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Cách dùng Prepositons và một số bài Reading 9

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(Above, over on to from through into out of by Below, under)
2. Giới từ chỉ nơi chốn:
a. On:
* ở trên (chạm vào, sát vào, bao phủ hoặc tạo thành một phần của bề mặt.
VD: On the wall / grass / table.
* ở ( một đại lộ, một con đường)
VD: on Tran Hung Dao Street.
* ở trên / trong hoặc một phương tiện chuyên chở.
VD: on the plane / train…
* trên / dựa trên
VD: on his back, on horse back …
b. At + địa chỉ :
VD: at 10 Ngo Quyen Street.
c. In + tên nước, tỉnh, thành phố.
VD: in viet Nam, in Ho Chi Minh city.
d. Một số giới từ chỉ vị trí khác:
above ( bên trên), around ( xung quanh), behind (đằng sau), below ( bên dưới), beside (bên cạnh), between (ở giữa),
far from (ở xa), in front of (trước mặt), in the middle of ( ở giữa), inside (bên trong), near (gần), next to (bên cạnh),
on the top of (trên đỉnh),
outside (bên ngoài), under (bên dưới).
1. Giới từ chỉ thời gian:at, on , in , from … to, for, by, after, between, till, until ….
a. At + một thời điểm cụ thể.
VD: at night/ three o’clock in the afternoon
b. In + tháng / năm / mùa
VD: In 1978 / June / summer
In + the morning / afternoon / evening
c. On + ngày trong tuần / ngày tháng năm.
VD : on Monday / January 4 th , 2007
d. From … to : từ … đến …
from + điểm thời gian + to + điểm thời gian

VD: We have classes from 7 o’clock to 11.15.
e. For + khoảng thời gian:
VD: for two hours , a week …
f. By + một điểm thời gian: trước
VD: by five o’clock
g. After + time:
VD: after breakfast / lunch / dinner…
h. Between + điểm thời gian + and + điểm thời gian: khoảng từ … đến …
Between + 2 sự kiện
i. Till / Until + điểm thời gian: đến luc, đến khi.
1. Adjective + about:
Worried about: lo lắng
Nervous about: lo lắng
Excited about: hồi hộp
Upset about: bực tức
Annoyed about: Phiền toái
Happy /sad about; Vui
Angry about : giận về việc

Furious about: giận dữ
Sorry about
2. Adjective + of:
Afraid of: sợ , e ngại
Frightened of: sợ hãi
Terrified of: sợ hãi
Scared of:sợ hãi
Fond of: thích
Tired of: chán

Proud of: tự hào
Ashamed of: hổ thẹn
Full of: đầy những
Short of: cạn kiệt
Jealous of: ghen tỵ với
Envious of: ghen tỵ với
Capable / incapable of: có
khả năng/ không có khả
Aware / conscious of: ý thức
Confident of: tin tưởng
3. Adjective + at:
- Good / bad/ excellent/ clever at (= giỏi /
tốt / xuất sắc/ khéoléo về…)
- surprised/ astonished/ amazed/ shocked at
(or by): kinh ngạc
- skilful at: có kỹ năng về
- clumsy at: vụng về
- annoyed at : khó chựu về
5. Adjective + with:
Fed up with/ bored with: chán
Satisfied with: hài lòng
Delighted with: phấn khởi
Disappointed with; thất vọng
Crowded/ overcrowded with:
đông đúc
Covered with: bao phủ
Angry with: giận dữ
Contrasted with: tương phản

Popular with: phổ biến
Familiar with: quen thuộc với ai
Pleased with:hài lòng
Furious with: phẫn nộ
Busy with: bận
Friendly; thân mật
Acquainted with: làm quen với
6. Adjective + in:
- interested in: thích, quan
tâm về
-rich in: giàu về
- successful in:thành công
- confident in sb: tin cậy vào
4. Adjective + for:
- availaible: có sẵn
- difficult for: khó
- late for: muộn
- dangerous for: nguy hiểm
- famous for / well-known for:
nổi tiếng
- suitable for: phù hợp
- sorry for: xin lỗi
- helpful for / useful for: có lợi
/ có ích
- ready for; sẵn sàng
- Responsible for: chựu trách
nhiệm về việc gì
- good for: tốt
- convenient for: thuận tiện

- qualified for: có phẩm chất
- Necessary for: cần thiết
- grateful for st: biết ơn về
7. Adjective + from:
- Absent from: vắng mặt
- different from: khác
- far from: xa
- safe from: an toàn
- Divorced from: ly dị,
làm xa rời
8. Adjective+ to:
Nice/kind/polite/ generous/ friendly/
unfriendly to
Harmful to: có hại
Similar to: tương tự
Be married/ engaged to sb (= thành hôn/
đính hôn)
Note: Nice/kind/polite/ generous of sb
to do st
9. Adjective + on:
Keen on: + n/ V-ing:
say mê
Dependent on + n/
V-ing: lệ thuộc
10. Một số trường hợp cần lưu
- be tired of: chán
EX: I’m tired of doing the same
work every day
- be tired from:mệt mỏi

Ex: I’m tired from walking for a
long time
- be grateful to sb for st…:biết ơn
ai về vấn đề gì
Ex: I’m grateful to you for your
- be responsible to sb for st: chịu
trách nhiệm với ai về việc gì
Ex: you have to be responsible to
me for your actions
- apply for: xin việc
- ask for; yêu cầu
- Look for: tìm kiếm
- Thank for: cảm ơn
- leave for:dời để
- search: tìm kiếm
- pay for: trả tiền
- wait for: đợi
2. verbs + to:
- Belong to: thuộc về
- listen to: nghe
-happen to: xảy ra với
- write to: viết
Speak to: nói
- explain to;giải thích
- Apologize to: xin lỗi
- prefer to: thích hơn
3. verbs + on:

Depend on: lệ thuộc vào / Rely on: tin cậy / Live on:
sống nhờ vào / keep on: tiếp tục
4. verbs + at:
- look at: /- glance at: liếc nhìn vào /- smile at: cuời /
-laugh at;cuời /- Shout at: lalối
- Point at: chĩa /-aim: nhằm
5. Verbs + of:
Consist of : bao gồm
- die of/ from: chết vì
- approve of: tán thành
- admire sb of st: khâm phục ai
- Complain to sb of / about st: phàn nàn
- think of/ about: nghĩ
accuse sb of st: tố cáo
- complain to sb about st: phàn nàn
- talk to: nói
6. Others:
- Look after + take care of: chăm sóc
- be/ get used to: quen
- suffer from; chịu đựng
- look up / for/ at/ forward to/ :
- put on/ off/: mặc/ hoãn lại
- blame sb for st: đỗ lỗi
- belong to: thuộc về
- congratulate sb on st: chúc mừng
- arrive at (station,bus, stop…) địa điểm nhỏ
- arrive in (London, Paris, Viet Nam ) địa điểm lớn
- turn into/ change into: hoá ra
- bring up: nuôi lớn
- agree with: đồng ý

- borrow st from sb; muợn
- participate in: tham gia
- Object to sb/ V-ing: phản đối
- call off: huỷ bỏ
- stand for: tượng trưng
- differ from: khác
- introduce to sb: giới thiệu
- escape from:thoát khỏi
- insist on: khăng khăng
- prevent from: ngăn chặn
- succeed in: thành công về
1. ON
∙ On + thứ trong tuần/ ngàytrong tháng.
Ví dụ: I will call you on Thursday. His birthday is on February 3.
∙ On + a/the + phương tiện giao thông (bus/ plane/ train/ ship/ bike).
Ví dụ: It’s two late to see Jane; she’s already on the plane. I came to school this morning on the bus.
∙ On a street : ởtại phố. Ví dụ: I lives on 1 st Ngọc khánh.
∙ On + the + số thứ tự + floor: ở tầng thứ.
Ví dụ: My girlfriend lives on the fourth floor of an old building by my house.
∙ On time : đúng giờ (bất chấp hoàn cảnh bên ngoài).
Ví dụ: Despite the bad weather, our plane left on time.
∙ On the corner (of two street) : góc giữa 2 phố.
Ví dụ: My house is on the corner of Ngọc khánh street and Trộm cướp street.
On the corner at the corner in the corner
∙ On thesidewalk : trên vỉa hè.
Ví dụ: Don’t walk in the street, walk on the sidewalk.
∙ On the way : trên đường tới >< on the way back to: trên đường trở về.
Ví dụ: We can stop at the grocery store on the way to their house.
∙ On the right/ left :ở bên trái/ bên phải.

Ví dụ: Paul sits on the left side of the room and Dave sits on the right.
∙ On television/ (the) radio: trên truyền hình/ trên đài phát thanh.
Ví dụ: The president’s “State of the Union Address” will be on television and on the radio tonight.
∙ On the telephone (on the phone): nói trên điện thoại, gọi điện thoại, nhà có mắc điện thoại.
Ví dụ: Is your house on the telephone ?- nhà cậu có mắc
Janet will be here soon; she is on the telephone.
∙ On the whole = in general : nói chung.
Ví dụ: On the whole, the rescue mission was well executed.
∙ On the other hand: tuy nhiên.
∙ on the one hand on the other hand : một mặt mặt khác.
Ví dụ: The present perfect aspect is never used to indicate a specific time; on the other hand, the simple past tense is.
∙ On sale 1- for sale : có bán, để bán.
2- bán hạ giá.
Ví dụ: The house will go on sale this weekend.
The regular price of the radio is $39.95, but today it’s on sale for $25.
∙ On foot: đi bộ.
Ví dụ: My car would not start so I came on foot.
* on fire: đang cháy
* On a diet: ăn kiêng
2. AT
at -ở tại (thường là bên ngoài, không xác định bằng in)
Ví dụ: Jane is at the bank.
∙ At + số nhà.
Ví dụ: George lives at 565 16 th Avenue.
∙ At + thời gian cụthể.
Ví dụ: The class begin at 5:15.
∙ At + home/ school/ work :ở nhà/ ở trường/ đang làm việc.
Ví dụ: Charles is at work and his roommate is at school. At night, they are usually at home.
∙ At + noon/ night: vào ban trưa/ vào ban đêm.
at noon (Mỹ) : đúng 12h trưa.

∙ At least : tối thiểu >< at most : tối đa.
Ví dụ: We will have to spend at least two weeks doing the experiments.
∙ At once : ngay lập tức.
Ví dụ: Please come home at once.
∙ At times : thi thoảng, đôi khi.
Ví dụ: At times, it is difficult to understandhim because he speaks too fast.
∙ At present/ the moment = now + thời tiếp diễn.
∙ At first : thoạt đầu >< at last : về sau.
Ví dụ: Jane was nervous at first, but later she felt more relaxed.
∙ At the beginning/ at the end of : ở đầu/ ở cuối ( dùng cho địa điểm/ thời gian).
3. Một số thành ngữ đặc biệt dùng với giới từ.
∙ On the beach: trên bãi biển.
Ví dụ: We walked on the beach for several hours last night.
∙ In place of = instead of : thay cho, thay vì.
Ví dụ: Sam is going to the meeting in place of his brother, who has to work.
Lưu ý: In place of : không thay thế được cho "instead" khi instead đi một mình đứng cuối câu.
Ví dụ: She was supposed to come this morning, but she went to the lab instead.
điện thoại không?
∙ In hopes of + Ving = hoping to + verb = hoping that + sentence.
Ví dụ: John called his brother in hopes of finding somebodyto watch his children.
∙ Of course : chắc chắn, tất nhiên.
Ví dụ: If you study the material very thoroughly, you will have no trouble on the examination.
∙ Off and on : dai dẳng, tái hồi, từng chập một.
Ví dụ: It rained off and on all day yesterday.
∙ All of a sudden: bất thình lình.
Ví dụ: When we were walking through the woods, all of a sudden, we heard a strange sound.
∙ For good = for ever : vĩnh viễn, mãi mãi.
Ví dụ: Helen is leaving Chicago for good.
4. Out of (ra khỏi) >< into (di vào)
∙ be (run) out of + danh từ : hết, không còn.

∙ be out of town : đi vắng.
Mr. Adams cannot see you this week because he is out of town.
∙ be out of date (cũ, lỗi thời) >< be up to date (mới, cập nhật, hợp thời)
Don’t use that dictionary. It is out of date. Find one that is up to date.
∙ be out of work : thất nghiệp.
I have been very unhappy since I have been out of work.
∙ be out of the question : không thể được.
Your request for an extension of credit is out of the question.
∙ be out of order: hỏng.
We had to use our neighbour’s telephone because ours was out of order.
5. BY
∙ Động từ chỉ chuyển động + by = đi ngang qua.
∙ Động từ tĩnh + by = ở gần, ở bên.
∙ by + thời gian cụ thể : trước lúc.
Ví dụ: We usually eat supper by six o’clock in the evening.
∙ Byđược dùng trong câu bị động để chỉ ra chủ thể gây hành động.
Ví dụ: Romeo and Juliet was writen by William Shakespeare.
∙ By + phương tiện giao thông (bus/ plane/ train/ car/ ship/ bike).
Ví dụ: We traveled to Boston by train.
∙ By then : trước lúc đó.
Ví dụ: I will graduate from the university in 1997. By then, I hope to have found a job.
∙ By way of = via : theo đường.
Ví dụ: We are driving to Atlanta by way of Baton Rouge.
∙ By the way : 1- tình cờ.
Ví dụ: By the way, I’ve got two tickets for Saturday’s game. Would you like to go with me?
-nhân đây, tiện đây.
∙ By far + tính từ so sánh : (dùng để nhấn mạnh).
Ví dụ: This book is by far the best on the subject.
∙ By accident / by mistake : tình cờ. >< on purpose (cố tình).
Ví dụ: Nobody will receive a check on Friday because the wrong cards were put into the computer by accident.

* by heart: học thuộc lòng
In (ở trong, ở tại)-nghĩa xác định hơn at
∙ In a room/ building/ drawer/ closet : bên trong
Ví dụ: Your socks are in the drawer.
∙ In + năm/ tháng.
Ví dụ: His birthday is in April. I will begen class in 1998.
∙ In time : đúng giờ-vừa vặn.
Ví dụ: We arrived at the airport in time to eat before the plane left.
∙ In the street:dưới lòngđường.
Ví dụ: The children were warned not to play in the street.
∙ In the morning / afternoon/ evening : vào buổi sáng/ buổi chiều/ buổi tối.
Ví dụ: I have a dental appointment in the morning, but I will be free in the afternoon.
∙ In the past/ future: trong quá khứ/ tương lai.
Ví dụ: In the past, attendance at school was not compulsory, but it is today.
∙ In future : từ nay trở đi.
Ví dụ: I will spend much time on learning English in future because the TOEFL test is coming.
∙ In the beginning/ end. : thoạt đầu/ rốt cuộc = at first/ at last.
Ví dụ: Everyone seemed unfriendly in the beginning but in the end everyone made friends.
∙ In the way : chắn ngang lối, đỗ ngay lối.
Ví dụ: He could not park his car in the driveway because another car was in the way.
∙ Once in a while : thỉnh thoảng, đôi khi.
Ví dụ: Once in a while, we eat dinner at Chiness restaurant.
∙ In no time at all: trong nháy mắt, trong 1 thoáng.
Ví dụ: George finishes his assignment in no time at all.
∙ In the meantime = meanwhile : trong lúc đó.
Ví dụ: We start school in several weeks, but in the meantime, we can take a trip.
Ví dụ: Grace stood in the middle of the room looking for her friend.
∙ In the army/ air force/ navy. Trong quân đội/ trong không lực/ trong hảiquân.
∙ In the + số thứ tự + row : ở hàng ghế thứ.

Ví dụ: We are going to sit in the fifteen row of the auditorium.
∙ In the event that : trong trường hợp.
Ví dụ: In the event that you win the prize, you will be notified by mail.
∙ In case : để phòng khi,để ngộ nhỡ.
Ví dụ: I will give you the key to the house so you will have it in case I arrive a little late.
∙ Be/ get in touch/ contact with : tiếp xúc, liên lạc, gặp gỡ với ai.
Ví dụ: It’s very difficult to get in touch with Jenny because she works all day.
∙ In fact: = actually: thực ra
∙ In general: nói chung
∙ In meantime: đồng thời
Unit 1
take somebody to some place : đưa ai tới nơi nào
at the end of
the week : cuối tuần
to depend on : tùy thuộc vào
to be rich in : giàu có, phong phú về
to befamous for : nổi tiếng về
to be keep in touch (with sb) : giữ liên lạc (với ai)
Unit 2
different from
: khác với > < the same as
to be named after
: được đặt tên theo
to be proud of
: tự hào về
many ways : về nhiều phương diện

the world : trên thế giới
Unit 3
Preposition of place
on a farm
in a field
by a river
–in the river/sea
walk up the mountain
near the foot of a mountain
in / under the tree
cross a bamboo forest
in the corner of the room
at /on the corner of the street
in the sky
at the entrance to
the village
on the way (home) / (to
Preposition of time
from Monday to / till Thursday
for half an hour
between 11 AM and 1 PM
at the beginning of the week
at the end of
the week / month / year …
in the end = finally
since last summer / winter …
Unit 4
amount to : cộng lại đến / thành
deposit in / on : đặt

* order sb to do sth : ra lệnh cho ai làm gì
respond to sb / sth : đáp lại
communicate with sb : giao tiếp
limit sb / sth to : giới hạn vào / ở
be accessible to : tiếp cận được
Unit 6
sth : thất vọng về việc gì
sth : thất vọng trong việc gì
persuade sbof
sth : thuyết phục ai làm việc gì
provide sbwith
sth : cung cấp cho ai thứ gì
reduce sth to
sth : thu giảm điều gìđến mức nào
prevent sbfrom
doing sth : ngăn cản ai làm điều gì
Unit 7
apply to
somewhere for sth : nộp đơn vào đâu để xin việc gì
apply sth to sth : áp dụng điều gì cho cái gì
do sth on one’s profit : làm việc gì vì lợi ích của ai
profitable to sb : có lợi cho ai
replace sth / sb with
sth / sb : thay cái gì / ai bằng cái gì /ai
Unit 8
the year : suốt năm

distinguish A from
B : phân biệt A với B
in a word : nói tóm lại, tắt một lời
Unit 9
prepare for
sth : chuẩn bị cho cái gì đó
bring along sth : mang theo cái gì đó
warn sb about sth : khiến cho ai cảnh giác, đề phòng cái gì
cause damage to sth : làm cái gì hư hại
Unit 10
be under experiment : đang được thử nghiệm
around the world : khắp thế giới
plan for sth : dự kiến, trù tính cái gì
in perfect health : với sức khỏe hoàn hảo
Giới từ chỉ thời gian:
I. Choose the suitable prepositions in brackets
1. Ba and Tam usually go fishing the weekends. (on, in, from, at)
2. The students will visit the capital the summer. (on, in, at, of)
3. They heard a very strange noise midnight. (on, in, at, out)
4. Our little brother took a long nap from 1p.m 4p.m. (till, up, between, at)
5. The competitions will take place 8a.m and 12a.m. (from, between, up to, to)
6. She talked an hour to persuade her parents. (in, for, at, up to)
7. They have learned English many years. (since, for, in, from)
8. The boys often go skiing the winter. (in, at, on, for)
9. I’ve studied French 3 months. (for, since, in)
10. I arrived the bus stop at 4 in the afternoon. (in, at, on, to)
11. She has been here yesterday. (in, since, for, on)
12. We will go a picnic next week. (in, at, on, to)
13. She took many pictures to show the trip her parents. (of, for, to,

14. There is a meeting 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. (in, till, between, at)
15. We have lived in Hanoi 4 years. (in, since, for, at)
16. She was born 16 th January. (in, of, at, on)
17. I’ve studied French last week. (for, since, in)
18. arrived at the bus stop at 4 the afternoon. (in, at, on, to)
19. What did she do the weekend? (on, in, to, for)
II. Put a circle round the letter of the correct word
a. The play begins…………………………… half past seven
A.on B. in C. at D. to
b. The meeting of the History Society takes place…………………two o’clock on Friday
A. between B. from C. after D. since
c. This shop is open…………………………….nine o’clock on Friday evenings
A. until B. though C. since D. during
d. There is an English examination………………………… Friday,11 th December.
A. at B. in C. to D. on
e. The school library is open at any time between four o’clock……………………half past five
A. from B. and C. to D. until
f. “Back to the Future” is at the Odeon …………………….two weeks in October.
A. since B. through C. as D. for
1-Use prepositions to complete the sentences
a. They turn _____ the water to repair a pipe.
b. It’s cold in here. Turn ______the heating, please.
c. Who’s going to look ______ the children while you’re away.
d. He is looking______ his pen all morning.
2-bài tập :
1. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs given: turn off, go on, look for, look after, turn down
a. After graduating from college, he want to ________ a job.
b. “ Please ________ the radio, it’s too loud”
c. Remember to ________ all lights before you leave your room.
d. Don’t be depressed by your result ________ studying or you’ll get even worse ones.

e. Mrs Mai is ________ a baby sister to ________her baby.
2. Put in the correct prepositions:
a. Why don’t we turn _______ television. The Miss Contest is on now
b. They turn ________the water while they repair a burst pipe.
c. Who’s looking ________the baby when you are away?
d. Are you still looking _______ a job?
e. If you keep ________ using more and more cars, we’ll run out of oil
3-bài tập nâng cao:
1. Complete the sentences, using a suitable preposition
a. The radio is a bit aloud. Can you turn it _________ a bit, please.
b. The children are asleep. Don’t wake them _______!
c. There were a few words that I didn’t understand, so I look ________ in my dictionary.
d. Look _______! There’s a car coming.
e. Sorry I’m late. The car broke _________on the way here.
f. I’ve lost my keys. Can you help me look _________ them?
g. We spent the evening listening _________ records.
h. Are you interested ________ reading books?
i. Thank you for your looking _______ mychildren when we were away.
2. Rewrite the sentences, replacing the underlined verbs by the phrasal verbs:
a. Who is goingto take care of
the children when you go shopping?
b. It was very noisy. Please switch off
the cassette- player.
c. Don’t waste time andcontinue
your study.
d. It was so dark.Switch on
the light.
e. The police are searching for
the thieves.

I. Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition.
1. Maryam was really impressed the beauty of Hue.
2. It seems difficult me to meet her now.
3. He doesn't depend his parents.
4. If you have any trouble, ask help.
5. This guidebook is full useful information.
6. We still keep in touch each other although we live away each other.
7. He will go to China the end this week.
8. She went out saying a word.
9. What do you often do the weekends?
10. She was born September 15 th .
11. Don’t laugh ……… her or she’ll get angry.
12. It’s very difficult to find work _____________________the moment.
13. In many ways you take _____________________your mother.
14. Parents are naturally anxious ____________________their children.
15. I’m sure you will succeed ____________________this entrance test.
16. We try to prevent people _____________________littering.
17. I’m going to complain to the principal____________________this
18. This computer is still _____________________guarantee.
19. Money isnot essential _____________________happiness.
20. She is ______________________far the best teacher I have ever had.
21 Where's your father?
-He's work
22. We're talking to Lan's family
23. A farmer works hard morning night
24. My mother is a teacher . She works a primary school
25. Mr Tuan is a journalist. He writes " Nhan Dan".
26. I found a place us to live in Hue
27. It is the highest building the citycenter .
28. Bob and I come the same town but my accent is different his

29. At present John is staying his brother's family the city center , very far his parents
30. Do you know the name the new student our class ?
31. I was born January 1st, 1993.
32. It often rains October in Vietnam.
33. What are you going to do 2004?
34. I don't know but I am going to go to college September this year.
35. You want to watch the sky sunset?
36. Sure. And I like to go for a walk sunrise, too
37. Well, let's go for a walk the weekends
38. I don't know what is he doing this moment.
39. She often hears some strange noise midnight.
40. Does it rain Spring ?
41. How long are you going to stay here?
- I can speak English fluently
42. We'll know the result of the exam three weeks
43. Robert is going to stop work next February .
44. You can meet me 7.15 and 8.00
45. Does your brother really enjoy working night?
46 Is the conference a weekday?
47. We’re always proud _______________ your success.
48. His breakfast consists ________________ dry bread and a cup of tea.
49. Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow?– It depends ______________ the weather.
50. The park was named _______________ a young hero, Le Van Tam.
51. In the 18 th centuryjean cloth was made completely _______________ cotton.
52. Children’s shoes usually wear __________________ very quickly.
53. The price of oil has gone ________________ by over 30%.
54. Vietnamese women today often wear modern clothing _______________ work, because it’s more convenient.
56. We can see many stars . .the sky at night.
57. You remind me my sister.
58. They have only been there a few minutes.

59. The canoe overturned and everyone fell the deep water.
60. How going to Ben Thanh Market this afternoon?
61. I couldn’t meet Mrs. Chi because she's
62. I'll come to pick her at 8 o'clock
63. They named their daughter their favorite singers.
64. The passage is written English
65. Whom does she fall ……. love………?
66. Why are you always jealous ……….the disabled?
67. He is just getting ………….his severe illness
68. He complained ……… the children …………the mess they've made.
69. My parents first went ………Greek…………a short holiday ………2003
70. Measuring money must be very difficult to carry ……
71. In this respect, French differs…… English
72. I'll come……to pick her up at 8 o'clock.
73. The passage is written ……English .
74. Mr Duc Thanh is thinking of exporting rice …… India.
75. As I was coming out of the room, I collided……somebody who was coming in.
76. The people next door are furious …… us……making so much noise last night.
77. When I realized I was wrong. I apologized ……them……my mistake.
78. She works quite hard. You can’t accuse her ……being lazy.
79. It’s stupid …… her to go out without a coat in such cold weather.
80. I was absent ……… class yesterday.
II.Choose the best answer A, B, C or D:
1. Malaysia is divided two regions.
A. to B. on C. in D. into
2. It's very kind you to say so!
A. in B. to C. for D. of
3. Can you tell me how many chapters this book consists ?
A. of B. to C. with D. in
4. Jeans have never been … fashion because a lot of people are still fond of wearing them.

A. out B. of C. out of d. on
5. People like wearing jeans because this material doesn’t wear … easily.
A.by B. away C. of D. out
6. The material, called jean, was named … sailors from Genoa.
A. as B. after C. to D. with
7. These shoes are made … good leather. They are very strong.
A. from B. by C. of D. with
8.It seems
very dificult … to have a tripabroad.
A. that I B. to me C. for me D. for I
9.It was very impolite … him to shout at the meeting.
A. of B. to C. about D. with
10. It was very impolite … him to shout at the meeting.
A. of B. to C. about D. with
11.Lan always walks to school. Shegoes to school … .
A. by foot B. with foot C. on foot D. of foot
12.When I first started playing tennis, it was … fun.
A. for B. of C. as D. in
13.Did he … live in the country when you was young?
A. use to B. used to C. get used to D. be used to
14.It’s very kind … you to help us. Thanks a lot.
A. for B. to C. with D. of
15.The hospital building is devided … four sections.
A. in B. into C. to D. about
16. He is a small boy. He has to depend … his parents.
A. on B. to C. with D. of
17. Maryam was really impressed … the beauty of the city.
A. of B. by C. with D. for
18.She arrived … four o’clock … the afternoon.
A. at / on B. in / in C. at / in D. on / in

19.He was a tennis player when he was young. He … tennis when he was young.
A. plays B. used to play C. has played D. likes to play
20. My sister is studying hard … her exam.
A. in B. for C. at D. to
21. I have studied English … more than three years.
A. for B. in C. since D. at
22. I am very proud my school.
A.from B.at C.of D.off
23. .He laughs a lot because her funny face.
A.of B.off C.in D.on
.24. Lan used to walk the mosque her way to primary school.
A.to B.on C.in D.at
25. It seems very difficult for me to have a trip abroad. It all depends my parents.Any way we’ll keep touch.
A.on-in B.in-in C.on-on D.of-off
27. It’s very cold………… night…………….the moon.
A. to/in B. in/to C. on/at D. at/on
28. Thuy's grandmother turned the television _________ to see the weather forecast.
A. off B. on C. up D. down
29. What are the main differences the tow cities?
A. in B. at C. between
D. with
30. Remember …………. the door before you leave.
A. to lock B. lock C. locked D. locking
31. She has come here ………… yesterday.
A. in B. since C. for D. on
32. Lan didn’t come to the party because she had to look…… her younger brother.
a. at b. for c. forward d. after
33. Mrs . Hoa will stay in London Monday Friday .
A . between –to B . from –to C. on –until D. on -to
34. It doesn’t rain the dry season.

A. on B. at C. in D. between
35. I congratulate him his success.
A. in B. at C. with D. on
36. The customer insisted seeing the manager.
A. of B. on C. in D. about
37. I was brought……….in the countryside by my aunt after my parents had pass …………
A. on/over B. for/ on C. on / off D. up / away
38. What is your daughter named ………. ?– A kind of flower
A. after B. on C. in D. from
39. The visitor spoke the subject of wildlife in northern Britain.
A. in B. from C. with D. on
40. Sometimes Mr. Pike has to work late…….night to do some import-tant experiments.
A. in B. at C. for D. on
41. Peter ………a hurry to go sohe did not stop to greet me.
A. in B. on C. with D. over
42. Where is Jimmy?– He is ………work. He is busy …………his monthly report.
A. on/ for B. in/ about C. to / through D. at / with
43. Mary doesn’t mind living……….her own.
A. with B. by C. on D. at
44. While studying he was finacially dependent……….his parents.
A. to B. on C. of D. from
45. Please don’t enter ……………knocking.
A. except for B. while C. with D. without
46. It was very ……of you toinvite me to your birthday party.
A. Due to industrialization, we have to cope……… The fact that many species are ………….danger ………….extinction.
A. on/ at/ for B. at / upon / over C. for/ on/ with D. with/ in / of
47. Boys! Put your toys…………it is time to go to bed. Don’t stay…late.
A. off/ on B. away / up C. down off D. around / for
48. She intended to quit her job to stay……home and look………her sick mother.
A. in/ at B. at / after C. for / over D. up / on

49. He is very worried …………his new job because he is not quite prepared …………….working
A. on/ over B. to / off C. about / for D. in / at
50. The students are very………….of doing a lot of homework.
A. bored B. tired C. interested D. good
51. Are you …… about your examination?
A. interested B. fed up C. tired D. worried
52. We are very ……with the result of the football match.
A. excited B. pleased C. worried D. afraid
53. Some people are very ………… of traveling by air.
A. worried B. excited C. afraid D. interested
54. While I am waiting…… my bus, I often listen ……….music.
A. on / at B. for / to C. toward/ about D. upon/ in
55. The final examination will be held ……… June 12 th , 2009.
A. in B. on C. at D. to
56. How many languages are there ……………the world?
A. in B. on C. over D. through
57. Egypt is famous ………ancient pyramids.
A. on B. to C. from D. for
58. The boys looks very proud …………his success at school.
A. on B. of C. at D. in
59. When the trucks leave the place, the ground is covered ………….trash.
A. in B. by C. with D. of
60. Thuy’s grandma turned the TV … to see the weather forecast.
A. off B. up C. on D. down
61. The hurrican took several days to blow itself …………
A. in B. out C. down D. off
62. It was the biggest eruption of Vesuvius ………some years.
A. for B. since C. in D. from
63. On Passover, Jewish people celebrate freedom ………… slavery.
A. on B. to C. for D. from

64. There are a lot of parties ……… Christmas.
A. in B. at C. on D. for
65. When you are in orbit, you will be able to get …………of your seat.
A. in B. on C. out D. down
66. The crew have been living ………space for over three months.
A. in B. at C. on D. for
67. Do you believe ………… the existence of UFOs ?
A. on B. in C. at D. for
68. We are all very fond ………traveling abroad.
A. in B. at C. with D. of
69. He saw that film ………….7.00 pm ………….Sunday.
A. on/ from B. in /at C. at/at D. at / on
70. The whole family showed …………for our anniversary celebration.
A. on B. down C. up D. off
71. We often go swimming ……………Sunday mornings.
A. in B. on C. at D. every
72.My mother is very keen……….growing flowers.
A. in B. on C. of D. for
73.I believe you will all succeed … passing the final exams.
A. on B. at C. in D. for
74. This computer isn’t capable ……running this software.
A. in B. on C. of D. at
75. Have you had much experience ………… computers?
A. on B. at C. for D. with
76. The New Year is celebrated ………….midnight ……….January 1 st .
A. in/ on B. at / on C. at / in D. in/ in
77. Look at that sign. It says, “Keep …………No trespassing”
A. on B. off C. out D. away
78. Can you turn the volume ……….a little? I can’t hear it very clearly.
A. on B. off C. up D. down

79. My little sister is very good ………… drawing.
A. in B. at C. of D. on
80. The children have all worn ………their shoes.
A. in B. on C. with D. out
81. Many accidents are brought………….by carelessness.
A. about B. up C. along D. into
82. Let’s Concentrate………….solving this problem.
A. in B. on C. for D. at
83. The United States became independent ………… England in 1776.
A. on B. with C. of D. to
84. John F. Kennedy ewas the first Presedent of the United States to be born ……… the twentieth century.
A. on B. at C. in D. since
85. Never put…………till tomorrow what you can do today.
A. off B. over C. out D. away
86. Thanks …………the financial aid he received, he was able to attend the university.
A. for B. to C. about D. of
87. I’m afraid I have to leave ………….a few days’time.
A.in B. on C. at D. after
88. He usually drops …………to see me at least once a week.
A. to B. on C. out D. in
89. Smoking has destructive effect ……… your health.
A. for B. in C. on D. to
90. Were you surprised ………….the grade you received?
A. on B. at C. in D. with
91. My car broke …………at the crossroads and I couldn’t start it again.
A. in B. out C. down D. up
92. I’m sorry; I wasn’t paying close attention ……… what you said.
A. in B. on C. at D. to
93. Ifyou’re not satisfied ……… your essay, I suggest that you rewrite it.
A. with B. of C. to D. at

94. Her electricity ws cut…………when she didn’t pay her bill
A. out B. of C. off D. down
95. People nowadays are interested ………saving money andnatural resources.
A. on B. in C. with D. to
96. Poisonous gases are pumped …………the atmosphere every day.
A. onto B. out C. in D. into
97. My shoes are dirty. I’d better take them ……….before I come in.
A away B. up C. on D. off
98. If you go………doing that and you’ll end…… in serious troble.
A. up/ with B. on / up C. off/ with D. out / up
99. They are trying to save the animals ………….extinction.
A. on B. to C. from D. for
100. They didn’t see each other again ……….the fall.
A. since B. in C. from D. until
1.For many people the language of the Internet is English. “World, Wide, Web: Three English Words” was the name of
an article by Michael Specter in the New York Times a few years ago. The article went on to say: “If you want to take
full advantage of the Internet, there is only one real way to do it: learn English.”
In general, it is not difficult to learn to use Internet services. But although Internet services are rather easy to use, you
will have considerable difficulties if you are not familiar with English. In fact, a good knowledge of English is one of the
most important aspects that help you use the Internet.
Learning to use a new Internet service may take a few hours, a few days or some weeks, but it takes years to learn a
language so that you can use it fluently and confidently. Of course, when you know some English, you can learn more
just by using it on the Internet. But at least your English should be good enough to understand commonly used words
and to know what to do on the Internet.
Câu 1: It ______________ to learn to use Internet services.
A. is easy
B. is difficult
C. takes a few minutes
D. takes a very long time

Câu 2: According to the article by Michael Specter, you should _________ to take full advantage
of the Internet.
A. learn to type fast
B. learn to use the Internet services
C. learn English
D. learn the names of some websites
Câu 3: Learning to use a language fluently and confidently may take ________.
A. a few days
B. a few hours
C. a few weeks
D. a few years
Câu 4: If you do not know English very well, you will______ when using the Internet.
A. be laughed at
B. have many difficulties
C. feel more comfortable
D. spend a few days
Câu 5: Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?
A. “English and the Internet”
B. “Ways to take full advantage of the Internet”
C. “Practising your English on the Internet”
D. “How to use Internet services”
ĐÁP ÁN:1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A
2. Today we take electricity for granted and perhaps we do not realize just how useful this discovery has been. Steam
was the first invention that replaced wind power. It was used to drive engines and was passed through pipes and radiators
to warm rooms. Petrol mixed with air was the next invention that provided power. Exploded in a cylinder, it drove a
motor engine. Beyond these simple and direct uses, those forms have not much adaptability.
On the other hand, we make use of electricity in thousands of ways. From the powerful voltages that drive our electric
trains to the tiny current needed to work a simple calculator, and from the huge electric magnet in steel works that can
lift 10 tons to the tiny electric magnet in a doorbell, all are powered by electricity. An electric current can be made with
equal ease to heat a huge mass of molten metal in a furnace, or to boil a jug for a cup of coffee.

Other than atomic energy, which has not as yet been harnessed to the full, electricity is the greatest power in the world. It
is flexible, and so adaptable for any task for which it is wanted. It travels so easily and with incredible speed along wires
or conductors that it can be supplied instantly over vast distances.
To generate electricity, huge turbines or generators must be turned. In Australia they use coal or water to drive this
machinery. When dams are built, falling water is used to drive the turbines without polluting the atmosphere with smoke
from coal.
Atomic power is used in several countries but there is always the fear of an accident. A tragedy once occurred at
Chernobyl, in Ukraine, at an atomic power plant used to make electricity. The reactor leaked, which caused many deaths
through radiation.
Now scientists are examining new ways of creating electricity without harmful effects to the environment. They may
harness the tides as they flow in and out of bays. Most importantly, they hope to trap sunlight more efficiently. We do
use solar heaters for swimming pools but as yet improvement in the capacity of the solar cells to create more current is
necessary. When this happens, electric cars will be viable and the world will rid itself of the toxic gases given off by
trucks and cars that burn fossil fuels.
Question 1: The author mentions the sources of energy such as wind, steam, petrol in the first paragraph to
A. suggest that electricity should be alternated with safer sources of energy
B. emphasize the usefulness and adaptability of electricity
C. imply that electricity is not the only useful source of energy
D. discuss which source of energy can be a suitable alternative to electricity
Question 2: Before electricity, what was sometimes passed through pipes to heat rooms?
A. Gas.
B. Petrol.
C. Steam.
D. Hot wind.
Question 3: What does the author mean by saying that electricity is flexible?
A. It is cheap and easy to use.
B. It is used to drive motor engines.
C. It can be adapted to various uses.
D. It can be made with ease.

Question 4: What do we call machines that make electricity?
A. Voltages. B. Electric magnets.
C. Generators or turbines. D. Pipes and radiators.
Question 5: The main forms of power used to generate electricity in Australia are ______.
A. atomic power and water
B. water and coal
C. sunlight and wind power
D. wind and gas
Question 6: The word "they" in the last paragraph refers to ______.
A. harmful effects
B. the tides
C. scientists
D. new ways
Question 7: Electric magnets are used in steel works to ______.
A. lift heavy weights up to ten tons
B. test the steel for strength
C. heat the molten steel
D. boil a jug of water
Question 8: The advantage of harnessing the power of the tides and of sunlight to generate electricity is that they
A. do not pollute the environment B. are more reliable
C. are more adaptable D. do not require attention
Question 9: Which of the following power sources causes pollution by emitting harmful gases?
A. Sunlight.
B. Petrol.
C. Water.
D. Wind.
Question 10: The best title for this passage could be ______.
A. “Types of Power Plants”
B. “Electricity: Harmful Effects on Our Life”

C. “How to Produce Electricity”
D. “Why Electricity Is So Remarkable”
ĐÁP ÁN: 1.B 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.A 9.B 10.D
3. The atmosphere of Venus is quite different from ours. Measurements taken from the Earth show a high concentration
of carton dioxide in the atmosphere of Venus. In fact, carbon dioxide makes up 96 percent of Venus’ atmosphere;
nitrogen makes up almost all the rest. The Earth’s atmosphere, by comparison, is mainly nitrogen, with a fair amount of
oxygen as well. Carbon dioxide makes up less than 0.1 percent of the terrestrial atmosphere.
The surface pressure of Venus’ atmosphere is 90 times higher than the pressure of the Earth’s atmosphere, as a result of
the large amount of carbon dioxide in the former. Throughout Earth’s history, carbon dioxide on Earth has mixed with
rain to dissolve rocks; the dissolved rock and carbon dioxide eventually flow into oceans, where they precipitate to form
new terrestrial rocks, often with the help of life-forms. If this carbon dioxide were released from the Earth’s rocks, along
with lower carbon dioxide trapped in seawater, our atmosphere would become as dense and have as high a pressure as
that of Venus. Venus, slightly closer to the Sun than Earth and thus hotter, had no oceans in which carbon dioxide could
dissolve or life to help take up the carbon.
Also, Venus has probable lost almost all the water it ever had. Since Venus is closer to the Sun than Earth is, its lower
atmosphere was hotter even early on. The result was that more water vapor went into its upper atmosphere, where solar
ultraviolet rays broke in up into hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen, a light gas, escaped easily; the oxygen has
combined with other gasses or with iron on Venus’ surface.
Studies from the Earth show that the clouds on Venus are primarily composed of droplets of sulfuric acid, with water
droplets mixed in. Sulfuric acid may sound strange as a cloud constituent, but the Earth too has a significant layer of
sulfuric acid droplets in its stratosphere. However, the water in the lower layers of the Earth’s atmosphere, circulating
because of weather, washes the sulfur compounds out of these layers, whereas Venus has sulfur compounds in the lower
layers of its atmosphere in addition to those in its clouds.
01. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Atmospheric differences between Venus and Earth.
B. How Venus lost the water it once had.
C. The influence of the Sun on Venus.
D. A comparison between the upper and the lower atmosphere on Venus.
02. In terms of their amount in the atmosphere, what is the proportion of carbon dioxide on Earth and on Venus?
A. almost 1000

B. almost 100
C. almost 1/3
D. almost 90
03. What are the gases that Venus’s atmosphere mostly consists of?
A. Carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and oxygen.
B. Carbon dioxide and oxygen.
C. Nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen.
D. Carbon dioxide and nitrogen.
04. What can possibly be the reason that there is so much carbon dioxide in Venus’ atmosphere?
A. There is no oxygen.
B. The temperatures are too high.
C. There is no water and life on Venus.
D. There is no oxygen and water on Venus.
05. What may be the explanation of low air pressure on earth?
A. Oxygen readily available
B. Water evaporating
C. Carbon dioxide dissolved in water
D. Precipitation
06. According to the passage, what causes Venus’ surface pressure?
A. Dissolving rocks
B. Frequent heavy rain
C. Its distance from the Sun
D. The composition of its atmosphere
07. What is the writer’s purpose with the sentence “If this carbon dioxide were released from the Earth’s
rocks, ”?
A. To present a situation that is contrary to fact.
B. To convince readers that a certain process in harmless.
C. To describe an event that took place long ago.
D. To explain what is likely to happen in the future.
08. What may cause the disappearance of the water on Venus?

A. The prevalent amount of carbon dioxide
B. High temperature and the Sun’s ultraviolet rays
C. High temperature and low surface pressure
D. High surface pressure and low temperature.
09. According to the passage, which of the following has resulted from processes involving Earth’s carbon
A. A steady increase in the density of Earth’s Atmosphere
B. An increase rate at which rock dissolves.
C. The accumulation of carbon dioxide in Earth’s rock
D. The expansion of Earth’s oceans
10. According to the passage, what happened to oxygen on Venus?
A. Most of it was absorbed into rocks.
B. It was released from water and then combined with other substances
C. It chemically combined with hydrogen from atmospheric water.
D. It has been slowly replacing carbon dioxide in Venus’ upper atmosphere.
ĐÁP ÁN: 1.A 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.B
4.Sharks have gained an unfair reputation for being fierce predators of large sea animals. Humanity’s unfounded fear and
hatred of these ancient creatures is leading to a worldwide slaughter that may result in the extinction of many coastal
shark species. The shark is the victim. If a warped attitude of wildlife protection: we strive only to protect the beautiful,
nonthreatening parts of our environment. And, in our effort to restore only nonthreatening parts of our earth, we ignore
other important parts.
A perfect illustration of this attitude is the contrasting attitude toward another large sea animal, the dolphin. During the
1980s, environmentalists in the United States protested the use of driftnets for tuna fishing in the Pacific Ocean since
these nets also caught dolphins. The environmentalists generated enough political and economic pressure to prevent tuna
companies from buying tuna that had been caught in drift nets. In contrast to this effort on behalf of the dolphins, these
same environmentalists have done very little to help save the Pacific Ocean sharks whose population has decreased
nearly to the point of extinction. Sharks are among the oldest creatures on earth, having survived in the seas for more
than 350 million years. They are extremely efficient animals, feeding on wounded or dying animals, thus performing an
important role in nature of weeding out the weaker animals in a species. Just the fact that species such as the Great White
Shark have managed to live in the oceans for so many millions of years is enough proof of their efficiency and

adaptability to changing environments. It is time for us humans, who may not survive another 1, 000 years at the rate we
are damaging the planet, to cast away our fears and begin considering the protection of sharks as an important part of a
program for protection of all our natural environments.
51. About how long have sharks lived on the planet?
A. 25 million years
B. 150 million years
C. 350 million years
D. 500 million years
52. With which of the following topics is this passage primarily concerned?
A. Sharks are efficient creatures with bad reputations.
B. Sharks are some of the oldest creatures on earth.
C. Sharks illustrate a problem in wildlife protection.
D. The campaign to save dolphins was not extended to save sharks.
53. Which of the following is most similar to the meaning of the word ‘warped’ in Para.1?
A. distorted
B. wasteful
C. extravagant
D. wanton
54. In Para. 2, the word ‘protested’ is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. prescribed
B. objected to
C. protected
D. reflected on
55. In Para. 2, the word ‘generated' could be best replaced by __________.
A. consumed
B. absorbed
C. designated
D. produced
56. How did environmentalists manage to protect dolphins?
A. They prevented fisherman from selling them for meat.

B. They pressured fishermen in to protecting dolphins by law.
C. They brought political pressure against tuna companies.
D. They created sanctuaries where dolphin fishing was not allowed.
đáp án 51.c 52.c 53.a 54.b 55.d 56c
Jack London (1876 – 1916) is an American writer whose work combined powerful realism and humanitarian
sentiment. He was (16) in San Francisco. After finishing grammar (17) , Jack London worked at various jobs
and in 1897 and 1898 he participated (18) the Alaska Gold Rush. Upon his return to the San Francisco area, he
began to (19) about his experiences. A collection of his short stories, The Son of the Golf, was (20) in
1900. Jack’s colourful life, during which he wrote more than 50 books and which included enormous popular successes
as an (21) , ended in his suicide at the (22) of 40.
Many of his stories including his masterpiece The Call of the Wild deal with the reversion of a civilized creature to the
primitive state. Jack London’s style – brutal, vivid and exciting – (23) him enormously popular outside the
United States; His (24) were translated into many languages. Jack’s important works include People of the Abyss
about the poor in London; the Sea Wolf, a novel based on the author’s experiences on a seal hunting ship; John
Barleycorn , an autobiographical novel about Jack’s struggle (25) alcoholism.
1: A. grown B. born C. developed D. lived
2: A. lessons B. course C. notes D. school
3: A. in B. to C. at D. of
4: A. speak B. read C. talk D. write
5: A. printed B. ordered C. sold D. published
6: A. architect B. author C. actor D. orator
7: A. moment B. age C. time D. year
8: A. gave B. let C. made D. did
9: A. speeches B. sayings C. words D. works
10: A. to B. for C. against D. of
There’s much more water than land on the (31) ___ of the earth. The seas and oceans cover nearly (32) ___ of the
whole world, and only one-fifth of (33) ___ land. If you traveled over the earth in different directions, you would have to
spend (34) ___ more of your time (35) ___ on water that on roads or railways. We sometimes forget that for every mile

of land (36) ___ four miles of water.
There’s so much water in the surface of our earth that we (37) ___ to use two words to describe. We use the word
SEAS (38) ___ those parts of water surface which (39) ___ only few hundreds of mile, the word OCEANS to describe
the huge area of water (40) ___ are thousands of miles wide and very deep.
1. A. cover B. surface C. outer D. outside
2. A. four-fives B. four-fifth C. four fifths D. fourth-fifths
3. A. it is B. it’s C. its D. them are
4. A. many B. much C. few D. too
5. A. to move B. move C. moved D. moving
6. A. there are B. there is C. there has D. have
7. A. must B. should C. have D. would
8. A. describing B. describes C. describe D. to describe
9. A. is B. are C. has D. will be
10. A. that’s B. which C. where D. whose
Isaac Newton, one of the __(1)__ scientists, was born __(2)__ December 25
, 1642 in a small village __(3)__ Wool
Thorpe in England. His father was a poor __(4)__. When the boy was fourteen, his father died. Newton __(5)__ school
and helped his mother on the farm. __(6)__ he was fun __(7)__ physics and mathematics, Newton was sent to school.
__(8)__ he left high school, Newton studied at Cambridge University. In 1667 he became __(9)__ professor on
mathematics at the university. His greatest discovery is the __(10)__ of gravitation. He died in 1727.
1. A. great B. greatest C. most great D. greater
2. A. in B. on C. at D. a and b
3. A. in B. at C. on D. of
4. A. farmer B. apprentice C. bookbinder D. blacksmith
5. A. went B. sent C. left D. run
6. A. So B. So that C. Because D. Because of
7. A. in B. of C. at D. about
8. A. For B. While C. Before D. After

9. A. an B. one C. a D. the
10. A. law B. invention C. foundation D. operation
The person I am going to write about is Charlie Chaplin. He has always been one of
my favorite actors and I really (41)_____ his films.
Charlie was born in London in 1889. Both his parents were music hall performers. His father was a drunkard and
his mother later (42)______ mad. Life was hard and Charlie and his half brother, Sidney, were sent to a(n) (43)______
for a time.
He first appeared on the stage when he was seven and by the time he was ten he was a regular performer. When
he was 17, he went on a tour of the USA where he was (44) _______ and given a part in a Hollywood film. His early
films were not particularly successful but in 1915 he made his (45) _______, “The Tramp”, in which he first appeared in
the baggy trousers and with the hat and cane. Soon he had had his own (46)_______ built and was making his own films
which included “The Gold Rush”, “Modern Times” and “The Great Dictator”.
In the 1940s his reputation in the USA started to (47) _______. Silent films were no longer so popular. Chaplin
went to Europe but was not allowed to return to the USA because he was (48) _______ of being a communist. The
authorities finally let him back in 1972 and he was (49)_______ an Oscar, but by this time he had made Switzerland his
Chaplin did not have a very happy personal life and was married four times. He only found happiness with his
fourth marriage in 1943. When he died on Christmas Day 1977, the world had lost one of the greatest (50) _______
1. A. admire B. admit C. claim D. encourage
2. A. ended B. went C. came D. began
3. A. orphanage B. institution C. shelter D. lodging
4. A. spotted B. elected C. set D. drafted
5. A. achievement B. completion C. fiction D. masterpiece
6. A. factory B. workshop C. studio D. stage
7. A. slide B. split C. decline D. discredit
8. A. suspected B. doubted C. considered D. abused
9. A. prized B. awarded C. delivered D. rewarded
10. A. ever B. before C. previously D. present

The Southwestern States of the United States suffered one of the worst droughts in their history from 1931 to
1938. The drought (41) ______ the entire country. Few food crops could be grown. Food became (42)______, and prices
went up (43) ______ the nation. Hundreds of families in the Dust Bowl region had to be moved to farms in other areas
with the help of the federal government. In 1944, drought brought great damage to (44)______ all Latin America. The
drought moved to Australia and then to Europe, (45)______ it continued throughout the summer of 1945. From 1950 to
1954 in the
United States, the South and Southwest suffered a (46)______ drought. Hundreds of cattle ranchers had to ship
their cattle to other regions because (47)______ lands had no grass. The federal government again (48)______ an
emergency drought-relief program. It offered farmers (49)______ credit and seed grains (50)______ low prices.
1. A. pushed B. incurred C. occurred D. affected
2. A. scarce B. mystified C. hidden D. uncommon
3. A. over B. throughout C. all D. across
4. A. near B. totally C. almost D. factually
5. A. which B. that C. where D. when
6. A. heavy B. sharp C. strict D. severe
7. A. pasture B. culture C. moisture D. manure
8. A. carried B. conducted C. convened D. conformed
9. A. emergency B. crisis C. tension D. disaster
10. A. to B. in C. over D. at
Drugs are one of the (56) ________ profession’s most valuable tools. Doctors prescribe drugs to (57) ________
or prevent many diseases. Every year, penicillin and other (58) ________ drugs save the lives of countless victims of
pneumonia and other dangerous infectious diseases. Vaccines prevent attacks by such diseases as (59) ________, polio,
and smallpox. The use of these and many other drugs (60) ________ helped millions of people live longer, healthier
lives than would (61) ________ have been possible.
Almost all our most important drugs, however, were unknown before the 1900’s. For example, the sulfa drugs and
antibiotics did not come into use (62) ________ the late 1930’s and early 1940’s. Before that time, about 25 percent of
all pneumonia victims in the United States died of the disease. The new drugs quickly reduced the (63) ________ rate
from pneumonia to less than 5 percent. Polio vaccine was introduced in 1955. At that time, polio struck about 30,000 to

50,000 Americans each year. (64)________ 1960, the use of the vaccine has reduced the number of new polio cases to
about 3,000 a year. In 1900, most Americans did not live (65) ________ the age of 47. Today, Americans live an average
of more than 70 years, in great part because of the use of modern drugs.
56. A. medical B. medicine C. health D. medic
57. A. solve B. settle C. ruin D. treat
58. A. germ-killing B. helping C. saving D. rescuing
59. A. AIDS B. measles C. influenza D. hiccups
60. A. would have B. have C. has D. did
61. A. only B. even C. also D. otherwise
62. A. until B. to C. onto D. upon
63. A. end B. ruin C. death D. termination
64. A. About B. By C. To D. Prior
65. A. past B. passing C. well D. through

11.Ever since humans have inhabited the earth, they have made (41) _______ of various forms of communication.
Generally, this expression of thoughts and feelings has been in the form of oral (42)______. When there is a language
(43)______, communication is accomplished through sign language in which motions (44) ______ for letters, words, and
ideas. Tourists, the deaf, and the mute have had to (45) ______ to this form of expression. Many of these symbols of
whole words are very picturesque and exact and can be used internationally; spelling, however, cannot.
Body language (46) ______ ideas or thoughts by certain actions, either intentionally or unintentionally. A wink can
be a way of flirting or indicating that the party is only joking. A nod (47) ______ approval, while shaking the head (48)
______ a negative reaction.
Other form of nonlinguistic language can be (49) ______ in Braille (a system of raised dots read with the fingertips),
signal flags, Morse code, and smoke signals. Road maps and picture signs also guide, warn, and instruct people.
(50) ______ verbalization is the most common form of language, other systems and techniques also express human
thoughts and feelings.
41. A. usage B. use C. employment D. utility
42. A. address B. speech C. utterances D. claims
43. A. barrier B. obstacles C. divisions D. separation
44. A. point B. signify C. imply D. stand

45. A. refer B. rotate C. resort D. revolve
46. A. progresses B. transmits C. remits D. emits
47. A. signifies B. signs C. registers D. presents
48. A. predicates B. indicates C. abdicates D. implicates
49. A. traced B. trailed C. found D. explored
50. A. While B. As C. Because D. Until
The anger that descends on people when they get behind the steering wheel of a car used to be (41)________ as a
joke. But the laughter is getting noticeably quieter (42)________ that the problem has become increasingly widespread.
Stuck in a traffic jam, with family cars inching their (43)________ past, the driver of a fast sports car begin to
lose his temper. (44)________ the capabilities of his car, there is nothing he can do. The outcome is anger.
Many people live in (45)________ of losing control. This is true of many situations but driving is a good
example. People think that the car might not start, it might break (46)________ or, someone might run into it. Before
anything even happens, people have worked themselves up into a (47)________of anxiety. And when something does
happen, they are (48)________ to explode. In fact, it’s their anxiety about losing control that makes them lose control.
This isn’t to say that all offenders have psychological problems or drive powerful sports cars. In fact, most of
them are (49)________ ordinary human beings who have no history of violence. There is (50)________ something deep
in our nature that awakens when we start up a car engine.
41. A. found B. thought C. treated D. intended
42. A. once B. even C. since D. now
43. A. path B. way C. course D. route
44. A. However B. Besides C. Although D. Despite
45. A. worry B. fright C. fear D. concern
46. A. up B. down C. out D. off
47. A. state B. condition C. feeling D. case
48. A. good B. prepared C. near D. ready
49. A. purely B. fully C. exactly D. perfectly
50. A. openly B. directly C. clearly D. frankly
Reading and gap fill

transmssion growth developed energy popular basic possible improved
practical regular
