Ten luan an: Phat huy nhdn t6 can nguoi trong phat triin kinh d - xii hoi
Cong hoa Dan chit Nhdn dan Lao hien nay
Chuyen nganh: Chu nghia duy v~t bien chtrng va Chu nghia duy vat lich sir
Ma s6: 62 22 03 02
Nghien ciru sinh: Sysomphone VONGPHACHANH
Ngtroi huang d~n: 1. PGS.TS. Nguyen Thi Nga
2. TS. Phan Manh Toan
CO' dao tao: HQc vien Chinh tri quoc gia H6 Chi Minh
1. Phat huy nhan t6 con ngiroi trong phat trien kinh tS - xa hQi la lam boc
lQ, khai thac, sir dung va toa sang nhtrng gia tri, pham chcit, nang hrc v6n co
trong m6i con ngiroi va cong d6ng nguoi voi tu each la nhtrng chu thS d~c biet
dS phat triSn kinh tS - xa hQi dap irng nhu c~u va 19i ich cua xa hQi trong lich sir
nhcit dinh. NQi dung cO'ban vS phat huy nhan t6 con nguai trong phat triSn kinh
tS - xa hQi a CQng hoa Dan chu Nhan dan Lao bao g6m: (1) Khai thac, sir d\lng
nhan t6 con nguai mQt cach hgp ly, hi~u qua thea huang khO'id~y tinh tich cvc,
chu dQng, s~ng t~o cua con nguai; (2) Dao t~o - b6i duang nhan t6 con nguai
thea huang dap Ung yeu c~u phat triSn kinh tS - xa hQi cua Lao; (3) T~o dQng
lvc dS con nguai phat huy nang lvc trong phat triSn kinh tS - xa hQi.
2. Vi~c phat huy nhan t6 con nguai trong phat triSn kinh tS - xa hQi a CQng
hoa Dan chu Nhan dan Lao co nhiSu thanh tvu nhung cling bQc lQc nhiSu h~n
chS nhu: sir d\lng, khai thac nang lvc lam vi~c cua con ngum chua th~t hgp ly,
hi~u qua; cong tac huang nghi~p, dao t~o, b6i du6ng nguai lao dQng con nhiSu
bcit c~p; con thiSu cac dQng lvc dS kich thich nguai lao dQng.
3. MQt s6 nhom giai phap chu ySu nh~m phat huy nhan t6 con ngum trong
phat tiSn kinh tS - xa hQi CQng hoa Dan chu Nhan dan Lao trong thai gian t&i
g6m: (1) Nhom giai phap dS tang cuang sir d\lng hgp ly, hi~u qua nhan t6 con
ngum trong phat tiSn kinh tS - xa hQi; (2) Nhom giai phap tiSp tl)c nang cao hi~u
qua cong mc dao ~o, b6i duang con ngum dap Ung yeu c~u phat triSn kinh tS - xa
hQi; (3) Nhom giai phap gia tang dQng lvc nh~m phat huy nhan t6 con nguai trong
phat triSn kinh tS - xa hQi.
D~i di~n t~p th~ ngU'o;hmmg din khoa hQc
PGS. TS. Nguy~n Thi Nga
Thesis title: Promoting the human factor in the socio-economic development
of the Lao People's Democratic Republic nowadays
Field of study: Dialectical materialism and Historical materialism
Code: 62 22 03 02
Ph.D. Candidate: Sysomphone VONGPHACHANH
Supervisors: 1. Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nguyen Thi Nga
2. Dr. Phan Manh Toan
Training institutie: Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics
1. Promoting the human factor in socio-economic development is to reveal,
exploit, use, take full advantage of and highlight the inherent qualities and
competences in each human being and the community that acts as the special subjects
for socio-economic development-to meet the needs and interests of the society in a
certain historical period. The basic contents of promoting the human factor in current
socio-economic development in the Lao People's Democratic Republic include: (1)
Exploitation and using of human factor in a rational and effective manner in the
direction of arousing the zealousness, activeness and creativity of human beings; (2)
. Training and developing human factor in the direction of meeting the socio-economic
development's requirements of Laos; (3) Providing motivation for people to fully use
their ability in socio-economic development.
2. The promotion of human factor in socio-economic development of the
Lao People's Democratic Republic have gained several achievements, but still
involved many limitations, such as: Inefficient and unreasonable use of human
factors in socio-economic development; the training and cultivation of the
human resources still involves many inadequacies; lack of motivation to
encourage the working people.
3. The main groups of solution in order to promote the human factor in the
socio-economic development of the Lao People's Democratic Republic nowadays
are as follows: (1) The group of solution to strengthen the appropriate and
efficient use of the human factor in socio-economic development; (2) The group
of solution to continuously improve the efficiency of the training and cultivation
of people to meet the requirements of socio-economic development; (3) The
group of solution to intensify the motivation to promote the human factor in
socio-economic development.
Representative of the supervisors
Ph.D. Candidate
Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nguyen Thi Nga