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Bsi bs au 050 4 2 1a 2002 (iso 4209 2 2001)

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5 0-4.2.1 a:2002

Tyres and wheels —
Part 4: Rim profiles and dimensions —
Section 2: Commercial vehicle rims —
Subsection 2.1 a: Specification for
metric series rims

I C S 43 . 04 0 . 5 0


BS AU 50-4.2.1 a:2002

National foreword
This Britis h S tandard reproduces verb atim IS O 4 2 09- 2 : 2 00 1 and imp lements it
as the UK national s tandard. It s up erse des BS AU 5 0 - 4 . 2 . 1 : 1 9 9 5 which is

The UK p articip ation in its p rep aration was entrus ted to Technical C o mmittee
AUE /4 , Tyres and wheels for motor vehicles , which has the resp onsib ility to:

aid enquirers to unders tand the text;

p res ent to the res pons ib le international/E urop ean comm ittee any
enquiries on the interp retation, or p rop osals for change, and keep the
UK interests informe d;

monitor re lated international and E urop ean develop ments and
p rom ulgate them in the UK.

A list of organiz ations rep resented on this committee can b e ob tained on
reques t to its s ecretary.

C ross-references
The Britis h S tandards which imp lem ent international or E urop ean
p ub lications refe rred to in this document may b e found in the BS I S tandards
C atalogue under the s ection entitled “International S tandards C orresp ondence
Index”, or b y using the “Find” facility of the BS I S tandards E lectronic
C atalogue.

A Britis h Standard does not p urport to include all the necess ary p rovisions of
a contract. Us ers of British S tandards are resp onsib le for their correct
ap p lication.

Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages

This document comp ris es a front cover, an inside front cover, the IS O title p age,

This Britis h S tandard, having
b ee n p rep ared under the

p ages ii and iii, a b lank p age, p ages 1 to 1 0, an ins ide b ack cover and a b ack

direc tion of the E nginee ring
S ector P olicy and S trategy
C o mmittee, was p ub lis he d

The BS I cop yright date dis p layed in this document indicates when the
document was las t iss ued.

under the authority of the
S tandards Polic y and S trategy
C o mmittee on
07 Feb ruary 2 0 02

Amendments issued since publication

Amd. No.

© BS I 0 7 Feb ruary 2 00 2

ISBN 0 5 80 3895 2 9

D ate

C omments

BS AU 50−4.2.1a:2002

BS AU 50−4.2.1a:2002

BS AU 50−4.2.1a:2002

BS AU 50−4.2.1a:2002

BS AU 50−4.2.1a:2002

BS AU 50−4.2.1a:2002

BS AU 50−4.2.1a:2002

BS AU 50−4.2.1a:2002

BS AU 50−4.2.1a:2002

BS AU 50−4.2.1a:2002

BS AU 50−4.2.1a:2002

BS AU 50−4.2.1a:2002

BS AU 50−4.2.1a:2002

BS AU 50−4.2.1a:2002

5 0-4.2.1 a:2002

BSI — British Standards Institution
BS I is the indep endent national b ody res ponsib le for prep aring
Britis h Standards. It p res ents the UK view on standards in E urope and at the
international level. It is incorp orated b y Royal C harter.

Britis h S tandards are up dated b y amendment or revision. Us ers of
Britis h S tandards s hould make s ure that they p oss es s the latest amendments or
editio ns .

It is the cons tant aim of B S I to improve the quality of our p roducts and s ervices.
We would b e grateful if anyone finding an inaccuracy or amb iguity while using
this Britis h Standard would inform the S ecretary of the technical committee
resp onsib le, the identity of which can b e found on the ins ide front cover.
Tel: 02 0 89 96 9 000 . Fax: 02 0 899 6 7 400.

BS I offers memb ers an individual up dating service called PLUS which ens ures
that s ub s crib ers automatically receive the late s t editions of s tandards .

Buying standards
O rders for all B S I, international and foreign standards p ub lications s hould b e
address ed to C ustomer S ervices. Tel: 0 2 0 8 996 900 1 . Fax: 0 2 0 8 996 700 1 .
S tandards are als o availab le from the BS I web s ite at http : //www. b s i- glob al. com.

In resp onse to orders for international standards, it is BS I p olicy to s up p ly the
BS I imp lementation of those that have b ee n p ub lis hed as Britis h S tandards,
unless otherwise reques ted.

Information on standards
BS I p rovides a wide range of information on national, E urop ean and
international standards through its Lib rary and its Technical H elp to E xp orters
S ervice. Various B S I electronic information s ervices are also availab le which give
details on all its p roducts and services. C ontact the Information C entre.
Tel: 02 0 89 96 7 1 1 1 . Fax: 02 0 899 6 7 048.

S ub scrib ing memb ers of BS I are ke pt up to date with standards develop ments
and receive sub stantial dis counts on the p urchas e price of standards. For details
of these and other b enefits contact Memb ers hip Adminis tration.
Tel: 02 0 89 96 7 002 . Fax: 02 0 899 6 7 001 . Further information ab out BS I is

availab le on the BS I web site at http : //www. b s i- glob al. com .

C opyright
C op yright sub sis ts in all BS I p ub lications. BS I als o holds the cop yright, in the
UK, of the p ub lications of the international

s tandardization b odies . E xcep t as

p ermitted under the C op yright, D es igns and Patents Act 1 9 88 no extract may b e
rep roduced, stored in a retrieval sys tem or trans mitted in any form or b y any
means –

electronic, p hotocopying, recording or otherwise – without p rior written

p ermiss ion from B SI.

This does not p reclude the free use, in the cours e of imp lementing the s tandard,
of necess ary details such as s ymb ols, and s ize, typ e or grade designations. If thes e
details are to b e used for any other p urp os e than implementation then the p rior
written permis sion of BS I mus t b e ob tained.

If p ermiss ion is granted, the terms may include royalty p ayments or a licensing
agreement. D etails and advice can b e ob tained from the C op yright Manager.

3 89 C his wick H igh Road


W4 4AL

Tel: 02 0 89 96 7 070 .
