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Hanoi, 2022

The work was completed at: Falcuty of Early Childhood Education
Ha Noi National University of Education

Supervisors: Assoc.Prof. Hoang Thi Phuong
Assoc.Prof. Ngo Cong Hoan

Reviewer 1: Prof. Nguyen Thi Hoang Yen
National Academy of Education Management
Reviewer 2: Assoc.Prof. Nguyen Hong Thuan

The Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences
Reviewer 3: Assoc.Prof. Tran Thi Le Thu
Hanoi National University of Education

The thesis will be defended before the Thesis Judging Council at
Hanoi University of Education at ...........date...........month........year........

The thesis can be found at: - Library of Ha Noi University of Education
- Ha Noi National Library

1. Background of the study
Responsibility Education (RE) is an urgent issue of education systems around the world. In
schools, it’s contents have been incorporated into the curricular In Vietnam, the 2018 general
education program has included responsibility as one of five qualities students need to achieve.
This requires consistence all levels of education, where early childhood education (ECE) as the
first level, laying the foundation for the next levels in RE.
ECE in our country is now pays attenteion to the education of responsibility for children. This
is reflected in the indicators to assess the social and emotional kill development of 5-year-old
children, according to the 5-year-old child development standards issued by the Ministry of
Education and Training in 2010. However, RE activities for children are taken place sporadically
without a systematic, pecific approach to guide teachers. Teachers follow the traditional methods
and learn from their experience only. Therefore, it is inevitable to use methods and forms of RE
that are extreme and imposed on children.
Children's Rights-Based Education (CRBA) is a humanistic approach that is highly valued in
the current period, requiring teachers to understand and respect children's rights when caring for
and educating children. Preschool teachers do not have a clear understanding of children's rights.
The resources to guide teachers on RE in general and RE acorrding to the children’s rights (CR)
in particular are still limited. Therefore, it is necessary to have in-depth, scientific researches and
specific guidelines on RE for preschool children, especially 5-6 years old.
Stemming from the above reasons, I chose the topic "Responsibility Education for 5-6 years
old preschoolers according to the CR”

2. Research aims
Research the theoretical and practical basis of RE based on CR for 5-6-year-old children in
preschool, thereby proposing measures to educate children about responsibility, contributing to
improve children’s responsible being (RB).
3. Variables and Subjects of the research
3.1. Variables: The process of teaching responsibility for children aged 5-6 years old

according to the CR.
3.2. Subjects: Measures to teach responsibility for children aged 5-6 years old according

to the CR.
4. Scientific hypothesis
Children 5-6 years old can and need to fulfill their responsibilities to themselves, to others
and to the surrounding environment, but in reality, children’s RB still limited due to many
reasons, including child education measures.
The educational measures can develop the RB for 5-6-year-old children in the direction of
creating a respectful environment for children through organizing diverse and attractive activities
suitable to their abilities and ensuring to satisfy children's daily needs, rights for children. And
then, the children’s RB will be better.
5. Research missions
5.1. Researching on theoretical basic of the Responsibility Education for 5-6-year-old
preschoolers according to the CR.
5.2. Researching on the current state of the Responsibility Education for 5-6-year-old
preschoolers according to the CR.
5.3. Proposing some educational measures for Responsibility Education for 5-6-year-old
preschoolers according to the CR
5.4. Experimenting with educational measures for Responsibility Education for 5-6-year-old

preschoolers according to the CR
6. Limitations and scope of the study
6.1. Research content
The dissertation focuses on studying the responsibility of children towards themselves; with
others (parents/caregivers, teachers, friends) and with the environment (objects, animals, plants,
children's living and learning spaces at school and at home).
6.2. Survey subjects
- Surveying 135 children aged 5-6, 120 teachers and 135 parents, in Hanoi and Nam Dinh.
6.3. Location and conducting time of experimental research
* Practical survey: from May 15, 2020 to June 1, 2020 at Ly Thai To 2 Kindergarten
(MN01), KLF Hanoi Kindergarten (MN02), Xuan Ngoc Kindergarten - Nam Dinh (MN05)
* Experiment:
- Experiment round 1: from June 1, 2020 to August 14, 2020 at MN01
+ Pre-test: June 1st, 2020 – June 5, 2020
+ Exploration Experiments: June 8, 2020 – August 7, 2020
+ Post-test: August 10-14, 2020
- Experiment round 2: from August 17, 2020 to December 31, 2020 at the above three
+ Pre-test: August 17, 2020 - August 31, 2020
+ Impactation Experiments: October 1, 2020 – December 15, 2020
+ Post-experiment survey: December 16, 2020-December 31, 2020
7. Research approaches and methodologies
7.1. Approaches
7.1.1. Child’s Rights - based approach: Empowering children, satisfying children's basic
needs, from which children understand and voluntarily carry out their own responsibilities.
7.1.2. Socio- Historic Approach: Educating children at 5-6 years old should pay attention to
historical circumstances and social realities. Along with the development of society, RB changes
from a moral obligation to both a moral obligation and a legal obligation. Therefore,
responsibility today is attached to Human Rights. ECE for children must be based on the CR

7.1.3. Access to value: Educating children with a value approach aims to help children
understand and act responsibly in daily activities.
7.1.4. Access to activity: Educating children by organizing practical activities for them to
experience and test their own performance of responsibilities.
7.1.5. Personal approach: The process of education according to an individual approach requires
creating a learning and playing environment that stimulates interest and excitement, properly
evaluates the efforts and abilities of each young individual, and timely impacts on each child.
7.2. Specific Research Methods
7.2.1 Theoretical research methods: Collecting, analyzing, synthesizing, systematizing,
generalizing into common views, determining the basis for building a theoretical framework,
surveying the current situation, proposing and experimenting with ECE measures for children.
7.2.2 Practical research methods: Conducting observations, surveying and building
questionnaires for teachers and parents, group discussions with experts and teachers in each study
area, in-depth interviews with teachers, parents and children, case studies, conducting
7.2.3. Mathematical statistics methods
SPSS software is used to process the obtained data in order to evaluate the results of the
actual investigation and the experimental results.
8. Theoritical points of the thesis

8.1. Children 5-6 years old already know how to express responsiblities to themselves, to
others and to the environment through perception (knowing, understanding what to do), action
(doing well and on time what needs to be done) and attitudes (self-awareness, perseverance,
effort, excitement, joy when achieving results, proactively admitting mistakes and correcting
when they're wrong).
8.2. The responsibilities of 5-6-year-old children are formed from actions to perform the
work to be done (obligations) related to the fulfillment of children's Rights, including the Right to
Survival, the Right to Development, the Right to Protection and the Right to Participate, through

which children will better understand their responsibilities to themselves, others, the environment
and self-fulfillment.
8.3. The process of educating children at 5-6 years old in preschool is carried out through the
organization of diverse and attractive experiential activities, ensuring reasonable satisfaction of
children's daily needs in the direction of empowering children.
9. New contributions of the thesis
9.1. Supplementing and enriching the theory of RE based on Children's Rights for 5-6-yearold children in preschool.
9.2. Provide documents on the current situation of RE for 5-6 years old children in some
kindergartens in Hanoi and Nam Dinh to help preschools have facilities to adjust the education
process in a timely manner.
9.3.Measures to educate young children based on Children's Rights for 5-6 years old children in
preschool are proposed to be valuable references for research, training and fostering of preschool
teachers. At the same time, these measures can be creatively applied to preschools to improve the
effectiveness of vocational education for 5-6 year olds children.
10. Thesis structure
- Chapter 1: Theoretical basis of the RE for 5-6-year-old preschoolers according to the CR
- Chapter 2: Current situation of the RE for 5-6-year-old preschoolers according to the

- Chapter 3: RE Measures for 5-6-year-old preschoolers according to the CR
- Chapter 4: Pedagogical Experiment
1.1. Research overview of the problem
1.1.1. Research on children's responsibility and accountability Studies of human responsibility in society
Studies on human responsibility in society appeared around the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries, considering responsibility mainly in two aspects: moral qualities and civic obligations. on children's responsibility

Research RE has identified a number of manifestations of responsibility, classification and
structure including three components: perception, action, and attitude.
1.1.2. Research on Responsibility Education for children
In-depth researches of responsibility education for preschoolers are still quite modest,
mainly related to moral education, character education and value education.
1.1.3. Research on RE according to the CR
With the release of the United Nations Convention on the Child’s Rights (1989),
researchers have mentioned the principles, objectives, contents, measures, forms, and criteria for
assessing responsibility education based on the CR but sporadically.
The idea of responsible education has appeared for a long time, domestic and foreign

researches have solved a number of fundamental and practical problems of RE for children at
different ages. However, there are no specific studies for 5-6 years old children and in-depth
research on access to CR. Inheriting the existing achievements and identifying the issues that
have not been clarified, the thesis focuses on researching the nature and process of forming a
child's RB according to the CR. the responsibility of 5-6 years old children, expressions of
responsibility and responsibility education measure for 5-6 years old children according to the
1.2. Responsibilities of 5-6 years old children
1.2.1. The definition of "Responsible Being"
“Responsible being” is a psychological quality of an individual, showing that the individual is
aware of the actions he wants to do and needs to do in accordance with his role. social roles and
voluntarily perform, bear the consequences for the actions that have been caused.
1.2.2. Factors constituting children's RB
The structure of RB consists of three components: perception, action and attitude. In fact,
the elements constituting RB do not exist separately and discretely, but are linked and unified
together, forming a solid structure, showing the real capacity of people in dealing with
themselves. , other people and the environment.

1.2.3. RB classification
Categorize children’s responsibilities when they are directed to objects in the surrounding
environment: responsibility to themselves, responsibility to others and responsibility to the environment.
1.2.4. The formation of RB of 5-6-year-old children
The process of forming RB takes place in three stages: 1-“Sensary perception”, the child
has an initial awareness of what to do and appears needs, emotions, and desires to work;
2-“Action”, children act according to their own feelings and needs; 3- "Rational Perception &
Self-Consciousness", children have a sense of responsibility (in terms of both perception and
attitude). All three of these stages take place and are influenced by the young individual's
characteristics and the environment. are influenced by individual child characterictics and the
1.2.5. Psychological characteristics and expression of RB of 5-6 years old children Psychological characteristics of 5-6 years old children
Psychological factors including: awareness, needs, social-emotional skills, willpower,
sense of self, hierarchy of motivation, formation of children's society all directly affect cognition,
responsible behavior and attitudes of children. Therefore, educators need to master age
characteristics to orientate in the selection of goals, contents, methods, means, and forms of
organizing preschool education in a scientific and reasonable manner. Expression of RB of 5-6 years old children
(1) Awareness of responsibility (AoR): Knowing what needs to be done and wants to do;
understand why it needs to be done; Understand that everyone has to bear the consequences of
their own actions.
(2) Responsible action (RAc): Do right what needs to be done, wants to do; accomplish
what needs to be done, wants to do; Appreciate the results and dare to accept the consequences.
(3) Responsible attitude (RAt): Self-discipline doing what needs to be done; promise to
do; perseverance, efforts to complete well the work being done; be fair when evaluating and
proactively admitting mistakes/remediating the consequences caused by them.
1.3. Child's rights with the RE for 5-6 years old children
1.3.1. The definition of “Children’s Rights”
“CR” is what children deserve and is guaranteed by law”. Rights are different from needs. Needs:

basic conditions for human existence as a human being. Rights: the things that a person must be entitled
to or do according to justification.
1.3.2. Children's Basic Rights

Conventions The UN has defined the rights of children into four groups of rights: the right to
survival, the right to protection, the right to participation, and the right to development.
Vietnam's Law on Children in 2016 stipulates 25 rights from articles 12 to 36.
1.3.3. Relationship between Children's Rights and Responsibilities

Figure 1.5: Relationship between Children's Rights and Responsibilities
1.4. The process of RE for 5-6 year-old preschoolers according to the CR
1.4.1. The definition of "Responsibility Education for 5-6 years old children"
RE for 5-6 years old children is the process of purposeful, planned influence of the
educator on the child to form in the child being aware of what they want to do, need to do, be
suitable for their social role and voluntarily perform the work, bear the consequences for what
they have caused.
RE for 5-6 years old children according to the CR is understood as empowering children
in the process of activities, making children understand their rights, from which children are
aware of performing their responsibilities. own responsibility.
1.4.2. Objectives of RE for 5-6 years old children according to the CR
- Raise children's awareness of their rights and responsibilities
- Forming skills-behaviors of responsibility to child’s self, others and the environment.
- Build children's sense of responsibility to themselves, to others and to the surrounding
1.4.3. Contents of RE for 5-6 years old children according to the CR
RE content for 5-6 years old children includes: cognitive education, skills-behavior
education and affective-attitude education.
1.4.4. Methodologies and mesures of RE for 5-6 years old children according to the CR

- Visual methods: Use behavioral patterns (Set an example)
- Verbal methods: Discussion and reflection, child guidance, use of compliments,
- Methods of practice-experience: assigning tasks, using situations, practicing, games.
1.4.5. The formation of process of RE for 5-6 years old children according to the CR
- Play activities: it is advantageous to organize role-playing games and games with rules,
providing opportunities for children to role-play and perform different responsibilities.
- Learning activities: have the advantage of providing children with knowledge about CR
and responsibility for implementing CR, thereby developing children's awareness of
- Labor activities: have the advantage of organizing practical activities for children to
practice and experience their responsibilities with different objects in the process of working.
1.4.6. Evaluation of the results of RE for 5-6 years old children according to the CR

The criteria to evaluate the RE for 5-6 years old children according to the CR , it is
necessary to include aspects of perception, action and attitude with specific expressions for easy
and convenient assessment. The evaluation method is mainly through observations and
interviews with children, assessment of parents and teachers. Based on the expression of autism
of 5-6-year-old children, the thesis identifies three criteria to evaluate the child's autism of 5-6
years old as follows:
 TC1: Awareness of responsibility (AoR)
TC 1.1: List the things that need to be done every day.
TC 1.2: Explain why it should be done.
TC 1.3: Understand that people have to bear the consequences for their actions.
 TC2: Responsible action (RAc):
TC 2.1: Always do the things that need to be done every day
TC 2.2: Complete the tasks that need to be done every day
TC 2.3: Correctly evaluate the results and accept the consequences

 TC3: Responsible attitude (RAt):
TC 3.1: Voluntarily doing what needs to be done every day;
TC 3.2: Perseverance, efforts to complete their work
TC 3.3: Fairness when evaluating and proactively accepting errors and correcting errors.
1.5. The factors affecting the vocational education for preschool children 5-6 years old
RE for children 5-6 years old is influenced by factors: individual characteristics of the
child (cognitive, emotion, position of the child in their family), educational environment and
educational forces teachers, parents and school administrators).
2.1. The issue of RE for 5-6-year-old children in the ECE program
2.1.1. Objectives
The objectives of RE are expressed in the ECE program in the general goal of "forming
personality qualities" for children; specific goals in the areas of development and expected
results, with the main focus on developing in the field of social-emotional skills.
2.1.2. Content
The content of RE for 5-6-year-olds has been shown in different aspects of the program:
self-responsibility (nutrition and health education; social-emotional skills); responsibility to
others (behavior and code of conduct); environmental responsibility (awareness about objects,
animals and plants, natural phenomena and rules).
2.1.3. Methodologies, measures
The educational method focuses on organizing practical experiential activities "learning
through play" and associated with children's real life in order to meet the children's own
development needs. These are related factors and are the basis of RE for 5-6 year old children in
the kindergartens.
2.2. The reality of RE for 5-6-year-old children according to the CR in the kindergartens Survey purpose
Assessing the reality of RE for children aged 5-6 years old. Survey content
- Survey the awareness, concept of preschool teachers about self-study, expression of 5-6

years old children, content, methods, forms and means used by teachers.
- Assess the expression levels of RB of 5-6 years old children. Respondents

- 120 preschool teachers have at least 2 years of experience in teaching 5-6 year-old
- 135 children 5-6 years old: of which there are 75 urban children (37 boys, 38 girls), 60 rural
children (35 boys, 25 girls), the total number of boys is 72, the total number of girls is 63.
- 135 parents (who are the parents/caregivers of these children). Surveying
a) Teacher survey: Using questionnaires.
b) Parent survey: Using questionnaires.
c) Surveying children 5-6 years old: Interviewing children, survey exercises, observations,
case studies. Criteria and rating scale
A.Evaluation Criteria
Using the evaluation criteria presented in chapter 1:
 TC1: Awareness of responsibility (AoR)
 TC2: Responsible action (RAc)
 TC3: Responsible attitude (RAt)
B. Rating scale
The rating scale consists of 3 levels: high, medium, and low
Average score

6≤ Average ≤9
3≤ Average < 6
0≤ Average < 3

C.How to evaluate
C 1: Assess the perception of responsibility:
The surveyor conducted individual interviews with children, using 9 questions related to the
criteria, and sub-questions, combining with the use of illustrations to clarify children's
understanding of responsibility.
C2: Assess responsible actions and attitudes
Using 3 survey exercises: Ex1: Making fruit-shaped finger puppets (group of 2 children);
Ex2: Cleaning toy shelves (group of 3-5 children), Ex3: Taking care of plants (group of 3-5
The surveyor gave a task, observed each group, and took notes the children's actions and
2.2.2. Survey results The awareness status of preschool teachers on responsibility education for 5-6 years old
children in preschool based on Children's Rights
a) Perception of preschool teachers about RE for 5-6 years old children according to the
Perception of preschool teachers about RB and the structure of RB
The majority of preschool teachers have the right conception and perception of
experimentation (75% of teachers choose idea 3), and 25% of teachers have incorrect and
insufficient conception of experimentation of 5-6 years old children, need to foster teachers'
awareness of responsibility in relation to quality and character education for children. About the
structure of RB, most preschool teachers identify with 3 components: AoR, RAc, RAt.
Perception of preschool teachers about the expression of 5-6 year-old children’s RB
100% of the surveyed preschool teachers agree with the given expressions of child-self
responsibility, in which the level of agreement with the expression of responsible attitude is the

highest (4.14), the second is with the expression of action (4.04). and the lowest is cognitive
performance (4.01). For types of responsibility, teachers agree with the highest expression of selfresponsibility (4.09). The criteria scoring below 4 are mainly related to the child's expression of
error recognition, correction, voluntariness, self-discipline and ability to assess responsibility.
Knowledge of preschool teachers on RE for 5-6 years old children according to the CR
Preschool teachers had initial understandings about responsibility education for 5-6 years
old based on CR, in which they knew about measures, forms, means and factors affecting
children's RB but did not understand deeply about the issue. this. The three points that teachers
are still unclear about are: 1- the expression of RB of 5-6-year-old children; 2- RE measures; and
3-what is RE according to the CR. The fact is that the activities for children in the preschool are
being carried out by teachers in an implicit form, that is, implicit in daily activities, without clear
goals, contents, methods and forms of education in activities. And the practice of implicit RE has
not been clearly and thoroughly understood by preschool teachers to explain their educational
impacts on children in preschool.
b) About the implementation of RE for 5-6 years old children of preschool teachers
 About the content of RE for children 5-6 years old
The contents of vocational education are selected by teachers from the most to the least,
respectively: Responsibilities (work) children have to do at school and at home (100%); Rights
when performing responsibilities (77.50%); responsibility of the people around (55.83); what is
responsible and irresponsible (43.33%) and at least the relationship between Children's Rights
and Others' Rights (35%). When implementing the program, RE for children has appeared in
topics, in an implicit form, but the content of responsibility education in the lessons is still fuzzy
and unclear, and teachers have not used the Discourse on Rights and Responsibilities.
 About the RE measures for 5-6 years old children
Teachers have implemented many measures and aimed to educate children in terms of
awareness, action and attitude. Measures that are still rarely used by teachers are: Teaching
children about rights and responsibilities, guiding parents, creating opportunities for children to
evaluate their performance of responsibilities, using self-control factors, allowing children to
make their own decisions and take responsibility for themselves. This is the basis for researchers

to identify effective and ineffective RE measures for children.
 About the activities of RE for 5-6 years old children
Teachers have used a variety of forms of activities to educate children, in play and learning
activities dominate (97.5%; 94.17%), work activities are less selected. Compared with the above two
activities, it is also selected by over 75% of teachers.
 About the means of RE for 5-6 years old children
Teachers have used a variety of means of educating children about responsibility, especially
taking advantage of the natural environment and social events around the children, accounting for
89.17%, Art media accounts for 72.5%, because teachers have not seen the advantages of this
medium that can affect children's emotions and feelings, stimulate children to want, love and
voluntary responsibilities. Self-awareness of their responsibilities.
 About the advantages and disadvantages of RE for 5-6 years old children
Teachers see advantages from the program, facilities and parents, but do not appreciate the
direction and support of the school's management board. The reported difficulty is the large number
of children; The family's cultural lifestyle habits are not good, hindering the teaching children
responsibilities process and especially there are few sources of guidance documents.
 About factors affecting the RE process for 5-6 years old children
In the opinion of teachers, the factors that most affect the process of RE are: Parents' behavior,
teacher's educational measures and children's individual characteristics. The current situation of parent’s awareness about RE for 5-6 years old children
according to the CR

 Perception of parents about the expression of RB of 5-6 years old children
The survey results of 135 parents showed that the parents agreed with the RB expressions
that were given. The average agreement level is 3.85. The highest level of agreement in the
expression 2.4; 2.1; 3.4; 1.6; 1.5 (out of 4). The lowest level of agreement is in the expression 1.8;
3.2; 2.2 (3.6 to less than 3.7). Thus, the parents believes that the children's performance of
tasks/responsibilities is clearly expressed, while the children's ability to understand why must be

performed is somewhat more limited.
 Perception of parents about the content of RE for 5-6 years old children
Two of the five proposed contents selected by more than 50% of parents were Rights and
Responsibilities (74.07%) and responsibilities (work) at home and at school (66.67%). Other
content is selected by less than 50% parents because some parents think it is difficult for children
or not necessary. The least selected content was the relationship between the rights of children
and the rights of others. “When children show responsibility, they respect their own and others'
rights” (34.82%). This result shows that RE contents according to the CR are relatively new to
 About the RE measures parents have used
In parents' opinion, there are many methods parents have used in RE for their children, with
a selection rate of over 50%, of which the method most used by parents is "Talking about rules
and regulations, determined” (80.74%), “Delegating tasks” (79.26%), “Setting an example”
(76.30). There is one measure that is least known and used by parents is “Telling children about
children's rights” (40%).
 Perception of parents about the practice of cooperation between schools and families
in RE for 5-6 years old children
In parents' opinion, all schools have had a form of implementing RE for 5-6-year-old
children, but it is still quite fuzzy and mainly integrated in the program and content of the school's
activities. The information that parents can access the most from the school is through facebook,
the school website, in the content of the school's curriculum. The remaining information channels
have less than 50% of parents confirming that the school has implemented, of which at least
“Teachers discuss with parents when picking up and dropping off children (3.70%). Current stituation of expression level of RB of 5-6 year old children
To test the reliability of the data obtained, Cronbach's Alpha coefficient was calculated for 9
subsections of AoR, 27 subsections of RAc and 27 subsections of RAt and achieved the following
scores: 0.823; 0.930; 0.934. Therefore, the figures are reliable.
a) Reality of expression level of RB of 5-6 year- old children (in percentage)
Table 8: Level of expression of RB of 5-6-year-old children (in percentage)

Quantity % Quantity

This table shows that most of the surveyed children have the average average score of RB at
medium and high level, in which the percentage of children with average level still accounts for

the majority (54.81%). The expression of RB level through the survey exercises is observed as
High level:
Children who reach this level have the common expression that when answering an
interview, they mention many things that need to be done and should be done to be good for

themselves, for others and for the environment (over 15 things). The reasons to do it come from
within, knowing that bad results can happen and the child will be responsible for shouldering and
correcting those consequences. In three exercises surveying responsible actions and attitudes,
children show that they are always ready to take on tasks, try to complete their work, and at the
same time know how to help their teammates.
Medium level:
In the interview exercise, children at this level are aware of some things that need to be done
and should be done for themselves, others and the environment (4-15 things); understand why it
is necessary to carry out responsibilities from the outside (fear of punishment, for obedience, for
praise, for being a good child). In the three survey exercises, the majority of children performed
correctly when prompted, completed with help or only completed individual tasks, without group
support; Children do not immediately admit their own mistakes, but they also appreciate it when
they are supported by the teacher. Children often happily complete their work, but with common
work, they do not voluntarily help group members. Some children still have actions that are
dangerous or not good for themselves and you, such as holding scissors and waving, rubbing
hands on their faces when making puppets or wiping clothes;
Low level:
These children told very little of the work that needed to be done (0-3 things), did not
understand why it was necessary to do the work, did not realize the consequences and that they
were responsible for shouldering and repairing; intend to blame circumstances and other people.
When doing action and attitude survey exercises, children may not do or leave work,
underestimate their results (children did not complete but still said they did). Children do not
work voluntarily, do not voluntarily admit their mistakes even when there are suggestions.
b) Reality of expression level of RB of 5-6 years old children (according to criteria)
Table 9: Statistics of average test scores of children 5-6 years old (according to criteria)
Type of

e score
Responsibility to

Responsibility to

Responsibility to
the environment










































































Total score



AoR score is 4.69, RAc score is 5.45, RAt score is 5.23, all were at average levels. In which,
the total score of perception of responsibility for self is higher than the total score of perception of
responsibility to others and environment, the difference is 0.12 and 0.08. Total score of RAc to
child-self is 0.15 higher than RAc to others 0.15 and higher than RAc to the environment 0.1. The
total score of RAt to child-self is 0.23 higher than RAt to others and 0.15 higher than RAt to the
environment. RAc and RAt scores are higher than AoR score, which is consistent with the
psychophysiological characteristics of children that researchers have proposed, such as emotional
children, like to imitate adults , likes to be complimented, having a "good baby" orientation,

children will do jobs that are judged as good and good by adults. Regarding the type of
responsibility, the highest level of responsibility is Responsibility to child-self (5.69), the second
is Responsibility to the environment (5.26), and the third is Responsibility to others (5.16). It can
be seen that the responsibility for self-responsibility is much higher, while the difference between
experimentation with other people and the environment is not significant.
Analyzing the correlation between AoR, RAc, RAt scores using the CORREL function gives
the results that they have a close correlation with high level (between awareness and attitude) and
very high level (between awareness and action, action and attitude). The correlations coefficient
between AoR, RAc, RAt and Average score are 0.889, 0.929 and 0.916, both very high. This
shows that awareness, action, attitude are three elements constituting the children’s RB.
c) Comparison of the expression level of TTN of 5-6 year old children by region and gender
Table 10: Statistics of average TTN scores of 5-6-year-old children by region and gender
Average Compare









1.43 5.04

1.42 4.92 1.36






1.48 5.44

1.42 5.37 1.38






1.42 5.42

1.39 5.37 1.32






1.41 4.99

1.45 4.81 1.41


135 4.69



1.47 5.23

1.43 5.13 1.39


The survey results show that the average child's mortality rate of 5-6 years old is average.
The general average is 5.13, the standard average of the criteria of awareness, action and attitude
of responsibility is 4.69; 5.45 and 5.23, in which the AoR score is the lowest. Through interviews,
we found that children have realized the work that needs to be done for themselves, others and
the environment, but the number of jobs is still small (mainly from 2 to 5 jobs), children initially
understand reasons why it is necessary to fulfill their own responsibilities, but the reasons many
children give come from an extrinsic motivation: obey or avoid being punished (Teacher told me,
My mother said so, otherwise, if I don’t do, my father will beat me), to be praised. By three
survey exercises, we observed children's actions and attitudes towards responsibility.
The difference in average score of RB between boys and girls is 0.45, between urban and
rural children is 0.56. Independent Samples Test results between boys and girls: Sig. =
0.541>0.05 , between urban and rural children Sig. = 0.316 > 0.05 shows that the difference in

the overall mean score of RB between boys and girls, rural and urban children is not significant,
the difference is random.
Conclusion of chapter 2


3.1. Principles for proposing RE measures for 5-6 years old children according to the CR
3.1.1 Ensuring the objectives of RE according to the CR
3.1.2. Ensuring that it is suitable for the process of forming the responsibility and the
characteristics of 5-6 years old children
3.1.3. Ensuring consistency between the exercise of "Rights" and "Responsibility" of children
3.1.4. Ensuring close coordination between schools and families in RE for
5-6 years old children
3.2. Proposing RE measures for 5-6 years old children according to the CR
3.2.1. Building a environment suitable for RE for 5-6 years old children based on the CR Building a safe physical environment, clearly orienting children's rights and responsibilities in
activities and activities at preschool
Purpose - meaning
Through the selection, arrangement and arrangement of utensils and toys, children's
behavior can be adjusted, helping to form expected behaviors in accordance with social norms.
Building a favorable physical environment to strengthen children's rights to participate and meet
other rights, so that children realize their responsibilities in the process of interacting and
operating with objects in the environment.
- Arrange the children’s activity area
- Selection of utensils, toys, materials
- Decorate corners and activity areas
- Design process tables to guide operations at each corner
How to proceed?
- Arrange children's activity areas: Each activity needs a different space, ensuring
children can operate comfortably and actively, children can meet their rights.
- Selection of utensils, toys, materials: it is necessary to ensure safety criteria, suitable to

the age of children; be able to direct children's activities; ensure aesthetics; the quantity is
sufficient for the needs of children.
- Arrange utensils, toys, materials: need to pay attention to convenience, attractiveness,
need regularly check, supplement, and replace equipment.
- Decorate corners and activity areas: Make icons for activity areas, design layout
diagrams of activity areas, make assignment boards and track performance results
- Design process tables to guide children's activities in each corner
Step 1: Think about what the children will do
Step 2: Organize the actions performed in the activity
Step 3: Use illustrations and writing
Step 4: Find the suitable location to place the process table Building a comfortable, respectful and equal psychological environment for all children
Building a comfortable, respectful and equal psychological environment for all children in
order to help children confidently express themselves, freely operate and take responsibility for
their actions; contributes to promoting the process of motor movement from the outside to the
inner motivation in the formation of responsibility in children.
- Develop behavioral and cultural codes of conduct to ensure fairness in the rights and
responsibilities of each individual
- Create trust for children

How to proceed?
Develop rules of cultural behavior to ensure fairness in the rights and responsibilities of
each individual:
+ Develop rules and regulations:
Step 1: Discuss the rules and regulations
Step 2: Unify the content of rules and regulations

Step 3: Present in words and pictures
Step 4: Locate and place the table of rules
+ Make a personal code of conduct handbook: Teachers encourage children to think of
a code of conduct with themselves, a code of conduct for others and a code of conduct for the
environment that the child thinks is right and will follow by drawing pictures, symbols in a small
A5 paper-size notebook or small notebooks of different shapes (circle, heart, leaf, other shapes)
created by the children themselves.
Create trust for children
+ Use self-directed elements in the classroom to empower children: use visual aids and
means, containing the rules and self-control materials in the learning environment, which are
"tickets", "cards", "badges" , “work plan”.)
+ Teachers communicate with children with respect and equality: Put themselves in the
children's shoes, accept the child, help the child enough, respect the child, communicate with
colleagues in a respectful way.
3.2.2. Organize a variety of activities for children to experience decision making and take
responsibility for their own decisions Organize learning activities to help children experience discovering Children's Rights and
Purpose - meaning
- In terms of awareness: children identify their rights to be enjoyed in daily life
activities, and recognize the responsibilities that need to be performed related to those
- In terms of feelings-attitudes: children respect their rights and the rights of everyone
around them; be cheerful, self-disciplined, try to fulfill their own responsibilities.
- In terms of skills-behaviour: children have the skills to choose, consider and perform
responsible actions in daily life activities.
- Select content about specific Rights and Responsibilities
- Plan and organize activities
- Organize the process of activities

How to proceed?
a) Select content about specific Rights and Responsibilities
- Identify 4 groups of children's rights (right to life, right to development, right to
protection, right to participation)
- Choice of Rights enshrined in the Convention (or the Children's Law), taking into
account the basic needs of the child,
- Concretize Children's Rights into content that is easy for children to understand and
- Think about the Responsibilities children need to do in order to response their rights.
b) Expected experience sessions on Rights and Responsibilities according to the selected content
Based on the selected rights and identified corresponding responsibilities, the teacher think about
the content of activities that the children can participate. These activities both satisfy the children's
rights and requiring their responsibilities.
c) Organizing the operation process

Step 1: Orient children to participate in experiential activities
Step 2: Children experience
Step 3: Share experiences on Children's Rights and Responsibilities
Step 4: Create opportunities for children to apply in daily life activities
Conditions of implementation
- Teachers have knowledge about Children's rights
- Plan learning activities are suitable to the subject content of the school and class. play activities for children to experience the implementation of Rights and
Purpose - meaning
+ Help children acquire experiences from practical activities about responsibility in
different play relationships; expand the objects for which children need to be responsible;
+ Train children in the ability to choose what they can do, should do, and must do in

dealing with themselves, others and the environment based on respect for the rights of everyone;
+ Form in children the sense of taking responsibility and taking responsibility for their
commitments to others.
- Organize children to experience responsibility in themed role-playing games
- Organize children to experience responsibility in games with rules
How to proceed
a) Organize themed role-playing games for children to experience taking responsibility
- Step 1: Children choose games and roles to play
- Step 2: Children participate in the game
- Step 3: Children share the playing process, play results and draw lessons about responsibility
b) Organize a game with rules for children to experience responsibility based on the rules
of the game
Step 1: Select/design the game, determine the content of ECE in the game
Step 2: Organize the game
- Children play
- Children share and draw experiences after playing
- Children apply experience to practice
Conditions of implementation
- The games take place naturally, according to the needs and interests of the child.
- Teachers have the ability to create games and be flexible in the organization process.
- It is necessary to create opportunities for children to practice and strengthen their
knowledge, skills to assume responsibility, and attitude towards others in their daily activities at
preschool. Organizing labor activities for children to experience and practice Rights and Responsibilities
in real life
Purpose – Meaning
- Provide knowledge for children about the benefits and roles of the environment for
humans and animals and plants, especially for themselves; help children understand that

protecting the environment is protecting human life;
- Practice environmental care skills, responsible environmental problem solving skills;
- Forming an attitude of concern and desire to preserve and protect the environment.
- Arousing children's interest in objects in the environment;
- Create opportunities for children to fulfill their responsibilities to the environment;
- Children share and draw lessons about environmental responsibility.

How to proceed
Step 1: Arousing the child's interest in the object in the environment
Step 2: Children take care of the environment
Step 3: Children share and draw lessons about environmental responsibility
Conditions of implementation
- Safe environment for children
- Subjects are available in the locality, suitable for the school's physical facilities;
- Children have good health when participating in environmental care activities.
3.2.3. Coordinating families to RE for 5-6 years old based on the Children's Rights Providing materials for parents in RE for 5-6 years old
Purpose - meaning
Parents with different occupations and qualifications, so not all parents are knowledgeable
about the method of educating their children. Therefore, teachers and preschools need to support
parents by providing necessary materials on this issue in order to change and raise parents'
- Identify necessary documents for parents about RE based on the CR for 5-6 years old
- How to exchange documents with parents.
How to proceed
- Determine the essential documents for parents on RE for 5-6 year olds according to the

CRBA, including:
+ Documents on Children's Rights: Legal documents on the CR; from governmental and
non-governmental organizations working with children; documents of the CR researchers and
documents compiled by the school itself based on legal documents, research works, to match
the characteristics of parents of each school. The criteria for selecting the documents is to
ensure accuracy, visuality, brevity and easy to remember.
+ Documents on RE: The documents refer to the basic concepts of "Responsibility", "RE
according to the CRBA", the expression of children's self-esteem at 5-6 years old; goals,
contents, methods and measures of RE at home and how to assess the children’s expression of
responsibility; Teach parents how to coordinate with the school.
- How to exchange documents with parents: Submit supporting documents, exchange at
pick-up and drop-off times, communicate via parent groups on utility software.
Conditions of implementation
Parents are willing to spend time with their children.
- Parents have the ability to read, write and use simple communication devices (phone,
- Parents listen and cooperate with teachers. Teaching parents the necessary skills on RE based on the CR for 5-6 years old
Purpose - meaning
- Improve parents' skills to train and educate children at home
- Strengthen the support and coordination of parents
- Strengthen and train children's responsibility, forming children's habits of responsibility
anytime, anywhere.
- Contributing to raising the responsibility of parents in the implementation of CR.
- Guide parents to teach their children to be responsible for themselves through self-service
- Guide parents to teach their children to help and care for others;
- Guide parents to teach their children to work and take care of the environment.
How to proceed


a) Guide parents to teach their children to be responsible for themselves through
self-service activities
- Help parents understand the importance of self-service activities for the formation of
children’s responsibility, that is practicing responsibility skills.
- Specific guidance for parents on simple and effective methods and techniques to
encourage and form self-help habits for children at home: Make a notebook of children's
activities at two times in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to
bed; set reasonable expectations for the child; Work together with the child to create an
individual work plan.
b) Guide parents to teach their children how to help and care for others
The first, Parents must show concern for the child, ensure that the child's rights are exercised
in the family where the child lives. Parents are responsible for ensuring and exercising all the
rights of children through families.
The second, parents are responsible role models for everyone around them. Good parental
behavior can teach children more than words. Children do not learn the value of responsibility
simply by being told. Children learn from their parents, from friends, and from other adults in the
community. Parents need to be consistent in upholding the values they want their children to
respect and not presenting them with conflicting values.
The third, parents always encourage and trust their children. Parents have a supportive role
by providing praise, encouragement, and gentle reminders. It is the encouragement, and belief in
children that will inspire children and nurture their good actions.
c) Guide parents to teach their children how to work and take care of the environment
Working contract agreement: Contracts help children decide what to do, when to play or do
activities, what activities they want to do on their own, and what activities they want.
Suggest ways for parents how to guide their children to do labor: Teach children how to
clean their toys, clean tables, and put their shoes on the shelves. Measure 3: Guide parents to teach their children become resposible through other

Purpose - meaning
There are many activities that provide opportunities for RE. Parents need to make effective
use of these opotinities in the process of educating children at home. Schools and teachers need to
guide parents by transferring school tasks to parents, helping them see the richness and variety of
activities and parental skills that will be formed from there.
- Implement learning projects that require parental coordination
- Guide parents to read and tell literary works that convey responsibility values to children
- Guide parents to evaluate children
How to proceed:
Implement learning projects that require parental coordination
Teachers introduce to parents a number of ways to participate in and coordinate the
implementation of projects, programs and activities with their children launched by the school
and teachers. There are two levels of parental involvement: the level of participation at the
preschool and the level of cooperation at home. For example: “Love Box” project, “Mid-Autumn
Lantern” project.
Guide parents to read and tell literary works that convey responsibility values to children
Step 1: Counseling parents to choose books/story
Step 2: Guide parents to talk with children about the content of the story
Step 3: Guide parents to orient their children to apply to practice
Guide parents to evaluate children
- Assessment based on children's work results

- Assessment of efforts, efforts to overcome difficulties
- Assessment the spirit and attitude to work
3.3. The relationship between the measures
The measures have a supportive and unified relationship with each other, in which

building the environment is the first thing that needs to be done, which is the basis for the second
group. Coordinating with the family is the support group. These measures should be applied
flexibly by teachers, based on: The process of forming children’s responsibility, children's
abilities and CR.
4.1. Overview of the experimental process
4.1.1. Experimental purpose
Test the effectiveness of the proposed measures, proving the agreement of the experimental
results with the scientific hypothesis of the topic.
4.1.2. Experimental content
Experiment with three groups of RE measures proposed in chapter 3.
4.1.3. How to conduct an experiment Select experimental sample
- 27 children 5-6 years old, MN01 school, Hanoi
- 24 children 5-6 years old at MN02 school, Hanoi
- 30 children 5-6 years old, MN05 school, Nam Dinh
Total: 81 children. How to organize an experiment
The first round experiment was conducted in class Mon 4, MN01 from June 1, 2020 to
August 14, 2020. Conduct surveys on children before the experiment, and standardize
measuring exercises and child interview questionnaires. In this round of experiments,
teachers focused on integrating ECE based on the school's existing plan.
Experimental round 2 was conducted in three classes (children aged 5-6 years old),
applying the experimental program according to the mesures proposed in chapter 3:
Class Mon5-MN01, class Bambi- MN02 and class A5- MN05, from August 17 2020 to
December 31, 2020. Conduct a survey of children before and after the experiment.
4.1.4. Criteria and rating scale
We use the criteria and rating scale given in chapter 2 to evaluate the experimental results.
Pre-experiment survey exercises:

- Exercise 1: Making a fruit-shaped finger puppet (Two children make a puppet together)
- Exercise 2: Cleaning up the toy shelf after playing (Group of 3-5 children)
- Exercise 3: Taking care of trees (Group of 3-5 children)
Post-experiment survey exercises:
- Exercise 1: Transfering the ball (Two children move the ball with their heads)
- Exercise 2: Making a house from noodles and marshmallows (Group of 3-5 children)
- Exercise 3: Sweeping the leaves of the school yard (Group of 3-5 children)
4.2. Experimental results
4.2.1. Experimental exploratory results (round 1)
In the first round of experiments, the main measures were applied through integration into
the activities available in the teacher's educational plan. This is the time of summer school, so the
activities of the class are quite free, focusing on the content of knowledge review and discipline.
Therefore, the researcher guides teachers on how to integrate RE into activities in preschools and
