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Opinion essay mẫu about internet đáng đọc

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Some people believe that the internet has brought people closer together by making
the world smaller. Others disagree, claiming that the internet has made people and
communities more isolated because they no longer need to leave home and interact
with others. What’s your opinion?
In recent years, using the Internet has become a broad issue to the general public. Some
people think the Internet has brought people closer together by making the world smaller.
However, others think that the Internet has made people and communities more isolated
because they no longer need to leave home and interact with others. In my opinion, I
agree with the latter idea. Discussed below are several reasons supporting my
First and foremost, people should recognize that the Internet has brought people closer
together by making the world smaller. A very important point to consider is their variety
and convenience of them. This means that On the Internet has any information about any
field which we want to find out. To illustrate this point, I would like to mention that we
can learn more knowledge about the culture of different countries through mass media.
Another point I would like to make is that it can help us when we study. This is because
the fact that these days the Internet where is the best environment to study, work and
entertain. For example, there are many apps to study and work as google meet, Quizizz,
On the other hand, there are several arguments in support of the idea that the Internet has
made people and communities more isolated. It is also convincing to realise that when
people abuse too much lead to depend on it and waste time lives. This means that we live
in the virtual world and forget about life. A specific example of this is that we should
balance social networks and real life.
In conclusion, the above-mentioned facts have created a dilemma when people evaluate
the impact of this issue, and it is still a controversial issue. As far as I am concerned, I put

more highlight on the idea that the Internet has brought several problems and difficulties.
Besides that the advantage of the Internet. People should have further consideration on

this issue.
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