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Opinion essay mẫu about technology xuất sắc nhất

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Technology is becoming progressively universal. In the fullness of time, classroom
teachers will be totally substituted for technology. Do you agree or disagree?
Undoubtedly, with the advent of technology across the world, school teachers will be
completely changed due to the automation of machines. In my opinion, my views are on
the Samewavelength as this ideology.

To begin with, in this technological era, in learning areas use of robots are common. This
is because it has many fruitful outcomes such as it is a faster way. While studying is done
through the projectors and in many ways. For instance, according to a survey by Oxford
University, it can be seen that in these modern days, every school has technological
pieces of equipment: computers and projectors to teach students inaccurate forms. As it
will be a positive trend in near future as well as faster than before.

Along with this, new gadgets are becoming the best-helping hand of human beings in
every field. It is true that technology is taking place of teachers since young people learn
from their gadgets: mobile phone, computers, laptop and many more. It is a convinient
way while learning at home via many applications: ByJu's learning app. To cite an
example of a research, it is found that in apedemic period, every studentwho used
internet, took online classes by mobile phone and computers. As a result, the continuity
of study didnot broken during the covid_19. And, it is the indication that in future, it will
more assest to students in their learnings instead of school teachers.

To conclude, although mentors make every student good in studies, but nowadays,
development of technology plays an important role in everyone's life. Because it is the

easy and fastest way of analysing than the teachers. According to my perception, I am in
the favour of this notion.
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