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First edition

Zinc diffusion coatings on ferrous
products — Sherardizing —

Revêtements par diffusion de zinc sur les produits ferreux —

Shérardisation — Spécification

Reference number
ISO 17668:2016(E)
© ISO 2016

ISO 17668:2016(E)


© ISO 2016, Published in Switzerland

All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part o f this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior
written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country o f

the requester.

ISO copyright o ffice
Ch. de Blandonnet 8 • CP 401
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland
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ISO 1 7668: 2 01 6(E)



........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ iv
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. v
Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

General requirements ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Surface condition base material............................................................................................................................................... 3
............................................................................................................... 3
Acceptance inspection and sampling .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Coating properties .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
6.1 Appearance ................................................................................................................................................................................................
6.2 Thickness .....................................................................................................................................................................................................
6.2.2 Test methods .......................................................................................................................................................................
6.2.3 Reference areas ................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Magnetic method or electro-magnetic method ..................................................................................... 5
...................................................................................................................................................... 5
6.2.6 Thickness requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 5
6.3 Acceptance criteria .............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Additional clearances for threaded components ...................................................................................................... 6
Ceritificate o f compliance ........................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Annex A (normative) Information to be supplied by the purchaser to the sherardizer ................................. 7
Annex B (informative) Determination of thickness .............................................................................................................................. 8
Annex C (informative) General information .............................................................................................................................................. 1 0
Annex D (informative) Corrosion resistance of sherardized layers .................................................................................. 1 2
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 3


4. 1
4. 2

I n o rmatio n to b e s up p lied by the p urchas er




6.2 .4

Gravimetric metho d


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ISO 17668:2016(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards

bodies (ISO member bodies). The work o f preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical

committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters o f
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
di fferent types o f ISO documents should be noted. This document was dra fted in accordance with the
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Attention is drawn to the possibility that some o f the elements o f this document may be the subject o f
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The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 107, Metallic and other inorganic coatings,
Subcommittee SC 4, Hot dip coatings (galvanized, etc.).


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ISO 1 7668: 2 01 6(E)


Sherardizing is a thermal diffusion coating process in which ferrous articles are heated in the presence
of a sherardizing mixture consisting of zinc dust with or without an inert material.
The process is commonly per formed in closed, slowly rotating or fixed containers at temperatures

ranging from around 300 °C to 500 °C. The normal processing temperature is below the melting point
o f zinc (419 °C).
During the process, zinc reacts with the sur face to form inter-metallic layers on ferrous articles.

A coating thickness of 10 µm to 75 µm (and higher if required) can be achieved. The coating thickness is
accurately controlled by the amount o f zinc dust, processing time and temperature. The coating closely
follows the contours of the base material and uniform coating thicknesses are produced on articles,
including those of irregular shape.
After sherardizing, the container load is cooled down. A screening process separates the sherardized

articles from the unused sherardizing mixture. The articles, with the zinc-iron inter-metallic layers, are
eventually post-treated (by phosphating, chromating or another suitable passivation process) resulting

in a clean and passivated surface.

It is common to use articles coated with zinc-iron inter-metallic layers as a primer or base-coat for

For additional information about the sherardizing process and the application possibilities of

sherardized articles, see Reference [12] and Reference [13].
Sherardizing (thermal diffusion coating) is also known as the following:
— di ffusion zinc plating (Germany);
— thermal di ffusion coating (Russia);
— thermal di ffusion galvanizing (Ukraine);
— vapour galvanizing (UK);
— zinc di ffusion coating (USA);
— zinc inter-metallic coating (Russia);

— zinc thermo diffusion galvanizing (Israel).
In China, Europe and the USA, the common name for the thermal diffusion coating process is

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ISO 17668:2016(E)

Zinc diffusion coatings on ferrous products — Sherardizing
— Specification
1 Scope
T h i s I nternationa l Sta nda rd s p e c i fie s m i ni mum th ickne s s re qu i rements
layers appl ie d to

ferrou s

corrosion and wear.

pro duc ts b y the s herard i z i ng pro ce s s


T h i s I nternationa l Stand ard do e s no t s p e c i fy a ny re qui rements


s i x cla s s e s o f z i nc d i ffu s ion

the pu rp o s e o f pro te c tion agai n s t


the s u r face cond ition (fi n i s h or

roughness) of the basis material before sherardizing.
Post-treatments (conversion coatings), after-treatments or organic over-coatings (Duplex) of
sherardized articles are not in the scope of this International Standard.

For general information about post-treatments, see Annex C and Annex D.

T h i s I nternationa l Standard do e s no t apply to sherard i z e d pro duc ts (e . g.

fas teners ,

tub e s)


wh ich

s p e ci fic s tand ard s e xi s t and wh ich m ight i nclude add itiona l re qui rements or re qui rements wh ich are

different from those of this International Standard.

I nd ividu a l p ro duc t s ta nda rd s c a n i nco r p o rate th i s I nter n atio n a l S ta nd a rd


the co ati n g b y quo ti ng

its nu mb er, o r c a n i nco r p o rate it with mo d i fic atio n s p e c i fic to the p ro duc t.

2 Normative references
T he

fol lowi ng

i nd i s p en s able

do c u ments , i n whole or i n p ar t, a re normatively re ference d i n th i s do c u ment and are



appl ic ation .

For date d re ference s ,

on ly the

e d ition

cite d appl ie s .

For u ndate d

re ference s , the late s t e d ition o f the re ference d do c u ment (i nclud i ng any amend ments) appl ie s .


14 6 0 , Metallic coatings — Hot dip galvanized coatings on ferrous materials — Gravimetric
determination of the mass per unit area




Metallic and other inorganic coatings — Definitions and conventions concerning the

measurement of thickness

ISO 2178,

Non-magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates — Measurement of coating thickness —
Magnetic method

ISO 2808, Paints and varnishes — Determination of film thickness
Steel and steel products — Inspection documents
10 474,

3 Terms and definitions
For the pur p o s e s o f th i s do c u ment, the term s a nd defi n ition s gi ven i n I S O 2 0 6 4 and the

fol lowi ng


sherardizing process

zinc diffusion coating process in which articles are heated in close contact with a sherardizing mixture
form sherardized layers (3.2)
) , com mon ly p er orme d i n a clo s e d s lowly ro tati ng conta i ner or a fi xe d (non-ro tati ng) conta i ner, to

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ISO 1 7668: 2 01 6(E)

sherardized layer
zinc diffusion layer
z i nc d i ffu s ion co ati ng con s i s ti ng o f z i nc-i ron a l loy layers ob ta i ne d b y s herard i z i ng
N o te 1 to entr y: T he “s hera rd i z e d l ayer ” i s re fer re d to i n th i s I nter n ation a l S ta nd a rd a s “co ati ng”.

N o te 2 to entr y: T he s hera rd i z e d l ayer m ay s ub s e quentl y b e p o s t-tre ate d b y p ho s p h ati ng , ch rom ati n g or a no ther

suitable passivation process (guidance for these post-treatments are given in Annex C and Annex D).
sherardizing mi xture

m i x tu re con s i s ti ng o f mai n ly z i nc du s t, with or without o ther pro ce s s- s upp or ti ng i ngre d ients

N o te 1 to entr y: Z i nc du s t i s a l s o known a s z i nc p owder.

3 .4
mass of the zinc diffusion layer
to ta l mas s o f z i nc/i ron a l loys p er u n it are a o f s u r face
N o te 1 to entr y: T he m a s s o f the z i nc d i ffu s ion l ayer i s e xp re s s e d i n gra m s p er s qu a re me tre ( g/m

2 ).

thickness of the zinc diffusion layer
to ta l z i nc d i ffu s ion layer th ickne s s con s i s ti ng o f z i nc/i ron a l loys

N o te 1 to entr y: T he th ickne s s o f the z i nc d i ffu s ion l ayer i s e xp re s s e d i n m ic rome tre (µm) .

3 .6

significant sur face
part o f the article covered or to be covered by the
es sential

for s er viceability


zinc diffusion layer

(3.2) and for which these coating is

app earance and where the layer wi ll meet all the s peci fied requirements

3 .7
control sample

article, or group of articles, from a lot which is selected for testing
reference area
are a with i n wh ich a s p e c i fie d nu mb er o f s i ngle me a s u rements i s re qu i re d to b e made

3 .9
local thickness of the zinc diffusion layer
me a n va lue o f z i nc d i ffu s ion layer th ickne s s ob tai ne d


the s p e c i fic nu mb er o f me a s u rements with i n

a reference area (3.8) for a magnetic or electro-magnetic test or the single value of a gravimetric test
N o te 1 to e ntr y: Gu id a nc e

6.2.2 and Annex B.

fo r

the me tho d s o f me a s u r e me n t o f the z i nc d i ffu s io n l aye r th ickne s s i s g i ve n i n

3 .10
mean thickness of the zinc diffusion layer
average va lue o f the lo c a l z i nc d i ffu s ion layer th ickne s s e s o f d i fferent

N o te 1 to entr y: I n c a s e there i s o n l y one

reference area

a s the lo c a l z i nc d i ffu s ion l ayer th ickne s s .


reference areas


) , the me a n z i nc d i ffu s ion l ayer th ickne s s i s the s a me

3 .11
inspection lot
one or more a r ticle s o f the s ame typ e a nd s i ze compri s i ng either a s i ngle order, a s i ngle del iver y lo ad or
the nu mb er o f a r ticle s identi fie d a s a lo t b y the s hera rd i z er


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ISO 1 7668: 2 01 6(E)

3 .1 2
acceptance inspection

inspection of an inspection lot (3.11) at the sherardizer’s works (unless otherwise specified)

General requirements


Surface condition base material

The surface of the base material should be clean before sherardizing.
Sur face contamination that cannot be removed by grit blasting should be removed prior to the
mechanical pre-treatment process. The responsibility o f removing the contamination should be agreed

upon between the sherardizer and purchaser.

The surface condition of the base material, the mass of the parts and the sherardizing conditions can

a ffect the appearance, the thickness, sur face roughness and the physical and mechanical properties o f
the coating. This International Standard does not define any requirements regarding these properties.


Guidance on these parameters can be found in ISO 14713-3:2009, Clause 4.
Information to be supplied by the purchaser

In formation shall be supplied by the purchaser in accordance with A.1 and A.2.

Acceptance inspection and sampling

Acceptance inspection shall be undertaken be fore the products leave the sherardizer’s custody, unless
otherwise specified at the time o f ordering by the purchaser.

Acceptance inspection involves the assessment of appearance of the coated article and testing the
thickness. The results o f other tests o f the coated article are normally not provided. Other tests will
only be carried out by agreement between purchaser and sherardizer made at the time o f ordering.

A control sample for thickness testing shall be taken randomly from each inspection lot selected for

testing. The minimum number of articles to form the control sample shall be taken in accordance
with Table 1.
Alternatively, sampling procedures selected from ISO 2859-1, ISO 2859-2, and ISO 2859-3 can be used.
Table 1 — Control sample size related to batch size
Number of articles in the

M inimum number of

b atch

articles in the control

1 to 3

4 to 500

501 to 1 200
1 201 to 3 200
3 201 to 10 000
Above 10 000

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s ample



ISO 1 7668: 2 01 6(E)


Coating properties



The sur face o f the coating has a grey (matt or lustrous) appearance and might show scratches resulting
from normal contact with other articles, during processing or storage. Such scratches are superficial

and not detrimental to the corrosion resistance of the sherardized articles.

The coating shows a certain sur face roughness which is characteristic for the zinc-iron alloy type o f


It is noted that “grey (matt or lustrous) appearance” and “sur face roughness” are relative terms. These
appearance properties can be influenced by the composition o f and sur face conditions o f the base material. It is
not possible to establish a definition o f appearance and finish o f the coating covering all requirements in practice.

Areas without a zinc di ffusion layer shall not be allowed, unless otherwise specified at the time o f
ordering by the purchaser and agreed upon with the sherardizer.
Rejected articles, regarding these areas, shall be re-sherardized and resubmitted for inspection in

agreement with the purchaser.

The development o f (grey-) white corrosion products (white staining), the formation o f mainly basic
zinc oxide during storage in humid conditions a fter sherardizing, shall not be cause for rejection.
It is not permitted for the sherardized articles to have an orange-brown colouring at the time o f delivery,
unless otherwise specified at the time o f ordering by the purchaser and agreed upon with the sherardizer.
Rejected articles, regarding this discolouring, shall be re-sherardized and resubmitted for inspection in

agreement with the purchaser.

6.2 .1



Coatings applied by sherardizing are designed to protect ferrous products against corrosion and wear.
The service li fe o f such coatings in a given environment is approximately proportional to the coating
thickness (see ISO 14713-1).
6.2 .2

Test methods

Thickness measurements shall only be made on clean, washed sur faces. In case cleaning and/or
passivation is not part o f the coating process, samples for thickness testing shall be cleaned separately.

The local coating thickness shall be determined in accordance with the magnetic method given in
ISO 2178 or the electro-magnetic method given in ISO 2808, also described in ISO 3882.
These two methods are generally most appropriate for routine quality control within works.

The gravimetric method according to ISO 1460 can be used to determine the coating mass. The coating

thickness can be calculated by dividing the coating mass per unit area by the nominal coating density o f
the coating 7,2 g/cm3 (see B.2).
I f a su fficient number o f measurements is made within the re ference area (see 6.2.3 ), e ffectively the
same coating thickness will be determined by the magnetic method, the electro-magnetic method as

the gravimetric method.
For articles with a complex shape, in which no suitable reference area can be determined for
measuring the thickness by the magnetic method, the electro-magnetic method, the gravimetric
method shall be used.

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ISO 1 7668: 2 01 6(E)

The microscopic cross-section method according to ISO 1463 is less appropriate for routine use because
it is destructive and relates only to a single line. However, this method can be used for special quality
control operations for articles with a complex shape, agreed upon by the purchaser and the sherardizer
at the time of ordering.
6.2 .3

Annex B provides additional information and guidance on the measurement of thickness.

Reference areas

The number and position of reference areas and their sizes for the magnetic, electro-magnetic,
micrometre method or gravimetric test shall be chosen with regard to the shape and size of the
article(s) in order to obtain a result as representative as possible of mean coating thickness or mass per

unit area as applicable.
The re ference areas shall be within the significant sur faces, unless otherwise agreed upon between

purchaser and sherardizer.

For articles with a significant sur face area greater than or equal to 10 cm 2 , there shall be at least one

reference area on each article in the control sample. Control sample sizes are given in Table 1.
For articles with a significant sur face area o f less than 10 cm 2 , there shall be enough articles grouped
together to provide at least 10 cm2 significant surface for one reference area. Hence, the total number
of articles tested shall equal the number of articles required to provide one reference area multiplied
by the total number o f articles in a control sample, in accordance with Table 1 (or the total number of
articles sherardized, if that is less).
Alternatively, sampling procedures selected from ISO 2859-1, ISO 2859-2, and ISO 2859-3 can be used.
6.2 .4

Magnetic method or electro-magnetic method

A minimum o f five magnetic or electro-magnetic test readings shall be taken within each re ference
area. Because the area over which each measurement is made in this method is very small, individual
figures can be lower (typically up to 15 %) than the values for the local thickness. This is irrelevant as
only the average value over the whole o f each re ference area is required to be equal to, or greater than,

the local coating thickness minimum value.

When more than five articles have to be taken to make up a re ference area o f at least 10 cm 2 , a single
magnetic measurement shall be taken on each article i f a suitable area o f significant sur face exists. I f
such a suitable area does not exist, the gravimetric method according to ISO 1460 shall be used.
6.2 .5

Gravimetric method

The mass of the coating per unit area, expressed in g/cm2 , shall be determined according to ISO 1460.
This mass value can be converted to a thickness value in µm by dividing the nominal density o f the
coating 7,2 g/cm3 .

6.2 .6

See B.2

Thickness requirements

The thickness requirements for six classes are given in Table 2.

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ISO 1 7668: 2 01 6(E)

Table 2 — Coating thickness
C lass of coating


Local coating
mass minimum



Class 10
Class 15
Class 30


Class 60
Class 75


Class 45


Local coating
thicknes s minimum

g/m 2


For typical application fields o f the coating with di fferent coating thicknesses, see C.7.
Acceptance criteria

When tested in accordance with 6.2.2, for the appropriate number of reference areas given in 6.2.3, the
local coating thickness shall be not less than the values given in Table 2.
If the local coating thickness on a control sample does not conform to Table 2, twice the original number
of articles (or all the articles, if that is the lower number) shall be taken from the batch and tested. If
this larger control sample conforms to Table 2, the batch shall be deemed to conform. Failure of the
larger control sample to meet the thickness requirements shall constitute grounds for rejection o f the
batch. I f the batch is rejected, individual articles may be submitted for re-testing.

Additional clearances for threaded components

Although sherardizing gives a uni form coating without any significant changes in the profile o f threads,

there shall be adequate clearance between external and internal threads before sherardizing. The
purchaser shall discuss the additional thread clearance requirement with the sherardizer, see A.2 e).
Guidance on the adequate clearances can be found in ISO 14713-3.

7 Ceritificate o f compliance
When required by the purchaser, the sherardizer shall provide a certificate o f compliance with the
requirements o f this International Standard according to ISO 10474. A request for such a certificate

shall be made at the time of ordering, see A.2 i).


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ISO 1 7668: 2 01 6(E)

Annex A

Information to be supplied by the purchaser to the sherardizer


Essential information

The purchaser shall provide the following information on all relevant documents:

numb er o f th i s I nternationa l Standa rd, i . e . I S O 176 6 8 ;


cla s s o f co ati ng or, a lternatively, the m i n i mu m co ati ng th ickne s s re qu i re d (s e e


Table 2).

Additional information

Where the

fol lowi ng

i n formation i s re qu i re d


p ar tic u la r pu rp o s e s b y the sherard i z er, it s ha l l b e

s p e ci fie d b y the pu rcha s er at the ti me o f orderi ng:


typ e o f materi a l to b e s herard i ze d;


a ny

l i kely

e ffe c ts



me ta l lu rgic a l

prop er tie s




materi a l

c au s e d


he ati ng

temp eratu re s o f up to 5 0 0 ° C , a nd i f the p a r ts are he at-tre ate d;

c) surface area and weight of the articles to be sherardized, in case different articles are part of the same
order the s ur face area and weight


identi fic ation


o f s ign i fica nt s ur face s

each group o f ar ticles o f the s ame kind shal l b e provided;


re ference

are as ,


exa mp le,

by d rawi ngs

or b y the

provi s ion o f s u itably marke d s ample s;


th re ad cle ara nce s , dep end i ng on the cla s s o f co ati ng th ickne s s s p e ci fie d, to b e s tate d on the pro duc t
d rawi ng or on the order do c u ment;


a ny s p e ci a l pre -tre atment re qui rements;
a ny p o s t-tre atments , a fter-tre atments or over- co ati ng to b e appl ie d to the s herard i z e d co ati ng (s e e





a ny re qui rements

i n s p e c tion;


whe ther a cer ti fic ate o f compl ia nce i s re qu i re d i n accorda nce with I S O 10 474.

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ISO 1 7668: 2 01 6(E)

Annex B

Determination of thickness



The most general non-destructive methods of determining coating thickness are the magnetic method
according to ISO 2178 and the electro-magnetic method according to ISO 2808. These two methods are

commonly used for in-works quality control procedures.

Destructive methods include the gravimetric method according to ISO 1460, determination of mass per
area converted to thickness (see B.2) and microscopic cross-section method (see B.3).
Careful consideration should be made of the relationship between local and average thickness where
the magnetic method or the electro-magnetic method is used and the results are compared with those

obtained by the gravimetric method. I f a su fficient number o f measurements is made within a re ference
area, e ffectively the same coating thickness will be determined by the magnetic method, electromagnetic method as by the gravimetric method.

Another non-destructive method, which can be used for routine quality control purposes, is measuring
the thickness o f an article, be fore and a fter applying the coating, with a precision micrometre device
(gauge). The local coating thickness is hal f o f the increase in thickness o f the article a fter applying
the coating. This method, however, is not standardized. This method is less precise, but the accuracy

increases with the coating thickness. The method is useful in case the magnetic method or the electromagnetic method cannot be applied, such upon agreement between purchaser and sherardizer. This
method can success fully be used for small products such as rivets and washers.


Calculation of thickness from mass per unit area

The gravimetric method according to ISO 1460 provides a result for the coating mass per unit area
expressed in g/m2 . This value can be converted to local thickness in micrometre by dividing by the
nominal density o f the coating 7,2 g/cm 3 .
The mean thickness L is given by Formula (B.1):

= ∆ M ( ρ ⋅ A)



is mean thickness o f the coating, in µm;

ΔM is the weight di fference between a coated and an uncoated part, in g;
A is the surface area of the part, in m 2 ;
ρ is the nominal density of the coating, 7,2 g/cm3 .


7,2 g/cm 3 is equal to 7,2 g/(àm ì m 2 )

For equivalent values of coating thickness and coating mass, see Table 2.


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ISO 1 7668: 2 01 6(E)


Microscopic cross section method

T he m ic ro s copic cro s s s e c tion me tho d accord i ng to I S O 14 6 3 c an b e u s e d


s p e ci a l qua l ity control

procedures for articles with a complex shape with recesses or with hollow parts, such as tubes, agreed
upon between purchaser and sherardizer at the time of ordering. Careful attention is required to

prep are the cro s s- s e c tion and a s ki l le d p ers on nel i s re qu i re d to ana lys e the re s u lts o f the te s t pro ce du re .
T he me tho d c an a l s o b e u s e d


ana lys i ng the s truc tu re o f the z i nc-i ron a l loy layers . T he m ic ro s copic

cro s s - s e c tion me tho d i s le s s appropri ate


routi ne qua l ity control, b e c au s e it i s a de s tr uc tive me tho d

and rel ate s on ly to a s i ngle l i ne .

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ISO 1 7668: 2 01 6(E)

Annex C

General information


Sherardizing process

Sherardizing is a thermal di ffusion coating process which forms zinc-iron di ffusion layers on ferrous

materials. The articles are heated in the presence of a sherardizing mixture.

The coating closely follows the contours o f the base material, and uni form coatings are produced on

articles, including those of complex shape.

The coating may subsequently be post-treated by phosphating, chromating or other suitable passivation

processes, resulting in a clean passivated surface.

Base material

Unalloyed carbon steels, low alloy steels, heat treated steels, high tensile steels, sintered material,
malleable grey and cast iron are suitable for sherardizing. The influence on mechanical properties o f
heat treated steel articles is considerably low.
The process does not give rise to hydrogen embrittlement. However, when pre-cleaning high tensile

material (above 1 000 N/mm2 ), cathodic cleaning should not be employed. Pre-treatment by anodic,

mechanical or any other processes which do not a ffect the base material are recommended. The sur face
should be free from any contamination prior to processing.

It is essential that parts having so ft-soldered or resin bonded joints are not sent for sherardizing as joints
o f this nature are a ffected by the process. Any such jointing should be carried out a fter sherardizing

has taken place.


Post-treatments (passivation), after-treatments or organic over-coatings (Duplex) of sherardized
articles are not in the scope o f this International Standard. The service li fe can be significantly extended
by these processes (see Annex D).
The adhesion o f paints and organic overcoats can be improved by a post-treatment.


A fter-treatments by oils, stains, sealants or special lubricants can subsequently be applied to the coating

or to the passivated coating to enhance the corrosion resistance, to provide colour or to regulate the

coe fficient o f friction o f the coating.

Overcoats such as paints or organic coatings can be supplied to the eventual passivated zinc diffusion
coating to increase corrosion resistance and/or decorative appearance.

Guidance on these a fter-treatments can be found in ISO 14713-3 and ISO 12944-5.


© ISO 2016 – All rights reserved

ISO 1 7668: 2 01 6(E)



T he s herard i z e d co ati ng h as a grey (matt or lu s trou s) app e a rance a nd may s how s cratche s re s u lti ng


norma l contac t with o ther a r ticle s ,

corrosion resistance.

s uch s cratche s

T he o cc u rrence o f da rker and l ighter a re a s i s no re a s on

Wh ite s tai n i ng , the


shera rd i z i ng , i s no re a s on



are s up er fici a l and no t de tri menta l to


rej e c tion .

o f ma i n ly b as ic z i nc oxide du ri ng s torage i n hu m id cond ition s a fter

rej e c tion .

O ra nge -brown d i s colou ri ng at the ti me o f del iver y i s no t a l lowe d, u n le s s agre e d up on b e twe en the

sherardizer and the purchaser.


T he ad he s ion b e twe en the co ati ng and the b as i s me ta l genera l ly do e s no t ne e d to b e te s te d a s go o d
b ond i ng i s

cha rac teri s tic o f the

form i ng

o f z i nc-i ron a l loy l ayers

b y the s herard i z i ng pro ce s s .

co ati ng i s made b y therma l d i ffu s ion o f z i nc i nto/on the s u r face o f the i ron a nd s te el ar ticle s

T he

form i ng

typic a l z i nc-i ron a l loy layers .

T he co ate d a r ticle s shou ld b e able to with s tand , without p e el i ng or fl a ki ng , ha nd l i ng con s i s tent with

the nature and thickness of the coating and the normal use of the article.

Coating thickness

C la s s 10 co ati ngs c an b e s p e c i fie d
co ati ng ,

C la s s


co ati ngs



the appl ic ation as a b as e co at ( pri mer)

on ly a

l i m ite d

c atho d ic

corrosion protection without an additional after-treatment.
C la s s 1 5 co ati ngs c an b e s p e c i fie d


C la s s 3 0 co ati ngs shou ld b e s p e c i fie d

pro te c tion



a re

a p ai nt or an organ ic

no t re com mende d


norma l i ndo or and outdo or envi ron ments .


outdo or appl ic ation s i n more s evere envi ron ments , or where

there is a requirement for extended service life.
C la s s 45 co ati ngs s hou ld b e s p e ci fie d


u s e i n h igh ly corro s i ve and or abra s ive envi ron ments , e . g.

industrial or marine.
Class 60 and Class 75 coatings can be required for special applications. When thicker coatings are
s p e ci fie d, there c an b e a re qu i rement

Gu id ance



a s p e ci fic pre -tre atment.

the co ati ng th ickne s s o f z i nc co ate d pro duc ts


u s e i n envi ronments with d i fferent

corrosion categories is given in ISO
Where doubt exists concerning the coating thickness required and/or the requirement of a post
treatment, the purchaser should seek the advice of the sherardizer.
1471 3 -1 : 2 0 0 9, Table


Additional clearances for threaded components

T h re ade d comp onents ne e d add itiona l cle arance dep end i ng on the co ati ng th ickne s s . Gu ida nce on th i s
s ubj e c t c an b e

fou nd


i n I S O 1471 3 -3 : 2 0 0 9, Table 1 a nd Re ference [

© ISO 2016 – All rights reserved


ISO 1 7668: 2 01 6(E)

Annex D


Corrosion resistance of sherardized layers


General information

C o ati ngs

appl ie d



sherard i z i ng

pro ce s s

a re

de s igne d


pro te c t



materi a l

agai n s t

corrosion and abrasion.
For most applications, the sherardized steel articles are exposed to atmospheric conditions. Under these
conditions, the service life of the coating is proportional to the thickness of the coating. See ISO
1471 3 -1 .

Re ference shou ld b e made to I S O 9 2 2 3

for de term i nation

o f corro s ion c ategor y


an ex terna l exp o s u re

envi ron ment. Gu ida nce on the l i kely p er formance o f the co ati ng i n a p ar tic u la r atmo s pheric exp o s u re

environment can be found in ISO

1471 3 -1 .

S a lt s pray te s ts c an no t b e u s e d to acc u rately te s t z i nc d i ffu s ion co ate d (s herard i ze d) s te el b e c au s e they
accelerate the wrong

fa i lu re

me cha n i s m . Without a prop er we t/d r y c ycle, the z i nc co ati ng c an no t


p ati na layers . T he ab s ence o f a p ati na l ayer a l lows con s tant attack o f the z i nc me ta l and give s a ver y low
pre d ic tion o f the co ati ng l i fe . S e e I S O 1471 3 -1 : 2 0 0 9, C l au s e 8 . T h i s te s t pro ce du re ca n on ly b e u s e d


i n-hou s e pro duc tion control i n a comp a rative way.


Post treatment and passivation

T he s er vice l i fe o f the co ati ng c a n b e e xtende d s ign i fic a ntly by a p o s t tre atment o f the co ati ng b y a

passivation process, e.g. phosphating, chromating or other suitable passivation process developed for
tre ati ng z i nc-i ron a l loys (convers ion co ati ng) .
T he s igni fic a nce o f the p o s t-tre atment ( p as s ivation) c a n b e te s te d a nd comp a re d by an accelerate d

corrosion test. However, the result of this test cannot give an absolute indication of the total coating life
of the surface.

Duplex systems

T he s er vice l i fe o f p ai nte d or p owder co ate d sherard i ze d ar ticle s (D uplex s ys tem) can b e extremely long.
For the appl ic ation o f duple x s ys tem s i nvolvi ng the u s e o f p ai nts , i n formation ab out re qui rements on
s u r face tre atment, p a i nti ng s ys tem s , co ati ng th ickne s s e tc . , c an b e

fou nd

i n I S O 1 2 9 4 4 -5 .

For the appl ic ation o f duple x s ys tem s i nvolvi ng the u s e o f p owder co ati ngs , re com mendation s on co ati ng
p owders , pre -tre atment, appl ic ation a nd s ys tem p er formance c a n b e


fou nd

i n E N 1 3 43 8 a nd E N 1 5 7 7 3 .

© ISO 2016 – All rights reserved

ISO 1 7668: 2 01 6(E)









1471 3 -3 : 2 0 0 9, Zinc coatings — Guidelines and recommendations for the protection against
corrosion of iron and steel in structures — Part 3: Sherardizing
1471 3 -1 : 2 0 0 9, Zinc coatings — Guidelines and recommendations for the protection against
corrosion ofiron and steel in structures — Part 1: General principles ofdesign and corrosion resistance
1 3 43 8 , Paints and varnishes. Powder organic coatings for hot dip galvanized or sherardized
steel products for construction purposes

EN 15773, Industrial application of powder organic coatings to hot dip galvanized or sherardized
steel articles [duplex systems] — Specifications, recommendations and guidelines


ISO 1 2 9 4 4 -5 , Paints and varnishes — Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint
systems — Part 5: Protective paint systems




ISO 3882, Metallic and other inorganic coatings — Review of methods of measurement of thickness
Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes — Part 1: Sampling schemes indexed


ISO 2 8 5 9 –2 , Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes — Part 2: Sampling plans indexed by
limiting quality (LQ) for isolated lot inspection

Corrosion o f metals and alloys — Corrosivity o f atmospheres — Classification,

2 8 59 –1 ,

by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection

[10] ISO
[11] ISO
[1 2 ]

92 2 3 ,

determination and estimation

2 8 59

–3, Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes — Part 3: Skip-lot sampling procedures

14 63 ,

Metallic and oxide coatings — Measurement ofcoating thickness — Microscopical method

Por ter, Fran k, Z i nc H andb o ok, C h ap ter 16 - S herard i z i ng , M arcel D ekker I nc . pp . 2 0 9 −19 9 1

[13] M i ttemeijer E., & S omers M. Thermochemical Surface Engineering of Steels: Improving
Materials Performance
diffusion coatings, Woodhead Publishing pp.

C hap ter



S hera rd i z i ng:

corro s ion

pro te c tion


s te el s


z i nc

7 3 7 – 2 014

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ISO 17668:2016(E)

ICS  25.220.40

Price based on 13 pages
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