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Classification essay mẫu about friends điểm cao

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Classification of Friends for Students and Children in English
Society works on human interaction. We are a social species that rely on
other individuals for our success. This includes day-to-day interactions to largescale global events. When communication between individuals does not happen,
it can result in many implications, most of which might have detrimental
effects. Moreover, human behavior is molded around human interaction – with
kids learning aspects of social behavior from other kids.
This brings us to the concept of friendship. The term “friends” is an
umbrella term that is used to describe many relationships. We shall explore the
most basic ones in this essay:



Social Friends


Best Friends

Acquaintances are individuals who we often know in a social setting.
Interaction with such individuals are limited and are often formal and brief.
Moreover, the level of emotional investment is also quite minimal – as we
usually tend to know only basic information about acquaintances. Examples of
acquaintances include neighbors that live down the street, colleagues at work,
fellow schoolmates etc.
Social friends are people whose company we tend to enjoy. We usually
spend more time with such individuals and also tend to know more about them.
Such relationships are formed as a result of common interests or shared social
lives. However, we usually tend to avoid discussing personal issues with our

social friends. Examples of social friends include school/college friends or
individuals who live around your neighborhood.
Best friends are individuals with whom we share our deepest concerns and
personal information. They hold a level of trust far greater than any of the other

types of friendship. Moreover, best friends have the potential to influence our
decisions. Such relationships are also long-running, often throughout an
individual pre-teen and teenage life. Moreover, our greatest emotional
investment is usually in best friends. Usually, as people grow older, their social
circles may shrink due to new commitments, such as marriage, having kids etc.
However, we always ensure that we are in touch with best friends even if we
cease interaction with other types of friends. A best friend can potentially be
anyone you know – but usually, individuals from your social friend circles are
more likely to become best friends.
Human interaction is the key to our survival as a species. It affects many
aspects of our lives – from learning basic skills to decision making. When
communication and interaction ceases, humans are no different from other
animals. Over the course of many millenia, our species has developed complex
social relationships, which is currently a driving factor for a healthy society. For
example, prisoners who are required to reform behaviourally (as a punishment)
are frequently put in solitary confinement – a special type of jail cell that does
not allow inmates to socialize or bond with other inmates. According to some
sociologists, such treatments can make a person mentally unstable and may
induce mental illnesses. Introverts are people who usually avoid most forms of
social interaction – but even such individuals will need to communicate with
other people to preserve their sanity. Regardless, “friends” are people that we
interact with, either through circumstances (education, career) or through
affinity (fondness and affection).

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