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good bad and ugly drivers

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Drivers can be divided into three major
categories-the good, the bad and the ugly. The purpose most drivers
have is to get from point A to point B. Unfortunately, not all drivers get
there the same way. How they get there depends on which category they
fall into.Good Drivers. Good drivers will most always get to their
destination with the least amount of trouble. They obey all the laws of
driving. Such as using turn signals when required, checking their mirrors
before switching lanes and following posted speed limits. Most
importantly, good drivers respect the road and their fellow drivers.Bad
Drivers. Bad drivers, on the other hand, seem to have some trouble
getting where they are going. They don't obey the laws of driving. They
refuse to use turn signals, or check their mirrors before switching lanes,
often cutting other drivers off. Bad drivers tend to speed, weaving in and
out of traffic without a care for the other drivers.Ugly Drivers. Ugly drivers
are the worst drivers on the road. These are the drivers driving 50mph. in
the fast lane. They also seem to always have there turn signal on and
never turn. Ugly drivers refuse to turn right on red, even when there is no
other traffic coming. They also have the bad habit of not seeing a traffic
light turn green and they just sit there till someone honks their horn at
them. All drivers fall into one of these three categories. Most people
would probably lie and say that they were in the good driver category.
Some would have an honest opinion of his/her driving and categorize
themselves properly. So I'll leave you with this question "Which type of
driver are you"?

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