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Đề cương ôn tập học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 10 năm 2020 – 2021 THPT Phan Bội Châu chi tiết

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( 2020 – 2021 )
I/ In the last 100 years , technology has completely changed the way we live . At the touch of a
button , we can look up almost anything we need to know on the Internet. We have electricity ,
aeroplanes, television nad we have ever been to the moon. So what sort of inventions will there be in
the 21st century ? Indeed, is there anything important still left to invent ?
It seems that scientists all over the world are looking into nanotechnology with a great deal of
interest. This is the science of building small machines-and when we say small, we mean very small.
To give you an idea of the size scientists are talking about , these machines would be about, a million
billion times smaller that the smallest bit of dust .
Nanotechnology will bring about enormous changes . Doctors, for example, will be able to cure
any illness. The environment will be improved because it will be possible to take the polluted air we
breathe and make it clean again. But perhaps the most exciting thought of all is that we won’t have to
wait a thousand years for nanotechnology – many people believe there is a good chance it will come in
our life time.
1. This passage is mainly about ……..
a. inventions
b. nano technology
c. technological changes
d. small machines
2. According to the passage, …..
a. our lives have been changed by technology
b. we can use the Internet to get information
c. we have been to travel to the moon
d. all are correct .
3. Nanotechnology is …….
a. the skill of building very small machines
b. the science of building computers

c. the new computer technology
d. the recent advance in medical technology
4. Which change will nanotechnology not bring about ?
a. Fatal diseases will be cured
b. the air will be cleaner
c. The pollution will be reduced
d. the environment will be protected
5. Which of the following is not true ?
a. Scientists have a lot of interest in nanotechnology .
b. The size of the machines will be much smaller than the smallest bit of dust
c. Nanotechnology will bring about some changes in the medical machines
d. Many people believe that they have to wait a thousand years for nanotechnology .
II/ Language only belongs (1)_____ human beings. Each nation has its own language. We are born to
speak the language (2)______ by our ancestors naturally and automatically. I speak Vietnamese
fluently just because I was (3)______ in Vietnam where my parents, as well as all others living around
me speak Vietnamese. A man who was born and grow up in any (4)_____ country surely speaks
English very well. We all know the advantages of learning a foreign language. The more languages we
learn, (5)______ we get into the knowledge treasure of humanity.
1. A. at
B. in
C. from
D. to
2. A. to speak
B. spoke
C. spoken
D. speaking
3. A. born
B. brought
C. got up
D. lived

4. A. French-speaking
B. English-speaking C. Vietnamese-speaking
D. Chinesespeaking
5. A. the more
B. the most
C. the much
D. the best
Television has changed the way people live for thirty years. It influences nearly every aspect of
modern life: how people use their leisure time, how news is reported, how information is learned, and
how people think and feel. Children are particular susceptible to the effects of television, because their
minds are growing and learning much faster than those of adults. However, social scientists, teachers
and parents are concerned about the impact of television on children. They feel television is one factor
that causes declining mathematics and reading scores among school children. Because of the excessive
time spent watching television, children are spending less time reading and thinking independently.
1. According to the writer, children can learn something through television ______
A. more slowly than adults B. as quickly as adults

C. more quickly than adults
D. more easily than adults
2. According to social scientists, teachers and parents _______
A. television can decline mathematics and reading scores among school children.
B. television can reduce physics and chemistry scores among school children.
C. television can increase mathematics and reading scores among school children.
D. A & B are correct.
3. Children don’t want to read and think ________
A. because of their laziness
B. because they are bored with learning
C. because they spend too much time on

D. because they spend time watching football matches on TV
4. Television influences _______
A. most of the aspects of modem life
B. all of the aspects of modern life
C. many of the aspects of modem life
D. some of the aspects of modern life
IV/ People can go on learning until they are eighty or ninety. There is really no (1) ______ limit. Many
elderly people go to language centers. They want to learn (2)_____ foreign language. People are never
too old (3)______ learn. It is true that we can go (4)______ learning until the day we (5)______.
1. A. old
B. age
C. year
D. time
2. A. any
B. some
C. a
D. the
3. A. for
B. about
C. by
D. to
4. A. on
B. to
C. towards
D. out
5. A. survive
B. die
C. live
D. exist

V/ The first school for blind , deaf and mute children in the Tibet Autonomous Region celebrated its
first anniversary on Friday. The school is built in the eastern suburb of Lhasa, capital of Tibet, and is
designed to hold 200 students . It covered 20,000 square meters .
The school curriculum includes Braille and sign language training , Tibetan, mathematics ,
writing , ethics training, physical education, arts , handicrafts speech and walking courses . At the
celebration, the audience was touched by a silent song expressed by the students with sign language .
Baiba Toinzhub, a 10-year-old blind child , can speak fluent Chinese and is good at singing and
dancing . He told the visitors that life in the broading school was comfortable.
1. What type of students attend the school?
a. Children who live in the Tibet Autonomous Region .
b. Children with a variety of disabilities
c. Children who can not see, hear and speak
d. Children who are visually impaired.
2. The school is located in …….
a. the capital of Tibet b. the suburb of the capital of Tibet c. the eastern of Tibet d. 20,000 square
3. The school is ……….
a. able to hold 200 students
b. the first boarding school in Tibet
c. 20,000 square meters in area
d. a and c are correct
4. Which subject is taught in the school ?
a. Physics
b. Foreign Language
c. Computers
d. Braille
5. Which of the following is not true ?
a. The visitors are welcomed with a beautiful song b. Tibet’s first deaf-mute school celebrated its
first birthday
c. Life in the boarding school is comfortable

d. Baiba Toizhub can sing and dance very well .
I/ Forms of verb : USE
1. Money _____ buying or selling goods
A. use
B. is used to
C. is used for
D. used to
2.The English men are not used _____ on the right hand side of the street.
A. to drive
B. to driving
C. for driving
D. drive
3.I am accustomed to doing morning exercises.
A. used to doing
B. used to do
C. being used to do
D. using to do
4.This computer _______ type word documents.
A. is used for
B. used
C. used to
D. is used to

5.It took me a long time to get used _______.
A. to wear glasses
B. wearing to glasses
C. to wearing glasses D. to have glasses

6. _______ late?
A. did you used to stay up
B. did you use to stay up
C. do you used to stay up
D. do you use to staying up
7. He is used to ______ early in the morning
A. get up
B. gets up
C. got up
D. getting up
8. That knife _____ oranges.
A. is used to cutting
B. is used for cut
C. get used to cutting
D. is used for
9. The environment is not as pure as it _____.
A. is used to be
B. is used to being
C. used to be
D. was used to
10.This is the chair which my grandfather _____ sit on before he went abroad last month.
A. is used to
B. used to
C. gets used to
D. becomes used
II/ Fill in the blanks with Relative Pronouns : ( Who ; Whom ; Whose ; Which )
1. Those are the tourists …………………………………………………….credit cards were stolen.

2. Christina is a teacher ………………………………………………………………..car was broken.
3. Is that the hospital …………………………………………………………..…you had an operation ?
4. The street ……………………………………………………..……leads to my school is very wide.
5. What is the name of the book ………………………..………………………...you have just read ?.
6. Mr Smith is the man ………………………………….……….wife teaches at my daughter’s school.
7. Laura is the girl …………………………………………………..brother was injured in the accident.
8. The woman ………………………………………………………….lives next my door is a doctor.
9. That man, …………………………………………..………name I didn’t remember is an architect.
10. Do you know the girl …………………………………………………….……..Tom is talking to ?
11. The novel …………………..……………………………….you need can’t be found in the library.
12. Marie Curie, ……………………….…..discovered radium, is one of the greatest time in our time.
13. The hotel…………………………………………….. we are looking at is the biggest in HCM city.
14. Mr Pike …………………….....………………………...is our boss, has just come back from Paris.
15. The botanists are examining the plants…………………………………..were brought from Africa.
III/ Fill in the blanks with : Because - Because of - Although - In spite of
1. …………………….. the heavy rain, they couldn’t go for a picnic last weekend.
2. Rice grows well here ……………….. the weather is warm and wet.
3. She didn’t go to school ………………………………….. she was seriously ill.
4. He didn’t go to work ……………………………………… his broken leg .
5. We couldn’t go camping ………………………………………….. the bad weather.
6. They are always happy ……………………………… they have very little money.
7. ………………………………………. his injured foot, he managed to walk to the nearest town.
8. ………………………………………… their poverty, they seemed happy.
9. ……………………………………….. we live on the same street, we hardly ever see each other.
10. Mark went on working …………………………………………… he felt unwell.
11. John lost his job………………his laziness.
12. I went to the club last Saturday………………..it rained heavily.
13. She accepted the job ……………………………..the salary, which was rather low.
14. The Villagers refused to leave …………………………………………………the flood warnings.
15. ……………………………………. the cold weather, We all wore shorts.

16. He had to cancel the appointment ……………………………………his illness.
17. There were enough seats for everyone ……………………………………….the large crowds.
18. They enjoyed living there …………………………………………the bad condition of the house.
19. We kept the fire burning all day …………………………………………… the weather was cold.
20. We could not see what was going on ……………………………..the large crowds.

IV. Choose the best answer :
1. Some of the more time – consuming jobs can now be done by machines.
a. taking much time b. taking little time c. odd
d. not affected by time
2. He invented a new kind of wheelchair for…………………..
a. the unemployed b. the poor
c. the disabled
d. the unhappy
3.The computer can process the _______ quickly.
a. language
b. information
c. entertainment
d. invention
4. The port is capable…………….handing ten million tons of coal a year.
a. in
b. on
c. of
d. for
5. Most girls have a very narrow view of the world, don’t you think?
a. limited
b. tiny
c. small
d. poor

6. I work from Tuesday to Saturday, and Sunday and Monday are my…………………
a. working day
b. days out
c. break
d. days off
7. A calculating machine can do calculations with lightning speed.
a. very quickly
b. very slowly
c. incorrectly
d. perfectly
8. We’ve recently studied the……………..of stones in the kidneys.
a. building
b. formation
c. structure
d. block
9. Radio presents information and entertainment………..and we receive them through out our ears.
a. orally
b. visually
c. aurally
d. vitally
10. Which of the following is NOT a type of the mass media?
a. dictionaries
b. television
c. radio
d. magazine
11. Do you remember the name of the girl………….we met at the party last Sunday?
a. who
b. whom
c. which
d. whose

12. A fridge is a machine……………….is used for keeping food fresh.
a. who
b. whom
c. which
d. that
13. My parents ……………..tomorrow to stay with me for a few days.
a. come
b. will have come
c. are coming
d. came
14. Look at those cars! They……………..
a. will crash
b. are crashing
c. are going to crash
d. will be crashed
15. The children have every reason to be proud……………their efforts.
a. of
b. on
c. in
d. at
16. A dumb person is the one ………………………….is not able to speak.
a. which
b. whose
c. whom
d. who
17. He has had this car………………six months.
a. in
b. since
c. during
d. for

18. Where is the book …………………….. he gave you on your birthday?
a. who
b. whom
c. which
d. whose
19. Jane works for a company ………………………….. makes shoes.
a. who
b. which
c. whom
d. whose
20. Clause didn’t………………in Canada.
a. lived
b. use to live
c. used to live
d. used to living
21. I ………….you for ages.
a. haven’t seen
b. don’t see
c. didn’t see
d. haven’t saw
22. We have been friends…………. years.
a. since
b. from
c. during
d. for
23. I ………….my brother USD 10,000 so far.
a. lent
b. have lent
c. lend
d. has lent

24. They have been in our country…………. January, 1st 2002.
a. for
b. from
c. since
d. in
25. Galileo……………..his first telescope in 1609.
a. builds
b. built
c. has built
d. had built
26. Mary…………………………….next week.
a. will get marry
b. is getting married
c. gets married
d. got married
27. I feel terrible. I think I……………………sick.

a. will be
b. am not
c. am going to be
d. shall be
28. The cat is just behind the rat. It ………………the latter.
a. will catch
b. is going to catch
c. is catching
d. catches
29. Tell me your plan, Lan. What…………………this Saturday evening?
a. are you doing
b. will you do

c. do you do
d. did you do
30. How long is it………………you last saw Linda?
a. for
b. from
c. since
d. of
V/ Tenses
1. We _______ dinner at home on Saturdays
a. haven’t had
b. didn’t had
c. aren’t have
d. don’t have
2. I was late for school this morning because my alarm clock didn’t _______
a. go on
b. go off
c. go away
d. go up
3. When I was child , I ______ fishing with my brother.
a. go
b. went
c. gone
d. used to go
4. She ____a visit to Germany in 2000 a. paid
b. pays c. has paid
d. will paid
5. She ____________ that film three times. a. seesb. saw
c. had seen
d. has seen
6.She can’t find the book that I………….her five days ago.

a .give
B. gave
C. have given
D. had given
6.The car isn’t here today because Dick ______ it. A. uses B. used C. is using
D. has used
7. He ……………..for London one year ago.
A. left B. has left
C. leaves
had left
8. I ……………….to the market with my mother yesterday.
A. go
B. went
C. have gone
D. was going.
9. I …..her since I …… a student. A. know/am B. knew/ was C. have known/am d. have know/was
10. People ... English and French in Canada. A. speak b. have spoken c. had spoken d. are speaking
11. My father usually ….. tea for breakfast. A. have
b. has
c. haves
d. is having
12. He ……………..up at five every morning.
A. is getting
B. got
C. gets
D. was
13. I usually …………….to school by bus. A. went B. am going
C. go D. have gone

14. ………..you ………..out last night ? A. Did / go B. Do / do
C. Have / gone
D. Were / going
15.Don’t make noise. My mother ______ with her friends.
A. is talking
B. was talking
C. talks
D. talked
16._____ at home tonight ?
A. are you staying
B. do you stay
C. were you staying
D. did you stay
17. It ………………..quite often in Britain during the winter.
A. is snowing
B. snows
C. snowed
D. was snowing
18.He ______ his job last month and since then he ________ out of work.
A. has lost/ is
B. had lost/ was
C. lost / has been
D. lost/ had
19. My mother ……………..home an hour ago.
A. left B. has left
C. leaves
had left
20. We….. ……each other since we …… young.

A. know/are
B. knew/ were
C. have known/are
d. have know/were
VI/ Used to- inf , To inf , gerund
1. Most people enjoy________ to different parts of the world.
a. to travel
b. travelling
c. travel
d. travelled
2. My cousin is keen on ____ the English Club
a. join
b. to join
c. joining
d. having joined
3. Would you mind ______ more slowly, please? a. speak b. speaking c. to speak
d. spoke
4.The children agreed________ the candy equally
a. divide
b. to divide
c. dividing
d. to dividing
5. Just keep on _______ what you like a. do
b. to visit
c. visiting
d. visited
6.Does Ann enjoy .................... a party next Saturday? a.to have b. had c. having
d. has
7.I am looking forward to ..................you. a. meet B. meeting
C. met

D. to meet

8.Did Mary avoid ...................... him yesterday? a. meet
B. meeting
C. met
D. to meet
9. I hope _____ to university next year. a. go
b. to go
c. going
d. will go
10. He agreed __________ me some money. a. lend
b. to lend
c. lending
d. lent
11. He doesn’t mind _________ you with your exercises.
a. help
b. to help
c. helping
d. helps
12. She tried to avoid ___________ my questions.
a. answer
b. to answer
c. answering
d. answered
13. I would like _________ some where different for a change.
a. to go
b. going
c. go
d. to have gone

14. It was a nice day, so we decided ___________ for a walk
a. go
b. to go
c. going
d. to have gone
15. They were hungry, so she suggested __________ dinner early
a. have
b. to have
c. having
d. had
16. Claude didn’t use __________ in Canada.
a. lived
b. live
c. to live
d. living
17. I am used to_________ up late at night. a. stayb. to stay
c. stayed
d. staying
18. My father didn’t _________ coffee for breakfast.
a. used to haveb. use to have c. use to having
d. use to having
VII/ Wh- questions :
1. _________ do you want ? A box of chocolates
a. what
b. which
c. who
d. How
2. _________ first stepped on the moon? Neil Amstrong, wasn’t It?
a. Who
b. whose

c. where
d. when
3. ______________ did the Second World War end? In 1945.
a. where
b. what time
c. when
d. How long
4. __________ did the package come from? London a. when
b. where
c. which
5. __________ is your address ? 32 Van Cao Street a. where
b. when c. which
d. what
6. __________ do you come from ? Quang Tri , a town in Central Vietnam.
a. what
b. where
c. which
d. who
7. ____________ is your office located? On Le Loi Street , District 1
a. where
b. when
c. How
d. who
8............... is this building? ~ It's about two hundred years old.
a. How long
b. How far
c. How old
d. How

9. ………. is your father working ? In the city. a. Who
b. How far
c. When
d. Where
10...................... bike is it ? - It’s Lan’s.
a. Whose
b. Who c. Where
d. When
11. ....................is your new school? ~ It's very big and friendly.
a. What
b. How
c. Where
d. Which
12. ..................is it to the post office? ~ About two hundred meters.
a. How far
b. How long
c. How often
d. How much
13. ...................do you take a holiday? ~ Once a year.
a. When
b. How long
c. What time
d. How often
14. …….is the matter with you, Lan ? – Awful. a. When
b. Wherec. What
d. Who
15. .................... was this school built ? ~ in 2003.
a. Where
b. When
c. What time

d. How long.
16. ………….. sisters do they have ? Three. a. How b. How long
c. How many d. How much
17.……………….. is the school ? Only ten minutes’ walk.
a. How long
b. Where
c. How often
d. How far
18. …………. does Nam have an English lesson on Monday ? – Fourteen thirty.
a. Where
b. Which
c. What time
d. How long.
19............ do you usually go to school? ~ By bus.
a. When
b. Where c. Which d. How
20. ……….. do you have at 7.45 a.m on Tuesday ? Literature.
a. When
b. Where
c. Which
d. What lesson
VIII. Conditional setences type 1

1.I ………………angry if it …………..that you are wrong.
a.will / turns out
b.am / will turn out c.won’t be / turned out
d.will be / turns out
2.If it …………next week, we ………….plant the vegetables.
a.rains / won’t be able to

b.will rain / aren’t going to c. rains / aren’t going to
d.will rain /
don’t plan
3.If someone ………………..into the store, smile and say, “May I help you?”
c.will come
d.would come
4.What (happen)................................. if I (press) ........................ this button?
a.will happen / press
b.happen / will press
c. happened / will press
d.would happen / press
5.Everybody (vote) ...........................for her if they (have)................................a vote
a.votes / have
b.will vote / will have c. vote / will have
d. will vote / have
6.If your son (go) ..................... to Paris, where .................he (stay)...................?
a.go / will ...stay
b.goes / is …stay
c.goes / will ...stay
d.will go / will ...stay
7.If someone (offer) ..................to buy you one of those rings, which ..............you
a.offers / will … choose
b.will offer / will … choosec. will offer / do ….choose d.
offers / do ….choose
8.The flight (be cancel) ............................ if the fog (get)..................thick.
a.is cancelled / gets

b.will be cancelled / gets c. is cancelled / will get
will be cancelled / will get
9. Someone (sit) .........................on your glasses if you (leave) ................... them there.
a.sits / will leave
b.will sit / will leavec. will sit / leave
d. sit / leave
10. Her daughter (play) ........................... better if she (practise) ...................... more
a.will play / practises b. will play / will practise
c. plays / practises
d.plays / will practise
IX. Reported speech :
1. She said she _______.
A. was very tired last night
B. was very tired the night before
C. had been very tired last night
D. had been very tired the night before
2.John said that his brother _______ at home then.
A. is
B. was
C. were
D. has been
3.Max told me _______ a book in the evening.
A. if he often reads B. he has often read
C. that he often read
D. he was reading
4. The teacher told ______ to prepare the new lesson at home ______.
A. us/ tonight
B. we/ that night

C. us/ that night
D. we/ tonight
5. They said to their parents “We will visit you tomorrow ”
A. They told their parents that they would visit you the following day
B. They told their parents that they would visit her the following day
C. They told them that they would visit them the following day
D. They told their parents that they will visit them the following day
6.He said “I bought these books last week”.
A. He said he had bought these books last week.
B. He said he bought those books the week before.
C. He said he bought these books last week.
D. He said he had bought those books the week before.

I. Rewrite the following sentences, using suggestions
1. They usually wore jeans when they were young.
They used………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. My father often smoked 20 cigarettes a day, but now he doesn’t any more.
My father used………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. We live near a special school for people who can’t hear. (the + adj)
We live …………………………………………………………………..
4. Braille is a reading system for people who are unable to see. (the + adj)
5. Minh had breakfast and then he went to school.

Before Minh……………………………………………………………………...…………………….
6. The plane took off before we arrived at the airport.

By the time………………………………………………………………………………..………….
7. Bob wrote some letters and then went to bed.
After Bob……………………………………………………………………………….…………….
8. He passed the exam with high grades. This made everybody in the family pleased. (Which)
9. Jane couldn’t come to my birthday party. This made me feel sad. (Which)
10. Would you mind closing the window? Someone left it open last night. (Which)
11. The secretary didn’t know where the meeting was. I talked to her. (Whom)
12. I couldn’t understand the woman. She spoke to me on the phone this morning. (Who)
II. Change these statements into the passive voice:
1. He has driven them to the airport safely.
2. They have spent a lot of money for the trip.
3. He has made many mistakes in his writing.
4. They have laid three bottles of water on the table.
5. Nobody has invited me to the party.
6. The police have just arrested three robbers.
7. They have built a new hospital on this street.
8. My mother has just made a beautiful birthday cake

9. I have just prepared the dinner .
10. Up to now, the teacher has given our class five tests.
III. Rewrite these sentences, using reported speech :
1.”Our lives have changed a lot thanks to the knowledge our children brought home”.
An old farmer said ………………………………………………………………………………………
2.”I can’t help you because I have too much to do.”
She said …………………………………………………………………………………………………
3.”It took me three hours to get here because the roads were muddy and slippery.”
He told me ………………………………………………………………………………………………
4.”I think it’s a crazy idea. It won’t work.”
She said …………………………………………………………………………………………………
5.”We’re both fans of Manchester United”
Peter said that …………………………………………………………………………………………
6.”My friends didn’t invite me to their party.”
Mary told me …………………………………………………………………………………………
7.”We’ve been here for a long time but no one has known about us.”
The Bakers said ………………………………………………………………………………………
8.”We are not going to leave here”.
Mark said ……………………………………………………………………………………………
9.The girl said, “I often watch science fiction films.”
The girl said …………………………………………………………………………………………
10.The engineer said, “I have checked my car in the morning.”

The engineer said …………………………………………………………………………………

IV. Give the correct tense of the verbs in brackets: (Conditional sentence type

1.If I(have) ………...........a wish , I (wish) .............................. for happiness for my family.
2.If he (have) ...................... time , we (go) .........………………………to the party.
3.We (understand) ............................. the teacher if he (not speak) ...............
…………………too fast
4.If everything (be) .......................... all right , we (complete) ………..................our work
on time
5.What (happen) ...............…………………...if the teacher (not come) ..............................
to our class.
6.Unless you (keep) .......………………………quiet , I (scream) ............................
7.You (be) ........................... able to speak English well if you(study) ..........
8.If I (see) .........……………….her , I (invite) ......………….............her to my party.
9.If my mother (ask )……………………… me, I (tell) ...........................her the answer.
10. If Linlin (call) …………………, please tell her that I have gone to the grocery.
11. If my brother (find) .............................a skeleton in the cellar, I don’t mention it to
12. If you (pass) ............................ your examination, we (have)............................ a

V. Choose one mistake from each sentence:
1. She (A) go (B) to Hue (C) last week (D).
2. Dennis used to (A) smoking (B) a lot (C) a year ago (D).
3. It took (A) him a long time to get (B) used to (C) drive (D) on the left.
4. I decided (A) changing (B) jobs because my boss makes (C) me work (D) overtime
5. I succeeded in (A) to find (B) a job, so my parents didn’t make (C) me go (D)to college.
6. She has lived (A) in London for (B) five years before (C) she moved (D) to New York.
7. She (A) had been (B) sad after (C) she had read (D) her boyfriend’s letter.
8. Have (A) you (B) finish (C) the report yet (D)?
9. The person (A) which (B) can not see anything (C) is called a blind person (D).

10. The stories (A) what (B) I've (C) told you are (D) all true.
11.He said (A) me that he was going to (B) leave for (C) Ha Noi the following day (D).
12.My (A) teacher told me that (B) his family had been visited (C) Mexico and (D)the United States in 1970
1.Do/ the / children / enjoy/ watch / cartoon film “ Tom and Jerry”.?
2. We / hope / finish / our / work / soon.
3. He / agreed/ phone / me / soon / but / he / didn’t.
4. My / brother / suggested / go / to / the / movies / last night.
5. They / avoid / meet / strangers /the party / last night.
6.Would / you / like / have / something / for drink ?
7. I / be interested in / watch / the news / TV.
8. She / not/ mind / give / me / a hand.
1. a. force
b. word
c. score
d. more
2. a. talk
b. warn
c. shot
d. short

3. a. false
b. all
c. talk
d. hat
4 a. heard
b. hear
c. early
d. learn

5. a. cool
b. book
c. foot
d. wool
6. a. four
b. wrong
c. top
7. a. excursion
b. sunburnt
c. persuade
d. nurse
8. a. nurse
b. term
c. other
d. early
9. a. good
b. cook
c. food
d. look

10. a. birthday
b. firm
c. skirt
d. hair
11. a. word
b. sport
c. more
d. store
12. a. word
b. world
c. girl
d. for
13. a. teacher
b. term
c. other
d. together
14. a. put
b. full
c. june
d. pull
15. a. school
b. tooth
c. cool
d. wool
16. a. media
b. television
c. scene
d. secret
17. a. cartoon
b. moon

c. flood
d. too
18. a. wild
b. try
c. mystery
d. violent
19. a. paper
b. famous
c. rain
d. channel
20. a. banana
b. classmate
c. pagoda
d. camera
Choose the sentence or phrase that best completes the dialogue.
1. Tony :___________________
Ann : In a house near Brighton.
.a. What's your address
b. Where are you? c. Where you live?
d. Where do you live?
2.Tony :____________________________
Ann : For three years.
.a. You have lived there for how long?
b. How long have you lived there?
c. How many years have you lived there?
d. How long do you live there?
3.Tony : _______________________________________________
Ann : The house we had before was too small. We need somewhere bigger.
a. Why did you move?

b. Why you moved?
c. Why did you moved?
d. Can you tell me the reason why did you move?
4..Where's your home?
a. Turn left and then right.
b. In Manchester City
c. It‘s at nine o'clock. d. 3 children
5.What's your new address?
a. It's the old one.
b. Go straight on
c. Flat 42B, 225 Nathan Road.
d. over there
6.................................. in your exam!
a. How are you
b. Have a good
c. Good luck
d. What about you
7 A: ___________________________ B: Well, they were having a music lesson.
a. What were the visually impaired students doing when you came?
b. What did the visually impaired students do when you came?
c. What were the visually impaired students doing before you came?
d. What did the visually impaired students do after you had come?
8. A:_________________________
B:They can listen and use their fingers to touch the music notes in Braille and sing.
a. How they can learn music without seeing? b.How can they learn music if they not see?
c.What do they do to learn music?
d.How can they learn music without seeing?
9. A:What is your timetable?
B : …………………………………………
a. Some teachers give lots of exercise

b. I don’t like the break between classes.
c. I go to school in the afternoon
d. oral test, fifteen- minute test and forty-five minute test.
10. A :……………………………………….
B: I was born on May 20th, 2007, London
a.When and where were you born ?
b. What do your father do ?
c, where do you live ?
d. How do you work at school?
F/ LISTENING ( Unit 3,5,6 )
