BS EN 1915-1:2013
BSI Standards Publication
Aircraft ground support
equipment — General
Part 1: Basic safety requirements
BS EN 1915-1:2013
National foreword
This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 1915-1:2013. It
supersedes BS EN 1915-1:2001+A1:2009 which is withdrawn.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical
Committee ACE/57, Air cargo and ground support equipment.
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be
obtained on request to its secretary.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary
provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct
© The British Standards Institution 2013. Published by BSI Standards
Limited 2013
ISBN 978 0 580 70182 5
ICS 49.100
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from
legal obligations.
This British Standard was published under the authority of the
Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 31 January 2013.
Amendments issued since publication
Text affected
BS EN 1915-1:2013
EN 1915-1
January 2013
ICS 49.100
Supersedes EN 1915-1:2001+A1:2009
English Version
Aircraft ground support equipment - General requirements - Part
1: Basic safety requirements
Matériels au sol pour aéronefs - Exigences générales Partie 1 : Exigences fondamentales de sécurité
Luftfahrt-Bodengeräte - Allgemeine Anforderungen - Teil 1:
Grundlegende Sicherheitsanforderungen
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 24 November 2012.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same
status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United
Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2013 CEN
All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved
worldwide for CEN national Members.
Ref. No. EN 1915-1:2013: E
BS EN 1915-1:2013
EN 1915-1:2013 (E)
Foreword .......................................................................................................................................................4
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................6
Scope ................................................................................................................................................7
Normative references .......................................................................................................................8
Terms and definitions ......................................................................................................................9
List of hazards ................................................................................................................................ 11
Safety requirements and/or protective measures......................................................................... 11
General ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Accommodation for driver and other persons.............................................................................. 12
Driver's cabin ................................................................................................................................. 12
Controls .......................................................................................................................................... 13
Safety related parts ........................................................................................................................ 15
Monitoring devices and displays................................................................................................... 15
Steering devices............................................................................................................................. 15
Brakes for travelling purposes or equivalent devices .................................................................. 16
Wheel assemblies - Centre split rims ............................................................................................ 17
Touchable surfaces - Exhaust ....................................................................................................... 17
Lights and reflectors for traffic purposes ..................................................................................... 17
Auditory signal devices ................................................................................................................. 18
Standing areas and walkways on GSE.......................................................................................... 18
Means of access............................................................................................................................. 20
Crushing and shearing points ....................................................................................................... 20
Securing of load ............................................................................................................................. 21
Moveable bodies, assemblies and attachments ........................................................................... 21
Hydraulic and pneumatic systems ................................................................................................ 21
Stability and strength ..................................................................................................................... 22
Lifting systems ............................................................................................................................... 23
Lifting devices ................................................................................................................................ 23
Lifting/work platforms .................................................................................................................... 24
Operating speeds ........................................................................................................................... 24
Towing couplings, drawbars and towbars .................................................................................... 25
Service connections ...................................................................................................................... 25
Electrical design, components and batteries ............................................................................... 25
Fire protection ................................................................................................................................ 26
Lasers ............................................................................................................................................. 26
Information for use......................................................................................................................... 26
Marking ........................................................................................................................................... 26
Instructions .................................................................................................................................... 28
Verification of safety requirements and/or measures .................................................................. 28
General ........................................................................................................................................... 28
Guard rails ...................................................................................................................................... 29
Ladders ........................................................................................................................................... 29
Annex A (normative) List of hazards .......................................................................................................... 30
Annex B (informative) Trilingual list of GSE .............................................................................................. 34
Annex C (normative) Design of service brakes ......................................................................................... 35
Self-propelled GSE ......................................................................................................................... 35
BS EN 1915-1:2013
EN 1915-1:2013 (E)
GSE trains.......................................................................................................................................36
Annex D (normative) Types of access to GSE ...........................................................................................37
Rung type and ladder steps ...........................................................................................................37
Stairs ...............................................................................................................................................41
Annex E (informative) Examples of safety measures to reduce the risk of crushing and shearing
under the load carrier when it is not possible to meet the requirements in 5.15 ........................44
Annex F (informative) Examples for hose and fittings installation ...........................................................45
General ...........................................................................................................................................45
Avoidance of external damage ......................................................................................................47
Reducing bending stress ...............................................................................................................47
Avoidance of torsional stress ........................................................................................................47
Installation aids ..............................................................................................................................48
Protection against external temperature rises ..............................................................................49
Annex G (normative) Falling hazard symbol .............................................................................................50
Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential
Requirements of EU Directive 2006/42/EC on machinery .............................................................51
BS EN 1915-1:2013
EN 1915-1:2013 (E)
This document (EN 1915-1:2013) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 274 “Aircraft ground
support equipment”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, at the latest by July 2013, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the
latest by July 2013.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document supersedes EN 1915-1:2001+A1:2009.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).
For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this document.
EN 1915, Aircraft ground support equipment ― General requirements, consists of the following parts:
Part 1: Basic safety requirements (the present document);
Part 2: Stability and strength requirements, calculations and test methods;
Part 3: Vibration measurement methods and reduction;
Part 4: Noise measurement methods and reduction.
EN 12312, Aircraft ground support equipment ― Specific requirements, consists of the following parts:
Part 1: Passenger stairs;
Part 2: Catering vehicles;
Part 3: Conveyor belt vehicles;
Part 4: Passenger boarding bridges;
Part 5: Aircraft fuelling equipment;
Part 6: Deicers and deicing/antiicing equipment;
Part 7: Air-craft movement equipment;
Part 8: Maintenance stairs and platforms;
Part 9: Container/Pallet loaders;
Part 10: Container/Pallet transfer transporters;
Part 11: Container/Pallet dollies and loose load trailers;
BS EN 1915-1:2013
EN 1915-1:2013 (E)
Part 12: Potable water service equipment;
Part 13: Lavatory service equipment;
Part 14: Disabled/incapacitated passenger boarding vehicles;
Part 15: Baggage and equipment tractors;
Part 16: Air start equipment;
Part 17: Air conditioning equipment;
Part 18: Nitrogen or Oxygen units;
Part 19: Aircraft jacks, axle jacks and hydraulic tail stanchions;
Part 20: Electrical ground power units.
The main changes compared to the previous edition are:
Amendment A1:2009 was incorporated;
the Scope was updated;
Clause 2, Normative references, was updated;
more terms and definitions were added;
List of hazards was moved to Annex A (the following Annexes were re-numbered);
5.2, 5.3, 5.4 were changed;
5.5, Safety related parts, was inserted, thus making it necessary to re-number the following clauses;
5.6 to 5.28 were changed and re-numbered;
6.2 was changed;
Clause 7 was changed;
a term was added to the trilingual list of GSE in Annex B;
Clauses D.2, D.3 and D.4 were added;
m) Annex G was added;
Annex ZA referring to the Machinery directive 98/37/EC was replaced by Annex ZA referring to the new
Machinery directive 2006/42/EC;
the Bibliography was updated.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organisations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.
BS EN 1915-1:2013
EN 1915-1:2013 (E)
The abbreviation GSE means a complete item of aircraft ground support equipment in the context of this
European Standard.
When compiling this European Standard it was assumed that:
GSE is operated only by competent persons on the airport ramp;
components without specific requirements are:
designed in accordance with good engineering practice and calculation codes;
of sound mechanical and electrical construction;
made of materials with adequate strength and of suitable quality;
made of materials free of defects;
materials known to be harmful, such as asbestos, are not used as part of GSE;
components are kept in good repair and working order, so that the required characteristics remain despite
by design of the load bearing elements, a safe operation of the machine is assured for loading ranges
from zero to 100 % of the rated possibilities and during tests;
the particular conditions of use and place of use have been established;
the place of operation allows a safe use of GSE.
The extent to which hazards are covered is indicated in the scope of this European Standard.
Enumerations in this European Standard are not to be considered exclusive, they are compiled according to
the present state of the art.
The minimum essential criteria are considered to be of primary importance in providing safe, economical and
usable GSE. Deviations should occur only after careful consideration, extensive testing and thorough in
service evaluation have shown alternative methods or conditions to be satisfactory. Such deviations are
outside the scope of this standard and a manufacturer should be able to demonstrate an equivalent level of
This European Standard is a Type C standard as defined in EN ISO 12100.
BS EN 1915-1:2013
EN 1915-1:2013 (E)
This European Standard applies to GSE when used in civil air transport as intended by the manufacturer and
contains safety requirements relating to the equipment in general.
This European Standard specifies the technical requirements to minimise the hazards listed in Clause 4 which
can arise during the commissioning, operation and maintenance of GSE when used as intended including
misuse reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer, when carried out in accordance with the specifications
given by the manufacturer or his authorised representative. It also takes into account some requirements
recognised as essential by authorities, aircraft and ground support equipment (GSE) manufacturers as well as
airlines and handling agencies.
This part of EN 1915 is intended to be used in conjunction with EN 1915-2, EN 1915-3 (for self-propelled
GSE) and EN 1915-4, and with the relevant part of EN 12312 to give the requirements for the types of GSE
within the scope of EN 12312.
When EN 12312 does not contain a relevant part for a GSE, EN 1915 (all parts) gives general requirements
that may apply, although additional machine specific requirements, to be determined by the manufacturer, are
likely to be required.
This part of EN 1915 does not apply to automotive parts approved for public vehicles in the EU and EFTA,
when used on GSE for the purpose for which they are designed.
This part of EN 1915 does not establish additional requirements for the following:
operation elsewhere than in an airport environment;
operation in severe conditions, e.g. ambient temperature below -20 °C or over 50 °C, tropical or saturated
salty atmospheric environment, strong magnetic or radiation field;
operation subject to special rules, e.g. potentially explosive atmosphere except as regards operation in
the vicinity of an aircraft fuel tank during fuelling operation;
hazards caused by power supply other than from electrical networks;
hazards occurring during construction, transportation, commissioning and decommissioning of the GSE;
hazards caused by wind velocity in excess of the figures given in this European Standard;
direct contact with food stuffs;
earthquake, flood, landslide, lightning and more generally any exceptional natural event;
electromagnetic compatibility (EMC);
hazards caused by noise and vibration, see EN 1915-3 and EN 1915-4.
While this standard gives some basic requirements for wireless remote controls, additional requirements will
be necessary.
This part of EN 1915 is not applicable to GSE which are manufactured before the date of publication by CEN
of this Standard.
BS EN 1915-1:2013
EN 1915-1:2013 (E)
Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 894-1, Safety of machinery ― Ergonomic requirements for the design of displays and control actuators ―
Part 1: General principles for human interactions with displays and control actuators
EN 894-3, Safety of machinery ― Ergonomic requirements for the design of displays and control actuators ―
Part 3: Control actuators
EN 953, Safety of machinery ― Guards ― General requirements for the design and construction of fixed and
moveable guards
EN 982, Safety of machinery ― Safety requirements for fluid power systems and their components ―
EN 983, Safety of machinery ― Safety requirements for fluid power systems and their components ―
EN 1915-2, Aircraft ground support equipment ― General requirements ― Part 2: Stability and strength
requirements, calculations and test methods
EN 1915-3, Aircraft ground support equipment ― General requirements ― Part 3: Vibration measurement
methods and reduction
EN 1915-4, Aircraft ground support equipment ― General requirements ― Part 4: Noise measurement
methods and reduction
EN 12312 (all parts), Aircraft ground support equipment ― Specific requirements
EN 13501-1:2007, Fire classification of construction products and building elements ― Part 1: Classification
using data from reaction to fire tests
EN 60073, Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface, marking and identification ― Coding
principles for indicators and actuators (IEC 60073)
EN 60204-1, Safety of machinery ― Electrical equipment of machines ― Part 1: General requirements
(IEC 60204-1:2005, modified)
EN 60529:1991, 1) Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code) (IEC 60529:1989)
EN 60825-1,
(IEC 60825-1)
― Part
and requirements
EN ISO 3411, Earth-moving machinery ― Physical dimensions of operators and minimum operator space
envelope (ISO 3411)
EN ISO 3457, Earth-moving machinery ― Guards ― Definitions and requirements (ISO 3457)
EN ISO 6682, Earth-moving machinery ― Zones of comfort and reach for controls (ISO 6682)
EN ISO 7731:2008, Ergonomics ― Danger signals for public and work areas ― Auditory danger signals
(ISO 7731:2003)
1) This document is impacted by the draft amendment EN 60529:1991/A1:2000.
BS EN 1915-1:2013
EN 1915-1:2013 (E)
EN ISO 12100:2010, Safety of machinery ― General principles for design ― Risk assessment and risk
reduction (ISO 12100:2010)
EN ISO 13732-1, Ergonomics of the thermal environment ― Methods for the assessment of human
responses to contact with surfaces ― Part 1: Hot surfaces (ISO 13732-1)
EN ISO 13849-1:2008, Safety of machinery ― Safety-related parts of control systems ― Part 1: General
principles for design (ISO 13849-1:2006)
EN ISO 13850, Safety of machinery ― Emergency stop ― Principles for design (ISO 13850)
EN ISO 13857, Safety of machinery ― Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being reached by upper and
lower limbs (ISO 13857)
EN ISO 14122-1:2001, Safety of machinery ― Permanent means of access to machinery ― Part 1: Choice of
fixed means of access between two levels (ISO 14122-1:2001)
EN ISO 14122-2:2001, Safety of machinery ― Permanent means of access to machinery ― Part 2: Working
platforms and walkways (ISO 14122-2:2001)
EN ISO 14122-3:2001, Safety of machinery ― Permanent means of access to machinery ― Part 3: Stairs,
stepladders and guard rails (ISO 14122-3:2001)
EN ISO 14122-4:2004, Safety of machinery ― Permanent means of access to machinery ― Part 4: Fixed
ladders (ISO 14122-4:2004)
ISO 3795, Road vehicles, and tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry ― Determination of burning
behaviour of interior materials
ISO 3864 (all parts), Graphical symbols ― Safety colours and safety signs
ISO 6966-1:2005, Aircraft ground equipment ― Basic requirements ― Part 1: General design requirements
ISO 11228-2, Ergonomics ― Manual handling ― Part 2: Pushing and pulling
DIN 51130:2004, Testing of floor coverings ― Determination of the anti-slip property ― Workrooms and fields
of activities with slip danger, walking method ― Ramp test
Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN ISO 12100:2010,
EN ISO 14122-1:2001, EN ISO 14122-2:2001, EN ISO 14122-3:2001 and EN ISO 14122-4:2004 and the
following apply.
aircraft ground support equipment
mobile equipment built for the special requirements of aviation
Note 1 to entry:
The "special requirements" result from the specific design and turnaround procedure of aircraft, giving
rise to designs not generally used in other areas, in particular:
GSE for passenger, baggage and cargo handling;
GSE for aircraft ground handling and servicing;
mobile parts of passenger boarding bridges (PBB).
BS EN 1915-1:2013
EN 1915-1:2013 (E)
Note 2 to entry:
A trilingual list of GSE is given at Annex B.
person other than a crew member, an employee of the carrier in an official capacity, an authorised
representative of a national authority or a person accompanying a cargo consignment, who is carried aboard a
flight handled by the GSE
Note 1 to entry:
Passengers exclusively use those types of GSE specifically designed for their access to and from the
lifting/work platform
platform, cabin or workplace which is designed for lifting loads and/or persons
area occupied by operators during normal operation e.g. driver/co-driver seats, passageways, fixed walkways,
stairs, ladders, platforms, standing areas
standing area
area on GSE where a person stands or works in an upright position during operation
area on GSE intended to be used by persons moving from one place to another
support used to maintain and/or increase the stability and capable of supporting and/or levelling the GSE
friction-type safeguard
safety equipment which restricts or prevents movement of parts in relation to each other by the use of
frictional forces e.g. brakes, safety gears
documents supplied by the manufacturer or supplier describing the intended use of the GSE and containing
information for safe operation, installation, transport and maintenance
operational use
activities, effects, processes or movements that result from intended use of the GSE
unintentional movement
movement without operator's conscious intent e.g. caused by failure of the GSE
unit load device
assembly of components comprising one of either e.g. an aircraft pallet and pallet net, an aircraft pallet, a
container with integral pallet or an aircraft container
BS EN 1915-1:2013
EN 1915-1:2013 (E)
steering system
all parts of steering equipment providing the means of transmitting steering forces including control devices
and energy supply
Note 1 to entry:
It includes all parts from the point where the steering control effort is transformed by mechanical,
hydraulic, electric or combined means.
steering control
part of the steering equipment through which the driver or operator controls steering operation
steering control effort
force applied to the steering control in order to steer the GSE
steering forces
all forces operating in the steering transmission
steering angle
angle of a given position of steerable wheels with the neutral position
electric steering
steering transmission in which steering forces, somewhere in the transmission, are transmitted only by electric
hybrid steering
steering transmission in which steering forces are transmitted by more than one means
List of hazards
This list of risks and hazards (given at Annex A) is based on EN ISO 12100 and contains the hazards and
hazardous situations, as far as they are dealt with in this European Standard, identified by risk assessment as
significant for this type of machinery and which require action to eliminate or reduce risks. See also the
complementary list of hazards in the other parts of EN 1915 and in the different parts of EN 12312.
Safety requirements and/or protective measures
GSE shall comply with the safety requirements and/or protective measures of this clause, with the
requirements of EN 1915-2, EN 1915-3 and EN 1915-4 as relevant, as well as with the requirements of the
relevant part of EN 12312. In addition, the machine shall be designed according to the principles of
EN ISO 12100 for relevant but not significant hazards, which are not dealt with by this document.
For the application of EN ISO 13849-1, EN 953, EN 982 and EN 983, the manufacturer shall carry out an
adequate risk assessment for the requirements thereof where choice is necessary and that are not dealt with
in the part of EN 12312 for specific type of GSE.
This specific risk assessment is part of the general risk assessment relating to the hazards not covered by this
Type C standard.
BS EN 1915-1:2013
EN 1915-1:2013 (E)
Fixed guards and guard rails that have to be removed for routine servicing or adjustment shall be secured by
fixings that are retained in the guard or machine when the guard is removed.
Accommodation for driver and other persons
General requirements
Accommodation for driver and other persons shall have adequate space. Sharp corners and edges in the
working area shall be avoided by design or cushioned by covers.
Seats shall be designed so that damage to the human body is avoided taking into account duration, purpose
and conditions of use, size and weight of the drivers, e.g. seats of commercial vehicles when used on a
vehicle for which they were designed. Specific requirements are given in the parts of EN 12312, where
Vibration assessments shall be based on measurements according to EN 1915-3.
Driver accommodation
The minimum size of the driver's envelope shall conform to the requirements of EN ISO 3411. This
requirement applies with seats in their extreme positions.
The driver shall be protected against interference from vehicle wheels.
Restraint systems are required for any GSE capable of moving at a speed over 25 km/h. The requirement for
restraint systems is given in the part of EN 12312 for the appropriate type of GSE, where applicable.
Accommodation for other persons
GSE intended to transport persons other than the driver shall be equipped as a minimum with suitable:
seats, with restraint systems, a lap type seat belt as a minimum, for any GSE capable of moving at a
speed exceeding 25 km/h; or when this is not applicable;
standing accommodation within an enclosed cabin having adequate handholds; or when this is not
standing accommodation outside the cabin provided with adequate devices for protection against falling.
At least a combination of handholds and padded guard rails shall be provided.
Driver's cabin
Requirements for driver's cabins of GSE
Shape and arrangement of the driver's cabin shall not restrict the direct field of view for travel or
operation. Where this cannot be directly achieved, additional means, e.g. mirrors, closed circuit TV, shall
be provided.
See the relevant GSE standard (EN 12312 series).
A method for test and verification is given in prEN ISO 13564-1.
There shall at least be mirrors designed and fitted in such a way that the driver is able to observe the rear
sideward areas.
BS EN 1915-1:2013
EN 1915-1:2013 (E)
The windshield shall have at least one power-operated windshield wiper for travelling. Additional
windshield wipers shall be provided as necessary to give the driver/operator an adequate view of the
operations to be controlled.
A windshield washing unit should be provided when agreed between manufacturer and user.
Glass in doors and windows shall be safety glass, or alternative material with at least the same
performance characteristics, particularly as regards the avoidance of scratches.
Technical requirements for safety glass on vehicles intended to be used on public roads are given in ECE 43.
All windows important for the operator's field of view shall be transparent and as distortion-free so far as
Lighting shall be arranged in such a way that no disturbing dazzling effect is caused in conjunction with
the windshield and other windows that are in the driver's field of view.
Corners or edges shall be chamfered or rounded with a minimum radius of 3 mm.
The floor, upholstery and insulation of enclosed drivers' cabins shall consist of flame retardant material
that has a horizontal burning rate of not greater than 250 mm per minute in accordance with ISO 3795, or
classes A or B of EN 13501-1:2007.
Additional requirements for fully enclosed driver's cabins with door
Devices, e.g. wiper, washing units, demister, window heating systems, shall be provided to keep all
windows clear that are necessary for operating the GSE, taking into account all operational and climatic
conditions of the intended place of use for the GSE.
All doors shall be provided with securing devices to retain them in the closed and, where required, in the
open position. These devices shall be installed so that they do not create a risk of injury when the doors
are open.
Door mechanisms shall be designed and fitted in such a way that opening is only possible with intended
manual action and risk of injury is avoided.
An adequately sized system for ventilation shall be provided. Where appropriate provisions shall be made
for heating and/or air conditioning facilities.
NOTE 1 Due to the fact that GSE are used in a wide range of temperatures and environmental conditions it is not
possible to give precise technical requirements in this European Standard.
Combustion air for the heating units shall not be taken from the interior of the cabin; it shall not be
possible for exhaust fumes to escape into the heating air. In case of burner flame-out, the fuel supply
shall be cut off.
NOTE 2 EU Directive 78/548/EEC gives requirements for combustion heating appliances.
Self-propelled vehicles with driver's cabin with only one access shall have an alternative means of exit in
the event of an emergency.
Control device actuators
Control device actuators shall meet the requirements of EN 894-1 and EN 894-3. They shall be positioned
within the reach of the operator in accordance with EN ISO 6682 and their purpose shall be marked clearly
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EN 1915-1:2013 (E)
and visible in accordance with EN 60073. They shall be constructed and mounted so as to minimise the risk of
inadvertent operation.
Control device actuators for movements except travelling functions shall be designed so that when they have
been released, the energy initiating the movement is cut off (hold-to-run type). Control device actuators with a
lock-on facility shall be used only if this is required for functional reasons and when other measures have been
taken in order to reduce the risk.
Illumination of controls shall be of anti-glare and non-reflecting quality.
Safeguards against unauthorised use
Self-propelled GSE shall be equipped with means to safeguard them against unauthorised use. It shall not be
possible to render these safeguards ineffective by simple means, e.g. tape, nails.
Electronic control circuitry, software, adjustable safety devices and adjustable safety related equipment shall
be made inaccessible to unauthorised persons, e.g. by use of access codes, special tools.
Multiple control positions for movements
When more than one control station is provided, only one control station shall be enabled at a given time. The
interlock system to achieve this requirement shall achieve the performance level in accordance with
EN ISO 13849-1 assigned to the related safety function. This requirement does not apply to emergency stops.
Location of control positions
Control device actuators shall be positioned so that the operator:
is not subjected to hazards created by the load(s) or any part of the GSE;
is not subjected to risks of falling, or is located at least 1 m away from such risk; and
is able to observe the controlled movements at all times.
Electrical controls
Electrical controls shall conform to EN 60204-1.
Cable-linked remote controls
Remotely controlled GSE shall be so designed that movement is stopped automatically and the GSE shall
remain immobile:
if actuation of the controls has ceased;
when the power supply is interrupted.
Plugs of cable-linked remote controls shall be unmistakable in order to prevent erroneous interchange. When
plugged in, the requirement of 5.4.3 shall be applied. The length of the cable shall be sufficient to ensure safe
operation under all intended use conditions.
Remote control units shall be designed so that a mechanical shock (e.g. falling to the ground) does not initiate
a signal.
BS EN 1915-1:2013
EN 1915-1:2013 (E)
Remote control shall be designed to enable control only from locations where the operator has direct full sight
of the GSE or any moving parts of it, and the area where the GSE or part of it is to move into.
Where applicable, the remote control shall achieve a performance level in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1
assigned to the related safety function.
Pictograms or markings identifying each actuator on remote control boxes shall be unambiguous as to the
directions of the activated functions, regardless of the control box's position.
While this standard gives basic requirements that may be applicable to wireless remote controls, additional
requirements will be necessary.
Safety related parts
Safety devices, e.g. trip devices, ultimate-position switches, over speed governors, interlocking switches,
emergency stop devices, shall be designed, selected, located, and/or protected to meet intended site
conditions, and the various applications of the equipment, e.g. ice build-up.
Safety related parts of control systems shall be designed in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1, and shall
achieve the appropriate performance level determined by risk assessment (Annex A of
EN ISO 13849-1:2008). The minimum performance level values stated in the GSE specific parts of EN 12312
shall be complied with.
Monitoring devices and displays
GSE shall have monitoring devices and displays necessary for safe operation. They shall be clearly arranged,
easy-to-read and be protected against damage during intended use.
Illumination of displays shall be of anti-glare and non-reflecting quality.
Steering devices
General requirements
The steering system shall ensure easy and safe handling of the GSE up to its maximum design speed and
under all intended use conditions. Manual control devices shall be designed and dimensioned so that under
intended use conditions they will not cause injuries and withstand expected operating forces.
All parts of the steering transmission shall be amply dimensioned readily accessible for maintenance such as
they are not liable to breakage or significant distortion.
If one energy source is intended to supply not only the steering system, the supply to the steering system shall
have priority over other systems linked to the same power source.
GSE capable of a driving speed higher than 50 km/h shall have either a dual-circuit steering system or a
power assisted mechanical steering system. Steering systems with pneumatics transmission means are not
In case of power cut off on power-assisted steering equipment it shall be possible to maintain the towability of
the GSE (e.g. realised by an emergency pump systems).
Actuating force requirements
The maximum permitted steering control effort with intact steering equipment shall not exceed 250 N and in
case of power steering failure shall not exceed 600 N.
It is recommended not to exceed 100 N for normal use or 250 N in the case of power steering failure.
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Where the maximum design speed is over 15 km/h reaction forces shall give the driver a satisfactory
feedback, thus making the behaviour of the GSE predictable for the driver.
Hydraulic steering
GSE with hydraulic steering circuit shall have:
A pressure relief valve that is actuated at the maximum permissible operating pressure "P" which is
installed in the primary (supply) circuit to protect the whole unit or parts of the unit against overpressure.
A pressure relief valve set at a pressure of at least 5 MPa above the maximum permissible operating
pressure „P“ or 2,2 „P“, whichever is the least, which is installed in the secondary (steering) circuit.
In order to exclude failure the bursting pressure of all hydraulic hoses shall be four times higher than the
maximum operating pressure.
Loss of oil pressure shall not prevent towing of the GSE.
Complex electronic parts of GSE steering systems
Requirement for GSE > 15 km/h
All complex electronic parts of steering systems intended to ensure a safety function shall achieve
performance level "d" in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1. Complex electronic parts are defined in
EN ISO 13849-1.
When a single fault occurs in “complex electronic parts of GSE steering systems”, the prescribed steering
function shall always be performed at least until stop of driving movement.
Requirement for GSE ≤ 15 km/h
Safety related parts of electronic steering control systems for GSE having a maximum speed less than or
equal 15 km/h shall achieve performance level "c" in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1. Complex electronic
parts are defined in EN ISO 13849-1.
This requirement includes the possibility of total steering failure.
Unless otherwise specified in EN 12312 (all parts), it is assumed that for the purposes of this Standard, not
more than one failure can occur in the steering equipment at any one time.
Hybrid steering
Components of hybrid steering systems shall fulfil the specific requirement given above.
Requirement for steering devices of vehicles intended to be used on public roads and a method of verification
are given in ECE-R 79.
Brakes for travelling purposes or equivalent devices
Service brake
The minimum braking values of self-propelled GSE are given in Table C.1 of Annex C (normative).
In the case of GSE with hydrostatic drive, the drive may be used as a service brake if there is no short-circuit
valve in the hydraulic circuit or if the short-circuit valve is located in such a manner as to prevent direct access
by the operator.
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Parking brake or equivalent devices
GSE shall have a parking brake or equivalent device which prevents the GSE with its permissible maximum
gross mass from rolling away on a slope of at least 7%.
Self-propelled GSE designed for towing other GSE shall be equipped with a parking brake or equivalent
device that secures the GSE itself without trailer and load against rolling away on a slope with a minimum
braking ratio of 18%.
See also Introduction, f) – negotiation for slopes on the intended airport of use.
Wheel assemblies - Centre split rims
GSE with pneumatic tyres shall not be fitted with centre split rims connected by spot welding or countersunk
It shall only be possible to disassemble centre split rims with pneumatic tyres if they have been removed from
the axle. Where possible centre split rim fasteners shall be accessible only from the rear. Where this is not
possible it is necessary to differentiate between means of fastening the wheel to the hub and the split rim
assembling devices. The wheel nuts shall be of a hexagonal type, the split rim fasteners shall not be of a
hexagonal type.
Centre split rims not designed for pneumatic tyres shall not have a valve hole.
5.10 Touchable surfaces - Exhaust
5.10.1 Touchable surfaces
Hot surfaces reachable from work areas, walkways, or ground, shall be guarded or the temperature thereof
shall not exceed the temperature for 1 s unintentional contact according to EN ISO 13732-1.
5.10.2 Exhaust
Where the temperature of discharging exhaust gases exceeds 80°C, the outlet flow shall be out of reach of
persons at work areas and walkways on or at the GSE.
5.11 Lights and reflectors for traffic purposes
5.11.1 Self-propelled GSE
Self-propelled GSE shall be fitted with the following lights:
two headlamps each 250 lm minimum;
two red rear lights each 50 lm minimum;
two red rear reflectors with a reflecting surface of at least 20 cm² each;
two brake lights with red lenses each 150 lm minimum;
direction indicators, front and rear, with amber lenses each 150 lm minimum;
reversing lights with white lenses each 150 lm minimum.
Retro-reflecting lines or contour markings according to ECE 104 improve the visibility of the GSE. This may be
a requirement on certain airports.
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5.11.2 Towed GSE
Towed GSE shall preferably have two rear red, two front white and amber side reflectors on each side, with a
reflecting surface of at least 20 cm² each. Alternatively, red and white or black and yellow hatched retroreflecting markings at all four corners of dollies and loose load trailers shall be provided.
5.11.3 Position of lights and reflectors
Lights and reflectors shall be installed not more than 400 mm from the outside edges of the GSE and, where
practicable, symmetrically to the longitudinal axis of the GSE if possible and with the same distance to the
plane surface of the roadway.
5.12 Auditory signal devices
Self-propelled GSE shall have operator initiated devices for the emission of unambiguous auditory warning.
Acceptable values for sound pressure level and frequencies are given in Directive 70/156/EEC.
Where additional signal devices are used, the devices shall be in accordance with the requirements of
EN ISO 7731:2008, Clause 4.
Warnings to indicate reversing movements shall be intermittent single-frequency tones.
Warnings for other functions may be given in other parts of EN 12312.
5.13 Standing areas and walkways on GSE
5.13.1 General requirements
Standing areas and walkways on GSE shall ensure safe accommodation; in particular:
in general walkways shall have a minimum width of at least 0,4 m. Walkways on conveying surfaces for
unit load devices (ULD) shall have a minimum width of 0,35 m;
standing areas shall have dimensions of at least 0,4 m x 0,5 m;
The operator's workplace, as well as all work platform areas, including standing areas and walkway, where
staff is allowed at least in certain circumstances, shall have a durable slip-resistant floor surface, with a
minimum R11 slip-resistance classification.
Slip resistance classification shall be measured in accordance with DIN 51130:2004, Table 3.
Flooring shall be made in such a way that any liquids, e.g. water or de-icing fluid, spilled on them drain away,
and to reduce the risk of dirt, snow, or ice accumulating.
Surfaces not to be used for access shall as far as practicable be made inaccessible, or if not possible they
shall be clearly and appropriately marked.
5.13.2 Safeguards against falling
Standing areas, walkways and any area with items requiring staff action during operation on the GSE where
there is a possibility of falling from heights greater than 1 m shall have guard rails with a minimum height of
1,1 m. No opening shall be larger than 120 mm. Where access is intended, a self-closing gate shall be used.
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Guard rails strength
Guard rails shall be constructed in accordance with EN ISO 14122-3. Cantilevered or telescoping guard rails
at maximum extension when subjected to a horizontal force of (300 x l) N, where l is the length in m of the
cantilevered section, shall not deflect elastically more than 30 mm at the unsupported end at the point of
application of the force. The force is applied horizontally to the top rail at the free end in the direction away
from the platform or walkway (see Figure 1). See Clause 7 of this European standard for verification.
Fixed guard rails
Guard rails shall at least consist of:
a hand rail;
at least one knee rail;
a toe-plate, minimum height 0,1 m.
The knee-rail and toe-plate can be replaced by an equivalent full panel.
The gap between two rails or between knee-rail and toe-plate shall not exceed 0,5 m. In the case of an
interrupted handrail, to prevent hand traps, any gap between two handrail segments shall be no less than
75 mm and not greater than 120 mm. The distance between stanchions or anchorages is preferred to be
limited to 1 500 mm. If this distance is exceeded, specific attention shall be paid to the stanchion anchoring
strength and the fixing devices.
Any cantilevered or movable parts shall also be provided with a handrail, a knee-rail and a toe-plate, and
generally meet the same requirements as those for the fixed guard rail parts.
Where access through the guard rail is required, a self-closing gate shall be used. A gate shall have a handrail
and knee-rail positioned at the same level as that of the guard rail that it extends to.
Gates shall be fitted with positively applied locks and interlocked in particular cases as identified in EN 12312
(all parts). Gates shall not fold or open outwards.
Movable guard rails
Moveable parts of guard rails shall meet the same requirements as fixed guard rails, and shall be
automatically secured by a mechanical restraint device in the position giving protection. Parts adjustable to the
aircraft shall be secured against retraction by a force of at least 200 N. Their adjustment after unlatching shall
be possible by one person with a maximum horizontal hand force of 62 N, and shall take place at a location at
least 1 m away from the fixed guard rail end and the platform's edge (see
Where an item of GSE interfaces with the aircraft, clearances between guard rails and aircraft shall be
adjustable by increments not exceeding 120 mm.
The maximum unguarded distance between the adjusted guard rail and the aircraft shall not exceed 120 mm.
Folding or drop guard rails shall be used only where it is not possible to install fixed guard rails. They shall
meet the requirements for fixed guard rails. The direction of swing or tilt shall not be outwards and, in the
protective position, these guard rails shall be secured against moving by an automatically applied locking
Where it is not possible for knee rails to be made from rigid material they shall conform to
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Flexible guard rails
Guard rails made from flexible material shall be used only for temporary work platforms that are not part of the
workplace, and if it is not possible to use rigid materials. They shall provide the same degree of safety as the
guard rails in They shall be at least 1,1 m high and shall consist of at least four weather-resistant,
tensioned and adjustable ropes or straps arranged one above the other with equal spacing.
Typical use of flexible guard rails is in order to store them at places used for occasional maintenance access.
Falling hazard warnings
Where an area cannot be fully enclosed by guard rails or is covered by a movable guard rail, the potentially
hazardous area with a risk of falling from a height of more than 1 m shall be identified on the platform's floor
by high visibility safety markings (see the following paragraph). The markings shall extend at least 1 m in from
the exposed edge over the length of the exposed edge. In the case of a movable guard rail, the length of the
exposed edge is the length exposed when the guard rail is moved to its maximum open position. See the
relevant EN 12312 series standard for identification of exclusive application areas.
Such high visibility safety markings may e.g. consist in wide, diagonally located, alternately black yellow,
stripes across the whole potential hazard area(s) floor in accordance with ISO 3864 (all parts).
Additional warning against the risk of falling shall be provided by the graphic symbol in Annex G, at least
200 mm high, located at readily visible positions on the part of the GSE concerned and adjacent to any
unprotected edge.
5.14 Means of access
It shall be possible to reach and leave the accommodation for driver and any other person, standing areas and
walkways on GSE without hazard.
Means of access shall be provided where entrances to driver and co-driver accommodation, standing areas
and walkways are higher than 0,5 m above the ground. The preferred means of access shall be in the
following order: "lifts, ramps, stairs, stepladders, ladders or footholds".
Selection of ladders, stepladders, stairs or ramps shall be carried out in accordance with EN ISO 141221:2001, 5.3. Footholds shall be considered only when the requirements for ladders or stepladders cannot be
Means of access shall meet the minimum requirements given in Annex D.
Suitable parts of the GSE structure may be designed as means of access.
The following parts of GSE shall not be considered as means of access:
any part of a tyre, rim or hub;
plain rungs of round cross-section;
rungs without any ribbing or permanently attached slip resistant surfaces.
5.15 Crushing and shearing points
Access to crushing and shearing points shall be prevented in accordance with EN ISO 13857. Minimum gaps
to avoid crushing and shearing shall be in accordance with EN 349. Where crushing and shearing points
cannot be avoided by design, they shall be protected according to EN 953.
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If these requirements cannot be met by GSE with lifting equipment, other safety measures shall be provided to
reduce the risk of injury to persons resulting from the lifting equipment, the supporting structure and the
lifting/work platform.
Examples for safety measures to reduce the risk of injury under the lifting/work platform are given in Annex E
and EN 1570.
5.16 Securing of load
GSE shall be constructed to provide means for securing of loads and loose parts against hazardous
movement under intended use conditions, i.e. slipping, rolling, falling over and falling off.
The design of the GSE shall enable safe carrying of load securing equipment (e.g. ropes, nets), when not in
5.17 Moveable bodies, assemblies and attachments
5.17.1 Safeguarding of tilting or lifting bodies
It shall be possible to secure tilting or lifting bodies in at least one position against lowering or recoiling by
means of mechanical restraint device(s) taking into account all possible forces.
These devices shall work automatically if access of persons below tilted or lifted bodies during operation is
intended or if the raised position is the transport position.
Fixed mechanical stop devices shall prevent tilting, slewing, telescoping or lifting movements passing through
the designed end positions.
5.17.2 Assemblies and attachments
Assemblies and attachments shall be such that they can only be taken apart by an intended human action.
5.17.3 Safeguarding of moveable attachments
Where unintentional movements of moveable parts e.g. doors, flaps, covers can present a hazard, it shall be
possible to secure them in selected positions by means of mechanical restraint devices or friction-type
devices. Where safeguards using friction-type devices are used, they shall be in duplicate and designed so
that one safeguard on its own is capable of securing the moveable parts in the intended position.
5.18 Hydraulic and pneumatic systems
5.18.1 General requirements
Hose assemblies, pipes, fittings and other components of hydraulic or pneumatic systems of GSE shall
generally conform to the requirements of EN 982 and/or EN 983 and the additional requirements in 5.18. For
additional requirements, see specific standards of the EN 12312 series.
5.18.2 Installation and fittings
Hoses shall be installed, laid and fixed in such a way that damage, e.g. by crushing, abrasion, heating up,
twisting, etc. is avoided (for examples, see Annex F).
Hydraulic hose assemblies with an operating pressure in the hydraulic system of more than 15 MPa shall not
have reusable end fittings.
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5.18.3 Safeguarding against excess pressure
Pressure limiting valves shall ensure that pressurised pipes are not subjected to more than 1,4 times the static
pressure at the permissible load from the operating side. Pressure limiting valves shall be safeguarded
against tampering by unauthorised persons.
Pneumatic relief valves in the working or passage areas shall be arranged or safeguarded in such a way that
risk of injury to persons in the air discharge area is avoided.
5.18.4 Covering of hydraulic hose assemblies
Hydraulic hose assemblies in the working or traffic areas on GSE containing fluids at a pressure exceeding
5 MPa and/or a temperature exceeding 50°C shall have covers as specified in EN ISO 3457. Where
components that divert any hazardous jet of fluid (e.g. guards) are provided, these covers shall not be
5.18.5 Special requirements for hydraulic systems
Hydraulic systems shall meet the following minimum requirements:
it shall be possible to expel air from hydraulic systems;
an easily accessible test point for connecting a pressure gauge shall be provided in the pressure section
of each hydraulic circuit, except for hydraulic braking systems;
a simple method of checking fluid levels in the hydraulic tank shall be provided. The lowest and highest
level shall be clearly marked;
hydraulic fluid tanks shall be dimensioned so that during maximum system displacement at least 10 % of
the fluid volume remains in the tank;
hydraulic systems where hydraulic fluid contamination could lead to hazardous operating conditions e.g. on lifting devices or hydrostatic drives - shall be equipped with filters which have an easy-to-read
contamination indicator.
5.19 Stability and strength
5.19.1 General requirements
GSE shall be designed so that the stability and strength is ensured during intended use. The basis for
calculating the stability and strength shall be the most unfavourable combination of static, dynamic and wind
loads. Wind loads shall be for the fully erected position at a wind velocity determined for the place of use
intended by the manufacturer, but at least 20,58 m/s (40 knots) (see also EN 1915-2).
5.19.2 Stabilisers
Where stabilisers are necessary to ensure stability, they shall be secured against unintentional movement in
both the working and retracted position by means of a restraint device, e.g. check valves with hydraulic
It shall only be possible to retract powered stabilisers when the GSE remains stable.
Stabilisers for ensuring stability shall be so designed that it is possible to compensate for gradients up to
2,5 % and uneven ground. Base plates shall be capable of being pivoted in all directions at least 5° from the
horizontal plane when in the working position.
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5.20 Lifting systems
5.20.1 General requirements
Lifting systems shall be so equipped that failures in lifting drives do not result in any hazardous movement of
the lifting/work platform.
Where self-lowering is acceptable in the event of a failure, the lowering speed of the lifting/work platform shall
not exceed 1,4 times the lifting speed.
5.20.2 Safety devices
Safety devices to prevent lowering not intended by the operator shall be automatically functional in all
positions of the lifting/work platform. It shall be possible to override or release safety devices (e.g. wedges,
spindles, nuts, valves) after they have tripped, but only in order to move the lifting/work platform into the base
position. However, after the overriding or release actuator has been released, the safety devices shall become
operational again automatically.
Safety related equipment shall incorporate the following design features to ensure that they do not become
ineffective as a result of spring failure:
compression springs shall be guided to prevent buckling and shall be fixed at both ends to prevent the
ends becoming displaced during use; or
compression springs shall be selected such that the wire diameter is greater than the distance between
the coils, hence preventing coils from winding into each other in the event of breakage.
For any lifting equipment, means painted in safety colour shall be provided, e.g. maintenance support, to
secure the raised platform(s), basket(s) or other lifting elements in order to protect maintenance staff working
underneath against the risk of lowering.
5.20.3 Emergency lowering devices
In an emergency situation, it shall be possible to escape or to be evacuated safely from the lifting/work
platform in any position. It shall be possible to bring the lifting/work platform into a position where safe
evacuation is possible by means of an emergency lowering device, if permanently attached ladders cannot be
Emergency lowering devices shall be clearly marked and easily accessible.
5.21 Lifting devices
5.21.1 Lifting device parts
Lifting device parts shall be securely connected to each other and secured in such a way that they shall
require intentional manual action to be separated. If a specific sequence is necessary in order to prevent
overstressing during movement of parts of the lifting device, this sequence shall be ensured.
5.21.2 Lifting devices with mechanical drive, or ropes or chains as lifting elements
Lifting devices with lifting/work platforms supported by ropes or chains and lifting devices with a mechanical
drive mechanism (e.g. lead screw and nut) shall be designed so that the lifting/work platform does not fall
more than 100 mm if a lifting element (e.g. rope, chain, nut or gear) fails. If chains or ropes are used as a
lifting element for lifting persons, at least two independent chains or ropes shall be used, each with its own
Wire rope grips shall not be used to secure ropes used as lifting elements.