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Bsi bs au 202b 1995 (1999)

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2 0 2 b : 1 995

Specification for

restraint systems for
infants, for use in road

UD C 62 9 . 3 . 0 47 . 1 6

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BS AU 202b:1995

Committees responsible for this
British Standard
The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical
Committee AUE/7, Automobile occupant restraint systems, upon which the
following bodies were represented:
Automobile Association
Baby Equipment Hirers’ Association
British Retail Consortium
BSI Testing Services
Child Accident Prevention Trust

Consumer Policy Committee of BSI
Consumers’ Association
Department of Transport
Department of Transport (Transport Research Laboratory)
ICE (Ergonomics)
Ministry of Defence
Motor Industry Research Association
National Automobile Safety Belt Association
Royal Automobile Club
Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Limited
University of Birmingham

This British Standard, having
been prepared under the
direction of the Engineering Sector
Board, was published under the
authority of the Standards Board
and comes into effect on
1 5 December 1 995
© BSI 09- 1 999
First published June 1 985
Second edition December 1 995

The following BSI references
relate to the work on this
Committee reference AUE/7
Draft for comment 94/701 553 DC

ISBN 0 580 24655 8

Amendments issued since publication
Amd. No.



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BS AU 202b:1995

Committees responsible

Inside front cover
















Emergency release, adj usters and other rigid parts










Annex A (normative) Manikins


Annex B (normative) Dynamic test apparatus


Annex C (normative) Method of defining the head impact area


Annex D (normative) Test of energy- absorbing material


Annex E (normative) Corrosion test


Annex F (normative) Overturning tests


Annex G (normative) Dynamic tests


Annex H (normative) Flammability test


Annex J (normative) Emergency release test


Annex K (normative) Emergency release strength test


Annex L (normative) Test of adj uster


Annex M (normative) Microslip test


Annex N (normative) Conditioning test for adj usters mounted directly

on an infant restraint system


Annex P (normative) Test for lock- off devices


Annex Q (normative) Tests on retractors


Annex R (normative) Dust- resistance test for emergency- locking


Annex S (normative) Strap strength test and width measurement


Annex T (normative) Environmental conditioning


Annex U (normative) Standard seat belt


Annex V (normative) Installation procedures for the dynamic tests


Figure 1 — Limits of manikin movement during dynamic test


Figure A. 1 — Principal dimensions of the 3. 4 kg manikin


Figure A. 2 — Shoulder stiffness test

© BSI 09- 1 999


Figure A. 3 — Leg j oint stiffness test


Figure A. 4 — Exploded view of 9 kg manikin


Figure A. 5 — Principal dimensions of the 9 kg and 1 1 kg manikins


Figure A. 6 — Adj ustment of neck cable


Figure A. 7 — Adj ustment of atlas- axis j oint


Figure A. 8 — Adj ustment of hip j oint


Figure A. 9 — Adj ustment of knee j oint


Figure A. 1 0 — Adj ustment of shoulder j oint


Figure A. 1 1 — Adj ustment of elbow j oint


Figure A. 1 2 — Adj ustment of lumbar cable


Figure A. 1 3 — Calibration of the lumbar spine


Figure A. 1 4 — Calibration of the abdominal insert


Figure A. 1 5 — Calibration of the neck



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BS AU 202b:1995

Figure B. 1 — Dimensions of the seat and seat cushions


Figure B. 2 — Openings in the base of the test seat


Figure B. 3 — Dimensions of the aluminium base plate


Figure B. 4 — Dimensions of the cover material


Figure B. 5 — Impact- test apparatus for certification of the
test- seat cushion


Figure B. 6 — Positions of anchorages on the test trolley


Figure C. 1 — Method of defining the head impact area


Figure D. 1 — Headform for testing energy- absorbing material


Figure G. 1 — Trolley deceleration curve for frontal impact as a
function of time (for calibrating the stopping device)


Figure G. 2 — Trolley deceleration curve for rear impact as a
function of time (for calibrating the stopping device)


Figure H. 1 — Sample for the flammability test


Figure H. 2 — Example of combustion chamber with sample
holder and pan


Figure H. 3 — Dimensions of combustion chamber


Figure H. 4 — Dimensions of pan


Figure H. 5 — Dimensions of sample holder


Figure H. 6 — Example of cross- section of lower part of
U- shaped frame, designed to be fitted with supporting wires


Figure K. 1 — Typical strength test device for the emergency release


Figure N. 1 — Apparatus for conditioning adj usters mounted
directly on an infant restraint system


Figure P. 1 — Schematic layout of the test for lock- off devices


Figure R. 1 — Arrangement of apparatus for dust- resistance test


Figure T. 1 — Examples of arrangements for abrasion conditioning
for straps with quick adj usters


Figure T. 2 — Examples of arrangements for abrasion conditioning
for straps which change direction in passing through a rigid part


Figure U. 1 — Standard seat belt configurations


Figure U. 2 — Standard anchorage plate


Figure U. 3 — Central part of the standard three- point retractor belt


Figure U. 4 — Standard pillar post loop


Figure V. 1 — Dynamic test installation


Table A. 1 — Mass of components of the 3. 4 kg manikin


Table A. 2 — Principal dimensions of the 3. 4 kg manikin


Table A. 3 — List of components of the 9 kg manikin


Table A. 4 — Mass of components of the 9 kg manikin


Table A. 5 — Principal dimensions of the 9 kg manikin


Table A. 6 — Mass of components of the 1 1 kg manikin


Table A. 7 — Principal dimensions of the 1 1 kg manikin


Table B. 1 — Characteristics of the polyurethane foam


Table B. 2 — Characteristics of the fabric covering the seat


Table G. 1 — Channel frequency classes


Table G. 2 — Mass of manikins for dynamic tests


Table G. 3 — Conditions for the frontal- impact test


Table G. 4 — Conditions for the rear- impact test


Table U. 1 — Specification of the straps for the standard seat belt
List of references



Inside back cover

© BSI 09- 1 999

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BS AU 2 0 2 b : 1 995

Fore word

This British Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee AUE/7, at the
request of the Department of Transport.
This standard specifies requirements for restraining systems for carrying infants
up to a mass of 1 3 kg in road vehicles. Because of their physical structure and
their need for prolonged rest, babies are best carried in a semi- reclined position,
facing the rear of the vehicle. Young children can be carried in a similar mode or
in systems meeting other British Standards and international regulations, such

as BS 3254- 2: 1 991 and ECE Regulation No. 44.
This edition of BS AU 202 differs from its predecessor in a number of important
respects. Most notably, it defines two mass groups and sets out specifications for
rear- facing systems for each group: up to 1 0 kg (group 0 devices) and up to 1 3 kg
(group 0 + devices). Devices of either group can be used on the front or rear seat
of most road vehicles, as recommended by the manufacturer of the restraint
system. The specifications, test arrangements and test methods have been
extensively revised in order to align this edition of the standard closely with
the 03 revision of ECE Regulation No. 44.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
C o mp liance with a British S tandard doe s not o f itse lf confe r immunity
fro m le gal ob ligations.

S ummary o f p age s

This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv,
pages 1 to 58, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the
inside front cover.

© BSI 09- 1 999


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BS AU 202b:1995

1 Scope
This British Standard specifies requirements for

special-needs restraint

rearward- facing infant restraint systems suitab le

an infant restraint system designed for infants who

for general use in most vehicles and designed for use

have special needs as a result of either a physical or

with an adult seat b elt which carries a BSI

mental handicap

Kitemark, an “E ” mark or an “e” mark. It also
specifies requirements for rearward- facing infant
carriers for infants with special needs as a result of
either a physical or mental handicap.

infant carrier
that part of the infant restraint system intended to
accommodate the infant in a rearward- facing

This standard applies to infant restraint systems

semi- recumb ent position

designed for either of two mass ranges: group 0


devices for infants up to 1 0 kg; and
group 0 + devices for infants up to 1 3 kg.

a flexible component designed to restrain the infant

2 References

or infant carrier and to transmit forces to the vehicle
structure either directly or indirectly

2.1 Normative references
This British Standard incorporates, b y dated or
undated reference, provisions from other


publications. These normative references are made

a b elt assembly comprising, as a minimum, shoulder

at the appropriate places in the text and the cited

restraints restraints and crotch strap. It may also

publications are listed on the inside back cover. For
dated references, only the edition cited applies: any
subsequent amendments to or revisions of the cited
publication apply to this British Standard only
when incorporated in the reference b y amendment
or revision. For undated references, the latest
edition of the cited publication applies, together
with any amendments.

2.2 Informative references

include a lap strap

crotch strap
a strap, or series of straps, which is attached to the
infant carrier and the buckle and is positioned to
pass between the infant’s thighs

lap strap

This British Standard refers to other publications

a strap which, either in the form of a complete b elt

that provide information or guidance. Editions of

or in the form of a component of such a belt, passes

these publications current at the time of issue of this

across the front of, and restrains, the infant’s pelvic

standard are listed on the inside back cover, but


reference should be made to the latest editions.

3 Definitions

emergency release
a device that can be quickly and easily operated to

For the purposes of this British Standard, the

release the infant from the vehicle with or without

following definitions apply.

the infant carrier

infant restraint system


a comb ination of infant carrier, straps and
adj usters, designed to be secured in a road vehicle
by an approved adult seat b elt


group 0 device
an infant restraint system for infants up to a mass
of 1 0 kg

group 0 + device

The emergency release may incorporate the adj uster.

enclosed emergency release
a device designed in such a way that it is not
possible to release the b uckle using a test sphere of
diameter of 40 mm

non-enclosed emergency release
a device designed in such a way that it is possib le to
release the buckle using a test sphere of diameter
of 40 mm

an infant restraint system for infants up to a mass
of 1 3 kg


An approved seat b elt is one that carries a BSI Kitemark, an “E ” mark or an “e” mark.

© BSI 09- 1 999


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BS AU 202b:1 995

4.1 .3 If the restraint can be set in an inclined

3.1 3

a device designed to accommodate a part or the
whole of a strap
3.1 4

automatically-locking retractor

position, it shall be possible to thus set it without
manual readj ustment of the straps. A deliberate
hand- action shall be required in order to put the
restraint in the inclined position.
4.1 .4 The infant restraint system shall be designed,

or capable of adj ustment, so that the torso line of

a retractor which allows the strap to be extracted

the 3. 4 kg manikin specified in Annex A is less

only by voluntary intervention by the user

than 45 ° to the horizontal when the system is

3.1 5

resting on a horizontal surface.

emergency-locking retractor

4.1 .5 All straps of the restraint shall be so placed

a retractor which does not restrict the belt- wearer’s

that they cannot cause discomfort to the wearer in

freedom of movement in normal driving conditions

normal use or assume a dangerous configuration.

and which locks automatically in an emergency

The distance between the shoulder- straps in the

when actuated, for example, by deceleration of the

vicinity of the neck shall be at least the width of the


neck of the appropriate manikin.
4.1 .6 The assembly shall not subj ect weak parts of

3.1 6
adj uster

a device, through which a strap passes, enabling the
restraint or its attachments to be adj usted to the
physique of the wearer. The adj uster may be part of
the buckle or may be a retractor
3.1 7
quick adj uster

the infant’s body (abdomen, crotch, etc. ) to excessive
stresses. The design shall be such that compression
loads shall not be imposed on the crown of the

infant’s head in the event of a collision.
4.1 .7 The restraint system shall not exhibit any

sharp edges or protrusions.
4.1 .8 The restraint system shall be designed so that,

when correctly installed in the vehicle, it does not

an adj uster which can be operated by one hand in

subj ect weak parts of the infant’s body (abdomen,

one continuous movement

crotch, etc. ) to the supplementary inertial forces

3.1 8

that it sets up.

lock-off device

4.1 .9 Devices which lock the adult seat belts to the

a device which locks and prevents movement of one

restraint system shall be permanently attached to

section of the webbing of an adult safety belt relative

the restraint system.

to another section of the webbing of the same belt
3.1 9
composite material

a material composed of several layers of similar or
different materials held together continuously by
cementing, bonding, cladding or welding

4.1 .1 0 If the infant restraint is designed for more

than one infant, each restraint system shall be fully

If the holding together of the materials is not continuous

(e. g. in the case of sewing, high- frequency welding, riveting) and

independent with regard to load transfer and
adj ustments.
4.1 .1 1 The main load- bearing contact point between

the infant restraint system and the adult seat belt
shall not be less than 1 50 mm from the Cr axis when
measured with the infant restraint system on the

samples of each component material can therefore be taken

dynamic test seat specified in B.1 . This shall apply

individually, the material is not considered to be a composite

to all adj ustment configurations.


4 General

4.1 .1 2 There shall be side wings with a depth of

minimum 90 mm measured from the median of the
surface of the backrest. These side wings shall start

4.1 Design and construction

at the horizontal plane passing through point A

4.1 .1 The restraint system shall satisfy the

defined in Annex C, and shall continue to the top of

requirements of this standard when the system is in

the seat back.

any intended position.
For special- needs restraints, the primary means of
restraint shall satisfy the requirements of this
standard when the system is in any intended

position, without the use of any additional
restraining devices which may be present.


Upwards from a point 90 mm below the top of the side

wing, the depth of the side wing may be gradually reduced.
(See Figure C. 1 . )

4.1 .1 3 The head impact area defined in Annex C

shall comprise energy- absorbing material with a
peak acceleration of less than 60

g when measured

in accordance with Annex D.

4.1 .2 The restraint system shall support the infant’s



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BS AU 2 0 2 b: 1 995


The energy- absorbing material may be an integral part


of the infant restraint system.

4 . 1 . 1 4 When tested in accordance with Annex E, the

metal parts of the restraint system shall show, to
the unaided eye, no corrosion and no signs of
deterioration likely to impair the proper functioning
of the restraint system.


When determined in accordance with Annex H, the
burning rate of each sample of the materials used to
manufacture the restraint system shall not
exceed 2 50 mm/min, unless the total area of the
material is less than 300 cm


and its total volume is


less than 1 00 cm . The manufacturer of the

4 . 2 Pe rformance

restraint system shall provide a written declaration


of conformity.


When the infant restraint system is tested in


Tests confirming the validity of the declaration may be

carried out at the discretion of the test authority.

accordance with Annex F, the manikin shall not fall
out of the system. When the test seat is in the
upside- down position, the head of the manikin shall
not move more than 300 mm from its original
position in a vertical direction relative to the test

5 E mergency release, adj usters and

other rigid parts
5 . 1 Attachme nt and re lease of components

The design of any separable parts shall be such that

Dynamic tests


4 . 2 . 2 . 1 When tested in accordance with Annex G,

a) they cannot b e put together incorrectly; or

the infant restraint system shall conform to 4 . 2 . 2 . 2

b ) their connection other than as intended will

to 4 . 2 . 2 . 7 .

result in the components separating again under

4 . 2 . 2 . 2 For group 0 restraint systems, the head of

the manikin shall not pass beyond the planes BA,
AD and D E shown in Figure 1 . For group 0 +
restraint systems, the infant restraint system shall
not contact the steel tube shown in Figure 1 .
4 . 2 . 2 . 3 No part of the infant restraint system which

is helping to keep the manikin in position shall

break, and no b uckles or locking system shall
4 . 2 . 2 . 4 The manikin, excluding its limb s, shall b e

retained within the system. At no time during the

a force of not more than 2 2 N, or will not
adversely affect their function.
5 . 2 E me rge ncy re lease


The means of releasing an infant shall b e so
positioned that its function and method of operation
are ob vious to a rescuer in an emergency. It shall be
easy to operate and to grasp.

For special- needs restraints, it is recognized that the

additional restraining devices will restrict the speed at which an
infant can be installed and removed. However, the additional

frontal- impact test described in G. 3 shall the torso

devices should be designed to release quickly so far as possible.

line of the manikin create an angle of less than 2 0 °


to the horizontal.

means of restraint.

4 . 2 . 2 . 5 The resultant chest acceleration of the 9 kg


and 1 1 kg manikins during each test shall not
exceed 55

g for more than a total period of 3 ms.

4 . 2 . 2 . 6 The vertical component of the acceleration of

the 9 kg and 1 1 kg manikins from the abdomen
towards the head shall not exceed 30

For special- needs restraints, the requirements of 5 . 2 . 2

to 5 . 2 . 7 apply only to the emergency release on the primary

g for more

than a total period of 3 ms during each test.
4 . 2 . 2 . 7 The high- speed film results of the tests, or

the bubble film detector, shall show no signs of

Release of the infant

The restraint system shall be so designed and
constructed that the infant is easily and quickly
It shall be possible either:
a) to remove the infant, with the infant carrier,
from the vehicle b y release of the adult seat belt
or other single means of emergency release; or

penetration of the abdomen of the manikins caused

b ) to remove the infant from the infant carrier by

by any part of the restraint system and no riding up

a single means of emergency release.

of any lap strap onto the chest.


The toxicity of materials used in the manufacture of
the restraint system and accessible to the restrained
infant shall conform to BS 5665- 3: 1 989. The
manufacturer of the restraint system shall provide
a written declaration of conformity.

Tests confirming the validity of the declaration may be


A clip connection between the shoulder straps of a

harness b elt is deemed not to conform to 5 . 2 . 2 a) or 5 . 2 . 2 b ) .

In the case of an infant restraint system in which
the infant is restrained b y means of a belt assembly
comprising a lap strap and shoulder restraints
without a retractor, each shoulder restraint and lap
strap shall b e capab le of movement relative to each
other during the procedures described in 5 . 2 . 2 a)
and 5 . 2 . 2 b) .

carried out at the discretion of the test authority.

© BSI 09- 1 999


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BS AU 2 0 2 b : 1 995

Figure 1 — Limits of manikin move me nt d uring d ynamic te sts


Engagement of the release mechanism

The force required to open an emergency release

It shall not be possible for the emergency release to
be left in a partially closed position nor to exchange

which is in the condition describ ed in J. 2 . 1 b ) , shall
lie within the range 40 N to 60 N when tested in
accordance with J. 2 . 3 to J. 2 . 4 .

the parts of the emergency release inadvertently
when it is being locked. The emergency release shall

When not under tension, the emergency release

lock only when all parts are engaged.

shall remain closed whatever its position.





The emergency release shall be operated b y

When tested in accordance with Annex K, no part of

pressure on a button or on a similar device. The

the emergency release, adj acent straps or adj usters

surface to which this pressure is applied shall have:

shall b reak or b ecome detached.

a) for enclosed devices, an area of not less
than 450 mm


5 . 3 Adj uste rs

with a width of not less


than 1 5 mm;
b ) for non- enclosed devices, an area of 250 mm


and a width of not less than 1 0 mm.
An emergency release in contact with the infant

shall not b e narrower than 2 5 mm.


The range of adj ustment shall be sufficient to
permit correct adj ustment of the infant restraint
system throughout the mass group for which the
system is intended.
All adj usters shall be quick adj usters and shall be

The emergency release button or device shall b e

easy to reach when the infant restraint system is

coloured red and the adj acent area shall not b e red.

correctly installed and the infant is in position.



Release force

Operating force

The force required to open the emergency release of

When tested in accordance with Annex L, the force

a restraint system which is in the condition

required to operate a manual adj uster shall not

described in J. 2 . 1 a) , shall not exceed 80 N when

exceed 50 N. The adj uster shall not break nor

tested in accordance with J. 2 . 2 to J. 2 . 5 .

become detached.


© BSI 09- 1 999

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BS AU 202b:1 995

5 .3.3 Strap slippage

5.5 .3 Emergency-locking retractors

When tested in accordance with Annex M, the

5.5 .3.1 When tested in accordance with Q.3 , the

amount of strap slippage shall not exceed 25 mm for

retractor shall meet the following requirements.

one adj uster, and the sum of the slippage for both

a) It shall lock before the deceleration of the

adj usters shall not exceed 40 mm.

vehicle reaches 0. 45

5 .3.4 Adjuster mounted directly on the infant

extraction occurring before the retractor locks

As well as conforming to 5.3.1 to 5 .3.3 , an adj uster


The amount of strap

shall not exceed 50 mm, starting at the length of
unwinding specified in Q.3.1 .

mounted directly on the infant carrier shall function

b) It shall not lock if the strap acceleration is less

correctly after completing all the tests of Annex N.

than 0. 8

5 .4 Lock-off devices


measured in the axis of strap

extraction. Locking shall not occur during
the 50 mm of strap extraction starting at the

5 .4.1 General

length of unwinding specified in Q.3.1 .

The lock- off device shall be permanently attached to

c) It shall not lock when its sensing device is tilted

the infant restraint system. It shall not impair the

by not more than 1 2 ° in any direction from the

durability of the adult belt and shall not prevent the

installation position specified by the

rapid release of the infant. It shall cover the full


width of the webbing in the installed condition.
5 .4.2 Webbing slippage

When tested in accordance with Annex P, the
amount of slippage of the webbing shall not
exceed 25 mm.
5 .5 Retractors
5 .5 .1 General

d) It shall lock when its sensing device is tilted by
more than 27 ° in any direction from the
installation position specified by the
5.5 .3.2 Where the operation of the retractor depends

on an external signal or power source, the retractor
shall lock automatically upon failure or interruption
of that signal or power source.

If the infant restraint system incorporates

5.5 .3.3 If one of the sensitivity factors of a

retractors, only automatically- locking retractors or

multiple- sensitivity emergency- locking retractor

emergency- locking retractors shall be used.

relates to strap extraction, locking shall have

5 .5 .2 Automatically-locking retractors

occurred at a strap acceleration of 1 . 5

5 .5 .2.1 The strap of a safety belt equipped with an

automatically- locking retractor shall not unwind by
more than 30 mm between locking positions of the
retractor. After a rearward movement of the wearer,
the belt shall either remain in its initial position or



in the axis of strap extraction when tested in
accordance with Q.3 .
5.5 .3.4 If the retractor is part of a lap belt, the

retracting force of the strap shall be not less
than 7 N, measured as described in Q.1 .

return to that position automatically on subsequent

If the retractor is part of a chest restraint, the

forward movement of the wearer.

retracting force of the strap shall be not less

5 .5 .2.2 If the retractor is part of a lap belt, the

retracting force of the strap shall be not less
than 7 N, measured as described in Q.1 .
If the retractor is part of a chest restraint, the
retracting force of the strap shall be not less
than 2 N nor more than 7 N, measured as described
in Q.1 .
5 .5 .2.3 After completing the tests described in Q.2.1

and Annex E, the retractor shall continue to operate
correctly and to conform to 5.5 .2.1 and 5.5 .2.2 .

than 2 N nor more than 7 N, measured as described
in Q.1 .
5.5 .3.5 After completing the tests described

in Q.2.2 , Annex E and Annex R, the retractor shall
continue to operate correctly and to conform
to 5 .5 .3.1 to 5 .5.3.4 .
5.5 .3.6 If nylon 6 is used in the construction of the

retractor, the retractor locking mechanism shall
conform to 5 .5 .3.1 after testing in accordance
with 7.8 of BS 3254- 1 : 1 988 (as amended by
Amendment No. 1 ).

6 Straps
6.1 Width

The minimum width of the straps shall be 25 mm,
measured as described in S.5 .

© BSI 09- 1 999


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BS AU 2 0 2 b : 1 995

6 . 2 S tre ngth afte r ro om cond itio ning

For special-needs restraints, the following
additional label shall be affixed to the outside of the

When two straps are conditioned in accordance
with and then tested in accordance with
This special-needs restraint is designed to give extra support
Annex S, the breaking load of each strap shall be not
to children who have difficulty in sitting correctly in
less than 3.6 kN, and the difference between the
conventional seats. Always consult your doctor to make sure
breaking loads of the two samples shall not
that this restraint system is suitable for your child.

exceed 10 % of the greater of the two breaking loads
The address from which the user can obtain further
information on fitting the infant restraint system in
specific cars shall be given on the outside of the
When two straps are conditioned in accordance with packaging.
one of the provisions of to and then tested in
accordance with Annex S, the breaking load of each
strap shall be not less than 3.6 kN nor less
Each infant restraint system shall be accompanied
than 75 % of the average of the two loads measured. by instructions for installation and use, illustrated
with clear drawings and/or photographs.
These instructions shall include:
It shall not be possible to pull the complete strap
a) advice on the best location for fitting the
through any adjusters, buckles or anchoring points.
restraint system;
b) instructions for installation;
c) an instruction that the rigid items and plastic
parts of an infant restraint system should be so
Labels bearing the following information shall be
and installed that they are not liable,
clearly visible on the outside of the packaging of the
use of the vehicle, to become
restraint system.
trapped by a movable seat or in a door of the

1) This is a “universal”a infant restraint system. It is approved
d) the mass range of the infant for which the
for general use in vehicles and it will fit most, but not all, car
system is designed;
e) the following wording stating the type of the
2) A correct fit is likely if the vehicle manufacturer has
safety belt to be used:
declared in the vehicle handbook that the vehicle is capable of
accepting a “universal” infant restraint system for this age
Only suitable for use on vehicle seats fitted
lap 2) /3-point2) /static2) /retractor2) safety
3) This infant restraint system has been classified as
belts, approved to ECE Regulation No. 16 or
“universal” under more stringent conditions than those which
other equivalent standards.
applied to earlier designs which do not carry this notice.
4) If in doubt, consult the infant restraint system
f) instructions for correct use, clearly illustrated
manufacturer, the vehicle manufacturer or the retailer.
by photographs and/or drawings;
a A “universal” infant restraint system is intended to be
g) in the case of restraint systems that can be
suitable for use on most vehicle seat positions, in particular
both forward- and rearward-facing, a clear
those which have been assessed according to Annex 13,

warning to keep the restraint rearward-facing
Appendix 2, of the Consolidated Resolution on the
until the infant’s mass is greater than a stated
Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3), document
TRANS/WP. 29/78/Amendment 6, as being compatible with
or until some other dimensional criterion is
such a category of child seats.
h) the method of operating the buckle, adjusters
and lock-off devices, if fitted;
Only suitable if the approved vehicles are fitted with
i) a recommendation that any straps holding the
lap /3-point /static /retractor safety belts, approved to
ECE Regulation No. 16 or other equivalent standards.
to the vehicle should be tight, that any
For babies from birth to 10a/13 a kg (28a lb)
straps restraining the infant should be adjusted
to the infant’s body, and that straps should not be
a Delete as appropriate.
j) a recommendation that the restraint should be
changed when it has been subject to violent
stresses in an accident;
T. 2

6 . 3 S tre ngth afte r sp e cial co nd itioning

T. 3

T. 7

7. 2 Instructions for installatio n and use

6 . 4 S trap re te ntion

7 Information

7 . 1 Lab e ls on p ackaging


In no circu mstance s sho u ld this i nfant re strai nt b e

use d i n se ating p o si ti o ns whe re an ai rb ag is installe d .

2) Delete as appropriate.


© BSI 09-1999

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BS AU 2 0 2 b : 1 995

k) instructions for cleaning;
l) a general warning to the user concerning the
danger of making any alterations or additions to
the restraint system without the approval of the
system manufacturer, and the danger of not
following closely the installation instructions
provided b y the system manufacturer;
m) a warning that plastic and metal fittings may
become very hot when exposed to the sun, and a
recommendation that the system be covered to
prevent such heating when the vehicle is left
unattended in sunny weather;
n) a recommendation that infants are not left in

8. 2

A label b earing the following words shall be

attached in a prominent position on the infant
restraint system and shall b e visible when the
system is correctly installed in the vehicle.
“E XTR E ME H AZ AR D . D o not use in passenger
seats equipped with airbags. ”

For systems designed for use b oth forward- and

rearward- facing, additional words may b e added to this label to

explain that this warning only applies when the system is used
in its rearward- facing mode.

Restraint systems approved only for
rearward- facing use shall also b ear a lab el stating
the following.
“WARNING. Only use facing rearwards. ”

their restraint system unattended;
8. 3

o) a recommendation that any luggage or other
ob j ects liable to cause inj uries in the event of a

A separate label b earing the following words

shall be attached in a prominent position on the

collision b e properly secured;
“CAUTIO N. Metal and plastic fittings can
p) a strong warning not to use the infant restraint
in seating positions where an airbag is installed;
q) advice on how to obtain the greatest benefit
from the restraint system.

8 Marking

b ecome hot in direct sunlight. Cover when
appropriate. Avoid contact with skin. ”

8. 4

Restraint systems to be used with adult seat

b elts shall b e clearly and indelibly marked with the
following additional information:
a) the types of adult seat b elt with which they can

8. 1

Each infant restraint system shall b e clearly and

indelibly marked with the following:
a) either:
1 ) the name or trade mark of the system

b e used, e. g. lap and diagonal, and/or lap; and
b ) the correct routing of the webbing used to
secure the system in the vehicle, indicated as
specified in 8. 5 .

manufacturer; or

The marking specified in 8. 5 shall be visible when

2 ) the name or trade mark of the

the infant is in the restraint and the restraint is in

manufacturer’s agent;

the vehicle.
The routes of the seat belt for forward- and

b) the numb er and date of this British Standard,

8. 5

i. e. BS AU 2 02 b: 1 995;

rearward- facing modes shall b e clearly

c) the upper limit of the mass of the infant for
which it is intended.

distinguished on the product by colour- coding. The
routes of the lap and shoulder sections of the seat
b elt shall b e distinguished on the product by
colour- coding and/or words. The colour of the seat
b elt route for rearward- facing installation shall be
b lue. If the restraint system is also approved for
forward- facing use, the seat b elt route for this mode
shall be coloured red. The same colours shall be used
on any labels on the restraint system that illustrate
the methods of use.

© BSI 09- 1 999


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BS AU 202b:1 995

Methods of testing mechanical properties

Annex A (normative)

A.1 .5.1


Place the manikin on its back on a horizontal

A.1 .5

3. 4 kg, 9 kg and 1 1 kg manikins described in technical



produced by the TNO (Road- Vehicles Research

Institute) have been found suitable for use in the tests specified
in this standard.

surface and support the torso on one side to prevent

lateral movement (see Figure A. 2) .
Using a 40 mm diameter flat- faced plunger, apply a

A.1 3.4 kg manikin
A.1 .1

Shoulder s tiffness


load exerting a force of 1 50 N, horizontally at right
angles to the manikin’s superior- inferior axis.

The manikin shall consist of a head, torso, arms and

Ensure that the axis of the plunger is on the

legs as a single unit and shall be provided with a

moulding line of the manikin’s shoulder and

close- fitting stretch cotton/polyester suit.

adj acent to point A on the shoulder (see Figure A. 2).

A.1 .2


A.1 .2.1

Measure the lateral deflection of the plunger from
the point of first contact with the shoulder.


The head shall be made from a polyurethane foam

Repeat the test on the other shoulder, reversing the

moulding covered by a PVC skin and shall be


permanently attached to the torso.

A.1 .5.2

A.1 .2.2

Place the manikin on its back on a horizontal plane


arm s and legs

Leg joint s tiffness

The torso, arms and legs shall be a single moulding

(see Figure A. 3) and strap the lower legs together,

of sorbothane covered with a PVC skin. The spine

bringing the inside of the knees into contact.

shall consist of a steel spring.

Apply a vertical load over the knees with

A.1 .3

Mass and dimensions


a 35 mm

These masses and dimensions are based on those of a

Apply sufficient force to the plunger to bend the hips


The mass of the components of the manikin shall be

Table A.1 — Mass of components of the 3.4 kg


Head and neck

0. 7



× 2)
Leg (× 2)

Arm (


until the face of the plunger is 85 mm above the
support plane. Ensure that the legs do not touch any

as given in Table A. 1 .

surface during the test. Note the force applied.

A.2 9 kg manikin


The manikins shall consist of a metal and polyester
skeleton with polyamide and cast polyurethane
body components.

0. 5

See Figure A. 4 for an exploded view of a typical 9 kg

manikin, and Table A. 3 for a list of components.


3. 4

A.1 .3.2

± 0. 1

Princip al dim ensio ns




The head shall be made of polyurethane and shall be
reinforced by metal strips.

The principal dimensions, as shown in Figure A. 1 ,


shall be as given in Table A. 2.


A.1 .4

95 mm flat- faced plunger. Ensure that

point of the knees.

fiftieth percentile newborn baby.

A.1 .3.1


the centre line of the plunger is over the highest

Mechanical properties

Verteb rae

Neck v erteb rae

The neck shall be made of five rings of polyurethane

A.1 .4.1 When the stiffness of each shoulder is tested

containing a core of polyamide elements. The

in accordance with A.1 .5.1 , the lateral deflection of

atlas- axis block shall be made of polyamide.

the plunger from the point of first contact with the
shoulder shall be at least 30 mm.

A.1 .4.2 When the leg j oint stiffness is tested in
accordance with A.1 .5.2 , the force required to bend
the hips until the face of the plunger is 85 mm above
the support plane shall not exceed 70 N.


Available from TNO (Road- Vehicles Research Institute) , Schoemakerstraat 97, P. O. Box 6033, 2600 JA Delft, The



© BSI 09- 1 999

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BS AU 2 0 2 b : 1 995

Figure A. 1 — Princip al dime nsions of the 3 . 4 kg manikin

Tab le A. 2 — Princi p al dime nsions o f the 3 . 4 kg manikin

Re fe re nce i n Fi gu re A. 1


© BSI 09- 1 999

Valu e

D ime nsi o n


Rump to crown


Rump to sole (with straight leg)


Head width

1 05

Head depth

1 25

Shoulder width

1 50

Chest width

1 05

Chest depth

1 00

Hip width

1 05

Centre- of- gravity to crown



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BS AU 2 0 2 b : 1 995

A. 2 . 2 . 3


A. 2 . 2 . 3 . 1 The s keleton of the chest shall cons ist of a
tub ular s teel frame on which the arm j oints s hall b e
mounted. The sp ine s hall cons is t of a s teel cab le
with four threaded terminals .

A. 2 . 2 . 3 . 2 The s keleton of the ches t s hall b e coated
with p olyurethane. It s hall b e p os s ib le to install
meas uring equip ment in the ches t cavity.

A. 2 . 2 . 4


The arms and legs shall b e made of p olyurethane,
reinforced b y metal elements in the form of s quare
tub es , s trip s and p lates . The knees and elb ows shall

Figure A. 2 — S houlde r stiffne ss te st

b e p rovided with adj us tab le hinge j oints. The j oints
of the up p er arm and up p er leg s hall cons is t of
adj us tab le b all and s ocket j oints.

A. 2 . 2 . 5


A. 2 . 2 . 5 . 1 The p elvis s hall b e made of
glass - reinforced p olyes ter coated with
p olyurethane.

A. 2 . 2 . 5 . 2 The s hap e of the up p er s ide of the p elvis
shall match that of a child.

The s hap e of the up p er s ide of the p elvis is imp ortant for

determining s ens itivity to ab dominal loading.

A. 2 . 2 . 5 . 3 The hip j oints s hall b e situated
immediately b elow the p elvis.

A. 2 . 2 . 6

Neck to chest to pelvis

A. 2 . 2 . 6. 1

The lumb ar verteb rae and the p elvis s hall b e
threaded on to the s teel cab le and their tens ion s hall
b e adj us ted b y a nut. The neck verteb rae s hall b e
mounted and adj us ted in the s ame way. The steel
cab le s hall not b e free to move through the ches t and
it s hall not b e p os sib le to adj us t the tens ion of
lumb ar verteb rae from the neck or vice vers a.

A. 2 . 2 . 6. 2

Head to neck

The head shall b e mounted and adj us ted b y means
of a b olt and nut through the atlas- axis b lock.

Figure A. 3 — Le g j oint stiffne ss te st

A. 2 . 2 . 2 . 2

Lumbar vertebrae

A. 2 . 2 . 6. 3

Torso to limbs

The arms and legs s hall b e mounted and adj usted to
the torso b y means of b all- and- s ocket j oints.

The five lumb ar verteb rae s hall b e made of
For the arm j oints , the b all shall b e connected to the
p olyamide.
tors o; for the leg j oints , the b all s hall b e connected to
the leg.


© BS I 0 9 - 1 99 9

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BS AU 2 0 2 b : 1 995

Figure A. 4 — E xp lode d vie w of 9 kg manikin

© BSI 09- 1 999

(For key, see Table A. 3)


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BS AU 2 0 2 b : 1 995

Tab le A. 3 — List o f comp one nts of the 9 kg manikin

Re fe re nce in

D e scri p ti o n

Fi gu re A. 4

Qu anti ty





Neck elements



Neck core elements (polyamide)



Atlas- axis block



Transducer mounting block



Transducer mounting block attachment bolt



Head bolt









Upper torso



Shoulder- j oint ball



Shoulder- j oint socket half



Adj ustment bolt for shoulder j oint



Spring washer



Upper arm, left



Upper arm, right



Forearm, left



Forearm, right



Elbow- hinge bolt



Elbow- hinge nut



Lumbar vertebrae



Spine cable



Lower torso



Adj ustment nut for neck



Adj ustment nut for lumbar vertebrae









Abdominal insert



Hip j oint ball



Hip j oint adj ustment nut



Upper leg, left



Upper leg, right



Lower leg, left



Lower leg, right



Knee hinge bolt



Knee hinge nut



© BSI 09- 1 999

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BS AU 2 0 2 b : 1 995

A. 2 . 3

Mass and dimensions


A. 2 . 4 . 4

These masses and dimensions are based on those of a

child of the fiftieth percentile of age nine months.
A. 2 . 3 . 1


The mass of the components of the manikin shall be
as given in Table A. 4.

Hip joint

Place the pelvis on its front in a horizontal plane.
Mount the upper leg without the lower leg.
Tighten the adj ustment nut with the upper leg in a
horizontal position.
Loosen the adj ustment nut until the upper leg starts

Tab le A. 4 — Mass of comp o ne nts of the 9 kg

moving (see Figure A. 8).
Check the hip j oints frequently in the initial stages

C o mp o ne nt



± 0. 1 0
3. 40 ± 0. 1 0
0. 70 ± 0. 05
0. 45 ± 0. 05
1 . 40 ± 0. 05
0. 85 ± 0. 05
9. 00 ± 0. 20

Head and neck

2. 20


× 2)
Lower arm (× 2)
Upper leg (× 2)
Lower leg (× 2)
Upper arm (

A. 2 . 3 . 2

Principal dimensions

for any “running- in” problems.
A. 2 . 4 . 5

Knee joint

Place the upper leg in a horizontal position.
Mount the lower leg.
Tighten the adj ustment nut of the knee j oint with
the lower leg in a horizontal position.
Loosen the adj ustment nut until the lower leg starts
moving (see Figure A. 9).
A. 2 . 4 . 6

Shoulder joint

Place the torso upright.
Mount the upper arm without the lower arm.

The principal dimensions, as shown in Figure A. 5,

Tighten the adj ustment nuts of the shoulder with

shall be as given in Table A. 5.

the upper arm in a horizontal position.

A. 2 . 4

Loosen the adj ustment nuts until the upper arm

Procedure for adjustment of joints

A. 2 . 4 . 1


starts moving (see Figure A. 1 0).

In order to achieve reproducible results using the

Check the shoulder j oints frequently in the initial

manikins, adj ust the friction in the various j oints,

stages for any “running- in” problems.

the tension in the neck and lumbar cables, and the

A. 2 . 4 . 7

stiffness of the abdominal insert as described

A. 2 . 4 . 2

A. 2 . 4 . 2


A. 2 . 4 . 8 .

Adjustment of the neck cable

Place the torso on its back in a horizontal plane.

Mount the complete neck assembly without the

Mount the lower arm.
Tighten the adj ustment nut of the elbow with the
forearm in a horizontal position.
Loosen the adj ustment nut until the forearm starts
moving (see Figure A. 1 1 ).

Tighten the tensioner nut on the atlas- axis block.
Place a suitable bar or bolt through the atlas- axis

A. 2 . 4 . 8

Lumbar cable

Assemble the upper torso, lumbar vertebrae, lower
torso, abdominal insert, cable and spring.

Loosen the tensioner nut until the atlas- axis block is
lowered by 1 0 mm


mm when a force of 50 N

directed downwards is applied to the bar or bolt
through the atlas- axis block (see Figure A. 6).
A. 2 . 4 . 3

Elbow joint

Place the upper arm in a vertical position.

Tighten the cable- adj ustment nut in the lower torso
until the spring is compressed to two- thirds of its
unloaded length (see Figure A. 1 2) .

Atlas-axis joint

Place the torso on its back in a horizontal plane.
Mount the complete neck and head assembly.
Tighten the bolt and adj ustment nut through the
head and the atlas- axis block with the head in a
horizontal position.
Loosen the adj ustment nut until the head starts
moving (see Figure A. 7) .

© BSI 09- 1 999


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BS AU 2 0 2 b : 1 995

Figure A. 5 — Princip al d ime nsio ns of the 9 kg and 1 1 kg manikins

(For key, see Table A. 5 and Table A. 7)

© BSI 09- 1 999

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BS AU 2 0 2 b : 1 995

Tab le A. 5 — Princip al d ime nsions o f the 9 kg manikin

Re fe re nce in Fi gure A. 5


D ime nsi o n



Back of b uttocks to front of knee

1 95


Back of b uttocks to p op liteus, sitting

1 45


C entre- of- gravity to s eat

1 80


C hes t circumference



C hest dep th

1 02


D istance b etween s houlder b lades

1 70


H ead width



H ead length

1 66


H ip circumference, sitting

51 0

Not shown

H ip circumference, s tanding

47 0


H ip dep th, sitting



H ip width, sitting

1 66


Neck width


S eat to elb ow

1 35


S houlder width

21 6


E ye height, s itting



H eight, sitting

45 0


S houlder height, sitting

2 80


S ole to p op liteus, s itting


Not shown

S tature

70 8


Thigh height, s itting



Figure A. 6 — Ad j ustme nt of ne ck cab le

© BS I 0 9- 1 99 9


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BS AU 202b:1 995

Figure A.7 — Adj ustment of atlas-axis j oint

Figure A.8 — Adj ustment of hip j oint

© BSI 09- 1 999

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BS AU 2 0 2 b : 1 995

Figure A. 9 — Adj ustme nt of kne e j oint

Figure A. 1 0 — Adj ustme nt of sho uld e r j oint

© BSI 09- 1 999


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BS AU 2 0 2 b : 1 995

Figure A. 1 1 — Ad j ustme nt of e lb ow j o int

b) an adj ustable j oint (OC j oint) at the top of the
rubber column, allowing rotation under
adj ustable friction around the lateral axis;
c) a non- adj ustable spherical j oint at the base of
the neck.
A. 3 . 1 . 3


The torso shall consist of a plastic skeleton, covered
with a flesh/skin system. The torso shall have a
cavity in front of the skeleton, containing a foam
filling to achieve the correct stiffness of the thorax.
The torso shall have a cavity at the back which
allows for the mounting of instrumentation.
A. 3 . 1 . 4


The abdomen of the dummy shall be a one- part
deformable element which is inserted into the
Figure A. 1 2 — Adj ustme nt o f lumb ar cab le

A. 3 1 1 kg manikin
A. 3 . 1


A. 3 . 1 . 1


The head shall consist of a semi- rigid plastic skull
covered with a head skin. The skull shall have a

A. 3 . 1 . 5

The cavity can be used to accommodate

A. 3 . 1 . 2


The neck shall consist of three parts:
a) a solid rubber column;

Lumbar spine

The lumbar spine shall consist of a rubber column
which is mounted between the thoracic skeleton and
the pelvis. The stiffness of the lumbar spine shall be
pre- set using a metal cable which runs through the
hollow core of the rubber column.
A. 3 . 1 . 6



opening between the thorax and the pelvis.


The pelvis shall be made of a semi- rigid plastic, and
shall be moulded in the shape of a child’s pelvis. It
shall be covered with a flesh skin system,
simulating the flesh and skin around the pelvis and

© BSI 09- 1 999

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BS AU 2 0 2 b : 1 995

A. 3 . 1 . 7

Hip joint

Tab le A. 6 — Mass of comp one nts of the 1 1 kg

The hip j oint shall be mounted on the lower part of
the pelvis. The j oint shall allow for rotation of the

in the pelvis. A second shaft shall run radially
through the lateral axis, using a gimbal j oint,
allowing for abduction and adduction of the leg.
Adj ustable friction shall be applied to both axes.
A. 3 . 1 . 8

Knee joint

The knee j oint shall allow flexion and extension of
the lower leg under adj ustable friction.
A. 3 . 1 . 9

Shoulder joint

The shoulder j oint shall be mounted on the thoracic
skeleton. Click- stops shall enable the arm to be set
in two initial positions.
A. 3 . 1 . 1 0

Elbow joint

The elbow j oint shall allow for flexion and extension
of the lower arm. Click- stops shall enable the lower
arm to be set in two initial positions.
A. 3 . 2


Mount the spine cable in the lumbar spine.
Mount the lumbar spine in the skeleton between the

pelvis and the thoracic spine.
Fit the abdominal insert between the thorax and the


Head and neck

2. 73


5. 06


Upper arm (


0. 54

× 2)
Upper leg (× 2)
Lower leg (× 2)
Lower arm (

0. 50
1 . 22
0. 96


1 1 . 01

A. 3 . 3 . 2

Principal dimensions

The principal dimensions, as shown in Figure A. 5,
shall be as given in Table A. 7.
A. 3 . 4

Adjustment of joints

A. 3 . 4 . 1

In order to achieve reproducible results using the
manikins, it is essential to adj ust the friction in
various j oints, the tension in the lumbar spine, and
the stiffness of the abdominal insert.
Check all parts for damage prior to these
adj ustments.
A. 3 . 4 . 2

Mount the neck on the top of the thorax.


C o mp o ne nt

leg around a lateral axis, using a shaft which rotates

Lumbar spine

A. 3 . 4 . 2 . 1

The lumbar spine shall be calibrated as

Mount the head on top of the neck using the

described in

interface plate.


A. 3 . 4 . 2 . 2 ,

before it is mounted in the

Mount the arms and legs.

A. 3 . 4 . 2 . 2

A. 3 . 3

lumbar spine so that the frontal side of the lumbar


Mass and dimensions
These masses and dimensions are based on those of a

Attach the lower mounting plate of the

spine is located at the bottom (see Figure A. 1 3).

child of the fiftieth percentile of age 1 8 months.

Apply a downward force of 250 N to the upper

A. 3 . 3 . 1

mounting plate. The resulting downward


The mass of the components of the manikin shall be

displacement shall be recorded between 1 s and 2 s

as given in Table A. 6.

after the onset of force application, and shall be
between 9 mm and 1 2 mm.

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