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Quy hoạch xây dựng các khu kinh tế cửa khẩu biên giới tây nam, nghiên cứu ứng dụng cho khu kinh tế cửa khẩu mộc bài, tỉnh tây ninh

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Tên luận án: Quy hoạch xây dựng các khu kinh tế cửa khẩu biên giới Tây Nam, nghiên
cứu ứng dụng cho khu kinh tế cửa khẩu Mộc Bài, tỉnh Tây Ninh.
Chuyên ngành: Quy hoạch vùng và đô thị - Mã số:
Họ tên nghiên cứu sinh: Trịnh Ngọc Phương.
Người hướng dẫn khoa học: PGS.TS.KTS. Lê Anh Đức.
Cơ sở đào tạo: Trường Đại học Kiến trúc thành phố Hồ Chí Minh.
Luận án có 147 trang, ngồi phần mở đầu, kết luận và kiến nghị, nội dung chính của
luận án gồm 3 chương:
Chương 1

Tổng quan về quy hoạch xây dựng các khu kinh tế cửa khẩu biên
giới và các vấn đề liên quan.

Chương 2

Phương pháp nghiên cứu và cơ sở khoa học quy hoạch xây dựng
các khu kinh tế cửa khẩu biên giới Tây Nam.

Chương 3

Đề xuất về quy hoạch xây dựng các khu kinh tế cửa khẩu biên giới
Tây Nam, nghiên cứu ứng dụng cho khu kinh tế cửa khẩu Mộc Bài,
tỉnh Tây Ninh và bàn luận kết quả nghiên cứu.

Luận án đã tổng hợp, phân tích, đánh giá được tổng quan về quy hoạch xây dựng các
khu kinh tế cửa khẩu biên giới và các vấn đề liên quan. Đề xuất được các vấn đề về quy
hoạch xây dựng các khu kinh tế cửa khẩu biên giới Tây Nam và ứng dụng kết quả nghiên cứu

vào quy hoạch chung xây dựng khu kinh tế cửa khẩu Mộc Bài, tỉnh Tây Ninh.
1/ Quy trình lập, thẩm định, phê duyệt quy hoạch xây dựng khu kinh tế cửa khẩu biên
giới đã được Thủ tướng Chính phủ phê duyệt. Qua đó tác giả đề xuất UBND cấp tỉnh là cơ
quan có thẩm quyền tổ chức lập, thẩm định và phê duyệt đồ án quy hoạch chung đối với từng
khu kinh tế cửa khẩu của từng tỉnh và có thỏa thuận thống nhất đối với Bộ Xây dựng trước
khi phê duyệt và ban hành.
2/ Giải pháp về quy hoạch xây dựng khu kinh tế cửa khẩu biên giới:
- Mơ hình phát triển các khu kinh tế cửa khẩu biên giới Tây Nam theo dạng quạt giao
nhau ở cán và mơ hình lan tỏa;
- Diện tích khu kinh tế cửa khẩu gấp 4 lần diện tích khu vực đô thị cửa khẩu;
- Phân loại khu kinh tế cửa khẩu thành các loại tương đương như loại đô thị, để áp
dụng tương tự như quy chuẩn, tiêu chuẩn đối với đơ thị có cấp tương đương;

- Cơ cấu, phân khu chức năng: khu vực cửa khẩu, khu vực đô thị, khu vực nông lâm
nghiệp, khu vực cơng trình đầu mối hạ tầng kỹ thuật, khu chức năng đặc biệt.
+ Khu quản lý cửa khẩu xây dựng trên BG chung của hai nước, bao gồm các cơ quan
quản lý nhà nước về hải quan, biên phòng, kiểm dịch quốc tế… cơ cấu và nhân sự của các cơ
quan quản lý này bao gồm cả cán bộ của Việt Nam và Campuchia, dưới sự quản lý, hợp tác
của Chính phủ hai nước.
+ Khu vực kho ngoại quan chỉ có chức năng kho bãi lưu giữ, vận tải, vận chuyển hàng
hóa, khơng có chức năng sử dụng đất công nghiệp.
+ Thu gọn khu vực phi thuế quan trong quy hoạch chung xây dựng khu kinh tế cửa
khẩu để phù hợp với xu hướng phát triển
+ Khu vực đô thị áp dụng các tiêu chí, chỉ tiêu về quy hoạch xây dựng khu vực đô thị
tương ứng với loại đô thị theo hệ thống văn bản pháp luật hiện hành
3/ Đề xuất sửa đổi, bổ sung một số nội dung về quy hoạch xây dựng khu kinh tế cửa
khẩu trong hệ thống văn bản pháp luật hiện hành.

Ứng dụng quy trình lập, thẩm định, phê duyệt quy hoạch xây dựng Khu KTCK.
Mơ hình định hướng phát triển không gian, cơ cấu sử dụng đất các khu chức năng và
liên kết hạ tầng kỹ thuật vùng, quốc gia phù hợp với hệ thống văn bản pháp luật hiện hành,
điều kiện phát triển của địa phương, quốc gia và truyền thống hữu nghị bang giao giữa hai
nước và có thể ứng dụng cho các khu kinh tế cửa khẩu trên cả nước.
Cần có các nghiên cứu chuyên sấu về cơ chế, chính sách ngoại giao và định hướng
phát triển kinh tế giữa quốc gia liền kề biên giới. Trên cơ sở đó đề xuất Chính phủ kiến nghị
Quốc hội ban hành Luật về khu khu kinh tế trên đất liền để thích ứng với điều kiện thực tế
hiện nay, nhằm kêu gọi đầu tư.
Người hướng dẫn

Nghiên cứu sinh

PGS.TS.KTS. Lê Anh Đức

Trịnh Ngọc Phương



Dissertation title: Construction planning of southwestern border gate economic zones,
applied for Moc Bai border gate economic zone, Tây Ninh province.
Field of study: Regional and Urban Planning – Code:
Name of doctoral student: Trinh Ngoc Phuong

Name of academic spuervisor: Associate Professor, Dr., Arch. Le Anh Duc
University: University of Architecture Ho Chi Minh City
The dissertation has 147 pages, in addition to the introduction, conclusions and
recommendations, the main content of the thesis includes 3 chapters:
Overview of planning on construction of border gate economic zones and
Chapter 1:
related issues
Research methods and scientific basis for planning the construction of
Chapter 2:
southwestern border gate economic zones
Proposal on the construction planning of Southwest border gate economic
Chapter 3:
zones, applied research for Moc Bai border gate economic zone, Tay Ninh
province and discussion of research results
The dissertation has synthesized, analyzed and evaluated the overview of the
construction planning of border gate economic zones and related issues. Proposing issues on
construction planning of Southwest border gate economic zones and applying research results
to general planning on construction of Moc Bai border gate economic zone, Tay Ninh province.
1/ The process of planning, appraising and approving the planning on construction of
border-gate economic zones approved by the Prime Minister. Thereby, the author proposes the
provincial People's Committee to be the competent agency to organize the formulation,
appraisal and approval of the general planning project for each border-gate economic zone of
each province and reach an agreement with the Ministry of Construction. pre-approved and
2/ Solutions on planning for construction of border gate economic zones:
- The model of developing the Southwest border gate economic zones in the form of
fan crossing at rolling and spreading model;
- The area of the border-gate economic zone is 4 times the area of the border-gate urban

- To classify border-gate economic zones into categories equivalent to those of urban
areas, in order to apply the same regulations and standards to urban areas of equivalent grade;
- Structure, functional subdivision: border gate area, urban area, agro-forestry area, area
of technical infrastructure focal works, special function area.
+ The border gate management zone is built on the common border of the two countries,
including the state management agencies in charge of customs, border guard, international
quarantine... the structure and personnel of these management agencies include both
Vietnamese and Cambodian officials, under the management and cooperation of the two


+ The bonded warehouse area only has the function of warehouse, storage,
transportation, and transportation of goods, and does not have the function of using industrial
+ Shrink the non-tariff area in the general planning on construction of border gate
economic zones to match the development trend
+ Urban areas apply the criteria and norms on urban construction planning
corresponding to the type of urban area according to the current system of legal documents.
3/ Proposing to amend and supplement a number of contents on the construction
planning of border gate economic zones in the current system of legal documents.
Applying the process of planning, appraising and approving the construction planning
of border gate economic zones
The model of spatial development orientation, land use structure of functional zones
and regional and national technical infrastructure linkages is consistent with the current system
of legal documents, local and national development conditions. relationship and tradition of
friendly relations between the two countries and can be applied to border economic zones across

the country.
There should be specialized studies on mechanisms, foreign policies and economic
development orientations between bordering countries. On that basis, it is proposed that the
Government propose the National Assembly to promulgate the Law on economic zones on the
mainland to adapt to the current actual conditions, in order to call for investment.
Academic supervisor

Doctoral student

Associate Professor, Dr.,Arch. Le Anh Duc

Trinh Ngoc Phuong











HCMC – 2022

The dissertation is accomplished at:

The academic supervisor:

The reviewer 1: PROF., DR., ARCH. NGUYEN TO LANG

The reviewer 2: PROF., DR., ARCH. DOAN MINH KHOI

The reviewer 3: DR., ARCH. NGUYEN ANH TUAN

This dissertation was defensed at University Dissertation Asssessement
Committee organized at The University of Architecture HCMC.
At ………. o’clock, dated


This dissertation could be found at:

Statement purpose.
After more than 30 years of renovation, Vietnam's economy has
achieved many great achievements, in which it is impossible not to mention
the important contribution of border gate economy - a key factor promoting
exchanges and sustainable development of our country's economy in the
context of integration. After more than 20 years of establishment and
development, Border gate economic zones have also made an important
contribution to consolidating the traditional friendship and comprehensive
cooperation between Vietnam and bordering countries.
According to the Master Planning for the development of Vietnam's
border gate economic zones (BEZs) until 2020 under the Decision
52/2008/QD-TTg dated April 25, 2008, which regards approving the
Planning Project on the development of Vietnam's BEZs by 2020, the whole
country will have 26 BEZs with a total area of over 660 thousand hectares.
However, since the issuance of the Decision 52/2008/QD-TTg so far,
Vietnam has founded 28 zones as BEZs or the ones that has been applied
wtih policies of BEZs in 21/25 border provinces. Up to now, the planning
work for BEZs has been prepared and approved as a basis for the
organization of investment implementation and management, contributing a
significant part to the socio-economic development of each locality in
particular and the whole country in general. However, the socio-economic

context has experienced many changes, which has had more influence on the
procedure of formulating and implementing projects compared to the actual
implementation of construction investment. The research of the BEZs to find
out the nature of their effective development today under the influence of the
procedure of international economic integration, local socio-economic
development, and review spatial development orientation of the economic

zone in order to propose appropriate planning solutions to successfully
develop the economic zones in the future is necessary and urgent.
The Southwest border gate is a place of trade between the
Southwestern provinces of Vietnam and Cambodia. The geographical and
socio-economic conditions of some border provinces here are still challenged
because their economic and social infrastructure systems are still not
complete. The system of border-gate markets and markets in the BEZs is
small in scale, and many temporary markets are available to serve the retail
trading needs of local people. The planning for the development of BEZs still
has many limitations without enough comprehensive vision to ensure
sustainable and long-term development. In addition, the procedure of
management and construction of BEZs is still fragmented, temporary and
inconsistent, causing management challenge and loss of revenue for the
economy. With the open economic mechanism and policy, the traditional
friendly diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Cambodia and the current
development situation of the two countries, the existing construction planning
(CP) of the border economic zones are no longer appropriate; it is necessary
to have an in-depth research and development orientation with long-term and
sustainable vision. As result, the thesis topic: "CP of the Southwest border
economic zone, applied for Moc Bai economic zone, Tay Ninh province"
is really necessary and urgent.

Objectives of the research
- Orientation of the development model of the Southwest BEZs.
- CP of the Southwest BEZs: orientation of CP; the procedure of
preparation, appraisal and approval of the projects; completion of the legal
- CP of Moc Bai Economic Zone, Tay Ninh province.
Object and study area.

- Research object: Southwest border gate economic zone.
- Research scope:
+ About space: determined based on the spatial characteristics of the
regions related to the BEZs.
+ About time: until 2030.
+ In the field of: urban planning, spatial organization of landscape
architecture, land use, technical infrastructure, the procedure preparing,
appraising and approving CP of BEZs.
The thesis uses 7 research methods including: method of
investigation and survey (chapters 1,2,3); method of collecting, synthesizing
and analyzing (chapters 1,2,3); expertise method (chapters 1,2,3); inheritance
method (chapter 1,2); application validation method (chapter 3); graphical
method (chapters 1,3); multi-criteria assessment method (chapters 1,2,3).
Scientific and reality meaning of study
- Scientific significance: Spatial orientation; land use planning and
technical infrastructure of the BEZs; Contributing to the renovation and
improvement of management capacity and CP of BEZs.
- Practical significance: The procedure of preparing, appraising and
approving the CP of BEZs is highly feasible; Model of development

orientation, land use structure of functional areas and connections of regional
and national technical infrastructure; Application in the CP of Moc Bai
Economic Zone, Tay Ninh.
Dissertation contribution
- Procedure of preparing, appraising and approving the CP of border
economic zones.

- Solutions on the CP of the border economic zone: the model of the
spatial planning, the structure of land use, the connections of the interregional and national technical infrastructure.
- Recommendations to amend and supplement a number of contents
on the CP of the BEZs in the current system of legal documents.
Terminologies and definitions used in the dessertation
The thesis covers basic concepts about economic zones, BEZs and
constructions planning of economic zones… that are related to the research
Dessertation structure.
The thesis has 148 pages, in addition to the introduction, conclusions
and recommendations; the main content of the thesis includes 3 chapters:
- Chapter 1. Overview of the CP of the border economic zone and
related issues.
- Chapter 2. Research methods and scientific basis for the CP of the
Southwestern border economic zones of Vietnam.
- Chapter 3. Proposal on the CP of the Southwest border economic
zone, applied research for Moc Bai BORDER GATE ECONOMIC ZONE,
Tay Ninh province and discuss the research results.

1.1. Awareness of the Economic Zone.
According to Decree 82/2018/ND-CP issued on May 22, 2018 of the Prime
Minister, a border gate economic zone is the one built in the mainland border
area and its surroundings with international border gates or main border gate.
The connotation of the concept of the border gate economic zone shows that
it has some similarities and differences compared to some economic models

such as IZs, EPZs, etc. And through this comparison we will have a more
comprehensive view of this economic model.
1.2. Overview of BEZs in the world.
The construction of cross-border economic zones is very important to attract
investment and improve trade balance between countries along the direction
of economic development corridors. Countries around the world with their
contiguous borders have been investing heavily in the construction and
development of the border gate economic zone systems in order to exchange
and cooperate for global economic development. The thesis covers situations
as well as achievements on the planning and construction of the countries’
BEZs in Europe, North America, and Asia.
1.3. Overview of CP, spatial development orientation and BEZs in
1.3.1. Overview of border economic zones in Vietnam.
Our country has borders with 3 countries: China, Laos and Cambodia. Over
the past 20 years of establishment and development of the BEZs, Vietnam's
economy has experienced significant growth and has had a certain position in
the international market. In accordance with the Master Plan for the
Development of Vietnam's BEZs by 2020, there will be 30 BEZs across the
country by 2020 along 4,639km of the border line.
1.3.2. Current status of CP and development orientation of border economic

zones in Vietnam...
a) Regarding the issuance and implementation of CP documents of the BEZs:
step by step promulgate and complete documents related to the CP of the
BEZs. The provisions and terms in such documents are relatively good.
b) Regarding the planning of Vietnam border economic zones: 30 border
economic zones (as of June 2019) have been approved by the National
Assembly as the basis for taking the next steps. The BEZs basically include

the following functions: immigration area, urban area, agriculture and
forestry areas and key technical infrastructure areas.
c) Procedure of preparing, appraising and approving the CP of BEZs: In
compliance with the Construction Law 2014 and Decree 44/2015/ND-CP
guiding the CP through units and organizations from central to local levels.
d) Several existing issues
- Regarding the procedure of preparing, appraising and approving CP: A wide
range of existing shortcomings and complications
- Regarding the master plan of the BEZs: including tariff and non-tariff areas,
it is no longer suitable in the trend of global integration.
- Regarding land use norms: higher than that of urban areas and national
norms, leading to wastefulness and inefficiency in land use right.
- Regarding land size and management: The size is too large and it is mainly
agricultural and forestry land, so it leads to natural resources waste,
difficulties and overlaps in land management between the locality and the
1.4. Situation of the CP of the Southwest border economic zones.
1.4.1. General introduction about the Southwestern border area.
The Southwestern border area of Vietnam borders the Southeast region of
Cambodia, which includes 6 provinces: Binh Phuoc, Tay Ninh (Southeast

region), Long An, Dong Thap, An Giang, Kien Giang (Mekong Delta) and 7
BEZs (Hoa Lu - Binh Phuoc; Xa Mat, Moc Bai - Tay Ninh, Long An - Long
An, Dong Thap - Dong Thap, An Giang - An Giang and Ha Tien - Kien
a) Southwest financial markets: As of December 2020, the Southwest region
has 7 securities markets approved by the Prime Minister (Hoa Lu - Binh
Phuoc; Xa Mat, Moc Bai - Tay Ninh; and Moc Bai - Tay Ninh; Long An -

Long An; Dong Thap - Dong Thap; An Giang - An Giang; Ha Tien - Kien
b) Road network of the Southwest border economic zones: In addition to the
East-West international economic corridor associated with inter-Asian routes,
the space of the BEZs in particular and the Southwest region in general is
influenced by economic corridors associated with North-South road network,
especially the National Highway N2.
1.4.2. Situation of the CP of the Southwest BEZs.
a) The actual situation of the planning of the Southwest border economic
- The master planning of Southwest BEZs have been all prepared and
approved but they are no longer suitable with new development orientation.
- Land use criteria and norms comply with the regulations and standards of
the urban planning and applied with foreign standards.
- Model of spatial development is based on the straight line model.
-Economic connection has not been evaluated and regional and national
linkage has not been recommended.
b) Situation of construction of BEZs in the Southwest border.
- Step by step calling for investment and construction according to the
approved master planning.

- Changes in mechanisms and policies affecting the procedure of investment,
construction, completion and development of the BEZs.
1.4.3. Difficulties and inadequacies in the CP of the Southwest border
economic zones.
- No instruction documents on criteria, standards, grade, and model of spatial
orientation... for the CP of BEZs.
- Insufficient information in connection with dynamic regions in the country
and neighboring countries.

- Insufficient vision in spatial development orientation to ensure sustainable
development in the context of global integration.
- The inconsistency of investment priorities and policies has affected the
structure of land use in public planning projects, causing challenges in
management as well as development investment.
1.5. Overview of documents, projects and conducted research works
related to the thesis topic.
This thesis focuses on analyzing 3 scientific research topics, 3 PhD theses, 1
master's thesis, 1 economic career project, 1 scheme and 3 international
research works. The studies mainly focus on issues related to functional
structure, mechanisms and policies, orientations of economic development,
and connection of the economic system of BEZs.
1.6. Issues that need to be researched in the thesis.
- Research on the general spatial orientation of BEZs.
- Research on spatial organization model of BEZs.
- Proposing indicators on land use, technical infrastructure and inter-regional
- Studying the procedure of preparing, appraising and approving the CP
project of BEZs.

- Applying research results to the CP of Moc Bai border gate economic zone,
Tay Ninh province.
2.1. Research approach.
Overall research approach is in accordance with the figure 2.1; The diagram
of the research steps is shown in Figure 2.2.


Figure 2.1. Overall research approach

Figure 2.2 Research steps
2.2. Theoretical basis for the CP of the border economic zones.
2.2.1. The role of border economic zone construction for growth

10 Basic characteristics of the border economic zone: location,
population and culture, economy - society - environment, security and
defense. The importance of border economic zone construction: promoting
economic growth, reducing poverty; protecting and improving environmental
conditions; ensuring national defense and security; urban development.
2.2.2. CP of border economic zones. Regional connection: Connection between BEZs with the BEZs;
connection between BEZs and dynamic economic development regions. Contents of the CP of the border economic zones: mainly specified in
the Construction Law, the Urban Planning Law and several applicable laws

2.3. Factors affecting the CP of the Southwest border economic zone.
2.3.1. Natural conditions: floods, sand drift, landslides, climate change and
sea level rise...
2.3.2. Socio-economic conditions: there are similarities between the
economies of countries in the region; economic freedom affects the procedure
of preparation and planning economic models in the BEZs.
2.3.3. The size and nature of the border gate: The larger the border gate and
the more important its nature is, the more favorable conditions are in all
economic aspects, policies, mechanisms, connections, etc. National security
is always a top priority during developing economic zones.
2.3.4. Foreign policy and political-economic relations: bilateral, multilateral
and diversified cooperation mechanisms to facilitate economic development
of the parties; friendship, comprehensive and close cooperation is an
important basis in the establishment of the BEZs between the two countries.
2.3.5. Mechanisms and policies for the development of BEZs: The change in
mechanisms and preferential policies for BEZs greatly affects the existence
and development of economic zones.

2.4. Technical requirements in the CP of the border economic zone.
2.4.1. Requirements on the development orientation of BEZs.
2.4.2. Land use requirements.
2.4.3. Models of development of border economic zones.
2.5. Legal basis for the CP of the border economic zones.
2.5.1. Law: the contents of the CP of BEZs is prescribed in the construction
law (Law No. 50/2014/QH13); the law on urban planning (Law No.
30/2009/QH12), the Land Law (Law No. 45/2013/QH13); the law amending
and supplementing a number of articles of 37 laws related to planning (Law
No. 35/2018/QH14) and related laws.

2.5.2. Sub-law: Decree 37/2010/ND-CP, Decree 44/2015/ND-CP, Decree
82/2018/ND-CP, QCXDVN 1:2021/BXD, QCVN 07:2016/BXD and Circular
12/ 2016/TT-BXD.
2.5.3. Development planning orientation of the research area
2.6. Learned lessons from the CP of border economic zones of several
countries in the world.
2.6.1. Experience in CP of border economic zones in countries around the
- China's experience: The overall planning of the BEZs is based on the
arguments and development dynamics of domestic and international dynamic
centers; promulgate mechanisms and policies to encourage development of
border gate economic zone; promulgate regulations on land use in functional
- Indonesia’s experience: agreement to develop BEZs with neighboring
countries; planning the strategic structure of the economic zone development;
promulgate a flexible mechanism.

- Thailand's experience: focusing on building and developing duty-free shops;
studying the plan to liberalize the exchange of products and the movement of
people in the region.
- Korea's experience: Building border gate economic zone on a transnational
economic system; private enterprises operate under the management of the
two states; Planning is divided into stages suitable for development.
- Turkey’s experience: Small-sized CP of BEZs based on local needs without
government intervention.
2.6.2. Learned lessons from CP of border economic zones applied to the
Southwestern border area of Vietnam.
- Planning of development and construction of BEZs must be synchronous,

unified and complete.
- There must be a master construction plan of the BEZs and it is required to
determine the plan and resources for development.
- The planning of BEZs is approached as the planning of a special new urban
form with a set of flexible criteria in terms of land use.
- The size of the BEZs is not necessarily large with many preferential policies
from the Government.
- Building and promulgating a synchronous legal corridor on the CP of the
border gate economic zone as well as other relevant planning.
- It is necessary to develop EZ management units with the involvement of the
private sector.
3.1. Perspectives and principles of CP of the Southwest border economic

- Comply with the provisions of applicable laws, suitable to the specific
conditions of each locality; in compliance with the plan approved by the
competent authorities; The Government uniformly manages such zones on
the basis of assignment to the People's Committee of the provinces.
- It is required to have inheritance and comply with the sequence of
preparation, appraisal and approval according to current law.
- Comply with the approved planning.
- Suitable to the actual conditions of the border regions.
- Determine the border gate economic zone is a complex urban area
(industrial-commercial-service-tourist-border-gate); multi-functional

economic sector; general urban area; special security and defense area; urban
tourism, agriculture-forestry; regional, national and international transport
focal point.
3.2. Proposing solutions for the CP of the Southwest border economic
3.2.1. Orientation of regional spatial development in the Southwest border
economic zones
The space of the border gate economic zone must not only meet the
requirements of architectural organization, landscape and functional zoning,
but also ensure elements that are in harmony with the regional, national and
international economic and political space. The spatial development
orientation model of the BEZs studied in association with the related regional
spaces is shown in Figure 3.1.


Figure 3.1. Regional spaces of BEZs in the related regional spaces
3.2.2. Spatial orientation of Southwest BEZs
The author proposes to build a model of pairs of economic zones in the
Southwestern region of Vietnam and Cambodia according to the model of
"counterbalance - symmetry - spillover". For the BEZs in the Southwestern
border of Vietnam, the author proposes a CP based on the combined model of
the sector-shaped model and spillover model (see Figure 3.2).


note: KCN: Functional area
Figure 3.2 Model of spatial development of Southwest BEZs

3.2.3. Contents of the urban planning and construction project of the
economic zone

Figure 3.4. Diagram of steps of preparing CP of BEZs

The author proposes to amend and supplement some contents
guiding the preparation of the urban planning of BEZs, including
underground planning; the steps are diagrammed in Figure 3.4.
3.3. Proposal on the management of CP of BEZs
3.3.1. Proposing the procedure of preparing, appraising and approving the
CP of BEZs.
The author proposes the procedure of preparing, appraising and approving the
CP to develop BEZs, ensuring compliance with the applicable laws and the
speed of socio-economic progress in 2 steps as shown in Figure 3.5..

Figure 3.5 Procedure of preparing, appraising and approving CP of BEZs
3.3.2. Proposing amendments and supplements to legal documents on the CP
of BEZs.
a) For the legal system: propose amendments to the content of the
construction law to prescribe the approach to planning of BEZs in particular
and the functional area in general as an urban area and provide specific
instructions in sub-law documents.
b) For sub-law documents: They shall be changed in response to the changed
law contents; they shall be supplemented with the content of the CP of
functional areas and the economic zones in QCXDVN 01:2021/BXD.


3.4. Application of research results for Moc Bai border gate economic
zone, Tay Ninh province.
3.4.1. Introduction about Moc Bai border gate economic zone, Tay Ninh
Moc Bai is the largest international border gate in the South on the VietnamCambodia land border; it belongs to the communes of Long Thuan, Tien
Thuan and An Thanh of Ben Cau district and the communes of Phuoc Luu,
Binh Thanh and Phuoc Chi of Trang Bang district. Moc Bai border gate is not
only a gateway of Tay Ninh Province in developing trade exchanges with
Cambodia, but also plays an important role in building and developing an
outward-looking economy, becoming a commercial transaction center of the
sub-regional cooperation program in the economic development strategy in
South Vietnam
3.4.2. Adjustment of CP of Moc Bai border gate economic zone.
Applying the research results in Section 3.2, the adjustment of the orientation
of spatial development and land use of Moc Bai border gate economic zone is
- Picture of Moc Bai border gate economic zone: General trade, service,
tourism, industrial and agricultural center with high technology; dynamic and
modern border-gate city.
- Outlook: Dynamic economic zone associated with the value of Moc Bai
international border gate.
- Development strategy of Moc Bai border gate economic zone: strategy 1:
Use the value of the border gate; strategy 2: buildi a modern dynamic border
gate urban area; strategy 3: development-conservation balance, urban area economic functional zones.
- Orientation of spatial development, structure of land use (see Figure 3.18).
- Infrastructure connection: connections of road, railway and waterway.


Figure 3.18. Functional structure of land use of Moc Bai border gate
economic zone

3.5. Discussion about research results.
3.5.1. Discussion about the organizational model of the border gate
economic zone space.
- The model of development orientation of the space of the BEZs pair follows
the model of "counterbalance - symmetry and spillover" to bring about
synchronous development and equal cooperation between the two countries.
Simultaneously it creates conditions for spreading development to
neighboring areas.
- The model of orientation for the development of the Southwest BEZs
according to the model of "sector-shaped model and spillover model" is the

next development of the current straight-line model of BEZs and is a hyphen
to a comprehensive development according to the model of pairs of BEZs
- The model is suitable for the trend of global cooperation.
3.5.2. Discussion about the structure of land use for BEZs.
- Approaching the planning of BEZs as an urban area that is convenient in
calculating population norms and land use density.
- Reducing the area of the non-tariff area in line with the trend of global
- It is necessary to add legality to the structure and land use of the border gate
economic zone.
3.5.3. Discussion about the planning project for the construction of the BEZs:
- Consistent with the system of laws, decrees and circulars as well as
development trends in the world.
- The impact of underground space use on the structure of spatial land use.

- Further research is required to upgrade to a manual.
The thesis about the CP of the Southwest border economic zone has been
completed new research results as follows:
1/ Orientation for regional development of BEZs is consistent with
the development orientation of the national border gate system, development
policies, diplomatic relations, local conditions and related regional spaces.
2/ Determining that the border gate economic zone is a complex
urban area (industrial-commercial-service-tourist-border-gate urban area): a
multi-functional economic zone; general urban area; special security and
defense areas; urban tourism, agriculture-forestry; transport focal point. With
the orientation of spatial development, the structure of land use of functional
areas is suitable to local, national and international development conditions
