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1. Reasons for choosing this thesis
Vietnam is accelerating the process of industrialization and
modernization, and international integration. This process is always
accompanied by increased exploitation of natural resources and
environmental pollution. The recent development shows that many national
resources such as land, water, minerals, forests, aquatic species, and other
wild animals have been overexploited and are facing a serious risk of being
depleted in quantity and degraded in quality. In addition, water pollution, air
pollution, noise pollution, and pollution due to domestic solid waste,
industrial solid waste, and hazardous waste have also taken place in many
places, especially in big cities and in key economic regions of the country.
To ensure that natural resources are used rationally and sustainably,
and to protect a healthy living environment adaptable to climate change, it is
necessary to have qualified and dedicated human resources in the field of
Environment & Natural Resources Management (ENRM). With that urgent
need of society, over the years, many universities in the country have created
Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral programs in Environment & Natural
Resources Management.
Currently, universities in Ho Chi Minh City have gradually built and
implemented university training programs with Program Outcome Standards
(POS). However, the training of ENRM with POS at universities in Ho Chi
Minh City still has limitations and shortcomings at all stages, thus the
effectiveness is low and does not meet societal needs. One of the reasons for
the above situation is that the training management of ENRM with POS at
universities in Ho Chi Minh City is not yet scientific and reasonable; the
identification of management measures to promote the training process to
meet the criteria is not clear enough. On the other hand, because the
awareness of some management subjects is not deep enough, the
construction and implementation of the training program with POS is not

very parallel; while other conditions such as staff qualifications with POS,
student management with POS, etc., still have many limitations and
inadequacies. Therefore, the study and proposal of synchronous and feasible
management measures is an urgent requirement to improve the quality of
training in the field of ENRM with POS in universities in Ho Chi Minh City.
With the above reasons, the author has chosen the topic: "Training
management in the field of Environment and Natural Resources
Management with Program Outcome Standards at universities in Ho Chi
Minh City " as the research topic.
2. Research goals and objectives
Research goals
On the basis of theoretical and practical research on training and
training management in the field of ENRM with POS at universities in Ho

Chi Minh City, the research will point out the problems and limitations in
training management with POS at universities, thereby proposing
synchronous and feasible measures for training management in the field of
ENRM with POS at universities in Ho Chi Minh City, contributing to
improving the quality of training at universities, meeting the practical needs
of labor resources of society in the current situation.
Research objectives
Overview of research works is related to the thesis topic. Build a
theoretical framework on training management of ENRM with POS at
universities. Survey and evaluate the status of training management in the field
of ENRM with POS at universities in Ho Chi Minh City, thereby finding out
their advantages, limitations, and causes. Propose synchronous and feasible
measures for training management of ENRM with POS at universities in Ho Chi
Minh City. Test and verify the proposed measures.

3. Research targets, objects, and scopes
Research targets
Training management in the field of ENRM with POS at universities
Research objects
Training management in the field of ENRM with POS at universities
in Ho Chi Minh City
Research scopes
Scope of content: The thesis focuses on the theoretical basis, current
situation, and measures of training management of the university level of
ENRM with POS at universities in Ho Chi Minh City.
Scope of survey subjects: The thesis focuses on surveying managers,
lecturers, and final year students of 6 universities offering training in ENRM
in Ho Chi Minh City. At the same time, the thesis surveys opinions of
representatives of the subjects using human resources in the field of ENRM
in Ho Chi Minh City.
Scope of time: The data, investigation documents, practical research
used for the thesis research process were investigated, surveyed, and
synthesized from 2016 to present.
4. Scientific hypothesis
There are many suitable approaches for the training management in the
field of ENRM with high efficiency, one of which is the approach with POS.
If the management subjects firmly grasp the reality and requirements of
training management with POS, innovate the approach and management
philosophy to develop and organize the implementation of a rigorous and
scientific training plan, direct the renewal of training objectives, contents,
programs, methods and forms, and improve facilities and technical means for
training, that will effectively manage training activities with POS at the
university, contributing to improving the training quality, meeting the society's
requirements for high-quality human resources in the field of ENRM.

5. Methodologies
* Research principles
The research thesis is based on the scientific methodological basis of
dialectical materialism and historical materialism; Ho Chi Minh Thought;
the Communist Party's views on higher education and educational
management; the State's policies and laws on training and training
management at the university level in order to orient the approach to
subjects, research purposes, and interpret the tasks of the topic. In the
research process, the topic applies the following approaches: Systemstructure approach, historical-logical approach, management approach,
practical approach, market approach, leading standard approach out,
approach development.
* Research methodology
The topic uses a combination of research methods of specialized and
interdisciplinary science, including: group of theoretical research methods
and group of practical research methods (scientific observation method,
investigation method, interview, method of summarizing training
experience, method of researching products and activities, method of testing,
statistical method of data processing).
6. Thesis contributions
* Theoretical contributions
Building a theoretical framework for training management of ENRM
with POS at universities such as: building basic concepts of the topic, giving
the contents and evaluation criteria of training management of ENRM with
POS at universities, pointing out the factors affecting the training
management of the field of ENRM with POS in universities. The thesis
contributes to systematizing and generalizing the theory of training
management in the field of ENRM at universities according to the guidelines
and principles of the Communist Party in response to the requirements of

fundamental and comprehensive renovation of education.
* Practical contributions
Through surveying and analyzing the current state of training
management in the field of ENRM with POS at universities in Ho Chi Minh
City, the thesis points out its limitations, shortcomings and causes. On that basis,
the author proposes measures to manage the training of ENRM with POS at
universities in Ho Chi Minh City and confirms the necessity, feasibility and
effectiveness of the proposed measures to contribute to improving the training
quality of human resources in the field of ENRM.
7. Theoretical and practical significance of the thesis
The thesis contributes to the development of theory on training and
training management in the field of ENRM with POS at universities in general,
and training management in ENRM with POS at universities in Ho Chi Minh
City in particular. From the results of theoretical and practical research, the topic

proposes measures to manage training in the field of ENRM with POS at
universities in Ho Chi Minh City for research and application in practice to
improve quality of the school's training, providing qualified and high-quality
human resources, contributing to the cause of environmental protection and
sustainable socio-economic development of the country.
8. Thesis structure
The thesis contains of: introduction, 4 chapters, conclusion,
recommendations, list of references and appendices.

1. Overview of research works of foreign and domestic authors

related to the thesis topic
a. Research projects on training in universities with POS
* Research works of foreign authors
There are a lot of research works of foreign authors related to training
with POS, for example: Killen, R. (2000) with “Outcomes-based education:
Principles and possibilities” [78], Adam, S. (2008) with “Learning Outcomes
Current Developments in Europe: Update on the Issues and Applications of
Learning Outcomes Associated with the Bologna Process” [64], Heather Fry
and et al (2009) with “A Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher
Education - Enhancing Academic Practice” [75], Kuh, G. and P. Ewell
(2010) with “The state of learning outcomes assessment in the United
States” [79], Chung, C. (2011) with “Changing Engineering Curriculum in
the Globalised World [69], Tam, Maureen (2014) with “Outcomes-based
approach to quality assessment and curriculum improvement in higher
education” [87]…
* Research works of domestic authors
Nguyễn Văn Nhã (2009) with “Xây dựng chương trình đào tạo đáp
ứng nhu cầu xã hội” [42]; Lâm Quang Thiệp, Lê Viết Khuyến (2010) with
“Phát triển chương trình giáo dục/đào tạo đại học” [49]; Lê Đức Ngọc, Trần
Hữu Hoan (2010) with “Chuẩn đầu ra trong giáo dục đại học” [41]; Trần
Khánh Đức (2011) with “Chuẩn đầu ra và phát triển CTĐT theo năng lực ở
bậc đại học” [17]; Trần Hữu Hoan (2011) with “Chuẩn đầu ra trong việc xây
dựng chương trình đào tạo” [28]; Vũ Anh Dũng, Phùng Xuân Nhạ (2011)
with “Tích hợp chuẩn đầu ra theo cách tiếp cận CDIO vào đề cương mơn
học trong khung chương trình đào tạo” [14]; Nguyễn Văn Tỵ (2019) with
“Đổi mới giáo dục đại học trong bối cảnh Cách mạng Công nghiệp 4.0”
[57]; Mai Anh Thơ và cộng sự (2021) with “Phát triển chương trình đào tạo
đại học theo định hướng đáp ứng chuẩn đầu ra: Nghiên cứu trường hợp tại
Trường Đại học Nông Lâm Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh” [50].
b. Research works on training management in

universities with POS

* Research works of foreign authors
Charlotte L. Briggs (2002) with “Models of Curriculum Governance:
A Research Agenda” [68]; Jennifer Lai and et al (2012) with
“Implementation of a Curriculum Management Tool: Challenges Faced by a
Large Australian University” [77]; Coates, H. (Ed.) (2014) with “Higher
Education Learning Outcomes Assessment” [70]; Martin Komenda and et al
(2014) with “A Framework for Curriculum Management – The Use of
Outcome-based Approach in Practice” [81]; Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia and et
al (2018) with “Assessment of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education:
Cross-national comparisons and perspectives” [89]; Visvizi, Anna and et al
(2019) with “Management and Administration of Higher Education
Institutions in Times of Change” [88]; Zoran Stojadinovic and et al (2021)
with “Development and Implementation of Evaluation Framework for
Quality Enhancement of Outcome-Based Curriculum” [90], etc.
* Research works of domestic authors
Phạm Thành Nghị (2000) with Quản lý chất lượng giáo dục đại học
[40]; Nguyễn Đức Chính (2002) with tài liệu Kiểm định chất lượng trong
giáo dục đại học [8]; Trần Kiểm (2004) with “Khoa học Quản lý giáo dục
– một số vấn đề lý luận và thực tiễn” [37]; Mỵ Giang Sơn (2018) with
“Quản lý việc phát triển chương trình đào tạo trong các trường đại học đáp
ứng yêu cầu xã hội” [47]; Trịnh Ngọc Thạch (2008) with “Hoàn thiện mơ
hình quản lý đào tạo nguồn nhân lực chất lượng cao trong các trường đại
học ở Việt Nam” [48]; Nguyễn Thị Hà (2015) with “Quản lý đào tạo của
Trường Đại học Kinh tế - Kỹ thuật Công nghiệp đáp ứng nhu cầu nhân lực
vùng đồng bằng sông Hồng” [22]; Đặng Việt Xô (2016) with “Quản lý
đào tạo ở Trường Đại học Hậu cần – Kỹ thuật Công an nhân dân theo tiếp

cận quản lý chất lượng tổng thể” [63]; Trần Văn Hòe (2013) with “Đào
tạo và quản trị đào tạo theo Chuẩn đầu ra trên thế giới và Việt Nam” [31];
Nguyễn Đình Luận (2015) with “Sự gắn kết giữa nhà trường và doanh
nghiệp trong đào tạo nguồn nhân lực phục vụ phát triển kinh tế - xã hội ở
Việt Nam: Thực trạng và khuyến nghị” [39]; Trần Thị Hoài and et al
(2018) with “Mức độ đáp ứng khung trình độ quốc gia Việt Nam của các
chương trình đào tạo đại học hiện nay; Nghiên cứu trường hợp Đại học
Quốc gia Hà Nội” [30]; Bùi Văn Hùng (2018) with “Một số giải pháp
nâng cao chất lượng quản lý đào tạo giáo viên Trung học phổ thông theo
Chuẩn đầu ra ở trường Đại học Vinh” [34]; Nguyễn Đức Hạnh (2019)
with “Đảm báo chất lượng và Kiểm định chất lượng trong cơ sở giáo dục
đại học nhìn nhận từ một trường đại học địa phương” [23]; Nguyễn Thị
Hồng Hiền (2019) with “Quản lý đào tạo theo tiếp cận chuẩn đầu ra ở các
trường đại học khối ngành nghệ thuật” [24]; Quách Văn Tuấn (2021) with
“Quản lý đào tạo ở Trường đại học Phòng cháy chữa cháy theo tiếp cận
chuẩn đầu ra” [54].
c.Research works on training and training management in
ENRM with POS in universities

* International
Currently, there are many universities in the world that have been
training majors or majors close to the field of ENRM. However, through the
Google Search with related keywords, very little information is mentioned on the
management of ENRM, the current state of training in this industry. Most of the
information available is to introduce and promote the training program, the POS of
the training program and the career and employment opportunities of students
after graduation. This shows that the current in-depth research on management of
ENRM is still very limited, even for developed countries in the world.

* Domestic
Although there are a lot of universities across the country offering
training in ENRM, there are very few research works discussing the issue of
training management in this field. Most of the available information is
mainly for the purpose of introducing and promoting the training program,
the outcomes of the training program in the field of ENRM, and the job
opportunities of students after graduation.
2. The value of the reviewed scientific works and the problems
raised in the thesis for further research
a. The value of the reviewed scientific works
* The value of research works on training with POS in universities
A number of studies have contributed to highlighting the urgency, value
and importance of models of training with POS and training based on results,
giving different conceptions and definitions of POS, introducing principles and
characteristics of results-based education; analyzing POS in higher education
and the integration of POS in the development of curriculum as well as in the
development of course outlines.
* The value of research works on training management with POS in
A number of doctoral dissertation topics specializing in educational
management in the direction of quality-based approach, learner-based
approach, and total quality management approach have generalized and
given the concepts in the industry of training management; analyzed the
basic contents and the factors affecting the training management; assessed
the current situation and proposed measures for training management
according to each specific approach.
* The value of research works on training and training management
in ENRM in universities
Currently, there are very few research works on training and training
management of ENRM with POS in universities. Some universities in the

world and in the country have announced the outcomes of training
disciplines/training programs related to the field of ENRM, however, the
outcomes of the universities are completely different, even within the same
training field, depending on the interests and strengths of each school.

Therefore, it is necessary to continue doing research to find suitable and
consistent POS for the ERNM industry in Vietnam. Currently, there is no
research to systematize and fully analyze the contents related to training
management of the ENRM with POS.
b. The problems raised in the thesis for further research
From the results of the literature review, the thesis focuses on solving
the following core issues:
First, research, systematize, generalize, analyze, and clarify the theoretical
issues of training in the field of ENRM with POS in universities, in which in-depth
analysis of the specifics and characteristics of the training in ENRM with POS at
universities is carried out.
Second, research, systematize, generalize, analyze, and clarify
theoretical issues about training management in general and training
management in the field of ENRM with POS at universities. The focus is to
clearly define the management subjects, analyze and clarify the management
contents and criteria for training management of the ENRM with POS, point
out the factors affecting the training management of the ENRM with POS.
Third, survey and evaluate the current status of training and training
management in the field of ENRM with POS at universities in Ho Chi Minh
City; assess the compatibility between the learning outcomes of the ongoing
training programs and those specified in the National Qualifications
Framework; make accurate judgments about the current situation, point out
advantages and limitations; clearly identify the causes of the advantages and

limitations in training and training management in the field of ENRM with
POS in Ho Chi Minh City.
Fourth, propose measures to training management in the field of ENRM
with POS at universities in Ho Chi Minh City that are feasible. In particular, the
proposed measures must be closely linked with practical issues to overcome the
limitations and weaknesses in the training management of the field of ENRM with
POS at universities in Ho Chi Minh City.

Chapter 1 conclusion
The issue of training, training management at universities with POS in
general and in the field of ENRM in particular has been studied by many foreign
and domestic authors in many different angles, aspects and subjects. On the
basis of an overview of existing research works, the thesis inherits a number of
contents to build the theoretical basis of the thesis topic such as: concepts,
definitions of POS; theories on training, training management with POS.
However, the literature review shows that, up to now, there has not been any
research work that delves deeply into the study of training management in the
field of ENRM with POS at universities. Therefore, the study and clarification of
theoretical and practical issues as well as training management measures in the
field of ENRM with POS at universities in Ho Chi Minh City is an urgent and
non-duplicating issue.



1. Theoretical issues of training in Environment and Natural
Resources Management with program outcome standards at universities
a. The concept of university training with program
outcome standards
Training with POS at universities is a process of unified coordination
between the training subject (lecturers) and the training object (students) in
the implementation of the school regulations related to the training program
(including objectives, POS, teaching and learning methods/strategies, testing
and evaluation methods, organizational form, training time and objects,
facilities and teaching equipment), to help learners develop professional
qualities and competencies based on standards of knowledge, skills,
autonomy and responsibility, and willingness to work according to the needs
of society and the division of labor in the society.
b. Training in Environment and Natural Resources Management
with POS at universities
i.Demand for training in Environment and Natural Resources
Management at universities
In the context of accelerating industrialization, modernization, and
international integration, there is an inevitable need to exploit and use natural
resources (land, water, forest, minerals, sea, energy...) for socio-economic
development. Its consequences are the depletion of non-renewable resources, the
degradation of renewable resources, the loss of biodiversity on land and under
water, and the environmental pollution taking place in almost all places across
the country. To ensure that resources are exploited and used rationally and
sustainably, and at the same time, to protect the environment against the
pressures of population growth, economic growth and climate change, the need
for human resources in the field of ENRM is very large, and therefore, the career
opportunities for graduates of this field are also very open.
ii.Program outcome standards of the field of Environment and

Natural Resources Management
The program outcome standards of the field of ENRM at universities
is a system of specific requirements for knowledge, skills, autonomy, and
professional responsibility that learners achieve after completing the training
program, meeting the training objectives, and being recognized by the school
to graduate and become an engineer/bachelor in ENRM.
* Criteria for determining POS of ENRM industry
- Based on legal documents: Decision No. 1982/QD-TTg dated
October 18, 2016, of the Prime Minister approving the National

Qualification Framework; Circular No. 17/2021/TT-BGDĐT dated June 22,
2021, of the Ministry of Education and Training on regulations on standards
of training programs; formulating, appraising and promulgating training
programs at higher education levels.
- Based on the student's job position after graduation.
- Based on the main tasks of the work of ENRM.
- Based on the working environment, tools and means to perform the
work ENRM.
- Based on the POS of undergraduate training programs in ENRM at
prestigious universities in the world.
* POS of university training programs in ENRM
iii.The concept of training in ENRM with POS at universities
ENRM training with POS at universities is a process of unified
coordination between the training subject (lecturers) and the training object
(students) in the implementation of the school regulations related to the ENRM
training program (including objectives, POS, teaching and learning
methods/strategies, testing and evaluation methods, organizational form, training
time and objects, facilities and teaching equipment), to help learners develop

professional qualities and competencies based on predetermined standards of
knowledge, skills, autonomy and responsibility, and willingness to work in the
field of ENRM.
c. Characteristics of training in ENRM with POS at university
i.Characteristics of training objectives and POS
ii.Characteristics of the training program
iii.Characteristics of the lecturers
iv.Characteristics of the students
v.Characteristics of facilities, means of teaching
vi.Characteristics of assessment and recognition of learning results
2. Theoretical issues of training management with POS in
ENRM at universities
a. The concept of training management in the field of ENRM with
POS at universities
The training management in the field of ENRM with POS at universities is
organized, purposeful and planned activities of the school management subject to
influence specific management objects through policies, procedures, regulations,
principles, methods and measures to ensure that the elements of the training
process are operated synchronously, stably and continuously, focusing on
achieving the objectives and the POS of the training program for the ENRM sector
according to each stage of society's development.
b. Contents of training management in ENRM with
POS at universities
i.Manage training objectives

Training objectives are the destination to which the training activity
must be directed. Management of training objectives includes the following
activities: planning training objectives and concretizing training objectives

into POS of each training program, course, and subject; organizing the
implementation of training objectives through the development of training
contents and methods; directing and coordinating the implementation of
training objectives; and testing, evaluating the goal achievement level and
periodically adjusting the goal.
ii.Manage training program
The training program has a decisive influence on the quality of
training in training institutions, so it should be designed and built in a
scientific and rigorous manner. Management of training programs includes
the following activities: Developing training programs for the ENRM with
POS, organizing the implementation of the program, testing and evaluating
the results of the program implementation.
iii.Manage teaching activities of lecturers
Managing teaching activities of lecturers in the field of ENRM with POS
at universities includes managing the implementation of the teaching objectives
of the lecturers with POS; managing the implementation of program content and
teaching plans of lecturers with POS; directing the renewal of teaching methods
and forms of lecturers with POS; checking and evaluating the teaching activities
of lecturers with POS.
iv.Manage student learning activities
Management of learning activities of students majoring in ENRM
with POS at universities includes managing the process of building learning
motivations for students with POS; managing student learning goals and
plans with POS; managing student learning content with POS; managing
student learning methods and forms with POS; checking and evaluating
student learning activities with POS.
v.Manage physical and technical facilities for training in ENRM
with POS at universities
Management of physical and technical facilities for training in ENRM
with POS at universities includes building a master plan on the demand for

using facilities for training in the field of ENRM with POS; organizing the
construction, repair, and procurement according to the plan; inspecting and
evaluating the effectiveness of using facilities and invested equipment.
3. Factors affecting training management of ENRM with POS at
a. Impacts from the Communist Party's guidelines, State policies and
laws on human resource training in the ENRM sector
b. Impacts from the school leadership's interest in the management
and training of ENRM with POS

c. Impacts from awareness, sense of responsibility, and management
skills of training managers at each training institution
d. Impacts from advances in science and technology in general, and
in the field of ENRM in particular
e. Impacts from the diverse needs of society in the field of
management and protection of natural resources and the environment
f. Impacts from needs, learning motivation of students majoring in

Chapter 2 conclusion
Training management in ENRM with POS at universities is an
organized, purposeful and planned influence of management subjects on stages
of the training process in order to effectively training target results with POS.
Considering the specific factors of the field ENRM and the limited scope of the
topic, the thesis delves deeply into clarifying the main management contents
including: Management of training objectives with POS; management of
training programs with POS; management of teaching activities of lecturers
with POS; management of students' learning activities with POS; and

management of physical and technical facilities for teaching with POS. In each
of the above-mentioned management contents, the management entity needs to
perform the main functions: planning, organizing, directing/administering, and
checking/evaluating. The training management in the field of ENRM with POS
at universities is strongly influenced by different factors, creating advantages,
difficulties, and challenges for the management process.
Chapter 3
1. Overview of universities offering training in
ENRM in Ho Chi Minh City
Ho Chi Minh City currently has 6 universities offering training in
ENRM at undergraduate level, including: University of Science and
Technology - Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, University
of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Agriculture and
Forestry, University of Food Industry, Hoa Sen University, and Nguyen
Tat Thanh University.
2. Current situation survey organization
a. Survey purpose
b. Survey objects and scale
c. Survey method

d. Survey content and process
e. Survey data processing
3. The status of training in ENRM with POS at universities in Ho
Chi Minh City

a.Status of training objectives and POS for ENRM at universities in
Ho Chi Minh City
i.Status of training objectives
The survey results show that stakeholders have a good assessment of the
objectives of the training programs in the field of ENRM, with an overall
average score of 3.60 (good); in which the comments are quite high on criterion
1 "The objectives of the training program are clearly defined" (average score is
3.91, ranked first). Criterion 6 "Regularly supplemented and adjusted to suit
reality" was rated the lowest (average score was 3.12, ranked 6th).
ii.Status of program outcome standards of training programs
At the time of the survey, out of the 6 training programs on ENRM
that are being implemented at universities in Ho Chi Minh City, 5 training
programs have announced the POS on the university's website (accounting
for 83.3%), and 1 has not published the POS yet. The way to build the POS
differs depending on the strengths of each school. Despite the same training
major, the POS of each school are not the same. However, one thing in
common is that the POS of the training programs clearly show the
requirements for knowledge, skills and attitudes that learners achieve after
completing the training program. The number of POS of each training
program also varies significantly between schools, at least 11, at most 21.
b. Status of content and training programs in ENRM with POS at
universities in Ho Chi Minh City
Through the study of the training programs of the universities, it is
shown that, basically, the training programs all include the full range of
knowledge blocks as prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Training:
General education knowledge block and professional education knowledge
block. However, the ratio between these two blocks of knowledge is not
equal between schools, which is clearly shown by the ratio between the
number of credits of the general education knowledge block divided by the
total number of credits of the training program. For example, this ratio at

University of Technology is 59/140 (accounting for 42.14%), while this ratio
at University of Natural Resources and Environment is 33/131 (25.19%).
The survey results show that stakeholders have low evaluation of the content
of training programs in the field of ENRM, with an average score of 3.10
(average); in which the comments are quite low on criterion 4 "Proportion of
knowledge blocks is guaranteed according to regulations, developing
professional qualities and competencies for students" and criterion 5 "Ensure
system of knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to reality”. These are

the criteria that need special attention in adjusting the content of the training
programs in the coming time.
c.Status of content and training programs in ENRM with POS at
universities in Ho Chi Minh City
The survey results show that stakeholders have low evaluation of the
POS training method with an overall average score of 3.21 (average rating).
Through in-depth interviews, it is known that the lecturers are not familiar
with teaching and assessing students according to POS, and still have the
traditional thinking of teaching and evaluating in the old way. The survey
results also show that the stakeholders have a relatively good assessment of
the training process according to the criteria with an overall average score of
3.84 (good rating). Through in-depth interviews with a number of lecturers
and education management staff, the common challenge in universities today
is how to properly assess whether students have achieved the committed
outcomes or not.
d. Status of training subjects in ENRM with POS at universities in
Ho Chi Minh City
The survey results show that stakeholders have a relatively good
assessment of the subject of training in ENRM with POS at universities in Ho

Chi Minh City with an overall average score of 3.52 (good rating). In general,
the opinions are relatively high on the quantity and quality of the visiting
teaching staff. The reason may be that Ho Chi Minh City is a large science and
technology center of the country, with many scientists with deep professional
qualifications and practical experience, so, when necessary, universities can
invite experts or experienced lecturers from other schools come to lecture,
increasing the training quality of the school.
e.Situation of facilities for training in ENRM with POS at universities
in Ho Chi Minh City
The survey results show that stakeholders have not highly evaluated
the actual state of facilities for training in the field of ENRM with POS at
universities in Ho Chi Minh City with an overall average score of 3.35
(average rating). Criteria that need more attention to renovate and upgrade in
the near future include criterion 3 "Laboratory system, practice room",
criterion 7 "IT system, including infrastructure for online learning".
f. Status of training results in ENRM with POS at universities in Ho
Chi Minh City
In order to properly assess the status of students' capacity after graduating
from training programs in ENRM with POS at universities in Ho Chi Minh City,
the author sent a survey to 83 employers to ask for opinions on graduates who
have completed their studies and have a stable job at the agency/unit for 12
months or more. The results show that:
Knowledge: Employers rate graduates' knowledge as average to good
with an average score of 2.75-3.9. The underrated criteria are criterion 5

"students and graduates have basic knowledge of management and
administration of professional activities", criterion 4 "students and graduates
have knowledge of professional activities, planning, organizing and

monitoring processes in a particular field of activity”, and criterion 8
“students, graduates with a rich cultural, social, economic and cultural
background, economics, and science”.
Skills: Employers assess the skills of students and graduates from
average to good with an average score of 2.58 – 4.00. The underrated criteria are
criterion 19 "students, graduates have the necessary skills to be able to solve
complex problems", criterion 2 "students and graduates can use foreign
languages fluently and effectively at work (both in normal and professional
setting)", criterion 5 "students, graduates have skills to apply knowledge
(including specialized knowledge and background knowledge) to solve work
with high efficiency and progress", criterion 15 "students and graduates have
conflict resolution skills".
Autonomy and responsibility: Employers assess the degree of autonomy
and responsibility of graduates at a good level with an average score of 3.60 3.94. The lowest rated criterion is criterion 3 "graduates are able to self-direct,
draw professional conclusions, and defend personal views".
Attitudes and behaviors: Employers rate the attitudes and behaviors
of students and graduates at a good level with an average score of 3.58 4.00. The lowest rated criterion is criterion 3 "Students and graduates work
responsibly, honestly and reliably".
4. Status of training management and training in ENRM with POS at
universities in Ho Chi Minh City
a.Status of managing training objectives
The survey results show that the stakeholders have a relatively good
assessment of the status of the management of training objectives in the field
of ENRM with POS at universities in Ho Chi Minh City with an average
score of 3.60 (good rating). The most underrated criterion is criterion 5
"Determining the requirements in the acquired skills training", which proves
that the school has not really paid enough attention to the training of
students' skills.
b. Status of managing training programs in ENRM with POS at
universities in Ho Chi Minh City

c.The survey results show that stakeholders have not highly evaluated
the actual situation of designing and building training programs in the field
of ENRM with POS at universities in Ho Chi Minh City with an overall
average score of 3.36 (average rating). Criteria that are underestimated
include criterion 1 "Strong coordination among stakeholders in the design,
construction and development of training programs", criterion 8 "There are
many elective subjects to meet the needs of learners", criterion 9 "Each
subject in the training program has a clear contribution to achieving the

learning outcomes of the training program (shown in the training program's
learning outcomes matrix)".
d. Status of managing learning activities of students majoring in
ENRM with POS at universities in Ho Chi Minh City
The survey results show that the stakeholders have a relatively good
assessment of the status of managing the process of building learning
motivation of students in the field of ENRM with POS with an overall
average score of 3.56. There was no significant difference between the
evaluation criteria (from 3.44 to 3.71 points).
e.Status of managing teaching activities of lecturers of ENRM with
POS at universities in Ho Chi Minh City
The survey results show that the teaching and management staff at the
schools have a relatively good assesssment on the status of management in
determining the teaching objectives of the lecturers in the field of ENRM with
POS with the average score of 4.04 (good rating). Stakeholders highly
appreciated the reality of the management of the implementation of the contents,
programs and teaching plans of the lecturers according to the POS with an
overall average score of 4.06 (fair rating). Some criteria are not highly graded,
including: Criterion 7 "Ensure the content of the learning program in practice

workshops, laboratories, businesses, and agencies for students" with an average
of 3.44; criterion 9 "Teaching plan determines the content, methods and forms of
teaching according to the standards" with an average of 3.93. The parties highly
appreciated the current situation of guiding the innovation of teaching methods
and forms of lecturers according to the standards with an overall average score
of 3.87 (fair rating). In particular, criterion 5 "Orientation to use teaching
methods and forms to develop students' capacity according to the standards" was
rated the lowest with the average rating of 3.00. This criterion needs special
attention to overcome in the near future. The parties rated relatively high on the
status of testing and evaluating the teaching activities of lecturers according to
the standards with the average score of 3.59 (fair rating). The underrated criteria
that need attention and remedy include: criterion 4 "Organize training in
professional skills, skills in testing and evaluating teaching activities of lecturers
according to the standards" with an average rating of 2.90; criterion 3 "Using
forms, content, methods of testing and evaluating teaching activities according
to the standards" with an average rating of 3.06; Criterion 6 "Management of
classification, assessment of teaching performance of lecturers according to the
standards" with an average of 3.26.
f. Status of physical and technical facilities management for training
in ENRM with POS at universities in Ho Chi Minh City
The survey results show that the teaching staff and management staff
at the schools are relatively good in terms of managing the investment and
development of public facilities for training according to the merits with an
overall average score of 3.71 (good rating). Criteria that need attention in the

coming time is "Management, maintenance, supplement and development of
facilities, technical means to ensure training according to quality standards".
g. Status of influence of factors affecting training management and

training in ENRM with POS at universities in Ho Chi Minh City
The survey results show that there are similarities and differences in
assessment between the group of lecturers, management staff and the group
of students surveyed on the status of the influence of factors affecting
training management in the field of ENRM with POS at universities in Ho
Chi Minh City.
h. General assessment of the status of training management and
training in ENRM with POS at universities in Ho Chi Minh City
First, the leaders of the universities have the right awareness, high
responsibility and are always interested in the management of training
activities in general and the training management of the ENRM in particular
in order to improve the quality of training.
Second, the contingent of management staff and teachers in the field
of ENRM at universities basically meet in quantity and quality; have a
reasonable structure; always feel secure in their work and clearly define their
responsibilities, actively innovate teaching methods and management
methods to improve training quality.
Third, a number of contents in the management of training activities in the
field of ENRM have been effectively implemented by universities.
ii.Limitations, shortcomings and causes
First, the constructing, supplementing, and adjusting the POS of the
training program for the ENRM has not met the requirements of the quality
standards in the National Qualifications Framework and has not closely followed
the practical needs of the society. The reason is that the school management
subjects have not had specific directions and instructions on the construction,
review, supplementation and adjustment of the training curriculum of the training
program on ENRM to meet the requirements of society.
Second, the content of the training program for the field of ENRM has
not been designed in the direction of training students to achieve the

established standards and has not followed practical needs. The reason is that
the school management subjects have not organized the construction and
development of training programs for the ENRM with POS that closely
follow the practical needs of society, have not mobilized the participation of
employers in the process. construction and development program of training
program in the field of ENRM.
Third, the professional qualifications of the management staff and
lecturers in the field of ENRM have not met the training requirements according
to the quality-based approach. The reason is that some schools have not paid due

attention to the organization of training to improve teaching capacity for teachers
according to the standards, making the teaching staff still confused and passive
in developing the subject outline according to the standards. Quality standards,
in the selection of teaching methods, testing and assessment methods, are
consistent with the philosophy of training according to the learning outcomes,
especially the lack of appropriate teaching methods to direct learners towards
achieving the desired outcomes.
Fourth, there is a lack of coordination between schools and entities
using human resources in the field of ENRM in training with POS. The
cooperation relationship between universities and agencies, organizations
and businesses is not really cohesive. The reason is that many school
management entities do not have a unified direction and coordination
between the school and the entities using human resources in the field of
ENRM with POS, and the cooperation relationship between schools with
agencies, organizations and enterprises employing workers is not intensified.
Fifth, the technical facilities and facilities for training according to the
quality approach of the schools are still not guaranteed, especially the machinery
and equipment for surveying and measuring in the field and the system of

laboratories specialized in ENRM. Some machinery and equipment have been
damaged or seriously degraded but have not been replaced in a timely manner.
The reason is that the development investment budget allocated to schools is still
limited, the planning and funding work is not active, subjective, not based on
science and long-term strategy.
Sixth, the inspection, assessment and recognition of students' learning
results are not consistent with the requirements of the training institutions;
Quality assurance in training has not been paid due attention. The reason is
that the guiding documents on the inspection and evaluation of training
results according to the criteria are incomplete and not suitable with the
characteristics of the field of ENRM, awareness of inspection and
assessment of training results. The approach to learning outcomes is still
limited, heavily focused on grades and achievements, and has not paid
attention to the real capacity of learners.

Chapter 3 Conclusion
From the survey results on the current status of training management
in the field of aENRM with POS at universities in Ho Chi Minh City, some
major issues need to be addressed in the coming time, namely: Perception of
the subjects about management training in ENRM with POS is not deep and
not close to reality; the building of professional qualifications in the field of
ENRM has not been consistent among universities, has not followed the
requirements of the National Qualifications Framework and has not met the
requirements of society; the construction of training programs for the field of

ENRM with POS has not been closely followed the practical needs, still
heavy on theory, light on practical practice, lack of training content for
management capacity and soft skills for students; the teaching capacity of

the lecturers according to the learning outcomes has not yet been met well,
especially the lack of appropriate teaching methods to direct learners
towards the achievement of the established learning outcomes; facilities for
training according to the quality standards are not guaranteed; the
examination, assessment and recognition of students' learning results
according to the standards are not strict.

Chapter 4
1. Measures to manage training in ENRM with POS at
univeristies in Ho Chi Minh City
a.Direct the development, adjustment and supplementation of POS for
the ENRM industry to meet social requirements
b.Purpose and meaning of the measure
c.Contents of measures
First, organize a survey, assess social needs and determine the "work
entry standards" at the subjects using human resources.
Second, design the outcomes of the training program in the field of ENRM.
Third, organize seminars and collect comments to improve the POS of
the training program in the field of ENRM.
c.Direct the review, adjustment and update of the training program in
ENRM with POS in line with social needs.
a.Purpose and meaning of the measure
b.Contents of measures
Step 1: The Rector makes a decision to establish a Board to develop,
review, adjust and update the training program for the field of ENRM with
POS (referred to as the Training Program Drafting Board).

Step 2: Analyze the training context.
Step 3: Develop general and specific goals of the training program for
the field of ENRM in accordance with the school's mission, vision, main
goals and core values and in accordance with the training curriculum
standards of the Ministry of Education and Training. From the specific goals,
build the training program's learning outcomes to meet the requirements of
the qualifications in the Vietnam National Qualifications Framework for
higher education and meet the social demand for trained human resources in
the field of natural and environmental management.

Step 4: Build the curriculum structure.
Step 5: Compare and contrast with training programs of the same level.
Step 6: Develop a detailed course outline.
Step 7: Organize a workshop to collect comments from stakeholders.
Step 8: Finalize the second draft of the training program on the basis
of receiving feedbacks from stakeholders and submit it to the Scientific and
Training Council of the training institution for consideration and
implementation of the appraisal and inclusion procedures. apply.
Step 9: Evaluate and regularly update program content and teaching
methods based on new advances in the field of ENRM and requirements of
c.Organize capacity building training for lecturers to meet training
requirements according to output standards
a.Purpose and meaning of the measure
b.Contents of measures
First, build a capacity framework for teachers in the field of ENRM.

Second, review and assess the suitability between the existing capacity of
the Faculty's lecturers and the faculty capacity framework of ENRM. At the
same time, conducting a survey of training and retraining needs for lecturers,
thereby making training and retraining plans for lecturers to meet the capacity
framework of lecturers in the field of ENRM.
Third, organize training courses to improve professional capacity for
lecturers in the field of ENRM.
Fourth, organize training courses to improve pedagogical capacity for
lecturers in the field of ENRM.
Fifth, organize training to improve the quality of political, ideological and
ethical teachers for teachers through political lessons, studying thoroughly the
resolutions and directives of the Party; thematic sessions.
b.Direct the uniform coordination between the school and the subjects
using human resources in the field of ENRM in training with POS
c.Purpose and meaning of the measure
d.Contents of measures
First, organize the signing of cooperation agreements between the
school and the entities using human resources in the field of ENRM.
Second, develop a uniform coordination regulation between the
school and the entities using human resources in the field of ENRM in
training according to the criteria in order to create a high consensus in the
work and concretize the roles and responsibilities for each student and each
management subject.
Third, plan and organize the implementation of cooperation contents.
