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Opinion essay mẫu about social media đạt 500+ lượt tải

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Social media is becoming increasingly popular amongst all age groups. However,
sharing personal information on social media websites does have risks. Do you think
that the advantages of social media outweigh the disadvantages?
Recent advancements in technology and science are reshaping our world in an
unprecedented manner. It is true that social networking sites have a profound influence
on people in these days. While there are few disadvantages of using social media
platforms, I believe that the advantages far outweighs it. My essay will discuss the same.

On the one side, there are a few drawbacks of social media. The most common issue
observed is the online theft. To explain, many social networking sites such as Facebook
has introduced e-wallet and money transfer mechanisms recently in which the user has to
share his personal bank information. Once the data is shared, even though it is made
private, hackers can fetch the information and steal the money from the e-wallet or the
bank in a fraction of a second. A recent study by the BBC News revealed that around 350
cases were registered from London alone in the month of July 2019 for online theft on
WhatsApp. This is perhaps why certain people think social media cannot be trusted.

On the flip side, there are many benefits of social media that outweighs the negatives. To
begin with, in the contemporary world, platforms such as Facebook and Instagram serve
as a medium of communication. To elaborate, most people travel far apart from their
native for either work or study. In order to interact with their parents and friends, a
number of internet websites offer free calls and text messaging which is always
commendable. To exemplify, studies have shown that people of all ages prefer to use
online calls than using the conventional telephone calls. Additionally, online media help
people of all ages to be aware of things happening globally. The information about social
issues and latest technologies are shared across these websites, which equip people with a

wider knowledge. Finally, there is the entertainment factor. People, after stressful work,
can surf these sites which relaxes their pressure and create a peaceful mind. These are the

major merits of using social media.

To conclude, although there are limited disadvantages of social media, in my opinion, the
benefits are more significant.
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