could be used for sales force performance evaluations. In your opinion, which

of these three categories of measures are most important for evaluating
salespeople? Explain
Three kinds of evaluation criteria for assessing salesperson effectiveness include: (1)
outcome-based measures, (2) behavior- based measures, and (3) professional
development measures.
Sales managers need to assess( đánh giá) all three types of measurements as
important. They need to employ a mixture of the quantitative and qualitative measures
that will provide the desired level of control over sales force operations. Variances
among firms in sales objectives, goals, resources, selling environment, management
philosophy, products, customers, and sales force quality may influence which of the
quantitative and qualitative measures are
emphasized, but all three criteria should be viewed as important. In sum, looking at
outcome-based measures, behavior-based measures, and professional development
measures will not provide a distorted ( sai lệch) view of salesperson performance.
Question 10
Name the three stages in a performance evaluation monitoring systems (PEMS),
and describe the sales manager's role in each stage. In your work experience, what
procedure or process has your superior used to evaluate you
The three successive (liên tiếp) stages in the effective implementation (triển khai) of
PEMS are:
Performance planning - This is probably the most important phase of the PEMS
because it allows the salesperson to obtain the counsel ( lời khuyên) of the sales
manager when deciding three key questions:
a. "Where am I going?" "How will I get there?" and "How will I be measured?"
b. Performance appraisal ( đánh giá) - This is a continual interpersonal( giữa các
cá nhân) process whereby( theo đó) sales managers give individual salespeople
immediate feedback on each specific task, project, or goal accomplished.

c. Performance review-This refers to a periodic( định kì) review of the preceding(
trước đó) performance appraisals to summarize where the salesperson is in his
or her personal development. This stage should answer the salesperson's
question: "How am I doing?"
For each of these three steps, the sales manager plays an important role. In their
supervisory roles, sales managers should provide objective feedback and some form of
recognition( công nhận), praise, correction, or comments regarding the salesperson's

Question 10
What method of reimbursing sales expenses would be best for a life insurance
salesperson, a computer hardware sales rep ( đại diện), or an account executive
( điều hành) who sells commercial time for a television station?
A combination reimbursement plan would seem most appropriate for the life
insurance salesperson to keep expenses in line with sales volume.
The computer hardware sales rep could be reimbursed for expenses under a limited
payment plan, but the combination reimbursement plan would probably be best here,
too, to keep the sales rep from becoming more concerned about expenses than
profitable sales.
An unlimited reimbursement expense plan would be appropriate for the account
executive for a television station because there will be substantial ( đáng kể) expense
variations in serving diverse types and sizes of customer accounts.
Reimbursement plans will be determined by the different philosophies ( triết lý) of
companies toward expense reimbursement
Question 4
Positive reinforcement (củng cố) refers to providing salespeople with a pleasant
consequence for having engaged ( tham gia) in the desired behavior (e.g.,
providing a bonus for opening new accounts).
1. T*Correct Answer

2. F
Question 10
A pharmaceutical sales firm adopts ( áp dụng) a new SFA system that
tracks customer sales calls, notes, and samples. What recommendations would you
make when planning the training for this program?
The adoption of sales force automation (SFA) technologies does not necessarily mean
that salespeople will automatically become more proficient ( thành thạo) and
Sales force automation technologies can be very sophisticated ( tinh vi) and complex.
Without adequate ( đầy đủ) and appropriate training, all the capital investments made
on these technologies will be wasted. Thus, after adopting SFA systems, salespeople
should be trained on the features ( các tính năng) of the system and how to use it to
realize the full potential they offer in making salespeople more productive as well as
more efficiently and effectively planning their sales calls

Question 9
Implementation ( việc thực hiện) of the sales training program is important because
mistakes incurred (phát sinh) in this area can hamper ( cản trở) the cost effectiveness
of the training program and later the effectiveness of the sales force.
Typical mistakes include:
a. Not giving enough time and attention to the actual planning
of the program
b. Using unrealistic demonstrations (minh chứng) of selling
c. Having boring speakers
d. Overwhelming the trainees with information
Critical (quan trọng) areas that require planning during the implementation process
a. Location of the training program
b. Timing of training

Training aids (Hỗ trợ) and instructional materials
Other details such as food, lodging (chỗ ở), parking, and recreation (giải trí)
Question 7
Why should sales managers conduct job analysis before recruiting sales people?
Before a company can recruit sales representatives, it must have a thorough(thấu đáo)
idea about the sales job to be filled. A job analysis ensures development of detailed
knowledge regarding the duties of the sales position.
The formal (chính thức) job analysis consists of these steps:
a. Analyze the environment in which the salesperson is to work.
b. Determine the duties and responsibilities that are expected of the salesperson.
C. Spend time making calls with several salespeople, observing and recording the
tasks of the job.
Question 9
List several factors that influence the number of sales call a salesperson can be
expected to make in a day.
Several factors affect the number of accounts that reps can call on in each geographic
(địa lý) control unit. These include:
a. The length of time required to call on each account. This factor, in turn(ngược lại),
is influenced by the number of people to be seen during each call, the amount of
account servicing needed (cần thiết), and the length of waiting time.
b. Non-selling activities, including preparing for sales calls as well as processing (xử
lý) orders and servicing accounts after the sale.

c.Travel time between accounts, which can vary considerably (thay đổi đáng kể) from
one region to another depending on transportation, highway congestion, weather
conditions, and the density(mật độ) of present and potential accounts.
d.The objective of workload (khối lượng công việc) analysis is to minimize travel
time and thereby increase the number of accounts that reps can visit and/or the
frequency (tần suất) of sales calls.

Question 7
How should you, the sales manager, be using the latest technology ?
The use of the latest computers and sales force automation (SFA) technologies can
help a sales manager become more efficient by taking care of (xử lý) much of the
time-consuming drudge (nặng nhọc) work, and become more productive by keeping
better informed about customers, products, sales territories (khu vực), salespeople, and
the competition..
With the available software, computers can be utilized (được sử dụng) to assist in
decision making regarding territorial assignments (phân công lãnh thổ), quota
establishments (cơ sở hạn ngạch), and routing (định tuyến) plans. Professional sales
managers utilize (sử dụng) all the tools available to them, including computers, in
order to properly design sales territories, and effectively and efficiently route
Question 6
Why is it important to match the right salesperson with the right territory ?
It is important to match the right salesperson with the right territory in order to
achieve optimal performance of the sales force. Sales territory assignments are made
by allocating salespeople to territories in which they are likely to generate (tạo ra) the
highest sales and profits.
Therefore, specific territorial assignments should result in maximum productivity
from each salesperson while avoiding duplication (trùng lặp) of efforts, disputes (tranh
chấp), and customer confusion (sự nhầm lẫn).
Small companies with only a few salespeople may not need sales territories because
the available sales coverage (phạm vi bán hàng) may be far below (so với) the sales
potential in the market. But even here, some general assignment of territories is
desirable to prevent overlapping (chồng chéo) of effort and dissatisfied sales
Question 8
It is important for a salesperson to be worried about time management during a

sales call ? Why or why not?
Time management is important during a sales call. Salespeople should not assume
that(cho rằng) spending extra time with customers is always going to lead to
additional sales. Customers may be more appreciative and more likely to develop
partnerships with salespeople when the sales call is efficient rather than long.
Question 10
Describe the seven stages in the professional personal selling process (PSP). Why
are they depicted (miêu tả) as revolving wheels?
These stages are depicted as a wheel because the process does not end. It from one
continues to spin interconnecting (quay liên kết) and overlapping (chồng chéo) stage
to the next. After the follow-up, repeat sales and new customer needs rotate the wheel
back to the first stage for another evolution.

Question 7
Do you think the role of the sales manager in sales planning organizing,
forecasting, and budgeting will become less or more important with the ever
growing power of computers and software sophistication (tinh vi). Explain.
The role of the sales manager in these capacities will become more important with the
power of computers and software. Computers allow the sales manager to perform
tasks that used to be handled by analysts and statisticians (các nhà phân tích và thống
kê). Computers put powerful analysis tools in the hands of sales managers to forecast
using methods such as: exponential smoothing, Box Jenkins, correlation-regression
analysis, econometric models, and input-output matrices. However, it is important to
realize that the sales manager must understand the proper application and use of these
tools in order for the results to be valuable.
Question 9
What are the biggest sources of unsuccessful sales planning ?
Many organizations devote (dành) substantial time and effort to the planning process.
They may use computer simulations (mô phỏng) and quantitative analyses to improve

the process. Even so, unsuccessful plans are too often the outcome. Poor results are
not limited to small or new companies. Probably the most universal (phổ biến) cause
of unsuccessful planning is making one or more erroneous assumptions (nhiều giả
định sai lầm) in each stage of the planning process.

Question 9
What qualities (phẩm chất) do you think are needed by the top performing
salesperson of today and tomorrow ?
Customer mainly about serving oriented customers
- Develop sales calls strategy to achieve specific objectives
- Listen to and communicate meaningfully with customers
- Sales presentation focuses on customer benefits
- Think in terms of helping customers solve problems
- Goal is to develop long-term, mutually beneficial relationships(cùng có lợi)
- Follow up with customers to provide service and ensure satisfaction leading to
customer loyalty
- Work as a member of a team of specialists to serve customers(nhóm chuyên gia phục
vụ khách hàng)
8. What assumptions (giả định) might a sales manager make (sometimes
subconsciously (tiềm thức) about the marketplace in preparing the annual plan?
How would you ensure that these assumptions are valid( hợp lệ) ?
Many sales managers make assumptions about the marketplace in the preparation of
an annual plan. A common assumption is that the future will be similar to the past.
This may be lead to incorrect assumptions because companies today operate in
dynamic(năng động) environments
To avoid such negative consequences, sales managers must ensure that all
assumptions are made explicit (rõ ràng.). Careful documentation analysis will provide
an atmosphere that is less likely to lead to costly errors.
