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Argumentative essay mẫu about death penalty

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Argumentative Essay Sample on Death Penalty
The death penalty has been used throughout history, and has evolved from stoning
women to death in Afghanistan for committing adultery to giving lethal injections in
the U.S. to serial killers (Amnesty International). Today, the death penalty is reserved
only for the absolute worst criminals, but that could change if the anti-death penalty
fanatics that are so prominent in today’s media have their way. They claim that the
death penalty is barbaric, unconstitutional, and should be banned. This view is the
most prominent in the media when in fact 75% of Americans support the use of the
death penalty (Koch 561). So why is the anti-death penalty movement so prominent
today? Members of this movement take an activist position and are trying to change
the laws, while pro-death penalty people take a more passive stance. They know
that the death penalty is the law and they expect it to be carried out. The arguments
that the anti-death penalty activists use look good on the surface, but upon close
inspection they really don’t amount to much of anything.
The anti-death penalty activists in this country would have you believe that every
time a murderer is executed the justice system has just committed murder as well.
They would have you believe that every person on death row is a victim. What they
don’t talk about is what that person did to get onto death row. They forget about the
people that where killed, and the people whose lives where affected by the murders;
these are the real victims. They had a right to live just like every else in the world but
their lives where snuffed out by a murderer. In my opinion, every one has a right to
live, but as soon as you murder another human being you forfeit that right. I cannot
see a convicted felon as some sort of victim, because it was his own actions that
brought about his fate, not the actions of another person.
Some people would argue that putting a murderer to death will not bring their victims
back to life, or console their victims family, so what is the point? Well, putting
someone in prison for the rest of their lives, or any other punishment for that matter,
won’t bring their victims back to life either. So do you suggest we just don’t punish
the killer for his actions? What punishment is supposed to do is prevent the killer
from ever killing again, and what better way to do that than to take their own life
away from them. If the most severe penalty a person can receive is to spend the rest

of his/her life in jail, then what do you do when this is no longer enough? For

example, a New York prisoner named Lemuel Smith, while serving six life sentences
for his various crimes, including murder, strangled a female security guard, then
mutilated and dismembered her body. Because New York has no death penalty,
there is nothing that can be done to punish him beside another meaningless life
sentence (Koch 562). What better way to preserve innocent life than to eliminate the
people that would seek to destroy it? As for consoling the victims family, true, the
death of their loved ones murderer may not make them feel better, but at least they
can rest easy knowing that the killer is dead and gone instead of sleeping soundly in
a prison bed.
What about all of the innocent people that are on death row? Before a prisoner is
executed they go through a very extensive and effective appeal system. True, with
new DNA evidence, we have been able to exonerate many people that were on
death row, however, “there is, in fact, no proof that an innocent has been executed
seance 1900”(Sharp). That’s right even with DNA testing anti-death penalty activist
can’t truthfully say that America has executed an innocent person in the past 100
Death penalty critics would argue that the death penalty does nothing to deter people
from committing violent murders. If this is true, then why do people fear the death
penalty so much? Every day people confess to their crimes in the hope that they
won’t get the death penalty for them. If the death penalty doesn’t deter criminals,
then why did Luis Vera murder Rosa Velez? He burglarized her Brooklyn apartment
then shot and killed her when she recognized him. He later admitted “Yeah, I shot
her. She knew me and I knew I wouldn’t go to the chair” (Koch 561). This seems
proof enough to me that the death penalty deters criminals. I think John McAdams
says it best. “If we execute murderers and there is in fact no deterrent effect, we
have killed a bunch of murderers. If we fail to execute murderers, and doing so
would in fact have deterred other murders, we have allowed the killing of a bunch of

innocent victims. I would much rather risk the former. This, to me, is not a tough call
(McAdams).” I think that the main thing that would boost the deterrent effect of the
death penalty would be to use it more often. 5900 people where sentenced to death
between 1973 and 1996. Of those 5900 people only 358 people where actually
executed (DPIC). That is only one execution for every 1600 murders in the United

States, which means that the possibility of someone being put to death if they kill
someone is extremely low (Sharp). If we increased the possibility of being executed,
then we would increase the deterrent effect that the death penalty has.
What would you do if Osama Bin Laden walked into the room right now? Most
people would say they would kill him for the crimes he committed against our
country. This is the same thing that the family’s and friends of most murder victim’s
feel about the person that took their loved one away from them. Then the anti-death
penalty activists complain that the death penalty is cruel and unusual. They don’t like
the quick and painless death that is awaiting the convicted murderer. They cite the
way the prisoner is treated, the way he has to wait for the inevitable. I hope that this
is the most terrifying experience of his/her life. While it is not possible to let victims
family’s personally strangle the murderer, they will know that the killer felt, at least a
small part, the fear that their victims felt just before they where brutally killed. Is the
death penalty barbaric? No: raping, beating, torturing and killing people is barbaric.
Fast, effective, painless execution of someone convicted of the aforementioned
crimes is not barbaric; it is justice.
In conclusion, I hope that next time you hear about a death penalty being carried out
that you will be able to see through the media about the murderer being a victim, and
remember who the real victim’s are. The death penalty is justice; it is not wrong.
Think about the horrible crimes that the person committed to get himself on death
row and remember that they brought this upon themselves. I value human life, and
the best way to preserve it is to send a message to those people that would seek to
destroy it; we will not tolerate murder.

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