Program Proposal Document
Master of Business Administration
School of Business
Master of Business Administration (Finance) – MBA (Finance)Page 2 of 8
School of Business
Table of Contents
Program Registration Number:
Program Title: 3
Standard Abbreviation: 3
Program Code: 3
Administering School/Section: 3
Partner School/Section: 3
Proposed Introduction Date: 3
Overview/Rationale for Program: 3
Need & Demand: 4
Funding Source:
Staffing: 7
Resources: 4
Impact on Administering School and/or Partner Schools/Sections and other areas:
Advisory Process/Staff Involved in this Proposal
Program Structure: 4
Summary of Courses:
Program Aims: 5
Program Objectives: 5
Credit Points/Progress Units Required for Program Completion: 5
Duration in Equivalent Full Time years: 6
Australian Standard Classification of Education (ASCED) Code:
Modes & Locations of Offering: 6
Admission Requirements: 6
Available to International Students: 6
Graduate Attributes: 6
Professional Skills & Capabilities: 7
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School of Business
Program Title: Master of Business Administration (Finance)
Standard Abbreviation: MBA (Finance)
Program Code: BR9
Administering School/Section: School of Business
Partner School/Section: Not applicable
Proposed Introduction Date: 1/2011
Overview/Rationale for Program:
School of Business seeks approval for Master of Business Administration with a Finance major
(degree called MBA (Finance) comprising 16 courses delivered over a two year ( 4 semester)
The Agreement with the Somani Corporation for the delivery of UB Programs in India at the
new Somani Ballarat Institution includes Masters Degrees in Business Administration with
majors in Marketing, Finance and International Management as well as ‘general’ ( ie no
specialisation). The existing MBA’s with these specialisations (except for MBA (IM)) were
designed for the (then) current market/partner demand and consist of 12 courses delivered
over 3 semesters. India (Education) require that masters Degrees be of 2 years duration –
hence the need to redesign our offerings to suit this need/requirement.
The School of Business already has one two-year MBA Program with a specialisation in
International Management and this proposal seeks to use this successful design as the basis
for the new programs for the India market. All courses in the proposed Programs are currently
being offered within the MBA (IM) Program either as core courses or as electives – this
proposal is simply a redesign specifically requested for the India market (and for other markets
if and where there is demand). Essentially the design takes the MBA(IM) and replaces the
International Management courses with Finance related courses
There are a number of significant changes in the market environment supporting the
introduction of this new program:
• Changes in migration regulations
• Demand for more breadth and depth in graduate study, particularly from international
• Partner requirements
• India requirements
• Identified in demand in India via Somani student cohorts.
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School of Business
The proposed new course, MBA(Finance), addresses these issues and may therefore be used
for international or domestic students.
Need & Demand:
Identified demand in India (and indeed other markets, perhaps at a later stage) for a two year
16 course program which enables students to study over a 24 month period. This is also a
government requirement in some markets such as India. This program recognises the reality
of the market situation in locations such as India and has been requested by Somani as part of
the course development and government registration requirement.
As there are no new courses to be developed, there will be a minimal impact on the School of
Business and the library. There will be no extra IT support, specialist facilities, or equipment
required to develop or support this course.
Program Structure:
The curriculum for the program utilises existing accredited master’s level courses and has
been developed to provide students with contemporary and challenging material.
BUMKT5901 Marketing BUHRM5912 Human Resource
BUACC5930 Accounting
Concepts and Practice
BUMGT5927 Creativity and
BUMGT5921 Organisations:
Behaviour, Structure and
STATS6900 Quantitative Methods
for Business
BUECO5903 Business
BUMKT5922 Competitive
BUMGT6973 Project
BUECO6922 Economics of
BULAW5911 Managing the
Legal Environment
BUECO6923 Financial Markets
and Institutions
BUMKT6942 International
BUACC5936 Financial
BUACC5933 Cost and
Management Accounting
Capstone Course:
BUMGT5926 Strategy and
Management of Change
There are two exit points prior to completion of MBA(GM):
• Graduate Certificate of Management
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School of Business
60CPs (4 courses)
BUMKT5901 Marketing
BUACC5901 Accounting and Finance
BUMGT5921 Organisations: Behaviour, Structure and Processes
BUECO5903 Business Economics
• Graduate Diploma of Management
120CPs 8 courses
BUMKT5901 Marketing
BUACC5901 Accounting and Finance
BUMGT5921 Organisations: Behaviour, Structure and Processes
BUECO5903 Business Economics
BUHRM5912 Human Resource Management
BUMGT5927 Creativity and Innovation
BUMGT6073 Project Management
BUMKT5922 Competitive Analysis
Program Aims:
The course will provide students with theoretical and practical concepts of management and in
particular general management with a strong emphasis on finance based on global and
regional case studies and contexts. The MBA (Finance) general orientation prepares students
for roles in management and in addition provides a choice of specialised study. The emphasis
is on developing a sound working knowledge of core disciplines and the analytical skills
necessary to understand and direct the work of other functional and operational specialists in
cross commercial settings.
Program Objectives:
Graduates of this program will be able to:
• Develop as high potential individuals capable of serving the advanced management
needs of local, national and global enterprises
• Develop knowledge and competencies for operational and strategic perspectives
• Acquire a sound working knowledge of the core disciplines of business supplemented
by an in-depth study of an advanced specialisation
• Develop the conceptual frameworks and skills of critical analysis applicable to
entrepreneurial operations in a global economy
• Understand and apply financial concepts to a global and local context and within in a
business environment.
Credit Points/Progress Units Required for Program Completion:
240 Credit points, note full time study per semester is equal to 60 credit points
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School of Business
Application may be made for advanced standing and credit for prior graduate study.
Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) may sometimes lead to the award of credit following
submission of a portfolio of work addressing the learning outcomes for the course in which
credit is sought. Applications for credit and advanced standing are assessed by the School of
Business Program Committee. A limit of 50% of credit applies unless it is granted under the
University of Ballarat Regulation 5.2.
Duration in Equivalent Full Time years:
The course is designed to enable students to undertake four courses of studies a semester to
complete all requirements in four semesters (or its equivalent if undertaken part time).
Maximum duration of enrolment shall be 6 years, except in special cases where permission to
extend is granted by the School of Business Programs Committee.
Modes & Locations of Offering:
X distance learning short-course based X block mode
X standard teaching period delivery
X partner providers (All on-shore and off-shore partner providers except ATMC)
X other (if other please give details) may include some distance learning supported by block
intensive classes on campus
Please note the School responsible for delivering the program will ensure that the delivery at
Partner Providers will comply with the relevant Partner Provider Academic Calendars as
posted on the web.
Admission Requirements:
• A Bachelor degree or equivalent professional qualification.
• Applicants holding other academic or professional qualifications and/or with no work
experience may also be granted admission to the program following an evaluation of
their academic and professional skills.
Available to International Students:
Graduate Attributes:
Graduates of this program will demonstrate the following characteristics:
• An up-to-date understanding and appreciation of management-related and practical
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School of Business
• An understanding that the maintenance of professional competence is an ongoing
process requiring a commitment to life-long continuous learning*
• Interpretational, analytical and problem-solving skills, and be able to construct and
evaluate arguments
• Effective communication skills in English enabling them to pursue further learning and
become an engaged citizen
• Achieve high standards of professional practice by understanding ethical and
professional issues by encouraging behaviour to act in a socially responsible*
and to make inform decisions
• Understand management responsibility and role in a social, cultural, historical and
economic context by being independent reflective critical thinkers
• Ability to adjust to a changing environment and respond to new opportunities
(* UB Graduate Attributes)
Professional Skills & Capabilities:
It is expected that students completing the program will have the skills and capabilities to begin
a management career in Australia or overseas and to pursue full membership of one of the
professional bodies for example the Australian Institute of Management.
Below are outlines of School of Business teaching staff profiles. The UB teaching staff will be
drawn from, but not limited to, the following School of Business Management, Marketing,
Commerce, Accounting and Finance discipline staff members:
Mike Willis - Associate Professor of Marketing
BA Melb DipEd WA MBus PhD Monash
Robert Errey- Lecturer in Marketing
BBus (SA Inst of Tech), GradDipStats (Canberra CAE), MBA (WA), MCom (Melb),GradCertEd
(Tertiary Ed) (Ballarat)
Sam Henson - Lecturer in Marketing
BBus(Mktg) Chisholm, MBA Monash, PhD Ballarat
Bob O’Shea - Lecturer in Marketing
Fellowship DipBusPublicAdmin RMIT, Grad DipBusAdmin Swinburne MBA Ballarat
Helen Song-Turner - Lecturer in Marketing & Business
BE China; MBA Finance, MBA International Business, University of Akron, U.S.A.; Grad Cert
Ed. (Tertiary Education) University of Ballarat
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School of Business
Christine O'Connor - Senior Lecturer in Management (Human Resources)
BArts James Cook, GradDipPsych James Cook, MOrgPsych Qld
Lorene Gottschalk – Senior Lecturer in Management
BBus (Mngt &Psych) RMIT, GradDipAdultEducation&Training Melb.Inst of Ed, MA Monash,
PhD Melb
Abdul Moyeen – Lecturer in Management
BCom (Hons in Management) M.Com (Mgmt) (Dhaka), PhD (Stirling UK)
Raveendranath Nayak - Lecturer in Management
BEng MTech Mysore India PhD Swinburne
Philippa Wells - Associate Professor of Law
LLB (Hons) Cant., MPhil Waik., PhD Aut University, DipBA., NDA
Alex Millmow - Senior Lecturer in Economics
B.Eco (Hons), Monash; Grad Dip Eco, UNE; Grad Dip Eco Hist, ANU; MA, ANU; PhD ANU
Paul McPhee - Lecturer in Economics
BEc (UNE); DipAppliedEco (UQ); MEco (Research UQ)
David Spiers - Lecturer in Economics
AWASM; B Bus, Post Grad Dip Bus Admin (WAIT);M Bus (Curtin)
Brian West - Professor of Accounting
BBus BCAE PhD Deakin
Samantha Hettihewa – Lecturer in Finance
B Com (Hons) (Sri Lanka), MA (Hons) (New Hampshire, USA), PG Dip App Stats (Sri Lanka),
PG Dip App Fin (FINSIA Aust), PhD (New Hampshire, USA)
Barbara McCartney - Lecturer in Accounting
B Fin Admin UNE, DipEd UTS, M Com Woll
Pat Thompson - Lecturer in Accounting
MPA GradCertEd(Tertiary) Ballarat