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Câu 1:

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Đề 1:
Câu 1:
The appropriate attitude makes ________ to socialize among strangers.
A. its possible
B. possible it
C. it possible

D. it possibly


Câu 2:
After fighting the fire for 12 hours, the firemen succeeded in putting it out.
A. The firemen managed in vain to put the fire out after a 12-hour fight.
B. Fighting the fire for 12 hours, the firemen were able to put it out.
C. The firemen wasted 12 hours putting the fire out.
D. Fighting the fire for 12 hours, the fire was put out.
Câu 3:
teacher's hair / fall / forehead / it / almost hide / blue eyes //
A. The teacher's hair falling over her forehead, it almost hides her blue eyes.
B. The teacher's hair falls over her forehead, it almost hides her blue eyes.
C. The teacher's hair falls over her forehead that it almost hides her blue eyes.
D. The teacher's hair is fallen over her forehead, and it almost hides her blue eyes.
Câu 4:
throw / thousands / tons / rubbish / forest / year //
A. People throw some thousands tons of rubbish into the forest every year.
B. People throw thousands of tons of rubbish into the forest every year.

C. Throwing thousands of tons of rubbish is into the forest every year.
D. People throwing thousands of tons of rubbishes into the forest every year.
Câu 5:
The Magic Hat __________ at 12 a.m. every Saturday.

A. broadcast
B. broadcasts
C. is broadcasting
Câu 6:
The moon __________ around the earth.

D. broadcasted

A. has moved
B. moves
C. is moving
Câu 7:
I remember _________ them to play in my garden.

D. will move

A. to allow
D. allowed
B. allow
C. allowing
Câu 8:
While my mother _________ a film on TV, my father was cooking dinner. It was
March 8th yesterday.
A. watched

D. was watched
B. was watching
C. had watched
Câu 9:
The film will end when you have finished dinner.
A. By the time you finish dinner, the film will have ended.
B. By the time you have finished dinner, the film will end.
C. You finish dinner, and then the film will end.
D. By the time you finishing dinner, the film will have ended.
Câu 10:
He is proud of being the captain of the national football team.
A. He prides himself on being the captain of the national football team.
B. Being the captain of the national football team prides him.
C. He gives a pride in being the captain of the national football team.
D. The captain of the national football team is proud of him.
Câu 11:
No sooner had he come home _______ he knew he had dropped his wallet.
A. when
B. after
C. than
Câu 12:
A new bridge over the river _______ at present.

D. then

A. constructed
D. is being constructed
B. is constructed
C. is constructing
Câu 13:

Tax-free goods / buy / before / board / plane.
A. There are tax-free goods to buy before the boarding plane.

B. Tax-free goods have boarded the plane before.
C. Tax-free goods can be bought before boarding the plane.
D. Tax-free goods can be bought before the boarding of the plane.
Câu 14:
I last met her _______ October last year.
A. since
D. for
B. in
C. on
Câu 15:
Jane got _______ the bus when it stopped then she walked into a cafe.
A. on
B. off
C. into
Câu 16:
Mary was standing _______ front of her desk.

D. out of

A. on
B. at
C. in
Câu 17:
Alice has been absent _______ the last two classes.

D. from

A. in
B. from
C. away
Câu 18:
My sister is quick _______ playing computer games.

D. for

A. with
D. at
B. about
C. in
Câu 19:
After making a tour of Singapore, my father arrived _______ Tan Son Nhat
airport last night.
A. at
B. in
C. into
Câu 20:
When do you plan to leave _______ Da Nang?

D. for

A. to
D. at
B. into
C. for
Câu 21:
He received good education from an early age.

A. When he was young he carried on with good education.

B. He was well brought up when he was young.
C. The younger he was the better educated he was.
D. Good education resulted in his active youth.
Câu 22:
You should _________ yourselves with some grammatical terms.
A. familiar
B. familiarity
C. unfamiliar
Câu 23:
I _______ do that again. It's my promise.

D. familiarize

A. mustn't
B. can't
C. needn't
Câu 24:
She _______ the state secret to the enemy.

D. won't

A. gave up
B. gave in
C. gave away
Câu 25:
It is wrong to _______ poorer people.

D. gave off

A. look down
B. look down on
C. look on
Câu 26:
You _______ come with us if you don't want to.

D. look upon

A. must
D. don't have to
B. haven't to
C. aren't supposed to
Câu 27:
The teacher made his students work hard for the exam.
A. The students worked hard for the exam thanks to the teacher.
B. The teacher as well as his students worked hard for the exam.
C. The teacher examined his students before the exam.
D. The students were made to work hard for the exam.
Câu 28:
People donated a lot, so the victims of the tsunami are now able to overcome
A. But for people's generous donation, the victims of the tsunami wouldn't be
able to overcome difficulties now.
B. The victims of the tsunami are now able to overcome difficulties but for
people's donation.
C. Despite people's generous donation, the victims of the tsunami are facing
lots of difficulties.
D. To overcome difficulties, the victims of the tsunami needed people's

generous donation.
Câu 29:
Those students should be punished for what they have done.
A. Those students should have done what they were punished for.
B. What they have done will give them some punishment.
C. Those students can't get away with what they have done.
D. The things those students have done are kinds of punishment.
Câu 30:
Finally, / decide / go back / shop / buy / shirt //
A. Finally, he decided to go back to the shop to buy the shirt.
B. Finally, deciding to buy the shirt made him to go back to it.
C. Finally, he was deciding to go back to the shop for the bought shirt.
D. Finally, the decision to buy the shirt coming back to him.
Câu 31:
It is just a small area with about 100,000 _______.
A. inhabitations
B. inhabitants
C. habitats
Câu 32:
My dog as well as my cats ______ twice a day.

D. inhabits

A. eat
D. have eaten
B. eats
C. has eaten
Câu 33:

I don't care at all whether you stay or go.
A. It isn't careful of you to stay or go.
B. Whether you stay or go is my concern.
C. It doesn't matter much to me whether you stay or go.
D. I won't take care of you whether you stay or go.
Câu 34:
She was out with some friends until late last night. She _____ have been the one
who stole the watch.
A. can't
B. needn't
C. wouldn't
Câu 35:
The police are looked _____ by many.

D. mustn't

A. up at
B. on to
C. up to
Câu 36:

D. to upon

About fifty percent of all milk ______ from dairy cows is used to make cheese.
A. is obtained
D. when it is obtaining
B. will be obtained
C. obtained
Câu 37:

You have to wear special clothes to work in the lab for the ________ of yourself.
A. protective
D. protectiveness
B. protector
C. protection
Câu 38:
The young teacher sometimes lets the class go ________ control.
A. in
D. under
B. out of
C. throughout
Câu 39:
We should be responsible for the _________ humans are doing to the environment.
A. destroy
D. destructibility
B. destructive
C. destruction
Câu 40:
She / not stand / kept / wait / such / long //
A. She can't stand being kept waiting for such a long time.
B. She doesn't stand keeping to wait for such a long time.
C. She can't stand being kept to wait such a long time.
D. She doesn't stand being kept waiting for such long.

Đề 2
Câu 1:
You have to be aware of the damage humans are doing to quicken the ________
of wildlife.
A. extinct

B. extinctive
Câu 2:
laser / be / great use / many science, / especially / medicine //

D. extinction

A. Lasers are in great use, according to many scientists, especially in medicine.
B. The great use of lasers is in medicine, especially for many sciences.
C. Lasers are the great use, and many sciences, especially medicine.
D. Lasers are of great use in many sciences, especially in medicine.
Câu 3:
Many young people are fond of ___________ football and other kinds of sports.
A. play
C. playing
B. to play
Câu 4:
Martina is learning to play _______ violin.

D. played

A. one
B. a
C. any
Câu 5:
No one is a better cook than his mother, ________?

D. the

A. is no one
D. aren't they
B. are they
C. isn't she
Câu 6:
The secret of getting good marks is to keep ________ in the exam room.
A. calm
B. calmly
C. calming
Câu 7:
If I saw a tiger walking past me, I _________ a tree.

D. calmed

A. climb
D. had to climb
B. will climb
C. would climb
Câu 8:
Peter looks _______ he hasn't been able to sleep for some time.
A. as though
B. as for

C. as well as

D. as far as
Câu 9:
The house really needs _______.
A. for repainted

B. to be repainting
C. being repainted
Câu 10:
She was made _______ over the passport.

D. repainting

A. hand
D. handed
B. to hand
C. handing
Câu 11:
_______ Christmas Eve, people often have parties late at midnight.
A. In
B. On
C. At
Câu 12:
She is always borrowing money _______ me.
A. from
B. to
C. of

D. From

D. in

Câu 13:
His illness prevents him _______ coming to the party.
A. with
D. from

B. of
C. for
Câu 14:
Van suddenly came _______ a very valuable book when she was in the bookshop.
A. up
B. into
C. across
Câu 15:
Tom and Mary are going _______ with each other.

D. down with

A. on
B. out
C. for
Câu 16:
I missed the train _______ catch to work.

D. down

A. which usually
D. I usually
B. that usually
C. usually for me
Câu 17:
Kate said, 'You are not as intelligent as I thought, Bill.'
A. Kate had thought that Bill was stupid.
B. Kate had thought that Bill was more intelligent.
C. In Kate's opinion, Bill was not so intelligent as her.

D. Kate told Bill to think about his intelligence.
Câu 18:
'I'll certainly help you tomorrow,' said Tom to Helen.
A. Tom promised to help Helen the day after.
B. Tom announced that he would help Helen the day after.
C. Tom asked if Helen wanted him to help her the day after.
D. Tom told Helen to help him the day after.
Câu 19:
Smoke from cigarettes can even do harm to _________.
A. smoking
B. smokers
C. nonsmokers
Câu 20:
You _______ have been absent from that important session.
A. mightn't
B. wouldn't
C. shouldn't

D. smoky

D. mustn't

Câu 21:
I _______ in the middle and missed the end of the film.
A. dropped off
B. fell off
C. dropped out

D. fell out

Câu 22:
It is wrong to _______ poorer people.
A. look down
B. look down on
C. look on

D. look upon

Câu 23:
Why don't you _______ a more famous school?
A. go into
B. go for
C. go in for
Câu 24:

D. go forward

At present, an enquiry is taking place _______ plans to build a resort two miles
north of the town.
A. in
D. through
B. into
C. by
Câu 25:
He opened the letter without _______ to read the address on the envelope.
A. worrying
D. bothering
B. caring
C. fearing

Câu 26:
The computer, ________ the memory capacity has just been upgraded, is among
the latest generations.
A. that
B. whose
C. of which
Câu 27:
________ will they return us the book?
_ Maybe in a week's time.

D. which of

A. How fast
D. How soon
B. How come
C. How long
Câu 28:
One of the major recent ________ is the development of laser in medical treatment.
A. accomplishments
B. accomplishment
C. accomplisher
Câu 29:
All my friends disagreed with me.
A. None of my friends did not agree
with me.
B. I disagreed with all of my friends.

D. accomplished

C. Nobody among my friends agreed

with me.
D. I was disagreed by all of my friends.

Câu 30:
He never has any successful results, even though he tries hard.
A. However successful he is, he never tries hard.
B. His hard work results in his successful result.
C. He doesn't seem to succeed in anything however hard he tries.
D. He never tries hard, so he never has any successful results.
Câu 31:
It is just a small area with about 100,000 _______.

A. inhabitations
D. inhabits
B. inhabitants
C. habitats
Câu 32:
Just a minute too late, he ______ on the train when the girl came.
A. leaves
B. had left
C. would be leaving
Câu 33:
I'm sorry about that!

D. left

A. That's right
B. Of course

C. You're welcome
Câu 34:
Don't talk about that in my brother's ______.

D. It's OK

A. present
B. presenter
C. presence
Câu 35:
We _____ for him for 10 minutes.

D. presentation

A. wait
D. waited
B. will have waited
C. have been waiting
Câu 36:
About fifty percent of all milk ______ from dairy cows is used to make cheese.
A. is obtained
B. will be obtained
C. obtained

D. when it is obtaining

Câu 37:
There are no easy ways to learn a foreign language, ______?
A. aren't there
B. aren't they

C. are there
Câu 38:
She takes a great interest in ______ matters.

D. are they

A. mystified
B. mysterious
C. mystery
Câu 39:

D. mysteries

Whenever we meet, she avoids ________ at me.
A. look
B. looking
C. to look
Câu 40:
When I was younger, I _______ to smoke or drink.
A. wasn't used
B. didn't used
C. never used

D. being looked

D. not used

Đề số 3

Câu 1:
He is interested ________ his present job.

A. of
B. with

C. for

D. in

Câu 2:
________ test was given, our class leader managed to get good marks.
B. Whatever
D. Wherever
C. However
Câu 3:
The architect has drawn plans for an extension to the house.
A. Plans have been drawn for an extension to the house by the architect.
B. The house has had its plans for an extension drawn by the architect.
C. Plans for an extension to the house have been drawn by the architect.
D. The architect has had the plans drawn for an extension to the house.
Câu 4:
She is too weak; she can't sit up and talk to you.
A. If she weren't too weak, she could sit up and talk to you.
B. If she hadn't been too weak, she could sit up and talk to you.
C. If she isn't too weak, she can sit up and talk to you.

D. If she wasn't too weak, she can sit up and talk to you.
Câu 5:
Which one would you like to have?________ of them is OK, I think.
A. Both
B. None
C. Neither
Câu 6:
You have to work _______ for the coming exam.

D. Either

A. hardly
D. more hard
B. more hardly
C. hard
Câu 7:
She hasn't received a single letter from him _______ they both left school.
A. as
D. now that
B. because
C. since
Câu 8:
_________ you change your mind, I won't be able to help you.
A. If only
D. Provided
B. Because
C. Unless
Câu 9:
_________ you keep it in good condition, I`ll lend you my car.
A. So long as

B. Although
C. Because
Câu 10:

D. While

It is such an important matter _______ I can't decide anything about it myself.
A. so
B. because
C. that
Câu 11:
Mary was standing _______ front of her desk.

D. if

A. on
B. at
C. in
Câu 12:
My sister is quick _______ playing computer games.

D. from

A. with
B. about
C. in
Câu 13:
His illness prevents him _______ coming to the party.

D. at

A. with
D. from
B. of
C. for
Câu 14:
Motor vehicles account _______ 75% of air pollution in the major cities.
A. of
B. in
C. on
Câu 15:
I've no idea _______ he behaved strangely at the meeting.

D. for

A. when
D. why
B. where
C. which
Câu 16:
There's still a lot to be done about the _________ of the victims in the earthquake.
A. houses
B. housework
C. household
Câu 17:
You _______ do it now, and do not argue.

D. re-housing

A. must
B. need
C. are going to
Câu 18:

D. may

I _______ in the middle and missed the end of the film.
A. dropped off
D. fell out
B. fell off
C. dropped out
Câu 19:
When he arrived, a crowd ________ for several hours to greet him.
A. had been waiting
D. was waiting
B. is waiting
C. has been waiting
Câu 20:
The religious wedding _____________ takes place in a church.
A. performance
B. marriage
C. ceremony

D. engagement

Câu 21:
No-one in our class ________ his opinion.
A. agrees with

D. agree with
B. agree to
C. agrees to
Câu 22:
All I know about the plan is that they are going to sing the song together.
A. As a matter of fact, they together planned the singing.
B. They are going to sing the song together as planned.
C. As soon as they have planned the song, they will sing it together.
D. As far as I know, they are going to sing the song together.
Câu 23:
The prices have increased considerably in the past weeks.
A. There has been increasing consideration on the prices in the past weeks.
B. There has been a considerable increase in the prices in the past weeks.
C. They have considered increasing the prices in the past weeks.
D. It is their considered decision to increase the prices in the past weeks.
Câu 24:
Can you see anybody in that classroom?
- Yes. There _______ a teacher and fifty students there.
A. is
B. are
C. has been
Câu 25:
Do you often see each other?
- Oh, no! Rarely ________ dates.
A. do we have
B. will we have

D. have been

C. have we

D. we have
Câu 26:
She asked her nephew, 'Can you guess what I bought for you?'
A. She asked her nephew if he can guess what she had bought for him.
B. She asked her nephew to buy something for her.
C. She asked her nephew if he could guess what he could buy.
D. She asked her nephew if he could guess what she had bought for him.
Câu 27:
Finally, / decide / go back / shop / buy / shirt //
A. Finally, he decided to go back to the shop to buy the shirt.
B. Finally, deciding to buy the shirt made him to go back to it.
C. Finally, he was deciding to go back to the shop for the bought shirt.
D. Finally, the decision to buy the shirt coming back to him.
Câu 28:
He remembers _______ to the zoo once a month when he was young.
A. taking
B. to take
C. being taken

D. to be taken

Câu 29:
Lake Superior is _______ any other lakes in the world.
A. larger than
B. the largest of
C. largest of
Câu 30:
You should understand _______ better to work together.

D. the larger than

A. one the other
D. yourself
B. each other
C. yourselves
Câu 31:
Just a minute too late, he ______ on the train when the girl came.
A. leaves
B. had left
C. would be leaving
Câu 32:
He was _____ that we turned off the TV set immediately.

D. left

A. so bad singer
B. such bad singer
C. such bad a singer
Câu 33:
He forced his wife _____ him the money.

D. so bad a singer

A. to giving
B. that she gave
C. to give
Câu 34:

Between the two boys, Harry is the ______.
A. smarter of all
B. smarter
C. smartest

D. give

D. smartest of all

Câu 35:
Hung doesn't take good care ________ himself.
A. for
B. about
C. in

D. of

Câu 36:
Advertising makes ________ to sell more goods to more people.
A. its possible
B. possible it
C. it possible

D. it possibly

Câu 37:
They couldn't finish it ________ the lack of support.
A. because
B. because of
C. why

D. the reason

Câu 38:
________ does it take you to do the washing?
A. How fast
D. What time
B. What speed
C. How long
Câu 39:
Neither the boy's parents nor I ________ satisfied with his progress.
A. are
D. has
B. am
C. have
Câu 40:
Students who are absent ________ too many classes will not be allowed to take
the exam.
A. in
B. on

C. from

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