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Classification essay mẫu different types of friends nên đọc

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Classification essay about types of friends
Human beings are social animals.Most of us usually have numerous friends
because we need friends not only to have an enjoyable life but also to grow as
individuals.Our friends share our sorrows and joys and they help us better
understand ourselves.Not all friendships are created equal because we form
friendships with others for variety of reasons.It may be appropriate to classify
our friends into three groups,i.e. acquaintances,social friends,and best friends.
Acquaintances are friends we just happen to know in life.They may be our
school fellows, our work colleagues,our neighbors,or just someone we met in
social setting.Our Interactions with acquaintances are often formal and short.We
may know basic details about them but we tend to avoid learning about their
more personal matters.It could be argued that the acquaintances are the weakest
form of friendship,and we make very little,if any, emotional investment in this
form of friendship.The circle of acquaintances is usually the biggest among all
types of friends because we simply tend to know lot more people than those we
interact with on regular basis such as social friends and best friends.
The second type of friends is social friends.The social friends could be
defined as people whose company we enjoy.We may spend lot of time with
them and we may know more about them than we know about
acquaintances,but we usually avoid discussions about more personal issues
unless given signal or permission.Social friends have the potential to become
one of our best friends over time but such friendships are not initially built on
deep trust as much as they are built on common interests or shared social
lifestyles.Our relationship with social friends is usually of higher quality than
our relationship with acquaintances.
The third type of friendship is best friends.Our relationship with best friends
is the deepest among all types of friends.We may share our deepest concerns

and secrets with best friends that we may not share with social friends or
acquaintances.Our best friends also have the most influence over us among all

types of friends because we trust them.The circle of best friends tends to be the
smallest among all types of friends because there are only so the most influence
over us among all types of friends because we trust them.The circle of best
friends tends to be the smallest among all types of friends because there are only
so many people we can trust on deep personal level.It is not uncommon for us to
invest years in best friendships because longer time periods enable us to know
people better.
We are social animals which may explain the presence of friends in our
lives.The friends can be divided into three main categories which are
acquaintances,social friends,and best friends.Acquaintances are people we
happen to know,social friends are people whose company we enjoy,and best
friends are people who have earned our trust.The circle of acquaintances tends
to be the biggest for many people while the circle of best friends tends to be the
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