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Đề cương Nói Tiếng Anh 1 - EN19 EHOU

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1/ What are the benefits and disadvantages of learning foreign languages at
the early age
A coin has two sides, just as early learning foreign languages also have their own
benefits and disadvantages.
In terms of the benefits, in my opinion, there are two primary advantages. Firstly,
many researchers compare young children to sponges because they have the ability
to acquire unlimited knowledge. Young children like to discover and learn new
things. Moreover, they can use them in concrete situations. They learn foreign
languages faster than adults, especially, pick up pronunciation better. Secondly,
learning foreign languages at an early age help children have better education and
job opportunities in the future.
Besides the advantages, early learning foreign languages can make many children
confuse between their mother tongue and foreign languages. It’s difficult for them
to keep the purity of the first language. In addition, the cost of learning languages
is so expensive. Many parents cannot afford the tuition fees at some prestigious
schools, they let their children study at cheaper centers but the quality is not good.
I think we should choose the good quality of language centers due to it is very
important to learn it right the first time. If studying at low-quality of centers,
children might be made mistakes that are difficult to fix then.
In conclusion, I think early learning a foreign language has many practical and
preeminent benefits. If we have afforded ability, we should let our children learn
foreign languages at an early age.
8/ Discuss the importance of learning English.
Nowadays, more and more people are spending time studying English as a second
language. Many countries include English in their school syllabus and children are
starting to learn English at a younger and younger age. It proves the importance of
English in current life.
Firstly, learning English is very important because it is a global language. And it
can help us have a conversation with people from all over the world.
Secondly, English ability increases your opportunity to get a good job in a
multinational company within your home country or find work abroad.

Finally, good at English can enriches your knowledge and helps you easily access
the information on the internet because more than half the content on the internet is
written in English. You can also obtain valuable degrees by taking part in courses
that are taught in English around the world.

In conclusion, English is very important in our life, it helps us look for a good job
or planning to travel the world, studying English can help us progress in life both
personally and professionally.
39/ Compare life in the city with life in the countryside
There are many differences between life in urban areas and rural areas. In my
opinion, the primarily different points are environment, job opportunities, and cost
of living.
Firstly, the quality of the rural environments is higher than urban ones. Along with
the economic development is the increase of industrial wastes, moreover, the
crowded population is the reason of traffic jam and the pollution of air and water
resource. On the reverse, life in rural is more comfortable than in cities with a low
population, fresh air, pure water resource, and rarely get stuck in traffic.
In terms of job opportunities, jobs in rural areas are mainly farming and animal
husbandry. Whereas, many companies, factories have been located in the cities
where having many jobs with high salaries. Therefore, many people have been
leaving rural areas to seek better employment in the cities.
Another difference between life in rural and urban areas is cost of living, for
example, it is difficult for you to live in the cities for renting a house, eating,
traveling,… with income under 5 million VND, the reverse, you can live
comfortably in the countryside.
In conclusion, people have their own choices where they are. Some people decide
to live in the rural areas because they like fresh air, quiet environment, some others
live in cities because of job opportunities, high income or simply, they are
extrovert persons, they like the vibrancy of the cities.

41/ Why have so many people nowadays gone to live in big cities?
Nowadays, more and more young people are moving to big cities instead of living
in the countryside. In my opinion, this tendency can be explained by some
following reasons.
First of all, many companies, factories have been located in the big cities where
having many jobs with higher salaries. Therefore, many people have been leaving
rural areas to find better jobs in the cities.
Secondly, many people like to live in urban areas because of high living standards.
The big cities have modern infrastructure, facilities, and high quality of social

services, especially in health care, education, and entertainment. For example,
many top universities, famous specialty hospitals, and lots of banks, supermarkets,
shops, entertainment centers are located in big cities.
And finally, if you are extrovert persons, you like vibrancy, so the best choice is
living urban areas where bring you excitement and never boredom.
In conclusion, people have their own choices where they are living. Who want to
find better jobs with high salaries or like to enjoy living standards with modern
facilities and social services should chose living in the big cities.
7/ There are the negatives and positives of living in a big city. Do you agree
with this statement?
Nowadays, more and more young people are moving to big cities instead of living
in the countryside. Just as a coin has two sides, living in a big city also has its own
negatives and positives.
In terms of benefits, firstly, many companies, factories have been located in the big
cities where having many jobs with higher salaries. Secondly, many people like to
live in urban areas because of high living standards, modern infrastructure,
facilities, and high quality of social services, especially in health care, education,
and entertainment. And finally, if you are extrovert persons, you like vibrancy, so
the best choice is living urban areas where bring you excitement and never

Besides the advantages, living in the big cities also has some downsides too. First,
the cost of living in the big cites is higher than in rural areas. Next, along with the
economic development is the increase of industrial wastes as well as the crowded
population is the reason of traffic jam and the pollution of air and water resource.
In conclusion, people have their own choices where they are living. Who want to
find better jobs with high salaries or like to enjoy living standards with modern
facilities and social services should chose living in the big cities.
42/ What are some advantages and disadvantages of living in the countryside?
A coin has two sides, just as living in the countryside also has its own benefits and
In terms of the benefits, in my opinion, there are three primary advantages. First of
all, the quality of life in the rural areas is better than urban ones with a low
population, fresh air, pure water resource, and rarely get stuck in traffic. Secondly,

the countryside has many natural forests and landscape. These places are suitable
with people like to live with nature and quite environment. And thirdly, you can
live comfortably in the countryside because the cost of living here is lower than in
big cities.
Besides the advantages, living in the countryside has some downsides. The rural
areas have low living standards, backward infrastructure, facilities, and low quality
of social services, fewer job opportunities. And if you are extrovert persons, you
like vibrancy, you should not choose to live in countryside where can make you
In conclusion, nowadays, living in the countryside is a new tendency. More and
more people are busy with their lives, people have desired and tended to be lived
slowly, therefore, they choose to live in the rural areas. The small house with the
garden is my dream, I hope when I am 45 years old, I will make that dream come

32/ What are the causes of air pollution in cities?
Along with the development always have many negative impacts it causes. For
example, the development of the economy is one of the reasons of air pollution. In
my opinion, this problem can be explained by some following reasons.
Firstly, many factories have been located in the big cities. Besides bringing lots of
employments, but they are also the main components of air pollution because they
burn a lot of oil and release it into the air.
Secondly, more and more young people are moving to big cities so that the
population is more and more crowded. The crowded population causes traffic tram
and many pollutant gases are emitted by vehicles.
Finally, the large areas of land for growing green trees are shrinking to build
infrastructure such as roads, skyscrapers, new residential areas. All we know, trees
help clean our air and absorb harmful airborne particles and gaseous pollutants, on
the reverse, the lack of trees causes air pollution.
In short, air pollution reduces the beauty of nature and is a major health problem.
All governments need consciousness and action to solve this problem. In my
ability, I plant some trees in the garden, ride a bicycle or use public transportation
instead of riding a motorbike to reduce pollutant gas.

37/ Discuss some of the most important skills for young people to have in
today’s job market?
In recent years, being jobless has become a global issue facing young people.
Despite earning high education, many people lack the skills they need to get jobs.
In my opinion, there are three important skills for young people to help them get
the jobs they want.
First of all, perhaps the most important skill is problem-solving skills because
many young people have been learning in the education systems which do not
teach these skills due to they just focus on theory. Young people need ample
practical experience in solving a wide range of problems.

Secondly, communication skills are perhaps the second skill needed for finding
jobs. A person has great ideas, if he or she cannot communicate effectively, many
other skills will be of no great matter.
And the third skill I would like to mention is teamwork skills. Most jobs will
require some sort of teamwork and collaboration between employees. Team
members should be clear about their roles and responsibilities, and everyone needs
to understand, and feel confident about, the particular strengths they bring to the
In conclusion, in my opinion, three important skills that I mentioned above are
important than ever that young people today are well-equipped to enter the
workforce to help them get the jobs they want.
45/ What is the most important skill today?
There are a lot of necessary skills for people in order to be successful in this world
today, but the most important skill everyone should learn to become successful is
communication skills because of following reasons.
Firstly, you know, no matter the job or field, communication is one of the most
essential skills. A person has great ideas, if he or she cannot communicate
effectively, many other skills will be of no great matter. On the reverse, if you have
good communication skills, you will easy to express your thought or ideas to
obtain achievement for your career.
Secondly, people with effective communication skills have good relationships with
others. Everyone trusts and rely on them. They often have large social connections
to help them when they are in need.

Finally, a person who has good interpersonal skills can learn more in a short time.
He can gather a lot more information by talking than by other means like reading
books. You want to know the content of a book, but you don’t have time to read it.
You can talk to a friend or a person who read it and ask him the information you
want to know instead of spending a lot of time finding out the information.

In conclusion, in my opinion, communication skills are necessary skills for people
in order to be successful in this world today. You can learn more, have a good job
and have more friends who can help you succeed in life.
3/ Discuss the importance of the Internet.
Nowadays, it’s difficult to imagine a world without the internet. Our daily life
tasks, communication, and enjoyment depend mainly on the internet. It plays an
important role in our life because of following reasons.
First of all, it has become easy to connect with people worldwide and talk face-toface using the internet. It shortens the distance between us, businesses or countries.
Besides, the internet brings us entertainment and news updates.
The next positive effect of the internet is in learning. It provides us with a free and
huge knowledge resource. Therefore, teachers and students can access them from
any part of the world and learn or research them. Especially, the student can easily
communicate and ask doubts from their teachers in real-time via free application
such as Viber, Zalo, and so on.
Finally, we must recognize that the internet has positively impacted society. With
the help of the internet, people, businesses, organizations, and government
authorities can connect internationally.
In conclusion, the world without the internet is unimaginable. The internet plays
many important different roles in different fields. People have benefited from this
technology in both their professional and personal lives.
26/ What are advantages and disadvantages of online learning
19/ What are advantages and disadvantages of online education
A coin has two sides, just as online learning/ education also has its own benefits
and disadvantages.
In terms of the benefits, in my opinion, online learning/ education has three major
advantages. Firstly, online learning can reduce financial costs such as student
meals, transportation, and study materials because they are available online.

Secondly, online learning offers students the accessibility of time and place in

education because it allows students to attend classes from any location of their
choice. And finally, online lectures can be recorded, retained, and shared for future
reference. This allows students to access the learning material at a time of their
Besides the advantages, online learning also has some downsides. Firstly, it is easy
to make students distracted by social media or other sites. Secondly, the increase in
screen time is one of the biggest concerns and reasons of develop bad posture and
other physical problems. Finally, online learning is a challenge for smaller cities
and towns because the internet connectivity in these places has problems with
inconsistent connection and unstable speed.
In conclusion, in my opinion, online learning/ education has many practical and
preeminent benefits. To make online learning to be more effective, the internet
system should be improved in rural areas as well as small cities, and students need
to adjust their online studying time reasonably to avoid affecting their eyesight as
well as being dominated by entertainment information on social networks.
43/ What do you think of shopping on the Internet?
Nowadays, more and more people like shopping on the Internet because of many
advantages, additionally, because the Covid-19 pandemic situation is spreading all
over the world, online shopping is being encouraged. Here are some advantages
and disadvantages of shopping online.
In terms of the benefits, Firstly, online shopping is very convenient and saves your
time because you can shop everything at home through e-commerce sites instead
of visiting the shops or supermarkets. Secondly, you have more choices and can
compare prices and brands of products on many different websites. In particular,
you can easily find the promotions of the stores just sitting at home and accessing
the internet. Finally, online shopping is a tendency which is being encouraged.
Some stores will discount the prices of products if you shop and pay online. When
Covid-19 pandemic appears, online shopping is more and more popular.
Besides the advantages, shopping on the Internet has some downsides. Firstly,
sometimes you shop online and receive items that don't match the description in

terms of style, quality, color or size. Secondly, the products on e-commerce sites
are very plentiful and multiform, so the customers tend to buy the products too
much. This problem is a cause of waste of money.
In conclusion, in my opinion, I think online shopping has many practical and
preeminent benefits. Especially, during the complicated situation of the covid-19

epidemic, online shopping has been being solved many problems for customers
and also sellers.
16/ Discuss the roles of technology in education.
Nowadays, technology has become an integral part of many different fields in our
life, especially, in education. In my opinion, there are three important roles of
technology in education.
Firstly, technology provides students with access to countless online resources,
encouraging them to carry out research and therefore become more independent.
Secondly, technology can provide them a higher quality of education and make
learning more fun and convenient. People can access learning through YouTube
and social media. This helps students learn better than sitting down for lectures and
reading from textbooks.
Finally, technology also has made it possible for us to gain qualifications online
and educate ourselves through institutes that offer online courses without having to
give up our full-time jobs.
In conclusion, teaching is now more than just a teacher in front of the blackboard
because with the presence of technology, learning becomes easier and more
effective than ever before. It has transformed education and the way that people
learn and retain information.
36/ What role does technological development play in people’s life?
Technology plays an important role in society today, the internet and cell phones
are some examples. We are living in an era where technological advances are
common. They appear everywhere, every time in our life. Here are some important

roles of technological development in some aspects of people’s life.
Firstly, technology has played an important role in society through education. It
provides a higher quality of education and make learning more fun, convenient and
preeminent with countless online resources.
Secondly, another role of technology is changing the way of communication.
Technology has brought many new methods of electronic communication that help
us easy to connect with people worldwide and talk face-to-face using the internet.
Thirdly, technological advancements are made within the health industry that help
and keep people safe and healthy. They are used in hospitals that improve the
accessibility of healthcare and increase the success of treatment.

Finally, technology is changing the way we work, produce and also do housework.
It helps us to increase productivity, save time and energy to rest or do other things.
In conclusion, all of these things impact how humans activities today. The world
without technological advancements is unimaginable. It plays many important
different roles in different fields. People have benefited from this technology in
both their professional and personal lives.
23/ Discuss the importance of reading newspaper.
Reading newspapers brings us the storehouse of knowledge and information. It
tells us what is happening at home and abroad. Many people have habits of reading
daily newspapers that their days seem incomplete without taking hold of early
morning newspapers. In my opinion, I think the importance of newspapers in our
daily life is inevitable.
Firstly, the newspaper is very useful because it contains all types of information
and helps us with up-to-date information on the current events that are happening
over the whole world within twenty-four hours.
Secondly, through newspapers, you will have a clear idea and understanding of
what is happening in your country and the whole world. It helps you widen your
outlook and will enrich your knowledge.

Finally, reading a newspaper is a good habit that can provide a great sense of
educational value. It helps us improve our expression ability like writing and
speaking. This habit will not only enhance your knowledge about general
information but likewise improves your language skills and vocabulary.
In conclusion, reading a newspaper is so important and has many benefits than
adverse effects. So, we should read the newspaper regularly. It not only helps us
enrich our knowledge but also brings us up-to-date information. Therefore,
everyone should be encouraged to read the newspaper as much as possible.
33/ What are the advantages of reading books?
Nowadays, people have lots of sources to get information and take entertainment
such as television, radio, Internet, etc. but nobody can deny the importance as well
as the benefits of reading books. In my opinion, there are some major advantages
of reading books.

Firstly, books can be described as a door opening to the world and even outside the
world and they have a huge source of information, so reading gives us new
Secondly, reading books is a good habit that can provide a great sense of
educational value. It helps us improve our expression ability like writing and
speaking. This habit will not only enhance your knowledge about general
information but likewise improves your language skills and vocabulary.
Finally, reading books helps relax and release stress. When you read something,
you must be silent and calm down. Our bodies can have a rest and we don’t have
anything to worry about while focus on reading a book. Some books have fun like
jokes, romantic novels or comics that make you happy and release depression.
In conclusion, reading books is so important and has many benefits. It not only
helps us enriches our knowledge but also brings us relax. The more books we have
read, the more knowledge we have obtained. Therefore, everyone should be
encouraged to read books as much as possible.

9/ What are the benefits and drawbacks of doing exercises.
Exercising is most essential for everyone to remain healthy and fit. Just as a coin
has two sides, doing exercises also has its own benefits and disadvantages.
In terms of the benefits, firstly, doing exercises help to keep fit and also reduces
your weight if you are overweight because you can burn calories when doing
exercises. Secondly, exercising is good for your health. It helps in improving the
oxygen level, blood flow and controls the blood sugar levels of the body. You can
reduce stress, better sleep, control memory, relieve body pain, and strengthen the
muscles. Finally, regular exercise also helps to prevent diabetes, lower the risk of
other diseases like heart attack, Alzheimer’s, obesity.
Besides the advantages, doing exercises have some adverse effects in several ways.
Recently, there are many cases of stroke during exercise due to excessive exercise
intensity, wrong training method, or not being suitable for their physical condition.
You should do exercises suitable for your body, and if you have any health
problem you need to consult a specialist.
In conclusion, if you are not healthy, you cannot have a happy life and contribute
to the expansion of society. Thus, everyone needs to exercise reasonably and safely
to beat all these modern diseases.

15/ Discuss the importance of playing sports.
Today, there are many sports competitions all over the world. They become an
essential aspect of our life because of the following reasons.
Firstly, playing sports is most essential for everyone to keep fit. It also reduces
your weight if you are overweight because you can burn calories when playing
Secondly, the health benefits of playing sports are significant. It helps in improving
the oxygen level, blood flow and controls the blood sugar levels of the body. You
can reduce stress, better sleep, control memory and relieve body pain through
playing sports. It also helps to prevent diabetes, lower the risk of other diseases

like Alzheimer’s, obesity.
Finally, playing sports increase the ability to communicate and connect with the
community. Team sports like football, basketball help us improve our ability to
interact with others because it requires good coordination and understanding of
team members.
In conclusion, playing sports brings us many benefits both in health and social
communication. Thus, we should play sport reasonably and safely to beat all these
modern diseases and become more active and healthier.
29/ Discuss the importance of having Physical Education lessons at schools. 
Studying and physical activities need to do at the same time to help children
comprehensively develop – both mentally and physically. Thus, physical education
lessons at schools are very essential and important.
Firstly, children are spending more time on mobile phones, TV, computers at home
and eat a lot of junk food. Thus, physical activities are vital in the fight against
child obesity. Ensuring that children are physically fit from a young age can help
prevent future health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood
Secondly, students who do regular physical activities have better sleep. They are
therefore more alert at school and have higher levels of concentration. Physical
exercise helps children relieve stress, anxiety and develop their motor skills and
strengthen their muscles.

Finally, playing sports in groups helps young people to improve their teamwork
and leadership skills. It also helps to form stronger relationships between team
members and promotes solidarity.
In conclusion, physical Education lessons at schools play an important role in
keeping children fit and active. They should be maintained and implemented for
children to lead a healthy, active lifestyle.
31/ What are the benefits of travelling by public transport?

Nowadays, more and more people like to travel by public transports because it
brings them many benefits and convenience. In my opinion, there are third primary
Firstly, Public Transport benefits each person and the entire community
financially. This form of transport contributes a lot of money in economic returns
by ticket fee obtaining. Moreover, it saves time and money for people on
maintenance and servicing of the personal vehicle, parking spaces, and fees at the
various destinations.
Secondly, public Transport carries many people on one vehicle, it burns less fuel
and reduces air pollution more than many individual vehicles put together, hence
can reduce traffic jams.
Thirdly, it allows people who cannot afford to buy their personal vehicles to travel.
In addition, public transport is a lot safer than other means because it must have
safety standards to be used for public transport.
In conclusion, in my opinion, although public transport is good for the
environment and the economy, and gives you many advantages as well, choosing
public transport or personal vehicles depends on the demands of each person. If
you are in urgent situations, you should not choose public transport.
5/ What are the advantages and disadvantages of using public transports
A coin has two sides, just as using public transports also has its own benefits and
In terms of benefits, firstly, public transport contributes a lot of money in economic
returns by ticket fee obtaining and it can save time and money for personal vehicle
owners many kinds of cost such as maintenance and servicing, parking spaces, and
fees at the various destinations. Secondly, public transport carries many people on
one vehicle, it burns less fuel and reduces air pollution than many individual

vehicles put together, hence can reduce traffic jams. And finally, it allows people
who cannot afford to buy their personal vehicles to travel.

Besides the advantages, it has a low level of comfort because, firstly, public
transport can be slower than traveling using your personal vehicle due to it must
drop by many stops. Secondly, the fixed stops and schedules of the public transport
may not match with the travel demands of some users. Finally, passengers can
contract some communicable diseases due to the limited space.
In conclusion, in my opinion, while it is good for the environment and the
economy, public transport has its own disadvantage as well. Choosing public
transport or personal vehicles depends on the demands of each person.
10/ What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a nuclear family.
28/ What are the benefits and drawbacks of living in a nuclear family? Do you
like living in that type of family?
A nuclear family is a popular tendency in modern life due to various factors such
as increasing urbanization, scarcity of living space in big cities, a desire for more
privacy, and so on. Just as a coin has two sides, living in a nuclear family also has
its own benefits and disadvantages.
In terms of the advantages, firstly, many young people desire more freedom and
privacy instead of being affected and the absolute control of the eldest family
member. Secondly, sharing the living space with many family members can often
lead to conflicts, misunderstandings, and unpleasant situations.
Besides the advantages, the nuclear family also has some downsides. Firstly,
Couples face difficult situations such as the child falling sick, working to meet a
deadline, or school/daycare declaring a holiday when it is a working day for the
parents. Secondly, the children in nuclear families may feel loneliness and isolation
due to their parents find little or no time to spend with their children. As a result,
some children may feel alone, therefore, they spend a lot of time watching TV,
playing games, or using mobile phones.
In conclusion, in my opinion, no family is perfect, but when solving any problem,
couples need to ensure the best possible outcomes for all family members. I would
like to live in a nuclear family because preventing of conflicts with other members
and have more freedom and privacy.

11/ Living in an extended family brings us many advantages. Discuss this
Living in an extended family is a traditional lifestyle in some cultures for many
years. I think it is advantageous because of the following reasons.
First of all, living in an extended family can reduce the family’s money pressure.
For example, instead of one person paying for the bill, it is now more economical
to have a group of people pays for the bill.
Secondly, it also encourages grandparents and children to spend time together and
add value to each other’s lives. I mean, children have the advantage of growing up
with multiple family members and also learning about caring for their elders, while
grandparents feel happier when living with grandchildren.
Finally, we can find it much easier and simpler to care for and support each other
when living in the same home. This way, we can share the love, responsibilities,
mutual support with the family members.
In conclusion, extended family living has many benefits, but it can also become
challenging and put a pressure on family relationships. One of the best ways to
avoid any potential conflict is to live together in a home with a layout that gives
each member of the family much-needed privacy, space, and comfort.
38/ Describe some of the factors that make one family happy and another
It's easy but also very difficult to have the happiness that depends on the
conception of the individual. Just as a happy family is decided by many factors
base on each member's outlook unification in the family. Here are some primary
factors that make one family happy.
First of all, well, I think the first factor that should mention is mutual respect.
Therefore, young members need to respect elders, on the reverse, adults and
elderly members also need to respect children in the family.
The second factor is sharing. When you give, you will receive back. All family

members should increase sharing, I mean sharing in emotion and also obligations
and duties.
Finally, we need to spend time together. People said “Out of sight, out of mind”, I
think it’s true. Lack of spending time together is the reason why divorce happens
more and more or kids become depraved.

In conclusion, a happy family is made by many factors, but your family must have
some above major factors to have a family happy. Sometimes, you know that but
you can’t do that. So, you should keep and care for most simple things, but these
are essential things to have a happy family, for example, just need a kiss for your
children every day or helping your wife washing the dishes sometimes, or couples
should control the emotion prevents the argument.
30/ Nowadays, studying oversea has become popular? What are the
advantages and disadvantages?
44/ Nowadays, studying oversea has become popular. What are the
advantages and disadvantages?
A coin has two sides, just as studying oversea also has its own benefits and
In terms of the benefits, firstly, you have better learning opportunities and can
obtain valuable degrees with perfect language skills. This is also opens your
outlook that makes you see the world from a wide aspect of view. Secondly,
moving abroad to study forces you to be independent and not rely on family
members for support. You will have to work out for yourself how everything
works in your host country.
Besides the advantages, studying overseas has some downsides. Firstly, it is often
the case that tuition fees are higher for international students. In addition, you will
have to spend other considerable moving costs when you choose to study abroad.
Secondly, you may initially have some problems with language and culture
barriers or some issues related with religion, gender roles, or communication

differences. Finally, you might feel alone and miss your family, especially at the
beginning of abroad. In conclusion, in my opinion, studying overseas has many
practical and preeminent benefits. By studying in a foreign country, especially
developed ones, people could gain many benefits that are out of their expectations.
I think if you afford it you can choose to study abroad to open your mind, to learn
many valuable things.
2/ What are the benefits and drawbacks of travelling?
For many people, traveling is not only for relaxation but also for passion. Just as a
coin has two sides, traveling also has its own benefits and drawbacks.
In terms of the advantages, firstly, traveling lets you explore some new places,
create lifetime memories, and also enrich your knowledge about different cultures,

people and countries. Secondly, traveling can help you reduce stress, even a cure
for depression and might help you feel better, both physically and psychologically.
Besides the advantages, traveling also has some downsides too. Firstly, traveling
can be quite costly. Even if you stay in quite cheap hostels and try to save money
on food, you will still need some money to get around, to pay for your transport,
and so on. Secondly, it can also be quite exhausting, especially if you are traveling
for a long time in backpacking style. Finally, you may be sick because you travel
to places that have rather low hygiene standards or where diseases are spreading.
In conclusion, traveling brings us many fresh insights and some quite exciting
discoveries, it is a useful way to enjoy and make your life more interesting.
However, you should prepare carefully all things for a healthy and safe trip.
4/ What are the benefits and drawbacks of watching TV?
Watching TV not only brings us the storehouse of knowledge and information, but
it is also a cheap entertainment channel at your home. Just as a coin has two sides,
watching TV also has its own benefits and drawbacks
In terms of advantages, firstly, TV news brings us useful information. It contains
all types of news and gives us up-to-date information on the current events that are

happening over the whole world within twenty-four hours. Secondly, TV program
channels satisfy most of everyone's hobbies such as cooking channels, financial
talk shows, traveling shows and so on. Finally, watching TV, especially your
favorite programs can help you relax or make you laugh that can relieve your
However, watching TV has some downsides. Firstly, watching TV too much is not
good for your health such as sleep difficulties, behavior problems, lower grades,
and other health issues. Secondly, TV might be addictive lead to a waste of time,
for those who watch a lot, it's very hard to quit.
In conclusion, TV programs are so plentiful and have many benefits. It not only
helps us enrich our knowledge but also brings us entertainment. However, parents
need to control the TV channels to prevent the children from watching violent,
criminal, sexual, or other risky behavior on television. These issues have negative
effects and leave a bad impression on children and as result, they might have
trouble in the future.

6/ Present the good points and bad points of having fast food.
Nowadays, the busy modern lifestyle is the reason why fast food is the favorite of
many people. However, just as a coin has two sides, fast food also has its own
benefits and drawbacks.
In terms of good points, firstly, eating fast food helps to save time for people who
have busy schedules and can takes 50% less time than it would if you were to try to
make lunch or dinner at home. Secondly, besides time, cost-saving is probably the
most important reason for people to eat fast food, fried chicken, hamburger, banh
mi and sticky rice, for example.
Besides good points, eating fast food has some downsides too. Firstly, a fast-food
product habit can impact negatively to your health such as high salt and blood
sugar level, high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Secondly, fast food is being
seen as a factor that causes some families to spend less and less time together and

to lose the family tradition of eating together. Finally, although fast food is not
very expensive, it is more expensive and the bill is large for many people. Eating at
fast food outlets is economical only for a single person.
In conclusion, although fast food is a convenient and tasty addition to a diet, can
have serious health, increase economic and social effects. People should learn to
choose fast food carefully and remember the pleasure of eating good food at home.
It is not necessary to boycott all fast-food restaurants, but it's important to limit
how often we eat at them.
40/ What are the positive and negative impacts of tourism.
The tourism industry contributes to the development of the country in many
aspects. Just as a coin has two sides, tourism has its own benefits and drawbacks.
In terms of positive impacts, firstly, tourism impacts positively the economy. It
creates jobs and makes an opportunity to develop the economy in rural areas and
small towns. Secondly, in terms of society, the improvements to infrastructure and
new entertainment facilities that result from tourism also benefit the local
community. Thirdly, tourism also impacts positively the environment, it helps
promote the conservation of wildlife and natural resources such as forests, due to
these are now regarded as tourism property.
Besides the advantages, tourism has some downsides. Firstly, to develop tourism,
the government must invest in roads and infrastructure. The cost of these is very
high and takes from tax revenues. However, jobs created by tourism are often
seasonal and low salary. Secondly, visitor behavior can have a negative effect on

the quality of life in the local community. For example, crowding and congestion,
drugs and alcohol problems, pollution through traffic emissions, littering, sewage
production, and noise.
In conclusion, tourism should be exploited in the right ways to bring benefits to the
economy, help to preserve nature and ecology, broadcast traditional culture.
Especially, tourism in the covid-19 disease situation is affected seriously, if the

government has not had proper development policies that can create a risk of
disease spread, affecting people's health as well as economic stagnation.
21/ Discuss the importance of punctuality.
Punctuality benefits an individual in all aspects of life. It also helps an individual to
build up his/her character and creates a positive impression on others. In my
opinion, I think punctuality has an important role in each individual success.
Firstly, punctuality allows you to manage your time effectively and helps you
control your schedule. When you are always punctual, it demonstrates you have
controlled most of everything that you have planned. This enables you to adapt to
your situations and change your solution efficiently.
Secondly, punctuality helps you show your ability and is a key to success. A
person who is on time stays a step ahead of people who do not value time. Your
foresight and the ability to adapt to any unforeseen situation give you credibility.
Finally, punctuality represents your prestige and respecting others and valuing
time. It is a matter of trust, and people believe you because you always keep your
word. When you set an appointment – whether it is business or pleasure, you are
making a promise that you will be there at that given hour. By being there
punctually, you demonstrate that you keep your promises.
In conclusion, punctuality is a habit that helps you earn the respect and trust of
other people. It also enables you to move ahead in your career. Finally, when you
are punctual, it inspires others around you to do the same, and you can contribute
positively to society as well.
20/ Do you think people today have less free time than in the past? Why or
Why not?
This debate has been argued time and again. For many people, besides working at
the office, they also spend their free time doing many other things. In my opinion,
people today have less free time than in the past because of the following reasons.

Firstly, the development of technology helps productivity and efficiency of

working increase and allows people can work for 8 hours a day instead of 12 hours
as before. However, the cost of living increases as well while salaries have been
rather stagnant. Therefore, people must do other jobs to have extra sources of
income. More people even work during the weekends.
Secondly, in modern life, people have tended to live far from workplaces to save
money for renting a house because accommodation in center is very expensive.
Therefore, they must wake up early and spend more time moving on roads, even
waste time by traffic jams.
Finally, people usually spend the rest time of the day taking care of their families
or children after the whole working day. Even many parents must take their
children to join extra language classes and other skills classes on the weekends.
They do not almost have the leisure time for their hobbies.
In conclusion, although modern life brings us many benefits and helps us reduce
official working time, it also increases the demand of people today.
24/ Do you think universities prepare well enough for your future careers?
Some lucky people can use their degrees to find jobs they want, but many others
are still jobless after graduation. Besides providing knowledge in theory, I think
universities need to support student transfer theory to practical skills that students
have the perfect reparation for their career.
Firstly, many students report that they lack practical experience before entering the
workforce because they have been learning in the education systems which do not
teach skills due to they just focus on theory. Young people need ample practical
experience in solving a wide range of problems of today's jobs.
Secondly, many employers don’t want to recruit graduated students without real
skills and practical experiences. In my opinion, universities should increase time
for internship and allow students study theory and practice at the same time to have
more experiences for their future careers.
Finally, many universities only care about enrollment quotas instead of social
demands for each specific major. Therefore, lots of graduated students are
unemployment due to excess human resources, for example, majors in pedagogy,

accounting, business administration, and so on.
In conclusion, with Bachelor's or Master's degrees, students will have lots of
opportunities to get jobs they expect. However, they should find clearly
information about the majors and universities that they decide to study, especially,

universities focus training both theory and practice because these issues are very
important to lead to whether they will succeed in the future.
13/ Discuss the importance of having a university degree.
No doubt about the importance of higher education for our life. Higher education
can lead to many benefits, including a successful career and financial security.
Education or university degrees play a significant role in all aspects of our life.
Firstly, a university degree helps us increase access to job opportunities. I mean,
we cannot prevent high competition, but if we don't have this degree our
opportunity is near zero when joying high-quality job market.
Secondly, the greater our level of education, the higher we can expect our salary to
be. Bachelor’s degree holders earn higher salaries than associate degree holders
and high school graduates. So, it means a bachelor’s degree brings pay well, help
us economic stability.
Finally, a good job and a high salary take away the stress factors associated with
financial insecurity. As such, you can live happily and more comfortably. The
quality of your life will be improved and your health also will be better.
In conclusion, nowadays, many people obtain Bachelor's or Master's degrees to
join the job market. Therefore, candidates are difficult to stand out from others in a
highly competitive job market. However, I think we should not doubt the
importance of having a university degree due to the quickest pathway that brings
you closer to your dreams is going to college and getting a higher education. It's
the reason why many people invest in college both with their money and time.
25/ Do you think that computers can totally replace human teachers in the

Well, this is a debate that has been argued time and again. In my opinion, at least
in near future, computers CANNOT replace teachers because of the following
Firstly, teachers do not only give students information, homework, and marks like
computers, but also teachers can change the methods of teaching for specific
students because the cognitive ability of each individual is different.
Secondly, teachers have the emotional capacity to empathize with their students.
They have a keen observation to notice the demands of their students and they
know how to subtlety handle them when occurring unexpected situations. At the
moment, computers cannot do that.
