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Design iir filter on fpga technology combined with matlab simulink software tools and electronic design automation software (thiết kế bộ lọc iir trên công nghệ fpga kết hợp cá

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International Journal of Research In Vocational Studies (IJRVOCAS)
VOL. 1, NO. 4, April 2022, PP. 66~70
Print ISSN 2777-0168| Online ISSN 2777-0141| DOI prefix: 10.53893
Design IIR Filter on FPGA Technology Combined with
Matlab-Simulink Software Tools and Electronic Design
Automation Software
Hong Ngan Vo1, Xuan Toai Nguyen1, Thanh Lanh Le1, Nam Thoi Le1

Nai Technology University, Viet Nam

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Received: Dec 08, 2021; Accepted: Dec 16, 2021; Published: Feb 19, 2022

Abstract: This paper presents the design of an IIR filter on FPGA technology by combining modeling with automation of
digital system design, in order to provide a solution to design and quickly implement the digital signal processing system. The
IIR filter is designed by the method of object modeling (Model Based Design) abbreviated as MBD with the help of Matlab and
EDA, then experimentally implemented the IIR filter on FPGA technology for a specific problem and achieved quite good results.
Through this method, it has helped designers reduce design effort and time, improve economic efficiency, and more importantly,
the design is highly flexible, ready to response the new technical requirements of the technology.

Keywords: IIR Filter, EDA, FPGA, Matlab, MBD

1. Introduction
Currently Altera is known for its FPGA, CPLD and ASIC

their software to convert from hard designs into VHDL

architectures that allow programming on it. With a growing

languages applied to FPGA and CPLD technologies including

number of customers, Altera's 2006 sales were 1.29 billion

Matlab, Multiplex sim, Altium Designer, Modelsim, [1-4]

USD. Altera's headquarters is located in San Jonse, California

with a staff of approximately 2,600 employees in companies
in 19 countries.

In the early 2000s, in technical journals, articles about a
new design idea for FPGAs and CPLDs began to appear,
which were later called "Model Based Design" as the article

An FPGA consists of an array of discrete elements that

by Professor: Uwe Meyer_Baese, Ph.D. by the University of

can be interconnected in a common way, and like a PLD, the

Florida or by Stranneby and William Walker. etc. This design

connections between the elements are programmable. That

method brings high economic efficiency. Up to now, almost all

leads designers to write programs in functional blocks.

application designs have followed this method [5-8].

Because of this idea, software vendors have begun to allow

Quartus is Altera's software development tool that


provides a comprehensive design environment for SOPC

and after. The IIR filter has low amplitude attenuation, the

(system on a programmable chip) designs [9]. This is a fully

structure is much simpler than the FIR filter.

integrated package software for logic design with Altera's PLD

In this paper, the Chebyshev-type2 IIR filter [15] will be

programmable logic components, including APEX, Cyclone,

designed with the structure shown in Figure 1 with selected

FLEX, MAX, Stratix... Quartus helps designers almost all the


most necessary tools to be able to complete a design project in
the fastest and most efficient way. Quartus integrates the most
advanced technologies with flexibility, user-friendly GUI
During this period, FPGA and CPLD played a very
important role in digital system processing, which was the
basis for digital electronic devices. It has a strong impact on






Information Technology, National Security and Defense, etc.
and it will certainly contribute significantly to the
industrialization and modernization of our country.
This paper presents an IIR filter design with the desire to
provide a product designed on FPGA technology for

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the Chebyshev-type2 filter
First, we will create a filter block Filter_Cheb2 with the
following input parameters for the filter: multiplier, input and
output data parameters, register structure, and arithmetic
algorithm for the filter.

convenience, with the shortest time and the highest economic
efficiency. A modeled and measured audio noise filter gives
good results.

2. Objects and Methods
We know that the spectrum of human voice has energy
concentrated in the frequency range from 0.8Khz to 1.7Khz to
be able to clearly recognize each person's voice, then the
standard telephone bandwidth is from 0.3Khz to 3.4. Khz.

Suppose for some reason that the audio frequency signal
(human voice) during this recording process is penetrated by
high-frequency noise, reducing the sound quality, causing the
terminal device (of the communication system to) no longer
recognizes the original signal form. And the noise energy is
scattered in the frequency range from 10Khz to 100Khz. The
task is to design a filter to remove the above noise from the
signal source to ensure the best output signal quality.
In order to reduce or enhance a certain frequency range
of the signal, we often use a filter. Digital filtering is classified
into two types FIR (Finite Impulse Response) and IIR (Infinite
Impulse Response) [10-12].
The IIR filter works recursively, using past values of the
output [13-14]. That way, we can implement a filter that needs
only low order but the passband has the same slopes before

Figure 2. Input and output data for the filter and Simulink
simulation block for the filter after creation


In Simulink's environment, we set up the simulation

Figure 5. Waveform of the test points in the system.

block as follows: Sin signal and noise generator block, filter

Waveform 1: Sine signal; Waveform 2: Noise signal;

block as well as display block as shown in the following

Waveform 3: Sum of the Sin signal + noise; Waveform 4:


Sine signal after filter

Thus, we see that the waveform after passing the filter
meets the necessary requirements such as less signal
attenuation, the signal after filtering compared to the signal
before filtering is equivalent. Although the Chebyshev_2 filter
Figure 3. Setting up the simulation system in
The specifications of the Sin generator and the noise
generator are shown in the following figure:

is phase-delayed, it is still acceptable.
Looking at the output signal form compared to the input
signal form of the filter, we see that the output signal
completely responses the technical requirements that have
been set out for the filter. Thus, this filter can be introduced to
realize in FPGA.
At this point, you can load it directly on the DE2 board
for testing or use the simulation program available on Quartus
II. Looking at the test results, we can see that the filter can be
realized by the diagram of the FPGA just created. Switching
from the VHDL language to the principle circuit from the

Figure 4. Setting the sine wave and noise block parameters

In the Simulink environment we run the simulation.

Altium Designer Winter 09 software tool, we get the
schematic diagram of the filter principle as follows:

Simulation results are displayed in Scope, the waveform is
shown from the bottom up as follows:

Figure 6. Principle circuit diagram created from Altium
software tool
Below is a block diagram of the process of measuring
and checking IIR filters on FPGA technology. Audio and noise


signals are generated at the transmitter. It is then converted to

Figure 9. Generatosaur software interface

a digital signal by an ADC converter. At the output filter_out

Use a circuit to combine 2 signals and noise. Then put

(FPGA) we connect to the DAC converter, the signal after the

it into the 12bit ADC of the dsPIC33FJ128GP802
microcontroller, then output the port to the FPGA, the FPGA

DAC is checked by an oscilloscope.

filters the output signal with the IIR filter designed above, then
give the port of the FPGA. From here, put into another port of
the PIC, use the DAC (16bit) to generate analog signals.
The actual experimental circuit has the following

Figure 7. Digital filter implementation block diagram

parameters: 12-bit ADC with a maximum sampling frequency
of 500Khz equal to 5 times the frequency of the signal. The

3. Results and Discussion

signal wave to be filtered is limited to about 100Khz or less.

The IIR filter on FPGA technology is modeled as shown in
Figure 8. Using the computer output to generate a sine wave
(fluctuates in the range of 100Khz or less), then using
Generatosaur software to generate white noise as shown in
Figure 9. Input selection Output white noise (White noise) is
left (LEFT), output right (RIGHT) is sine wave (Sinus) by
selecting Active frequency f(Hz) change according to

The 16-bit output DAC has a maximum output sample rate of
100Khz, just enough for the input 100Khz signal. Mixed
waves with amplitudes from 0 to 3V3.
The signal obtained after passing through the
Chebyshev-type2 IIR filter as shown in Figure 10 has
eliminated noise quite well. However, the signal is not smooth

and has a small bump.

Figure 10. Waveform at filter output
Figure 8. Filter test model

4. Conclusion
An IIR filter design on FPGA technology was modeled
with the help of Matlab and EDA for a specific problem and
achieved quite good results. With the desire to offer a product
designed on FPGA technology so that it is convenient, with
the shortest time and the highest economic efficiency. A
problem of IIR filters in general as well as digital filters in
particular is that the better the quality of the signal filter, the
more signal degradation will be. However, the signal quality
of the digital filter is much better than that of the analog filter.
In order to have good digital filter quality and the least signal


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