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(Tiểu luận) final report service marketing service marketing zalopay

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By: Group 06
Advised by: Phan Hà Thanh Nhã
Major: Marketing
Year: 2022
Ho Chi Minh City, April 23, 2022



Tieu luan






Tieu luan

Member List
Full Name

Bùi Thị Ngân Thuỷ

Nguyễn Minh Quang

Student ID



Market Overview

Target Customer

Value through the


100 %

marketing mix


Customer attrition
About ZaloPay


Customer retention

100 %

 People
Hà Thúc Vũ


Physical evidence

Value through the

marketing mix
Value through the

100 %

marketing mix
Nguyễn Trung Quân



Build customer

100 %

Phan Hoàng Huy
Nguyễn Lê Thanh






About company

About ZaloPay



Tieu luan

100 %


To be able to carry out and complete the report on the topic "Service
Marketing ZaloPay.", I have received a lot of support and help as well as concern
and encouragement. This report is also completed based on the reference, learning
experience from related research results, specialized books, and newspapers of
many authors at universities, research organizations, organizations, politics
published on the internet, books, newspapers, etc. Especially, the support and
guidance from teachers who are teaching at Ton Duc Thang University and the help,
facilitate material and spiritual support from family and friends.
First of all, we would like to express our deep gratitude to lecturer Mr. Phan
Hà Thanh Nhã - the instructor who directly teaches the class always spent a lot of

time and effort in guiding and supporting us throughout the learning process,
practice, accumulating knowledge, and make and complete reports.
Although I tried very hard to complete the report, it was due to my nascent
knowledge, lack of professional experience, as well as difficulties in teamwork due
to the impact of the ongoing epidemic situation. Complicated, so there are many
shortcomings. I hope that the teachers will have comments and help to improve the
Ho Chi Minh City, April 23, 2022



Tieu luan

I here by declare that this thesis was carried out by myself under the
guidance and supervision of Mr Phan Hà Thanh Nhã; and that the work contained and
the results in this thesis are true and have not been either submitted anywhere for
any previous purpose or published in any other literature. The data and figures
presented in this thesis are for analysis, comments, and evaluations from various
resources by my own work and have been fully acknowledged in the reference part.
In addition, other comments, reviews and data from other authors, and
organizations used in this thesis have been acknowledged, and explicitly cited.
I will take full responsibility for any fraud detected in my thesis. Ton Duc
Thang University is unrelated to any copyright infringement caused on my work (if
Ho Chi Minh City, April 23, 2022



Tieu luan


Market size:...............................................................................................................1
Market trends:..........................................................................................................1

1. About the Service:.................................................................................................2
1.1. VNG Company:.................................................................................................2
1.2. ZaloPay:.............................................................................................................3
2. Target customer:....................................................................................................6
2.1. Partner................................................................................................................6
2.2. Potential partners...............................................................................................6
2.3. EndUser.............................................................................................................7
3. Delivering customer- experience value:................................................................8
3.1. Value through the marketing mix:......................................................................8
3.1.1. Service quality:.........................................................................................8
3.1.2. Service guarantees:...................................................................................9
3.1.3. Service recovery program:......................................................................11
3.2. Price.................................................................................................................12
3.3. Place................................................................................................................15
3.4. Promotion:.......................................................................................................19
3.4.1. “Lì xì gắn kết tình thân” campaign.........................................................19
3.4.2. IMC tools of campaign...........................................................................20
3.4.3. Results of the campaign..........................................................................23
3.5. People..............................................................................................................24
3.5.1. Coaching:...............................................................................................24
3.5.2. Consultant:.............................................................................................25
3.6. Process:............................................................................................................25
3.7. Physical evident...............................................................................................27
3.7.1. Facilities: Website: />3.7.2. Ideal working environment.....................................................................28
4. Customer attrition:...............................................................................................28
5. Customer retention strategies:.............................................................................29



Tieu luan

5.1. Loyalty schemes:.............................................................................................29
5.2. Customer club..................................................................................................30
5.3. Sales promotion...............................................................................................31
6. Build customer engagement:...............................................................................31
6.1. Gamification:...................................................................................................33
6.2. Relational attachment:.....................................................................................35
6.2.1. Influencer Marketing..............................................................................35
6.2.2. Partner Marketing: VNG Promotes Strategic Cooperation With
6.2.3. Affiliate Marketing:................................................................................37
6.2.4. Referral Marketing.................................................................................37
6.3. Values-based attachment..................................................................................38
6.3.1. Campaign "Million hearts of gold, join hands to fight the epidemic":....38
6.3.2. Campaign “Saigon is tolerant”...............................................................39
6.3.3. Campaign “Mang Tet ve nha” 2022:......................................................41



Tieu luan

Figure List

Figure 1: Logo of VNG Company.................................................................................2
Figure 2: Logo of ZaloPay............................................................................................3
Figure 3: ZaloPay ' phone interface...............................................................................4
Figure 4: Flowchart of service delivery.........................................................................6
Figure 5: Grocery stores combine traditional payment methods with modern ones....15
Figure 6: ZaloPay has cooperated with Lotte Mart.....................................................16
Figure 7: Lazada users can pay via ZaloPay...............................................................17
Figure 8: Paying with ZaloPay is very popular right now...........................................18
Figure 9: MV Tấm Cám Đại Chiến.............................................................................21
Figure 10: Gamification 1...........................................................................................33
Figure 11: Gamification 2...........................................................................................34
Figure 12: Gamification3............................................................................................35
Figure 13: Partner Marketing......................................................................................36
Figure 14: Affiliate Marketing....................................................................................37
Figure 15: Nitizen's Responding.................................................................................39
Figure 16: Campaign app interface.............................................................................41
Figure 17: Campaign "Mang Tet ve nha"....................................................................43

Table List
Table 1: Table of fees for using ZaloPay's services.....................................................12
Table 2: Popular types of transaction via e-wallets.....................................................19
Table 4: Customer Respondents..................................................................................32



Tieu luan

Market size:
The Vietnam mobile payment market size was valued at $250 billion in 2019, and is
projected to reach $2,732 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 30.2% from 2020 to
Mobile payment refers to a payment method in which money is transferred from
various mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets and other smart devices, for
purchasing a product or services. In addition, various banks and financial institutions
are providing mobile payment services as it provides bank customers with convenient,
fast and secure payment processing systems. Furthermore, mobile payments eliminate
the need of carrying cash, credit cards and debit cards for paying for a particular
product and services as well as provide a secured substitute for the cash-based
transaction. In addition, various industries such as entertainment & media,
transportation, BFSI and others, are rapidly adopting mobile payment services. This
helps in improving the security of the payment method and provides faster payment
services, which is propelling the Vietnam mobile payment market growth.
Market trends:
With the growth of the Vietnamese e-commerce segment and the COVID-19 pandemic
have made using digital payment services, especially e-wallets, the “new normal”
among many of the highly connected consumers in Vietnam. In 2020, there were
around 19.2 million mobile wallet users in the country, and the number of users was
forecast to grow almost three-fold between 2020 and 2025. According to a survey
conducted in 2021, the usage rate of e-wallets reached close to 60 percent among
respondents across Vietnam. This rate was noticeably higher in bigger cities, such as
HaNoi or Ho Chi Minh City. The same survey also revealed that over 60 percent of
Vietnamese users had at least two e-wallet apps in use.




Tieu luan

1. About the Service:
1.1. VNG Company:
Full name: VinaGame.

Figure 1: Logo of VNG Company


Mission: Technology Creation and People Development. For a better life. VNG
believes in the power of the Internet and sets the mission of giving Internet users a
meaningful experience.


Core Value: VNG's strength is its people and corporate culture. Based on the guideline
of 3 core values, members at VNG always have a spirit of dedication for the common
development of VNG and the community.


Location: VNG Campus - Z06 Street No.13, Tan Thuan Dong Ward, District 7, Ho Chi
Minh City.


Typical products:
 VNG is the leading Internet and Technology Company in Vietnam, has an
extremely rich ecosystem of Technology products, meets the needs and builds
solid trust with more than 100 million customers both at home and foreign
 Currently, the company is focusing on developing 4 strategic product groups
including: Online games (Games): Vo Lam Truyen Ky, Kiem The, etc.;
Connection platforms such as Zing, Zalo, 123 Go, Bao Moi...; Electronic
payment method: 123 Pay, ZaloPay and Cloud service VNG CLOUD.




Tieu luan

 Founded in 2004, VNG has strongly influenced the entertainment needs of
young people at that time and quickly effectively exploited the potential of
games in the Vietnamese market. It can be said that VNG has contributed to
promoting and bringing the online entertainment platform in Vietnam to a
completely new golden age.
 Not only making games, thanks to its strengths in technology and humans, VNG
continues to expand its business into potential but also challenging segments
such as entertainment platforms, electronic payments, etc and achieve certain

1.2. ZaloPay:

Figure 2: Logo of ZaloPay




Tieu luan

Figure 3: ZaloPay ' phone interface




Tieu luan

Zalo Pay is a mobile payment application owned by Zion Joint Stock Company and
developed by VNG Company. This product has been licensed by the State Bank of
Vietnam since January 18, 2016, providing many useful features and extremely safe
security methods. Thanks to the Zalo social network's ecosystem, which was already
very crowded before, the Zalo Pay wallet has been strongly received and is considered

one of the most popular e-wallets today.
In terms of use, Zalo Pay wallet has developed many essential and unique features that
fully meet the payment needs of users in life at that time. For example, the main and
typical utilities of Zalo Pay are worth mentioning such as money transfer; direct
payment transactions by QR code or, if it is an Android device, via NFC and Bluetooth
links, payment transactions of electricity, water, and Internet bills; send congratulation
gifts on important special occasions; Payment of credit card transactions, VISA /
MasterCard, etc. Besides information security, with the motto "Payment in 2 seconds",
Zalo Pay also focuses on the fastest and most convenient for users.
Currently, there are 4 ways to classify services such as:

People Processing


Mental Stimulus Processing


Possessing Processing


Information Processing

ZaloPay's e-wallet service belongs to the group of Information Processing, which
directly provides possessing and intangible acts.




Tieu luan

Figure 4: Flowchart of service delivery

Step 1: Users download ZaloPay application from Appstore or CH Play
Step 2: User logs in to confirm personal information
Step 3: User selects the link with the desired type of bank or payment
Step 4: Choose the type of service you want to use
Step 4.1: Pay for purchases, goods, services, etc via QR code or Barcode
Step 4.2: Transfer money via e-wallet
2. Target customer:
2.1. Partner
ZaloPay's main source of income is from business partners. Therefore, the target
customers that ZaloPay focuses on are businesses.
Currently, ZaloPay is a partner providing collection and payment services for more
than 100 partners who are large enterprises nationwide. Partners spread across all
fields: electricity, telecommunications, mobile, television, personal finance, banking,
aviation, entertainment, games, etc.
2.2. Potential partners
ZaloPay continues to target businesses looking for a versatile sales and payment
channels to support business development nationwide with the following functions:




Tieu luan

Online sales

Collect money for goods and services

Paying commissions and services

Direct interaction with sales agents

2.3. EndUser


Both male and female, but according to Neilsen 54% ZaloPay accounts are


Income: No limited

ZaloPay's target audience was young adults (20 to 35-years-old), who already
had an active demand for mobile payment or transfer.

b. Hobbies:

Online purchase, online payment, online transaction on a regular basis on
Lazada, Baemin, Tiki, Sendo.

Loving to using vouchers.

Loving the convenience of cashless payments.

c. Location:

Ho Chi Minh city is the biggest target market (41%)

Ha Noi city is the second (23%)

Other big cities such as: HaiPhong, DaNang, CanTho, BinhDuong, etc (36%)

d. Behavioural:

Internet savvy, open-minded and quickly adopt new trend adopters

Their mobile payment behaviour included internet mobile banking apps and
other non-social mobile payment services such as Momo and Viettel Pay. To
compete with this plethora of mobile payment options, ZaloPay had to find
an easy and intuitive way to get people to experience its money transfer




Tieu luan

Want to be an explorer, tend to link with the purposeful brand

3. Delivering customer- experience value:
3.1. Value through the marketing mix:
3.1.1. Service quality:
ZaloPay has achieved remarkable achievements compared to its competitors that are
creating familiarity, reliability and convenience for customers when setting up. Because
many people have used Zalo for messaging, it is both easy to adopt ZaloPay. It is
extremely important in the e-wallet industry, which invokes greater trust in the
products and services.
In the competitive e-wallet industry, nowadays, some brands have a need to innovate in
approaching and attracting customers with outstanding marketing campaigns. In
previous years, Zalopay had been successful with marketing strategies, promotion that
target customer insight with a lot of brand activations, communications on social
media, etc, especially, integrating into chat on Zalo applications is a direction that has
achieved many successes of super-app models.
Most of the instructions are done through technology to help customers easily access
and use features or announce new programs or features. Zalopay builds touch points
according to a guiding process that shows dedication and professionalism in the way of
working. In addition to all questions that need to be answered, 24/7 customer support
service is made according to customer care processes and scenarios, thereby expressing
the desire and readiness of service staff to provide the service timely to customers.
Over the years, the app's appearance has been upgraded and developed to make it easy
for customers to use, create an impression and highlight the brand. Besides, static QRs
placed in stores always have promotions attached and are professionally equipped.




Tieu luan

Through the Zalo application, Zalopay has been taking care of customers on a regular
and continuous basis. A reminder of preferential programs, vouchers, or reminders of
bills to the payment period. In addition, the app's own notifications can announce new
promotions, and increase the touchpoints that increase customer retention. This will
make them feel cared for regularly and remind them of the lasting brand.
Zalopay responds to customers' inquiries through questions in the form of topics
prepared on the website. From there, customers can search and answer their wishes
about the service. In addition, on the app, customers can conveniently use the support
center at any time with forms such as texting or calling to consult with staff.
3.1.2. Service guarantees:
As the market becomes more and more modernised and shopping is also
technologicalized, convenience is quickly becoming a competitive factor for many
service industries. In some service industries such as mini supermarkets or restaurants,
today, payment by mastercard, visa or electronic wallets has been accepted, with
convenience and ease of use, ZaloPay is an application that is not Not to mention, with
ease of use, convenience and speed, cooperation with many large business partners,
ZaloPay meets all the elements that an e-wallet application needs.
ZaloPay is a mobile payment platform, or e-wallet, that allows users to make online

money transactions on phones and tablets.
This application is owned by VNG - Vietnam's technology company, integrated with
the community of 70 million Zalo application users. ZaloPay develops rapidly and has
many advantages in participating in the online payment market.
Currently, ZaloPay is a payment partner of Visa, MasterCard, Vietcombank,
Vietinbank, BIDV, Sacombank, Eximbank, SCB Bank, Viet Capital Bank, JCB,...



Tieu luan

ZaloPay is currently available on Appstore and CH Play platforms, or users can
download it directly with the APK file on Zalo's homepage. After accessing the
application, users will be guided through each basic operation to approach and become
familiar with the application.
Questions about the user manual or frequently asked questions and problems from
customers are answered in detail and classified in the Support Center directory. In
addition, customers can send support tickets or via Zalo switchboard and the
application's Fanpage at the social networking platform Facebook.
Order Talking
Applications are built into ZaloPay's application by affiliate partners, customers can
access the application and click on each service icon depending on their needs to be
able to use the service, some applications are integrated in ZaloPay, such as: Booking
movie tickets, paying tuition fees or paying apartment fees,...

Customers can rate and comment on the application right on the customer feedback
section or at the CH Play and Appstore app stores. The application always ensures
extremely high security for customer information and has integrated fingerprint
security. This helps customers feel safe when using ZaloPay
ZaloPay's transactions are recorded in the transaction history list, the transactions are
clearly recorded with the transaction date, time and time and the transaction code helps
customers to check back in detail.
As an e-wallet platform, ZaloPay is used as a payment method for services and
products. Currently, many convenience stores and restaurants allow payment with
ZaloPay, with simple operation, scan the code customers can be paid for products or




Tieu luan

services. The amount deducted will be deducted directly from the amount available in
the ZaloPay wallet. Deposits, withdrawals and deductions are also automated by the
ZaloPay will ask for your name, email, and phone number when you sign up for an
account. Depending on the service you use, ZaloPay may also collect some other
information such as device location or contact information (only after your consent).
This information is used to provide features, services and enhance account security, and

to research and improve ZaloPay's services.
Besides that, ZaloPay won’t share any customer’s information to the third person
unless that bank or companies provide the service on ZaloPay.
Customer complaints about products and services are quickly resolved by ZaloPay, and
ZaloPay's policies are beneficial to users.
3.1.3. Service recovery program:
- Each party (Zion or Seller) is solely responsible for and ensures that the support
resolves the Customer's complaint about the goods or services provided by that Party,
in the scope of obligations as stipulated in the cooperation contract and policies of each

In the event that one of the Parties receives a request from the Customer,

within the scope of the unit we deal with, we will forward the Customer's request to the
unit in charge of that scope.

Zion and the Seller are responsible for coordinating the work of supporting

customers to achieve results with the highest fruit.

Zion's support channels for handling tracing and complaints:


Customer care hotline:




Tieu luan

Phone: 1900 54 54 36
Time: 24 hours a day and 7/7 days a week.
The investigation and settlement of complaints via the telephone switchboard will be
recorded to raise awareness of high quality service.

Directly at the support address of ZION Joint Stock Company at: Z06, street 13,

KCX Tan Thuan, Tan Thuan Dong Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City
The customer complaint settlement process will be further clarified in Part 3.6 Process
3.2. Price
The war between e-wallets in Vietnam is getting more and more intense, big brands are
pouring more and more money into implementing promotions, discounts or expanding
their ecosystems.
Currently, ZaloPay is one of the major brands in e-wallet platforms. This giant has
implemented a competitive pricing strategy in order to keep customers using the
service and collect potential customers from stores other brands.
The overview of usage costs is not too different from direct competitors such as:
Momo, AirPay, ViettelPay, etc.
About the deposit and money transfer in the wallet, currently ZaloPay is allowing it to

be done for free
ZaloPay only starts collecting wallets with services related to card signals and
international payments. Below is a detailed description of fees for services.

This fee schedule is effective from March 1, 2022.

The above fees are inclusive of VAT.
Table 1: Table of fees for using ZaloPay's services





Top up/Pay ZaloPay with money sources





Tieu luan

Zalo Pay is a mobile payment application owned by Zion Joint Stock Company and
developed by VNG Company. This product has been licensed by the State Bank of
Vietnam since January 18, 2016, providing many useful features and extremely safe
security methods. Thanks to the Zalo social network's ecosystem, which was already
very crowded before, the Zalo Pay wallet has been strongly received and is considered
one of the most popular e-wallets today.
In terms of use, Zalo Pay wallet has developed many essential and unique features that
fully meet the payment needs of users in life at that time. For example, the main and
typical utilities of Zalo Pay are worth mentioning such as money transfer; direct
payment transactions by QR code or, if it is an Android device, via NFC and Bluetooth
links, payment transactions of electricity, water, and Internet bills; send congratulation
gifts on important special occasions; Payment of credit card transactions, VISA /
MasterCard, etc. Besides information
0security, with the motto "Payment in 2 seconds",
Zalo Pay also focuses on theTieu
and most convenient for users.

Currently, there are 4 ways to classify services such as:

People Processing


Mental Stimulus Processing


Possessing Processing


Information Processing

ZaloPay's e-wallet service belongs to the group of Information Processing, which
directly provides possessing and intangible acts.




Tieu luan

Figure 4: Flowchart of service delivery

Step 1: Users download ZaloPay application from Appstore or CH Play
Step 2: User logs in to confirm personal information
Step 3: User selects the link with the desired type of bank or payment
Step 4: Choose the type of service you want to use
Step 4.1: Pay for purchases, goods, services, etc via QR code or Barcode

Step 4.2: Transfer money via e-wallet
2. Target customer:
2.1. Partner
ZaloPay's main source of income is from business partners. Therefore, the target
customers that ZaloPay focuses on are businesses.
Currently, ZaloPay is a partner providing collection and payment services for more
than 100 partners who are large enterprises nationwide. Partners spread across all
fields: electricity, telecommunications, mobile, television, personal finance, banking,
aviation, entertainment, games, 0etc. 0
2.2. Potential partners

Tieu luan

ZaloPay continues to target businesses looking for a versatile sales and payment
channels to support business development nationwide with the following functions:




Tieu luan

Online sales

Collect money for goods and services

Paying commissions and services

Direct interaction with sales agents

2.3. EndUser


Both male and female, but according to Neilsen 54% ZaloPay accounts are

Income: No limited

ZaloPay's target audience was young adults (20 to 35-years-old), who already
had an active demand for mobile payment or transfer.

b. Hobbies:

Online purchase, online payment, online transaction on a regular basis on
Lazada, Baemin, Tiki, Sendo.

Loving to using vouchers.

Loving the convenience of cashless payments.

c. Location:

Ho Chi Minh city is the biggest target market (41%)

Ha Noi city is the second (23%)

Other big cities such as: HaiPhong, DaNang, CanTho, BinhDuong, etc (36%)

d. Behavioural:

Internet savvy, open-minded and quickly adopt new trend adopters

Their mobile payment behaviour included internet mobile banking apps and
other non-social mobile payment services such as Momo and Viettel Pay. To
compete with this plethora of mobile payment options, ZaloPay had to find
an easy and intuitive way to get people to experience its money transfer




Tieu luan
