BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing
Unit number and title
Unit 1: Programming
Submission date
Date Received 1st submission
Re-submission Date
Date Received 2nd submission
Student Name
Student ID
Assessor name
Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Student’s signature
Grading grid
Summative Feedback:
Lecturer Signature:
Assessor Signature:
Resubmission Feedback:
Task 1:
1.1 Overview about Algorithm:
- Algorithm is methods, ways that people ask themselves to follow such procedures, it will produce
optimal results.
- This method can come from many different sources, it can be a scientist they invented, it can also be a
certain group of people or years of experience, when we apply it correctly. then I will have better results
than something I do myself.
- Example: To solve an equation ax+b = 0. Need
steps: Step 1: Start
Step 2: Declare variables a, b, x.
Step 3: Enter a,b.
Step 4: Check a:
+If a =0
+Check b:
+If b=0: print the equation with infinitely many solutions
+If b != 0: print the equation with no solution
+If a != 0: print out the equation with one solution x=-b/a.
Step 5: End.
- Example: Use flow chart to solve the problem ax + b = 0:
1.2 Represent a small and simple problem:
-Problem: Sort students' grades in ascending order.
+ The reason it’s needed : It makes it easier for teachers to control students' grades.
+ The way the algorithm solves the problem: Use Insertion Sort.
Step 1: Start.
Step 2: Declare variables student score and temp.
Step 3: Enter student score.
Step 4: Store the first variable to “temp”.
Step 5: Store the second variable to the First variable.
Step 6: Store the “temp” variable to the 2nd variable.
Step 7: Keep storing the next variable until the array runs out.
Step 8: Score again in new array and repeat these until the arrangement is correct.
Step 9: End.
Task 2:
2.1 Analyse the problem:
-The requirement is to arrange student scores in ascending order. The purpose is to help teachers control
student grades more easily. This request is quite simple and clear. The way to deal with this request is
quite easy. The language used to solve this problem is c# and made with the visual studio community
2022 application. Student scores will be stored in a 1-dimensional array. Use overriding sort to sort
student scores in ascending order.
2.2 Flow chart:
Task 3:
3.1 Introduce how the problem is solved:
- Algorithm will sort student scores in ascending order. The first element in the array is assumed to be
sorted. Take the second element and store it separately in temp. Compare temp with the first element. If
the first element is greater than temp, then temp is placed in front of the first element. Take the third
element and compare it with the elements on the left of it. Placed it just behind the element smaller than it.
Keep doing that and run out of arrays. After running the array, it will repeat that way again. This process
will end when there are no numbers before the number less than the number after.
3.2 Source code and screen shots of the final result:
3.3 Explain briefly what is Software Development Life Cycle:
- Software Development Life Cycle is is a way to measure and improve the development process. It allows
a fine-grain analysis of each step of the process. This, in turn, helps companies maximize efficiency at
each stage. As computing power increases, it places a higher demand on software and developers.
Companies must reduce costs, deliver software faster, and meet or exceed their customers’ needs.
Software Development Life Cycle helps achieve these goals by identifying inefficiencies and higher costs
and fixing them to run smoothly.
3.4 Explain how the source code is compiled:
- A compiler takes the program code (source code) and converts the source code to a machine language
module (called an object file). Another specialized program, called a linker, combines this object file
with other previously compiled object files (in particular run-time modules) to create an executable file.
Task 4:
4.1 Include Test cases:
4.2 Evaluate how the problem is solved from the designed algorithm to the execution program writtenby
a specific programming language:
- Request is made in c# language. This process is quite simple. just need to do two main tasks is to create a
variable to store the number of students and create an array to store the number of students' scores. This
project has met the requirement of arranging student scores. I am quite satisfied with this project.
However it is still too simple. Subfunctions can be used to make this project neater.
*Task 1:
1.1 : />-on 26/9/2022.
1.2 : />
-on 26/9/2022.
*Task 2:
2.1: a/p/cong-viec-phan-tich-yeu-cau-trong-mot-du-an-phan-mem-5WQvzgxxRk3E
-on 27/9/2022.
*Task 3:
3.1 : />
-on 27/9/2022.
3.2 : />
-on 27/9/2022.
3.3 : cycle#:~:text=Software
%20Development%20Life%20Cycle%20is,%2C%20Test%2C%20Deploy%2C%2 0Maintain.
-on 28/9/2022
-on 28/9/2022.
*Task 4:
4.2: />-on 30/9/2022.