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Học hết các đề bạn sẽ nắm trong tay trên toeic 550
Đề 1. (tổng có 4 đề)

Part 1

Number one look at picture number one a
Number four look at picture number four

The man is getting in the car
a. A group of tourists is swimming in the river


The man is carrying a suitcase
b. Some people are seated on the chairs


The man is holding a mobile phone
c. All the chairs have been occupied


The man is picking up some baggage

d. Some people are lying on the deck

Number two look at picture number 2
a. They are arranging the files
b. They are drinking tea on a terrace
c. They are sitting across from each other
d. They are looking at a clipboard

Number three look at picture number three

a. The horses are pulling a small cart
b. Some people are riding in a carriage
c. A man is walking with a horse on the street

d. The horses are running in a row

Number seven look at picture number seven
Number five look at picture number five
a. Some people are disassembling microscopes
a. He is spreading out his fingers

b. Some people are writing on pieces of paper

b. He is wiping the computer screen

c. A man is giving a pen to a woman

c. He is raising up his arms

d. A woman is installing some equipment

d. He is hanging a clock on the wall

Number eight look at picture number eight
Number six look at picture number six
a. Sailors are standing near the water
a. The stands are packed with spectators
b. A crowd is leaving the stadium
c. Players are exiting the field
d. Seats are being cleaned

b. Cars are parked in front of the buildings
c. Boats are docked in the harbor
d. Swimmers are playing in the pool

Part 2


How long does the flight to salt take
a. Yes it's hours


b. I don't know
Number nine look at picture number nine
c. It will take off at six o'clock
a. Some merchandise is being placed on a shelf


b. Some pictures are on display outdoors

What color should be used for the pamphlets
a. The color isn't clear at all

c. Some people are leaving a shop with pictures

b. Green would good

d. Some women are removing pictures from a panel

c. That's very informative

When can I schedule the interview for
a. Sorry to interrupt you
b. It might be great


c. What about Friday morning
Number ten look at picture number ten

a. Some cars are entering the street from both sides
b. Some cars have been towed
c. The traffic on the street is light
d. Some people are crossing the street

Didn't the president approve the new education
a. The projector is broken
b. No she is rethinking the whole idea
c. You should take a vacation


Where the secretary stained


How can I apply for a passport
a. He didn't reply to the question

b. At a nearby hotel

b. Please fill out this form

c. They prepared for a meeting

c. A passport is best


a. We will be leaving soon

Would you like to try the new Italian restaurant


It's been raining heavily this week
a. This one is lighter right

b. Why not let's go there for lunch today

b. Do you have an umbrella

c. I’ll get the bill next time

c. Sometime this Saturday


a. Sure I'd like to try this on

How did you order the computers and Printers


Where is the storage area
a. It's at the end of this hallway

b. Three out of five

b. Put it on the stove please

c. On the Internet

c. There are three suitcases in there


a. This Monday

That's the place we're looking for isn't it
a. Yes we're almost there


When can we get the floor plans from the

b. Yes I look forward to seeing you then

a. It's an indoor plant

c. No the race wasn't that exciting

b. The architect is Mr. Wu
c. He will come with them tomorrow


You aren't walking on Thursday are you


Who could attend the sales seminar
a. The next ones at to

b. No, I have the day off

b. Anyone who's interested is welcome

c. Yes walking is better than anything else

c. I took the train


a. I didn't know we're still working

I think this silk blouse should be dry-cleaned


a. The weather is hot and dry

Do you want a higher MS Morgan or do you have
someone else in your mind
a. I haven't decided yet

c. Wouldn't that be expensive

b. I don't mind leaving the house


b. Once a month

Which do you prefer their office or ours
a. Thank you for visiting us

c. Don't place it higher

You went to that conference didn't you
a. Yes two tickets to Paris

c. It's 12 hours

b. I already confirmed it


b. Ours I think

Mr. Howard shun these boxes be moved to your
new office today

c. Which one are you saying

Do you want to carpool to the office tomorrow

a. The boxes are big enough

a. I will take it to the office

b. Yes it's a great place to work

b. Jonathan's giving me a ride

c. Yes could you help me

c. I’m so full


Isn't the presentation in the meeting room


a. About company relocation

Would you like me to show you how to set up the
a. Thanks I’m not very good at that kind of thing

c. For about an hour

b. It's one of the best-selling books


b. No, it's being remodeled

When did you learn about your promotion
a. A week ago

c. Yes let's set the table quickly

Are you already being helped
a. No it isn't ready yet

b. To the marketing manager

b. Here's a menu for you

c. By now

Do you carry used refrigerators

c. Yes by the server over there

a. Your career is very impressive

Where can I find more information about the job

a. No I differ with you on that

c. Sorry we don't

b. From 9:00 a.m. To 5:00 p.m.


b. In the fridge

Can you tell me why you bought the concert
tickets in advance

c. Call the personnel manager

Why did they reject the proposal

a. I advise you not to tell them

a. It needs too much investment

b. Three seats in the first row

b. It was very persuasive

c. They usually sell out quickly

c. You can press the eject button


Would you mind handing out brochures for the
conference in the lobby
a. I’m afraid I won't have time


I'd like you to work with our team on a new line
a. Please wait in line
b. That sounds interesting

b. Yes I found it helpful

c. It's good for babies

c. Thanks but I just got some
Part 3


M: Sandra what time are you getting off work today. If you're leaving the office around 7:00 I’ll take you to the bus
stop I drove my car to work today.

W: Thank you for asking but I’m aiming to take the 5:30 bus

M: I thought you were working late this week like me did you finish the big sales report you were working on last

week I haven't finished mine yet.

W: Yes the deadline for the report was yesterday afternoon fortunately I was able to submit it to the manager before
the deadline.


Where is the conversation most likely taking place?

A. At a bus stop

B. At a park

C. In an office

D. In a car


What does the man offer to do

A Meet the manager

B. Give the woman a ride

C. Check the bus schedule

D. Extend a deadline


What did the woman probably do last week

A Visit a museum

B. Attend a meeting

C. Rent a car

D. Write a report


W: Hi my name is Nancy Garcia I’m calling to ask you about my order I placed an order on Monday this week for a
photo album and three picture frames and I got the shipment today but the album wasn't included

M: Hold on a second I’ll take a look at your account information well I see here that the items in the order were
shipped separately the album was shipped yesterday since we were temporarily out of stock due to high demand I
apologize for the delay

W: Okay is there a tracking number or a confirmation number you can give me for the later shipment

M: Sure I’ll look them up for you.


Why is the woman calling

A. A shipping address is wrong.

B. An item is missing

C. An invoice is incorrect.

D. A product is damaged


What does the man say caused the problem

A. The order wasn't well packed.

B. The product materials were reused

C. An item was out of stock

D. He received two different invoices


What does the man say he will do next?

A. Find some numbers

B. Reorder an item

C. Use a faster delivery service

D. Talk to a manager


W: Good morning thank you for calling mega Airways. How can I help you?

M: Hi I’m Christina Miller I need to change my flight to San Jose this weekend I know this is last-minute but my
meeting with a client there has been brought forward do you have any flights available tomorrow morning

M: Unfortunately all morning flights are fully booked there is one available seat on the flight departing at 1:00 p.m.
Tomorrow afternoon and arriving in San Jose at 4:00 p.m.

W: The meeting is at 5:00 that doesn't give me much time but I think I don't have any other choice, I’ll take it


What does the woman want to do?

A Get an earlier ticket

B. Receive a refund

C. Cancel a meeting

D. Change seats


What is the problem?

A. An arrival has been delayed

B. The weather is bad.

C. Seats are unavailable.

D. Tickets are expensive


When will the woman leave?

A. At 8 AM.

B. At 1 PM.

C. At 4 PM.

D. At 5 PM


M: Hey I read your article on popular health foods in this month's issue it was very interesting and informative also
the photos of the foods looked delicious no doubt the foods would get a positive response from our readers

W: Yes, they were fabulous weren't they I was surprised by how well the pictures came out when the editor asked me
to work on the food article he recommended I work with one of the in-house photographers have you met Justin's son

M: No, but I’ve heard lots about him and his great work after seeing his work in your article I'd really like to work
with him for my next article about the new community park I’m going there this week to interview the manager of the
park I’m definitely going to need to get some good photos for my article while I’m there.


Where do the speakers most likely work?

A. At a community park

B. At a magazine publisher

C. At a photo studio

D. At a camera store


Who most likely is Justin's Son?

A. An editor

B. A reporter

C. A writer

D. A photographer


Why is the man going to the community park?

A. To conduct an interview
B. To apply for a job
C. C. To have lunch


M: Hi I’m calling to renew a few books that I checked out from the library two weeks ago. Actually they're due to be
returned tomorrow but I’m not going to have time to stop by the library until next week

W: That's fine could you let me know your library card number

M: Unfortunately I’ve lost the card so I also wanted to report the lost card and get hold of a new one

W: Okay in that case I can help you renew the books with the code numbers on the back cover of the books you can
apply for a new card online at a time that's convenient for you and we will mail it to you within a week


Why is the man calling the library?

A. He doesn't know where the library is.

B. hasn't received a new library card.

C. He cannot log onto the library Web site.

D. He cannot return his books on time.


What does the woman offer to do?

A. Order new books for the man

B. Renew the books by telephone

C. Give the man an application form

D. Place a book on hold


How can the man get a new library card?

A. By applying online

B. By calling a librarian

C. By mailing a written form

D. By visiting the library


W: Tim yesterday's rollout of the new hybrid cargo did the buyers like the bigger and more comfortable interior

M: Yes most people said that the interior of the new car is well designed for passengers and drivers to sit comfortably
but some people said that the exterior design of the car is very similar to that of earlier models so they were kind of
doubtful about how popular and successful it will be

W: You know Harry Turner might be able to help us with this issue he specializes in experience marketing and
mouth-to-mouth marketing why don't we ask him to come to our team meeting to consult with us on marketing
methods that might appeal to buyers

M: Good idea hopefully he can give us some advice on finding more effective ways to attract potential customers


What product are the speakers discussing?

A. A computer

B. A chair

C. A hybrid car

D. A toothpaste


According the man, what feature of the product are the buyers concerned about?

A. Its exterior design

B. Its price

C. Its usefulness

D. Its style


What does the woman suggest?

A. Delaying a product's launch

B. Conducting a customer survey

C. Changing a marketing plan

D. Talking with an expert


W: Dan do you have some time to meet after lunch I really need your feedback on that Sigma Medical Corporation
merger proposal I have to submit it to the manager before the weekly meeting next Monday

M: Oh I’m sorry I’m leading a training session most of this afternoon I’ve got to teach new employees how to use our
security software what about tomorrow

W: I’ll be out of town for the rest of the week hmm how about I email you the rough draft a person so far

M: That sounds great I’ll look it over and email you my thoughts


Why does the woman want to meet the man?

A. To talk about the man's business trip

B. To arrange a training session

C. To update some computer software

D. To review a business proposal


Why is the man unable to meet?

A. He is running a training session

B. He is writing a software program.

C. He is finishing a report.

D. He is attending a conference


What do the speakers decide to do?

A. Meet tomorrow

B. Assist their colleagues together

C. Exchange a document by e-mail

D. Postpone the deadline


M: Lin how was the efficiency consultants presentation did he have any recommendations to make our office more
productive and pleasant

W: Actually it was very helpful he came up with a lot of easy ways to utilize wasted room in our office you should
have attended the presentation

M: Right but I was having a meeting with an important client it lasted one hour longer than I expected anyway I’m
still curious what did he suggest

W: Well one of the most interesting ideas was that we should set up small individual lockers in the back of the office
and get rid of our personal plastic boxes in each workstation he had a lot of other good ideas as well


What was the main topic of the presentation?

A Important customers

B. Product materials

C. Office efficiency

D. Meeting times


Why did the man miss the presentation?

A. He got lost.

B. He had to attend a meeting

C. He left the office early

D. He moved to a different office.


What suggestion did the woman like?

A. Installing office lockers

B. Holding a concert for loyal customers

C. Rearranging work schedules

D. Increasing next year's budget


W: Hey Greg I heard you've lost your key to the office starting next week there's going to be a charge for a
replacement of lost keys

M: Really I still haven't found the key I’ve looked everywhere for it but it seems to have disappeared I'd better call
the maintenance department about getting a new one before next week I don't want to be charged

W: Have you called the security department they have lost and found and keep lost items for one month a few weeks
ago I found my watch there you should call to check with them


What has the man misplaced?

A. A credit card

B. A car

C. A key

D. A watch


What does the woman say will happen next week?

A.A manufacturing procedure will change.

B. A charge will be introduced.

C. A new credit card will be issued.

D. Car keys will be made


What does the woman say will happen next week?

A. A manufacturing procedure will change.

B. A charge will be introduced.

C. A new credit card will be issued.

D. Car keys will be made
