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Organizing Pairwork In The English Lessons At Pho Yen High School 11Th Grade.pdf

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Tổ chức hoạt động cặp trong các giờ học Tiếng Anh tại khối
lớp 11 của trường THPT Phổ Yên, tỉnh Thái Nguyên

CODE : 60140111

Hanoi, 2014




Tổ chức hoạt động cặp trong các giờ học Tiếng Anh tại khối
lớp 11 của trường THPT Phổ Yên, tỉnh Thái Nguyên

CODE : 60140111

Hanoi, 2014


I hereby certify that the thesis entitled
Organizing pairwork in the English lessons at Pho Yen High School 11th grade,
Thai Nguyen Province.

In the result of my own research for the Degree of Master of Arts at College of
Foreign Languages, Hanoi National University, and that this thesis has not been
submitted for any degree at any other university or institution wholly or partly.

Hanoi, August 2014

Vũ Thị Khánh Vân



In completion of my thesis, I have received generous advice and help from
many lecturers whose lectures are very practical and useful. Firstly, I would like to
express my sincere thanks to my supervisor, Mr. Lê Hùng Tiến Ph.D from
Vietnam National University, Hanoi College of Foreign Language, for his close
guidance, criticism, and his generous help in the process of completing my thesis.
My special thanks also go to all lecturers and the staff of the Department of
Post Graduate Studies at Hanoi College of Foreign Language for their useful
materials, guidance and enthusiasm during my course of study.
I really wish to thank all my colleagues and my students at Pho Yen High
School- for their kind cooperation in giving valuable information.
Finally, I owe my deep thanks to my dear family, especially my husband, my
sons who always stand by me with their consideration and encouragement.

Vũ Thị Khánh Vân



Learning language well depends on many factors such as personal
characteristics, the structure of the native and target languages, opportunities to
communicate with other people and with native speakers, etc. For students at schools,
these factors can only work well with the help of the teachers‟ using different
techniques, and approaches in language teaching.
In communicative language teaching, students have more chances to practise in
the target language through different classroom activities, among them pairwork and
groupwork appear to be the most appropriate application.

This thesis was carried out to investigate the use of pairwork activities to
develop speaking skills for the first year English students at Pho Yen High School.
Survey questionnaires for teachers and students were employed to find answers
to these two questions. The use of paiwork activities are also beneficial for both
teachers and learners. However, there were some problems such as student low
proficiency and their passive way of learning styles, which prevent them from taking
part in pairwork activities. Teachers‟ lack of time and have to deal with large and
multi-level classes in unqualified conditions hinder them a lot in implementing
pairwork activities to teach four language skills. By analyzing and comparing the
results of students‟ and teachers‟ responses to questionnaire about pairwork activities,
the author attempts to shed light on the effectiveness of these activities and how to best
implement them.
In Pho Yen Upper Secondary School in Pho Yen district, Thai Nguyen province,
pairwork is widely used in foreign language classes. However, it seems that the use of
these implemetation activities at Pho yen High School is not effective enough, therefore,
focuses on pointing out how to organize pairwork in a more effective way so that it helps
students find learning English a great fun and less demanding.



Chart 1: Students‟ and teachers‟ opinion about the main benefits of pairwork ........ 19
Chart 2: Students‟ opinion about the useful for pairwork. ....................................... 20
Chart 3: Teachers‟ and students‟ opinions about the useful of pairwork ............... 21
Chart 4: The important role when using pairwork ................................................. 22
Chart 5: The factors effected about the success of pairwork ................................... 22
Chart 6: Students‟ and teachers‟ opinion about the appropriate time for PW ........ 23
Chart 7: Students‟ frequently used activities of pairwork .................................................... .23

Chart 8: How are teachers and students often create pairwork? .............................. 24
Chart 9: Teachers‟ responsibilities for successful pairworks ........................................... 25
Chart 10: Teachers‟and students‟opinion about preparing materials for PW ........... 26


CANDIDATE’S STATEMENT........................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................ ii
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................... iii
LIST OF CHARTS ............................................................................................................. iv
TABLE OF CONTENT....................................................................................................... v
PART A: INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 1
1. Rationale of the study ...................................................................................................... 2
2. Aims of the study.............................................................................................................. 2
3. Research questions ......................................................................................................... 2
4. Scope of the study ............................................................................................................ 2
5. Methods of the study........................................................................................................ 2
6. Design of the study ........................................................................................................... 3
PART B: DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................................... 4
1.1. Communicative approach to Language Teaching .................................................... 4
1.1.1. What is meant by communication? .......................................................................... 4
1.1.2. Communicative language teaching........................................................................... 5 Nature of Communicative Language Teaching ................................................... 5 The techniques of Communicative Language Teaching ..................................... 5
1.2. Definition of pairwork .................................................................................................. 7
1.3. Advantages and disadvantages of pairwork .............................................................. 7
1.3.1. Advantages of using pairwork activities .................................................................. 7

1.3.2. Disadvantages of using pairwork activities ............................................................ 8
1.4. How to organize pairwork .......................................................................................... 9
1.4.1. Preparation for pairwork .......................................................................................... 9
1.4.2. Steps in the classroom.............................................................................................. 10 Select the activity .................................................................................................. 10 prepare of materials.............................................................................................. 10 Size and selection of pair ...................................................................................... 10 Organize students within the pair ....................................................................... 10

v Time of pairwork activity..................................................................................... 11 Share pairwork with the whole class................................................................... 11
1.4.3. Steps of organizing pairwork .................................................................................. 11 Pre activities .......................................................................................................... 11 While activities ...................................................................................................... 12 Post activities ......................................................................................................... 12
1.5. Difficulties in organizing pairwork and suggested solutions .................................. 13
1.5.1. Difficulties ................................................................................................................. 13 Space ...................................................................................................................... 13 Instruction ............................................................................................................. 13
1.5.2. Solutions.................................................................................................................... 13
1.6. Previous studies related to organizing pairwork ..................................................... 14
CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY ................................................................................ 15
2.1. Research setting .......................................................................................................... 15
2.1.1. An overview of Pho Yen High School .................................................................... 15
2.1.2. The students.............................................................................................................. 16
2.1.3. The teachers.............................................................................................................. 16
2.2. Methodology ................................................................................................................ 17

2.2.1. The participants ....................................................................................................... 17
2.2.2. Data collection instruments..................................................................................... 17 Questionnaires ....................................................................................................... 17 Class observations ................................................................................................. 17
2.2.3. Data collection procedures ...................................................................................... 18
2.2.4. Data analysis ............................................................................................................. 18 Results from questionnaires ................................................................................. 19 Teachers’ and students’ opinions about benefits of pairwork ....................... 19 Teachers’ and students’ judgements about the use of pairwork
activities in English classes ............................................................................... 21 Teachers’ and students’ desires to learn English via pairwork
Activities ............................................................................................................ 22 Data analysis from class observations ................................................................. 26 Examples of pairwork .......................................................................................... 27


3.1. Major findings ............................................................................................................. 30
3.1.1. The way the teachers at Pho Yen High School use pairwork .............................. 30 Steps of organizing pairwork ............................................................................... 30 The materials used in organizing pairwork ...................................................... 31 Teachers’ difficulties............................................................................................. 32 Lack of knowledge of pairwork ........................................................................ 32 Habits of old teaching methods......................................................................... 32 Unefficient preparation .................................................................................... 32 Students’ difficulties ............................................................................................. 32 Passive learning style ......................................................................................... 32 Low level of English language proficiency ...................................................... 33 Learners’ fear of making mistakes ................................................................... 33 Object factors ........................................................................................................ 33 Large-sized lasses ............................................................................................... 33 Lack of reference and teaching aids ................................................................. 33
3.2. Recommendations ....................................................................................................... 33
PART C: CONCLUSION ................................................................................................. 35
1. Summary of the findings ............................................................................................... 35
2. Concluding remarks ...................................................................................................... 36
3. Limitations of the study ................................................................................................. 37
4. Suggestions for further study........................................................................................ 38
REFERENCES................................................................................................................... 39
APPENDIX 1 .........................................................................................................................I
APPENDIX 2 ....................................................................................................................... V
APPENDIX 3 ....................................................................................................................... X
APPENDIX 4 ................................................................................................................... XIV
APPENDIX 5 ................................................................................................................XVIII
APPENDIX 6 .................................................................................................................... XX


This chapter presents the rationale, aims, scope, research questions, research
methods and design of the study.
1. Rationale
“Better English, more opportunities” has become a target for lots of
students in recent years. English is a useful means they need for their future career
since it equips them with linguistic, social and cultural knowledge and provides
them with access to the modern world in the era of informatics and technology. It is
used as the official language in many powerful and developed countries.

Additionally, it is also considered as the means of communication in a number of
aspects such as business, education, science, and so on. Therefore, English teaching
and learning play an important role in social developing policies in a large number
of countries throughout the world.
English, nowadays, is widely taught in Vietnam, from primary school to
university, including English centers throughout the country. People learn English
for their work or for their higher study. However, the results of the English courses
are not very good. Vietnamese teachers of English have not known how to apply the
teaching method in effective ways. They are lack of knowledge, teaching aid, time,
and money to teach four language skills: listening skills, speaking skills, reading
skills and writing skills.
Like many teachers in the schools of Vietnam, teachers of English at Pho Yen
upper secondary school face the same problem: students‟ inactive participation in
learning activities in the classroom. In fact, there are a variety of reasons for this
poor participation, and therefore using appropriate techniques and methods for
teaching English effectively to students at Pho Yen upper secondary school requires
a teachers‟ enthusiasm and commitment.
This led me the choice of the study “Organizing pair work in the English lessons
at Pho Yen High School 11th grade, Thai Nguyen Province” with the hope of
contributing to improve the teaching and learning English in pho Yen High School .


in particular and in Vietnam in general My study only focuses on how to organize
pair work more effectively for students at Pho Yen High School in Thai Nguyen.
2. Aims of study
The study is aimed at:
 Investigating the use of pairwork at Pho Yen High School- a school located in
Pho Yen district, Thai Nguyen province.

 Finding out effective technique to organize pairwork with the hope of helping
teachers at Phổ Yên High School in teaching English.
3. Research questions of the study
This study is aimed to answer the following research questions: How do the
teachers at Phổ Yên High School use pair work?
4. Scope of the study
To improve four skills for students at Phổ Yên High School, the teachers can
make use of various techniques and a number of things should be done. However,
the researcher only intends to draw a brief overview of pair work in classes at Phổ
Yên High School and to find out the ways to organize pair work more effectively.
5. Methods of study
To realize the aims of the study. The theoretical background of the study
comes from many published books written by different authors on language
teaching and language acquisition. The data collected for the study came from two
sources: the students and the English teachers at Phổ Yên High School (6 English
teachers and 120 students) survey questionnaires and observation.
In this research, quantitative method is used, too. All comments, remarks,
recommendations assumption and conclusion provided in the study based on the
analysis of the statistics from the survey questionnaires conducted with students and
teachers of Phổ Yên High School. The study is also based on a qualitative method
with the author‟s own experience and observation during 9 years of teaching


6. Design of study
This study consists of 3 parts:
Part A: provides an introduction which includes the rationale, aims, scope, research
questions, methods and design of the study.

Part B: provides a development which is divided into three chapters.
Chapter 1: Literature Review: is intended to give some theories related to the
study such as communicative language teaching, communication learning process,
definitions of pairwork along with some common pairwork oral activities. The
chapter also mentions advantages and disadvantages of using pairwork.
Chapter 2: The Study Research – provides an analysis on the current situation of
using pairwork in teaching and learning English at Phổ Yên High School. Data
collection and analysis are also presented in this chapter.
Chapter 3: Findings and Suggestions - focuses on how the teachers at Phổ Yên
High School organized pairwork and difficulties facing them and their students in
carrying out these activities and some suggestions for the teachers to organize
pairwork more effectively.
Part C: Conclusion - which is the conclusion of the study. Some explanations,
interpretations of the findings of the study and some pedagogical implications are
given in this chapter. In addition, some possible suggestions for further research are
also discussed.


This chapter briefly covers the theories related to the study : Communicative
approach to language teaching, and pair work in language teaching and learning.
1.1. Communicative approach to language teaching
1.1.1. What is meant by Communication?
“Communication is such a well-integrated part of our day- to- day existence
that we tend to take it for granted rarely pausing to consider what it involves or just
how important it is to us” ( Thompson 2003: 9)
Before he expressed his own ideas about communication, he mentioned

some of Fiske‟s ideas:
“Communication is one of those human activities that everyone recognizes but
few can definite satisfactorily” (Fiske 1990:1)
“Communication is too often taken for granted when it should be taken to
pieces” (Fiske 1994:8)
Thompson noticed “I quickly recognized that communication is used in a
number of senses and at a number of levels to indicate the transmission of
information or even, as in the transport networks example, the transmission of
goods and people” (Thompson, 2003:10).
However he completely agreed with Fiske‟s ideas that “the most relevant
definition of communication for present purposes is social interaction through
messages” (Thompson, 2003:10). There are two related aspects that we should
consider when talking about definition of communication is “social” and
According to Dwyer (2000:8), communication is very important in daily life:
“For those working in our changing social and economic environment,
effective communication is as important as it has always been. Now, however, we
must grasp the fact that we are dealing with more layers of communication than
ever before. The exchange of information and ideas becomes more complex daily,


as management structures flatten, work teams emerge and interact with other teams
and as globalization requires us to link up with individuals and organizations at
regional, national and international levels. Increasingly sophisticated technology
enables us to achieve a scope and range of communication unimaginable even 20
years ago”.
1.1.2. Communicative Language Teaching Nature of Communicative Language Teaching

Communicative Language Teaching means little more than an integration of
grammatical and functional teaching. Littlewood (1981:1) states, “One of the most
characteristic features of communicative language teaching is that it pays systematic
attention to functional as well as structural aspects of language”.
Communicative Language Teaching means using procedures where the
learners mainly work in pairs or groups employing available language resources in
problem- solving tasks. CLT stresses the importance of providing the learners with
opportunities to use English for communicative purposes and attempts to integrate
such activities into a wider program of language teaching. The Techniques of Communicative Language Teaching
The techniques of Communicative Language Teaching are described by different
linguists as following:
Nunan (1991a:279) gives five features to characterize CLT:
+ An emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in the target
+ The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation
+ The provision of opportunities for learners to focus, not only on language but also
on the learning process itself.
+ An enhancement of the learner‟s own personal experiences as important
contributing elements to classroom learning.
+ An attempt to link classroom language learning with language activation outside
the classroom.


According to Richards and Rodgers (1986:170), because communicative
principles can be applied to the teaching of any skill, at any level, and because of
the wide variety of classroom activities and exercise types discussed in the literature
on Communicative Language Teaching, description of typical classroom procedures

used in a lesson based on CLT principle is not feasible. Savignon (1983) discusses
techniques and class management procedures associated with a number of CLT
classroom procedure (e.g., group activities, language games, role plays), but neither
these activities nor the ways in which they are used are exclusive to CLT
Johnson and Johnson (1998) offer five core characteristics that underlie
current applications of communicative methodology:
+ Appropriateness: Language use reflects the situations of its use and must be
appropriate to that situation depending on the setting, the roles of the participants
and the purpose of the communication, for example. Thus learners may need to be
able to use formal as well as casual styles of speaking.
+ Message focus: Learners need to be able to create and understand messages, that
is, real meanings. Hence the focus on information sharing and information transfer
in CLT activities.
+ Psycholinguistic processing: CLT activities seek to engage learners in the use of
cognitive and other processes that are important factors in second language
+ Risk taking: Learners are encouraged to make guesses and learn from their errors.
By going beyond what they have been taught, they are encouraged to employ a
variety of communication strategies.
+ Free practice: CLT encourages the use of “holistic practice” involving the
simultaneous use of a variety of sub-skills, rather than practising individual skills
one piece at a time
To sum up, Communicative Language Teaching is best considered an
approach rather than a method. It refers to a diverse set of principles that reflect a


communicative view of language and language learning and that can be used to

support a wide variety of classroom procedures.
1.2. Definition of pairwork

The definitions of pairwork have been developed over the years with the
contributions of a great number of linguistics and are brought together by Doff
(1988: 137): “In pairwork, the teacher divides the whole class into pairs. Every
student works with his or her partner in pairs, and all the pairs work at the same
time (it is sometimes called “simultaneous pair work”). This is not the same as
“public” or “open” pairwork, with pairs of students speaking in turn in front of the
The definition of pairwork in this case is an activity that gives students a
chance to talk to each other practice language together, study a text, research
language or take part in information-gap activities. They can write dialogues,
predict the content of reading texts, or compare notes on what they have listened or
In general, there are two main types of pairwork, fixed pairs and flexible
pairs, suggested by Byrne (1983). The first type is when the students work with the
same partner in order to complete task. In this kind of pairs, they will deeply
understand each other and know the other‟s ability. Meanwhile, the second one is
when students keep changing the partners. They can lift their chairs freely to talk to
any partners they like. Therefore, this will make the activity more interesting.
1.3. Advantages and disadvantages of pairwork
1.3.1. Advantages of using pairwork activities
Brumfit says that pairwork is the most effective techniques of classroom
organization which combine aspects of communication learning and natural
interaction in a stress free environment. (Brumfit, 1984:78).
Pairwork gives students more opportunities to speak English in classroom.
Students participate in the lesson much more actively because they are involved in
talking to their friends exchange opinions, practising new structures more than


listening to their teacher talking. By dividing the class into groups, students get
more chances to talk than in full class organization, thus each student can say
something. Penny Ur recommends that teachers working with larger classes should
divide them into five groups which is the most effective organization for practising
speaking. (Ur, 1996: 232)
Students may feel less anxious when they are working in a group with a
small number of people. Particularly, timid students find it hard to speak in front of
the class and teacher in their eyes seems to be a fear. They become silent and cannot
open their mouth with an empty mind. However, when participating in pairs or
groups, they may be find easier to share their opinions naturally.
Beside practising and consolidating the language, pairwork helps to integrate
the class. Students learn how to cooperate with one another, make compromise,
negotiate, and respect individual with different abilities and views, which is
important for the class atmosphere and relationship with the teacher. Instead of
sitting alone trying to understand something difficult, they can help each other. In
such a class the teacher is no longer a supervisor but becomes a resource center and
advisor for the students.
To introduce pairwork, teacher brings variety into the classroom. It enables
him to individualize work by preparing different tasks taking into accounts students‟
abilities and potentials. when both able and less able students may feel a sense of
achievement while completing the task.
1.3.2. Disadvantages of using pairwork activities
Gorgon (2008) also points out clearly disadvantages of using pairwork
activities as follow:
Some teachers are reluctant to use pairwork being afraid of noise or
discipline problems which might occur particularly. Indeed students make noise
while working on the task; they discuss things, check words and communicate with

one another. However, this is so-called “positive noise” and it does not disturb the
students. They are concentrated on the task and they do not hear it. If an activity


goes on for too long; students, especially the poor ones make noise because they
become bored, they want to get the teacher‟s attention and they become disruptive.
Another disadvantage of using pairwork activities is the use of mother
tongue. When students get excited working in pairs they sometimes use their mother
tongue to express something they are not able to express in a foreign language. Such
a situation is normal because they want to communicate.
One of the disadvantages of using pairwork activities is making mistakes.
Some teachers neglect to use pairwork saying that students make mistakes trying to
express their own ideas. Indeed incorrectness is a problem yet in real life, it is
communicative fluency that matters not accuracy, so we should not be concerned
too much with accuracy if we want to practise oral skills. According to Doff (1988:
141), when learners work in pairs it is impossible for the teachers to listen and
correct all the mistakes they make and it is not the purpose of this activity.
However, she/he can reduce the number of mistakes before the students start
working by demonstrating the activity to the class first and by asking pairs to
perform in front of the class afterwards and discussing what they said and pointing
out the most common mistakes.
1.4. How to organize pairwork
1.4.1. Preparation for pairwork
In order to prepare for pairwork, according to Felisa Tibbits ( 1998), the teacher
will need to do the following:
- Select the activity
- Prepare any physical materials for pairwork ahead of time
- Anticipate the size and the selection of pairs.

-Anticipate how students will be organized within the pairs (tasks and roles)
- Consider the timing of the pairwork
- Consider how the pairwork will be shared with the entire class and linked with
the overall curriculum.


1.4.2. Steps in the classroom Select the activity
An activity that is best suited for pairwork may meet the following criteria:

The activity has multiple tasks that can be shared among pair members or a
single task, such as generating ideas, that benefit from the articipation of all
individuals within a pair.


The activity involves problem solving and discussion


Examples of activities that may be suited for pairwork are investigations of
materials (newspapers, scientific specimens) and development of ideas or
arguments Preparation of materials
The teacher will need to personally collect, or organize students to collect,
physical specimens for investigation. For example, if the teacher anticipates doing a

lesson on the role of the media, she or he might ask the students to bring into class
newspapers and magazines. There should be materials sufficient for each pair. Size and selection of pair
Pair size normally ranges between 2 students. Group size can some times go
larger although groups larger than 8 do not ensure that everyone will participate.
Pair membership can be determined in different ways. A random selection might
be done by “counting off” with students (go around the room systematically having
students count 1, 2, etc., with each number representing a pair or selecting pairs on
the basis of birth date.
Sometimes pairs are organized only for one activity. Other times, teachers use
the pair for a series of activities, so that students get used to working with one
another. Organize students within the pair
A laissez- faire approach to pairwork would be that the teacher gives a
general assignment to the pair- like organize a research project on „qualities of good
leaders‟- and the students are left to organize themselves.


A highly structured approach would be that the teacher assigns a specific role
to each pair member. Depending upon the task, the roles might include „materials
handler‟, „scribe‟, „reporter to the pair‟ and so on. A semi- structured approach
might be that the teacher recommend certain roles, but leaves it to the pair to assign
A more structured approach, with rotation of tasks within a pair, is often used
with younger children. A less structured approach can be used with students with
experience in pairwork or for simple tasks that do not require that students take on
different roles. Time the pairwork

The teacher should anticipate student questions about timing, the task results,
sharing with the whole pair, and so on. After giving clear instructions to the
students, the teacher should be available to answer questions, but not interfere with
the pairs‟ activities.
It is common in many classrooms that a pair activity constitutes 20 minutes
of a 40 minute- period, with 10 minutes allowed for sharing other pairwork with the
whole class. Share pairwork with the whole class
Usually the results of the pairwork are shared with the class. This sharing can be
oral (reporting out), visual (written or graphic representation), or both.
It is highly interesting to contrast the results of pairwork.

1.4.3. Steps of organizing pairwork
Harmer ( 1999) devides it into 3 steps : Pre activities, While activities and Post
activities. Pre activities
We need to give instructions to let students understand what they are going
to do, give them ideas of when they will have finished the task they are going to get
involved in. Sometimes, we may ask them to repeat the instructions or to translate

