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CO., LTD. 4th QUARTER 2022


SKL 009101

Ho Chi Minh City, November 2022



4th QUARTER 2022

: Le Thuy Tuong Van

Student ID

: 18143053


: K18


: Industrial Management


: M.S Vo Thi Xuan Hanh

Ho Chi Minh City, November 2022

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HCM city, …………………….. November 2022

Page 1


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HCM city, …………………….. November 2022

Page 2

In the process to finished my graduation thesis, it is grateful for helping and support
from the S4U company, my family, and my advisor.
First of all, sincerely thank all of my lecturers at Ho Chi Minh University of
Technology and Education. It is impossible to complete this research paper without your
training. Furthermore, the Faculty of High-Quality Training create a chance for me to study,
practice and experience.
Secondly, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Mr. Dang Dinh Khanh and
all members of S4U for their companionship during the last two years. Their efforts are my
motivation and inspiration to complete this paper.
Thirdly, MS Vo Thi Xuan Hanh guided and gave me valuable advice to make the
great finished my thesis. Thank you for your help.
Finally, my adorable family always encourage and support me in the process
implement this research paper. Thank all of you, family.
Ho Chi Minh City, 9th November 2022
(Student’s Name)
Le Thuy Tuong Van

Page 3



Average revenue per customer

Banking University of Ho Chi Minh city


Electronic Word-of-mouth
Foreign Direct Investment


Mean absolute devitation
Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Legal and
Running Sum of the Forecast Error
Study For You company
Segmentation, Targeting và Positioning
Trust Media Index

University of Economics and Law
University of Technology and Education

Page 4

Figure 1.1.1. Company Structure ....................................................................................... 13
Figure 2.2.1 Trust media index score (TMI score)............................................................. 17
Figure 3.2.1 Chart of the ways to learn English of Vietnam .............................................. 26
Figure 3.2.2 Table of compatitor analysis .......................................................................... 29
Figure 3.2.3 Table of target customer analysis .................................................................. 32
Figure 3.3.1 Revenue Report 11/2020 - 8/2022 ................................................................. 33
Figure 3.3.2 Revenue Report 11/2020 - 8/2022 ................................................................. 34
Figure 4.1.1 Table of X English Center in 20218 – 2020 .................................................. 36
Figure 4.1.2 Chart of X English Center Revenue in 20218 – 2020 ................................... 36
Figure 4.1.3 X English Center Revenue by season in 20218 – 2020 ................................. 37
Figure 4.1.4 S4U revenue forecast by months in two last seasons 2022 ........................... 38
Figure 4.1.5 X English Center Revenue data in regression model..................................... 41
Figure 4.1.6 Result of regression analysis by Excel ........................................................... 43
Figure 4.1.7 Revenue forecast for linear regression forcecast. .......................................... 44
Figure 4.2.1 S4U revenue forecast by months in two last seasons 2022 ........................... 45
Figure 4.3.1 S4U situation of customer in 3rd Quarter 2022 .............................................. 46
Figure 4.3.2. Chart of S4U situation of customer in 3rd Quarter 2022 ............................... 46
Figure 4.3.3. SWOT matrix of S4U .................................................................................. 47
Figure 4.4.1. Study With Buddis Campaign ...................................................................... 53
Figure 4.4.2. The interaction of storytelling 4th post .......................................................... 54
Figure 4.4.3. The interaction of storytelling 3rd post .......................................................... 54
Figure 4.5.1. New English Course of S4U ......................................................................... 56

Figure 4.5.2. New tuition fee of S4U English Course ........................................................ 56
Figure 4.6.1. The key content on social media. .................................................................. 58
Figure 4.7.1. Revenue Report Oct 2022 ............................................................................. 60
Figure 4.7.2.New forecast for the two next months ........................................................... 61

Page 5

COMMENTS OF ADVISOR ............................................................................................ 1
COMMENTS OF REVIEWER ........................................................................................ 2
Acknowledgement ................................................................................................................ 3
TALBE OF ABBREVIATION ............................................................................................ 4
TALBE OF FIGURE ............................................................................................................ 5
TALBE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................... 6
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 8
1. Reasons of researching ............................................................................................... 8
2. Objectives of research ................................................................................................ 8
3. Scopes and subjects of research ................................................................................. 8
4. Methodology .............................................................................................................. 9
5. Content of research ..................................................................................................... 9
CHAPTER 1: COMPANY INTRODUCTION ................................................................. 11

Basic information .................................................................................................. 11


Business model ..................................................................................................... 13

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................ 14

Sales Philosophies ................................................................................................. 14


Marketing methods ............................................................................................... 15


Forecasting Revenue ............................................................................................. 19

CHAPTER 3: MARKETING ANALYSIS ........................................................................ 20

STP ........................................................................................................................ 20


PESTLE ................................................................................................................ 22


Compatitor analysis .............................................................................................. 28


Target customer analysis....................................................................................... 31


Company situation ................................................................................................ 32

CHAPTER 4: MARKETING STRATEGY ....................................................................... 35

Revenue forecasting for 2022 last quarter ............................................................ 35


Marketing S.M.A.R.T goals .................................................................................. 45


Marketing mix ....................................................................................................... 45
Page 6


Marketing by W.O.M ............................................................................................ 52


Product development ............................................................................................ 55


Marketing on social media .................................................................................... 57


Sale policy ............................................................................................................. 59


Revenue and profit report for October 2022 ......................................................... 60

CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................. 62
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................... 63

Page 7

1. Reasons of researching
How can we take advantage of shortcuts and seize the initiative in the current period of
revolution 4.0 and the global information explosion so that Vietnamese people can surpass
it? The solution is to develop education and invest in learning foreign languages. Foreign
language proficiency is crucial to the cause of education, training, and the overall
development of the nation, not only because it is a requirement for high-tech workers to
keep up with the rapidly evolving technological processes, but also because it is a skill that
is essential for contemporary Vietnamese.
Due to the significance and urgency of people's need to learn other languages, an increasing
number of English centers are established, and there will be a fiercer level of rivalry
between businesses. It will be considerably more difficult to compete, especially for new
organizations. Study For You (S4U) is a new business, so promoting and marketing to gain
market share is critical to the company's growth. As a result, in order to restrict and decrease
challenges, as well as the goal that Study For You better satisfies the needs of consumers,

2. Objectives of research
The research objective is to build a complete Marketing strategy based on 4 aspects:
Marketing on Social Media, Marketing by Word of Mouth, Sales Policy, and Product
3. Scopes and subjects of research
The research scope includes students at the University of Technology and Education, Ho
Chi Minh Banking University, University of Economics and Laws. The research is from
September to November 2022
Research subjects include the market and target customers of Study For You, Study For
You's marketing strategy in the fourth quarter of 2022
Page 8

4. Methodology
A qualitative method is used to analyze competitors, and micro and macro markets, and
forecast market trends. Based on the fundamental theories studied and market reality, we
propose a suitable marketing strategy.
In order to evaluate the success of marketing initiatives, the trend revenue forecast method
is used to forecast market demand and anticipated sales.
5. Content of research
There are four chapters of this research. The key contents of these chapters are:
 Chapter 1: Company Introduction
This chapter is an overview of the company information. It presents the mission, vision,
goals, core values, the story of S4U and the summarize of the business model.
 Chapter 2: Literature review
The main contents of chapter 2 divide into three parts. The first part is about sales

philosophies that are applied in the marketing plan of S4U including All-Side Sales and
Sales with the reason why. The next part summarizes and highlights the marketing
definition which is mentioned in this research. And the final content is methodologies
of forecast revenue which is used to estimate revenue in this thesis.
 Chapter 3: Marketing situation
There are five main contents for this chapter. The first content includes Segmentation,
Targeting và Positioning (STP) of S4U. The next part is macroeconomics analysis by
the PESTLE model (including Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Legel, and
Environmental factors). To continue, the significant information of the competitor and

Page 9

target customer is mentioned. Finally, the revenue reports from 11/2020 - 8/2022 are
analyzed to get an overview of the business situation.
 Chapter 4: Marketing strategy
In the final chapter, there is a revenue forecast for the 4th quarter of 2022. Based on the
quantitative and qualitative analysis, the marketing method (Marketing Mix) is
considered and applied. It also presents particular ways to improve the effectiveness of
marketing through social media, WOM marketing, sale policy, and product
improvement. This chapter is end with the revenue report on Oct 2022 and some advice
for the 2 last months of the year.

Page 10

1.1 Basic information
International company name: STUDY FOR YOU EDUCATIONAL SERVICES

Tax code: 0317393617
Address: 356/17 Vo Van Ngan Street, Binh Tho Ward, Thu Duc city, Ho Cho Minh City
Founded year: September 2020
Licensed year: July 2022
Founders of Study For You:
Dang Dinh Khanh (Sales and Marketing Director) – Mr. Khanh has 5 years of experience
as a Sales and Marketing Manager in English Teaching Centers. As a result of working for
the start-up English Centers, he is excellent at starting a brand and business model for
customers who are students.
Le Thuy Tuong Van (Customer Service Director) – For 4 years working in Sales &
Marketing and Customer Service, Ms. Van own outstanding skills in connecting, building
up, and improving customer relationships. She is flexible, creative and enthusiasm for
solving customer problems.
The story of Study For You:
After many years of working in English teaching environments, the S4U founders realize
that high school students in major cities have a higher English level than the ones who come
from small towns or provinces. The result of those differences is the huge distinction in
their career opportunities, incomes, and educational abilities. It is unfair that the quality and
facilities of English education in the countryside are less standard than in metropolitans,
which leads to differences in the English level of students.

Page 11

The key reasons are the income from teaching English in rural areas are quite lower than in
urban areas, so most English teacher decides to work in major cities such as Ho Chi Minh
city, Can Tho city, Vung Tau, etc.
On the other hand, the cost of an English course in Ho Chi Minh is not affordable.
According to the report of General Statistics Office of Vietnam (2022), the average income
in rural areas is 3,48 million per month (2021) and 5,7 million per month (nine first months

of 2022). The normal English course tuition is about 5 - 8 million for 2 - 3 months (around
2 - 3 million per month), it is an expensive cost for students who come from average or
low-income families.
Understanding the pain point of students, the S4U founders create a project which is able
to provide small-size English classes, good quality, and competitive prices. After 2 years
of developing as a start-up project, on July 2022 Study For You get a business license and
work as a company legally.
Study For You was founded to support students who have average or low income to be able
to learn English courses with cost-effective and nice quality. Moreover, English skills will
become the main element to promote their career paths and improve their living quality in
the future.
In the next three years, Study For You is going to establish 5 - 7 offices in Thu Duc City.
Additionally, Study For You desire to be an English class which is the most adorable by
customers. We try to best to become an integrity, reliable, and good-quality brand on the
Core values:
 Respect the personal differences

Page 12

 Understanding to sympathize
 Winning together
 Integrity
 Dedicate
The structure of company:

Board of Director (BOD)

Marketing and Sale department

and brand



Operation department



Finance and


Figure 1.1.1. Company Structure
1.2 Business model

S4U works as a marketplace between customers and partners. The partners of S4U are
teachers, and tutors who have the ability to train English students. The customer of Study
For You are students from universities in the Thu Duc area. Study For You support the
teacher, tutor for admissions, organize class, and manage the course and customer service.
The profit of S4U comes from the commission which is an agreement with teachers or
tutors. The commission is around 20% to 55% depending on the number of students, the
tuition, of course, the type of class, etc.

Page 13

2.1 Sales Philosophies
Nowadays, there is a variety of selling methodologies over the world. To use which sales
philosophies depend on many factors such as the core values of a company, the marketing
strategy, or the target customers. Applying a proper sale method to the market certainly will
lead the company to significant and rapid development. Based on the mission and the core
values of Study For You, our company decided to utilize All-sided Sales Method which is
improved by economics professor Nguyen Huu Long.
Nguyen Huu Long is known as a corporate strategy advisor, a management and leadership
business trainer in Vietnamese SMEs community.
What is the All-Sided Sales Method?
According to Nguyen Huu Long (2020), the core goal of every business is to sell products
or services in order to each department in the company to be responsible for supporting
sales targets. Every activity or strategy in each department is compulsorily connected and
positive effect on the revenue and profit of the organization.
Why does our business need to utilize the All-Sided Sales Method?
Actually, the customer or client is not buying the product or service only, the needs of them
are all processes of consultant, expiring, purchasing, using, maintaining, warranty, etc. For
example, although a luxury restaurant has a delicious menu and trendy drinks, the service

is extremely slow, and the staffs are impolite – certainly, the customers rarely return to the
restaurant. There are a variety of factors that impact the buying process of customers, on
the other view, the buying of customers is buying on ALL-SIDES.
Why do the customers choose Study For You?
According to Sinek (2009), manipulation and Inspiration is the huge distinction in
marketing. Manipulation is able to gain enormous sales or revenue immediately, however,

Page 14

is impossible to win the loyalty of customers for a long time after. Manipulation might work
and be suitable for some products or services. For a long time, the trust of customer for a
brand can be destroyed by manipulation. Inspiration is the opposite of manipulation, it
requires the "BIG WHY" and more effort, patience, and integrity to keep the WHY value
on the right way. So that, the customer is more loyal. Study For You listen and observatory
the customer to discover why they choose us and keep the that on the right way.
2.2 Marketing methods
SWOT analysis
In the book Principle and Techniques of Marketing Management, Kim Moniz and Trinidad
Bishop (2016) wrote:
“SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It involves
specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and
external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieve that objective.”
“A SWOT analysis must first start with defining a desired end state or objective. A SWOT
analysis may be incorporated into the strategic planning model. Strategic Planning has been
the subject of much research.
• Strengths: characteristics of the business or team that give it an advantage over others in
the industry.
• Weaknesses: are characteristics that place the firm at a disadvantage relative to others.

• Opportunities: external chances to make greater sales or profits in the environment.
• Threats: external elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business.”

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Marketing on social media
According to Hayes (2022), social media marketing is the use of social media – the
platforms on which users build social networks and share information – to build a
company's brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic.
Hayes (2022) also believes that the amazing power of Social Media Marketing is based on
the connection, interaction, and big data of customers. Social networks provide businesses
the unlimited connection to their customers, the enterprises never had the opportunity to
engage the huge number of customers as today. Furthermore, the connection on social
networks leads to dynamic interaction. It allows the rocket rise of electronic word-of-mouth
under the shapes of comments, reactions, reviews, and sharing. Finally, every activity on
social media is observed and recorded under the name "data". In the past, to research
customer behavior, companies had to pay a lot of cost and time for surveys, studying,
analysis, etc. Today, businesses can get the data of customers through social media more
fastly, accurately, and cost-saving.
Word of mouth (WOM) marketing
“The study points to the significant role word of mouth plays in the mix of information
sources consumers rely on and trust as they make everyday decisions. Among the resources
consumers trust, traditional media channels such as TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines
trail behind word of mouth.” (Cakim, 2010, p. 4)
“When looking at the average of what consumers trust today and will trust in the future,
consumer-generated media does not appear to be among the top choices for the general U.S.
consumer population. However, when looking at the difference between today and the
perceived future, consumer-generated media picks up the most steam among sources the
public indicates that they will trust.” (Cakim, 2010, p. 5)

Page 16

Figure 2.2.1 Trust media index score (TMI score)
Source: The Need for Word of Mouth Information,

Idil Miriam Cakim (2010)
Cakim's statements are quite accurate with the current situation in Marketing Online. Based
on the power of W.O.M that new roles of content creation on social networks have been
created such as KOLs (Key opinion leaders), influencers, and reviewers. The WOM
marketing is more valuable today when the customer is surrounded by full of liar
According to Silverman (2001), the role of word-of-mouth will become important
moreover. The reason for this is that customers today are threatened to overwhelm by Email, electronic group collaboration, chat rooms, forums, Web sites, teleconferences, etc.
Word of mouth will be more effective which helps save time and money for customers.
Silverman (2001) also believes that word of mouth is able to engage more people, and
faster, than normal advertising because it can spread like wildfire. Today the company and
its competitor put huge amounts of information into the marketplace in the form of
marketing materials, promotions, and salespeople. The customer becomes cluttered with
Page 17

information and hard to make a decision. However, word-of-mouth is more trusted than
most sincere salespersons because it is talking about useful information which helps the
customer decide what to do.
Goodman (2009) wrote that companies with strong positive word of mouth could spend
little to nothing on marketing. He also believes that companies with strong customer loyalty
and retention consistently rank among the revenue, margin, and earnings leaders in their
categories. Any brand equity that a company possesses depends completely on satisfied
customers and every marketing strategy for improving and selling a product or service, or

for winning and keeping a market, ultimately depends on satisfied customers.
The three authors above have a similar opinion that WOM marketing will become a vital
factor in the marketing strategy of the company. The key reason is WOM is able to show
the loyalty and trust of the customer with the company, the brand, the service, or the
product. In a market that is covered full of manipulation marketing through promoting,
discounting, advertising, etc, the customer becomes wiser and more careful in making
decisions. So, WOM marketing helps the brand build trust and good awareness in the
mindset of the customer. It is also the reason why S4U pays attention to improving brand
marketing by WOM (Goodman, 2009)
“The manipulative nature of promotions is so well established in retail that the industry
even named it one of the principles. They call it breakage. Breakage measures the
percentage of customers who fail to take advantage of a promotion and end up paying full
price for a product instead” is writen by Sinek (2009)
According to Nguyen Quang Hiep (2019), promotion is mentioned as customer addiction,
which creates dependent for customers. When the customer becomes strongly addicted to
Page 18

promotion, it is hard to deal with buying the product or service without promotion. As the
result, the profit of the company is down sharply.
2.3 Forecasting Revenue
Why do companies need forecasting?
Truong The Doan (2007) believe that forecasting is the science of predicting future events.
Forecasting is necessary to be able to plan for the future. Forecasts can be based on personal
experience (qualitative forecasting) or on mathematical methods (quantitative forecasting),
a combination of the two options above is normal. In reality, no forecasting model is
superior. Depending on the business situation, it is necessary to consider choosing the
appropriate forecast model. The forecast put the enterprise in proactive preparation for the
future. And it might help the company prevent the risks

The seasonal forecast.
According to Truong The Doan (2007), the seasonal forecast method applies the season
index to forecast the. The seasonal forecast method is appropriate for the product's demand
which changes to seasonal factors. In this study, the seasonal forecast is chosen method to
predict the demand and revenue.

Page 19

3.1 STP
Students who are from low-income families meet a big problem in studying English - the
tuition fee for an English course is too expensive for them. Study For You was founded to
support students who have average or low income to be able to learn English courses with
cost-effective and nice quality. The segmentation of S4U is defined as affordable for a
student who has a low or average income. To specific, they can pay about 800.000 VND to
1.500.000 for an English course.
The age and location of Study For You segmentaion
For the time being, Study for You focuses on customers between the ages of 18 and 25.
Especially, students between these ages studying at the HCMC University of Technology
and Education (HCMUTE), the University of Economics and Law (UEL), and the HCM
University of Banking are its target customers (HUB). Most of the students of those schools
is living in Thu Duc city.
Study for You is situated close to the HCMC University of Technology and Education and
bus station. Many students use buses to move around. In other cases, students who own
personal vehicles might be not comfortable when traveling too long or far for studying.
Therefore, the place where Study for You is located is around HCMUTE and BUH areas
that are convenient to travel by public transport and personal motorbike too.
Total target customer population in this market

Thu Duc city has a population of over 1 million people, including hundreds of thousands
of students (18 to 25 years old) from different schools. Particularly in the HCMUTE with
20,000 students and the BUH with more than 13,000 students, most of students think that
learning and improving their English is extremely necessary. With this impressive number,

Page 20

S4U only targets 30–40% of the above market is due to tuition fees and facilities that do
not meet the needs of customers.
Education level of Study For You segmentaion
Study For You is designed to help students who need to pass the school's English exam as
well as those who want to strengthen their communication abilities to make it easier to
navigate their future professional choices. Students with university and college training
who need and want to improve their foreign language skills are the subjects that Study For
You targets.
Income of Target Customer in Study For You segmentaion
Income of the ideal customer Study for You focus on those who have rarely worked parttime or who are currently doing part-time jobs with an income under the rate of 2–3 million
VND. The reason why Study For You target this market is because the service has the low
price to compete.
What is the pain point of the target customer?
Tuition: Due to the low income of the customers, they do not have too much choice in
learning English. Many students tried to learn English by themselves but they give up early
because of impatient, ineffective methods, or slow improvement.
Class scale: The cheaper class usually engage a huge number of students in each class. The
students are faced with a lack of practice, support, or connection. It might lead to the
effectiveness of the study results.
English level and teaching level of teacher: Normally, the customer with low-income doubt
the quality of service or product. They worry about wasting time and money.

Page 21

Because in Thu Duc city there are over 30 universities and colleges, marketing focusing on
all of their students is impossible. For the being time, the target customer of S4U is defined
as BUH, UTE, and UEL students because particular reasons.
BUH and UTE: both two schools are near S4U, and a lot of channels to communicate and
market to them. On the other hand, the standard English requirement of school is the
similarities. It is convenient for designing the product.
UEL: although UEL is far away from S4U the bus travel is convenient. Now, there are no
centers in Ho Chi Minh city national university area that can meet UEL student
requirements. The demand for UEL is the same as for UTE and BUH.
From the starting time, the S4U brand is defined to become a brand for students.
Functional positioning: S4U work as a marketplace that provides consultants in learning
English for students. S4U service is to help the student has a good and suitable teacher,
tutor, or program for studying English.
Symbolic positioning: S4U focus on improving trust, honesty, and an enthusiastic brand as
a buddy of the customer. The slogan of S4U you are to encourage the studying spirit "study
for you, not for anyone"
Experiential positioning: S4U is a buddy of the customer so the company does everything
to improve the quality of the course for the customer. S4U might be not the best class, but
S4U always listens and innovation for customer benefit.
Political factors
Vietnam is socialist, since April 30, 1975, our country has preserved and maintained
develops 47 years of a peaceful country, without wars of aggression, without civil wars,
and religious conflict. With the initial aspiration of building peace, independence, and

Page 22

reunification, then focusing on investment and economic development to position the
international arena, Vietnam has created many policies to help support businesses: in the
context of difficulties in production and business after the covid pandemic, the state has
policies to support businesses in terms of capital by shortening the procedures to reduce
loan interest. The clues show that the Vietnam government is focusing on economic policies
and trying its best to keep the peaceful environment political.
Besides, in the current context of international economic integration, our country has
advocated for relations with international friends in a gentle and flexible manner, ready to
cooperate with past enemies to develop the economy. On July 11, 1995, it established
diplomatic relations with the United States, on July 17, 1995, signed an Agreement with
the EU, on July 28, 1995, joined ASEAN, then in turn joined regional organizations. other
international countries such as (ASEM, APECC, and WTO...).
According to the WTO center (2022), for nearly 10 years, the Vietnam government
continue to integrate with a lot of international agreements such as VCFTA (2014), VKFTA
(2015), VN-EAEU FTA (2016), CTCCP (2018), RCEP (2022), etc.
For the being time, Vietnam set up diplomatic relations with 189 countries in the world.
Vietnam is in strong and sustainability integrate progress. It also means the development of
foreign language skills in the labor market is vital, and the potential of teaching the English
market is expanded over the past.
Economical factors
Economic growth
According to the data of GSE (2022), economic growth over the years suddenly dropped
sharply in 2020, and 2021 due to the negative impact of the Covid-19 epidemic. However,
Vietnam's economy still maintained growth with GDP growth rates estimated at 2.91% and
2.58% in 2 difficult years. However, at present, in 2022, GDP is estimated to increase quite

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