A Dissertation Presented to
the Faculty of the Graduate School
Southern Luzon State University, Lucban, Quezon, Philippines
in Collaboration with
Thai Nguyen University, Socialist Republic of Vietnam
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management
Nguyen Thien Nam - (John)
April 2014
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in
Educational Management, this research study entitled “Managing activities of teaching
and learning the specialized subjects in the vocational schools in Vietnam under the
Ministry of Industry and Trade” has been submitted by Nguyen Thien Nam (JOHN),
and is hereby recommended for oral examination.
Research Adviser
Approved by the Oral Examination Committee, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management offered by
Southern Luzon State University, Republic of the Philippines in collaboration with Thai
Nguyen University, Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
Member Member
Member Member
Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of
Philosophy in Educational Management offered by Southern Luzon State University,
Republic of the Philippines in collaboration with Thai Nguyen University, Socialist
Republic of Vietnam.
Dean, Graduate School Vice President, Academic Affairs
I could have never completed this work without contributions from various people
and institutions, great respect and gratitude to whom I endlessly owe. The first and
foremost, I would like to thank Professor Apolonia A. Espinosa, my advisor, for her
invaluable thoughts, insightful suggestions and useful guidance throughout the thesis
works. My sincere appreciation also goes to the committee members for their propositions,
valuable comments, and constructive suggestions, which were of substantial value to this
I would like to acknowledge faithfully professors of South Luzon State University
(SLSU) and Thai Nguyen University (TNU) for their insightful lectures in different
subjects that provide me knowledge and technique to develop a good research.
My sincere thanks are also extended to my friends for their meaningful discussion,
hospitality and friendship.
Finally, my greatest debt is owed to my own, personal source of inspiration - my
parents, my wife and children, for their immense love, loyalty, determination and
perseverance even during the most difficult times. Without them nothing would have been
Nguyen Thien Nam
Background of the Study 2
Objective of the research 5
Significance of the Study 5
Scope and Limitation of the Study 7
Definitions of terms 7
Review of related Studies 10
Theoretical framework 20
The conceptual framework 30
Locale of the Study 32
Research Design 35
Population and Sampling 35
Research Instrumentation 36
Data Gathering Procedures 36
Statistical Treatment Data 41
Survey results 42
Propose a management measure to enhance the teaching-learning activities of the
specialized subjects. 63
Determine the acceptability of the proposed management measures among school
managers. 71
Summary 73
Findings 74
Conclusions 79
Recommendations 80
Viet Nam is aiming to become an industrialized country by 2020. Technical and
vocational education and training (TVET) is central to this aspiration: the demand for
skilled workers is increasing steadily as the country‟s economy continues to grow and it
aims to be competitive both regionally and globally. The Government of Viet Nam has,
therefore, put vocational skills training and boosting employment at the heart of its
development goals. The Government also wants to promote the expansion of vocational
education and training provision and improvements in the quality and needs-based focus of
To achieve the objectives set by the Government with the training, the Ministry
of Trade and Industry has directed the vocational schools need to have positive
innovation in management the quality of teaching and learning, especially in
specialized subjects. This Dissertation aimed to propose the management measures the
activities of teaching-learning the specialized subjects to improve the quality of these
activities in vocational schools under MOIT.
Based on previous research, the Dissertation discusses about the theoretical
framework of education management. Then, examine four (4) typical vocational schools
under the Ministry of Industry and Trade. This research focuses on five elements of
education management: curriculum, learner, faculty member, technical facilities and labor
market. Finally, recommendations are suggested to the Ministry of Education and
Training, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Industry and Trade and vocation schools in
order to implement better the work of education management in the vocational schools
under the MOIT.
Figure 2.1: Four ways of thinking about teaching, (Hopkins, 2007, p 76) 17
Figure 2.2: Model of LEPO framework, showing the interrelationships between learning
environments, learning processes, learning outcomes, and the roles of
students and teachers. 27
Figure 2.3: Representation of Biggs‟ 3-P model 27
Figure 2.4: The extended Laurillard conversational framework 29
Figure 4.1: Satisfaction level of surveyed lecturers about faculty members 47
Figure 4.2: Satisfaction level of surveyed lecturers about Technical facilities for teaching and
learning 50
Figure 4.3: Satisfaction level of surveyed lecturers about learners. 52
Figure 4.4. Study results of students at the Ha Noi University of Industry (school year: 2011-
2012). 53
Figure 4.5. Study results of students at the Hue College of Industry (school year: 2011-2012). 54
Figure 4.6: Satisfaction level of surveyed lecturers about labor market 56
Figure 4.7: Satisfaction level of surveyed students about curriculum 58
Figure 4.8: Satisfaction level of surveyed students about faculty members 59
Figure 4.9: Satisfaction level of surveyed students about Technical facilities for teaching and
learning. 61
1. Map of Ho Chi Minh University of Industry 88
2. The picture of The Ha Noi University of Industry 89
3. Map of The Ha Noi University of Industry 89
4. Picture of the University of Quang Ninh Industrial 90
5. Map of Hue Industrial College 90
6. Picture of Hue Industrial College 91
Table 4.1: Frequency and Weighted Mean Distribution of the current status of the
management of teaching and learning activities in terms of curriculum 41
Table 4.2: Weighted means (WM) of satisfactory in faculty members of
surveyed lecturers 45
Table 4.3: Weighted means (WM) of satisfactory in Technical facilities for teaching and
learning of surveyed lecturers. 48
Table 4.4: Weighted means (WM) of satisfactory in learners of surveyed lecturers. 51
Table 4.5.Weighted means (WM) of satisfactory in labor market of surveyed
lecturers. 55
Table 4.8. Assess the need and feasibility of measures to manage the teaching and learning
activities of the specialized subjects among school leaders. 71
Table 5.2.Weighted Mean on the Teaching and Studying management the specialized subject
in term of leaners in the surveyed vocational schools by Lecturers and Students 74
Table 5.3.Weighted Mean on the Teaching and Studying management the specialized subject
in term of faculty members in the surveyed vocational schools by Lecturers and
Students 75
Table 5.4.Weighted Mean on the Teaching and Studying management the specialized subject
in term of technical facilities in the surveyed vocational schools by Lecturers and
Students 77
Table 5.5.Weighted Mean on the Teaching and Studying management the specialized subject
in term of labor market in the surveyed vocational schools by Lecturers and
Students 78
Teaching is one of the communicate activity with the social aspect. The subject of
the teaching activity is teachers and for studying are students. The two activities are not
opposites but always parallel existence and development of a unified process together
towards the common goals.
According to Tran Ba Hoanh (2006), teaching activity refers to imparting
knowledge, organizing, directing, controlling and dominating the operating instructions of
the learned knowledge. Teachers guided tasks, accompany with the learners on the path of
occupied by knowledge in the program prescribed pedagogy, creating a cohesive between
teachers and learners.
Learning is a cognitive activity under the influence of the teacher with the positive
efforts of the students. Learning activity is not only the repeat lessons, but also renewable
for yourself, creative thinking, and control who can use the knowledge in the process of
absorbing the new knowledge. Through learning, students know how to use and control
knowledge in order to build their own personality to be able to adapt to the social
As mentioned by Seymour (2003), the goal of teaching is associated with the
purpose of the lesson and the course. The goal of teaching is to equip the learners with
knowledge - skills - attitudes and values. Specific purposes of the course provide specific
requirements for the teachers and, which is the direct target is calculated based on the
specific characteristics of the subjects and the student. The purpose of teaching is gained
by implementation of objective of the lessons and the courses.
Teaching and learning in the unique system is the main activities of the school and
all the school's activities are focused on that. Teaching operations management system is
intended impact in order to achieve teaching objectives. In the schools, teaching operations
management is to manage the labor process of teacher and learning activities, self-
education of students takes place in the teaching process. In order to gain the teaching-
learning activities effectively, the leaders board need to identify the objects, contents and
methods of teaching-learning process.
In order to meet the demand for the vocational schools, Ministry of Industry and
Trade (MOIT) has had education strategy plan for the vocational schools under the MOIT.
One of the key requirements is to innovate the management activities of teaching and
learning the specialized subjects to improve the education quality.
Since 1999, Vietnam‟s education has changed significantly with the support of
Vietnamese government‟s Renovation policy that promoted the open door to the open
market and international collaboration and partnership. The general education system is
highly centralized as the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) oversees its nation-
wide curriculum, teaching standards and teacher development for the public education. The
MOET also has critical influence on the private general education in terms of curriculum
and teaching standards.
As mentioned by Vietnamese Government (2001), the MOET specifies that the
purpose of general education is to link content to the realities of life and gears learning
toward the appropriate psycho-physiological characteristics and needs of the students.
With the goal of providing a basic, but comprehensive education, the MOET requires that
methodologies of instruction nurture the student‟s discipline for self-study and ability to
collaborate and work in teams. By helping students apply learned knowledge into practice,
schools aim to inform and plant the seeds of interests for students on the possibilities of
career paths. This career-orienting approach will not only promote students‟ worldly
consciousness and develop their creativity and self-awareness, but also will bring them joy,
connection, and a purpose on their path of learning (Andreas Dernbach, 2010).
Beside the general education system for the general school aged students, the
MOET also supervises the Vocational and Technical Education (VTE) in partnership with
the Ministry of Invalid and Social Affair (MOLISA). Students who are more than 15 years
old or who do not pass the entrance exam to public upper secondary schools will have to
enroll in the private upper secondary schools or VTE schools in order to achieve upper
secondary education and receive skill-labor training. The VTE consists of two sub-
systems: vocational schools and centers specialized in training skilled or semi-skilled
workers; and the technical vocational school specialized in training intermediate
practitioners in the field of education, economy, technology, culture and art (Andreas
Dernbach, 2010).
At present, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has 50 vocational schools. There are
32 schools, including one (1) school of training and retraining of civil servants, eight (8)
universities, twenty one (21) colleges, one (1) vocational college, and eleven (11)
professional secondary schools.
Eighteen (18) schools including two (2) universities, five (5) colleges, nine (9) vocational
colleges, one (1) professional secondary school, and (1) vocational school belong to the
corporation. One (1) university and one (1) college approved by the Ministry of Industry and
Trade to participate in some activities in the schools of the Ministry are also included.
Thanks to the proactive measures, vocational training quality in the vocational
schools under the MOIT has been increasingly upgraded, contributing to improved
workers‟ quality, economic competitiveness, and economic growth. Practice has shown
that it has met the requirements of high-tech enterprises in such sectors as
telecommunications, electronics, informatics, etc. Skilled workers are able to master
modern equipment and later they become key workers in many enterprises. Some
vocational schools under the MOIT have been conditioned to train regional and
international technical laborers. Some schools have successfully equipped laborers with
3G-to-6G welding technology which is recognized in other countries. As mentioned in
the report of the MOIT (2010, 2011, 2012), vocational training has been closely linked
to labor market needs, contributing to the reduction of unemployment, especially
structural unemployment caused by technological advances. However, from the current
status of education and training in the vocational schools under the MOIT, it can be
seen that there are shortcomings in term of teacher quality, infrastructures, education
program, as well as curriculum (MOIT, Annual Reports, 2012). That is why students
who graduate do not meet the demand and requirements of the enterprises, especially
foreign companies. Moreover, curriculum in these vocational schools under the MOIT
does not put the specialized subject in the right position. Teachers who cover the
specialized subjects, in some cases, do not meet the requirements (MOIT, Annual
Reports, 2012). For these reasons, the researcher chose to conduct this study
“Managing activities of teaching and learning the specialized subjects in the
vocational schools in Vietnam under the Ministry of Industry and Trade” with the
hope that he can contribute in the improvement of the quality training of the vocational
schools under the MOIT.
The study aims to find out the managing activities of teaching and learning the
specialized subjects in the vocational schools in Vietnam under MOIT with an endview of
developing some management measure during the school year 2012 – 2013.
Specifically, it aims to find answers to the following:
1. Assess the current status of the management of teaching and
learning activities in terms:
1.1. Curriculum;
1.2. Staff, faculty;
1.3. Learning;
1.4. Technical facilities for teaching and learning; and
1.5. Labor market
2. Analyze the problems encountered in the management of teaching
and learning activities the specialized subjects.
3. Propose a management measure to enhance the teaching-learning
activities of the specialized subjects.
4. Determine the acceptability of the proposed management measures
among school managers.
This study attempted to propose management measures in enhancing the activities
of teaching-learning the specialized subjects to improve the quality of these activities in
vocational schools under MOIT which would be beneficial to the following:
Vocational schools’ Administrators
It is hoped that the study may contribute in giving some new measures for
vocational schools‟ administrators in managing the teaching-learning activities the
specialized subjects to improve quality of colleges‟ training. The study would provide
administrators with a clear idea on how beneficial are in management the teaching-learning
specialized subjects. In the same manner, school‟s trade name could develop; its position
and prestige could be improved in society.
The study will teachers/lecturers to focus on what they are teaching, thereby
improve the quality of their teaching. Through research, teachers will understand the
situation of the current management of teaching and studying at their school, and have a
positive orientation to contribute for improving the quality of this work, including how
their work associated with the practice.
This study will help students get specialized training courses in a systematic way.
Students will be teaching specialized subjects, to meet the requirements after graduation.
Future researchers
This study could provide references for future proponents who wish to venture
a study similar to the nature of this ongoing research. Thus, study on management
teaching-learning activities the specialized subjects in vocational schools could serve as
resources for other studies.
Scope of the study: Measures for the management teaching –learning activities the
specialized subjects in the vocational schools under the MOIT. The variables the study will
determine in the management of teaching and learning activities include: Curriculum; Staff,
faculty; Learning; Technical facilities for teaching and learning; and Labor market.
Research Areas: Performing at 4 vocational schools under the MOIT (University of
Industry of Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi University of Industry, University of Quang Ninh
Industrial, Hue College of Industry). They are schools which play vital role in vocational
education under the MOIT and representative from 3 areas in Vietnam: South, North and
Range of time: from 2006 (the year of the Law on Vocational Training was
promulaged) to the present.
The time frame of this study covered the period from October 2012 to
September 2013.
For clarity and better understanding of the study, the following terminologies are
defined conceptually and operationally.
Curriculum is a document or blueprint for teaching. It can be referred to as a
„syllabus‟ if it includes in detail the content to be taught, how it should be presented
(methodology) and how it should be assessed. (Education Department, Republic of South
Africa, 2008)
Learning is described as ''a relatively permanent change in behavior based on an
individual's interactional experience with its environment.'' As such, learning is an
important form of personal adaptation. (Do Ngoc Dat, 1997).
Labor market is the nominal market in which workers find paying work,
employers find willing workers, and wage rates are determined. Labor markets may
be local or national (even international) in their scope and are made up of smaller,
interacting labor markets for different qualifications, skills, and geographical
locations.(Education Department, Republic of South Africa, 2008).
Management is a conscious activity of managing subjects to control impact on the
objects, subject to gain management goal. (Bui Minh Hien, Vu Ngoc Hai, Dang Quoc Bao,
Management measures establish performance expectations and, in many
cases, describe actions that can be taken to solve a issue. (Bui Minh Hien, Vu Ngoc Hai,
Dang Quoc Bao, 2006).
Specialized subjects are school or university subject that concentrates on a
particular field of knowledge. (Collins English Dictionary)
Staff and faculty are teachers or administrators with an educational degree while
staff members are employees who are not licensed teachers. Sometimes faculty members
are referred to as being part of the staff. However, staff members are not faculty.(Tran Ba
Hoanh, 2006)
Teaching is the action of a person who is undertaking certain ethical tasks or
activities the intention of which is to induce learning. Teaching is the process of carrying
out those activities that experience has shown to be effective in getting students to learn.
.(Tran Ba Hoanh, 2006)
Teaching strategies are the „tools for teaching and learning‟ that teachers have
available to them and „teaching skills‟ are the ways in which teachers select and use the
„tools‟ at their disposal to achieve effective learning.(Tran Ba Hoanh, 2006)
Vocational training is a process of transmitting and perceiving certain
knowledge system, skill, vocational attitude generalized in trained career; a process of
practicing skills, high technique, attitude and career capacity of learners to form vocational
qualification. This is implemented through teaching according to standard of trained
careers. (Andreas Dernbach, 2010)
Vocational training quality is a level that learners achieve in accordance with
planed training goal, at the same time accord with and meet the demand and requirement of
production, labor market. (Andreas Dernbach, 2010)
Technical facilities for teaching and learning: Technical facilities can be defined
as those things that enable the teacher to do his/her work very well and helping the learners
to learn effectively. Technical facilities also include school building e.g. classrooms,
assembly halls, laboratories, workshops, libraries e.t.c. They also include teaching aids,
chairs, tables, devices such as modern educational hardware and software in the form of
magnetic tapes, films, and transparent stripes. Technical facilities are all the things that are
needed for effective teaching – learning process to take place. They are designed to
enhance the process of teaching.(Seymour, D. T.,2003).
This chapter presents the relevant readings and related literature which bear
significance and similarities in this study.
Management is a conscious activity of managing subjects to control impact on the
objects, subject to gain management goal. On the view of Mai Huu Khue (2010), it is a
special activity, an indispensable factor in social life, closely attached to development
process, especially management plays a very important role at present world. Nnabuo
(2004) argues that management is the : “final goal of science of management is how to
limit risk, get over abroad risk, avoid risk for organization”. At the same opinion, Tran
Kiem (2008) said that: "management is science and art affecting society system, mainly
managing people to peruse given goals. That system is either moved or quiet including
interacted components”.
So far there are many definitions of management. It is very difficult to determine
the most correct definition because the researchers give their definition based on their
professor fields. Some researchers have made the following definitions:
Quang An (2004) found out that management is oriented and intended activities of
the subject to the object of the management in such organization, make the schools operate
On the view of Mai Huu Khue (2010), management is a process that impact
consciously on the subject of the management to the object in order to implement the
objective of the management system.
subject of
tools and
means of
objective of
tools and
means of
Aim of
Nguyen Ngoc Quang (2004) said that management is to design and maintain an
environment in which individuals work together in groups to complete the task and the
intended target.
Nguyen Ba Son (2000) explained that management is the process to reach the
goals of organization by applying the operations of organizing, directing (leadership) and
In here, as Tran Kiem (2008) emphasized that management is to coordinate the
efforts of many people, so that the goals of individual can apply into the society.
As mentioned by Dang Quoc Bao (2004), management is intended impact into the
group to organize and coordinate their activities during working process.
Although the researchers have different definitions but all have in common that:
Management activities performed by an organization or a social group. Management activities
are the intended and oriented impacts and human factors served as the focus of
management activities.
The nature of management activities is the impact purposeful of the subject to the
object in the organization to obtain the targets. Castaldi (2001) in her work “ Education
Administration: Applied Concepts and Theoretical Perspective” stated the nature of
management as follows:
Diagram 2.1: The nature of management
Subject of management can be an individual, a group or an organization. Objective
of management can be a specific person, and the formation of relationships between people
and groups of people. Tools of management is the mean of impact to subject of
management: orders, decisions, legislation and policies Method of management is the
way to impact of the the subject to the objective of management.
The goal of the organization is determined in different ways, it can be managed by
the owner or by the imposition of agreement between subject and objective of
It is clear that the mentioned definitions even though emphasize this side or other,
approach any aspect, any field; at macro-micro; all bear the common united point is to
consider management is original activities containing management subjects, management
objects and management goal that are related to each other through managing impacts.
Education management:
Education is a social phenomenon, a function of human society is done voluntarily.
Like all other activities of the society, education should be managed. Education
management is a form of social management. Education management has many different
As Bui Minh Hien reinforced, education management is the impact of the subject to
the objective of the management in order to place the pedagogical activities of the
education system to achieve the desired result is the most effective way.
In here, as Adesina (2003) concluded that education management is the process of
impact consciously, the subject is impacted directly to the components of management of
the educational activities to achieve the goals of education in an effective way.
Through the above concepts, we can understand how management education is the
process of applying the principles and methods of scientific management in a specific field
of the education sector. The system of education management consists of following
Subject of educational management: education management system at all levels
from national to local levels.
Objective of education management includes: technical facilities, resources for
education; Educational process and people engaged in education
Mechanisms of education management include formal and informal:
Formal mechanism is the regulations stated in the legal documents, is done in
order to maintain the relationship between subject and object which is passed by the State,
Ministry of Education andTraining and other authority agencies.
Informal mechanisms are not specified in legal documents but they are used in
order to maintain the relationship between subject and objective of management which is
recognized and respected by all members in the system of management.
The goals of education management: "Improving people's intellectual, human
resources training, human resource training, forming a workforce with sufficient
knowledge and skilled, competent practice, autonomy and power dynamic and creative,
revolutionary morality and patriotism”. (Phan Sac Long, 2003).
Management in general and education management in particular play a vital role
for social development and the development of the education sector. In a speech at the
opening of a workshop on the management of education in educational management
cadres, the Minister of Education – Training, Mr. Nguyen Minh Hien confirmed:
"Education management is an important factor to generate internal resources for the
sector ".
Teaching and learning activities:
Teaching and learning are the activities of a unified process. Learning outcomes of
the course is the result not only of learning, but it also shows the results of the training
process. Inseparable learning outcomes of the learners with the evaluation of the teacher
because of the following reasons:
Seymour, D.T (2003) convinced that teaching is a work to organized, operation the
process of gaining knowledge, skill and personality formation. Meanwhile, students absorb
the scientific concept in the self-discipline way, positive and self-forces o science in the
best way under the control of the teacher. Students will try to gain three goals: intellectual
resources (mastery), development (thinking and intellectual capacity activities), education
(formation of scientific worldview, personality - and moral qualities ).
Teaching is an activity to deliver information and control learning activities.
Meanwhile, learning is the process of absorbing and self-control.
On the view of Kelly (2009), teaching activities have to follow the curriculum and
contents, and student have to comply with the entire system of the course concepts, logical
structure of the course, the typical method of creating science subjects learning, scientific
language, understanding the application of learning and labor.
Teaching activities must adapt with the content regulations, students have to adhere
and be active learning method awareness, method dominating knowledge, turn it into your
own education learners.
Teaching and learning are two activities close consensus that form the relationship
between teachers and students, between passive and receptive communication, between
teaching and learning results. (Tran Ba Hoanh, 2006)
Managing of teaching and learning activities:
In order to manage the teaching and learning activities effectively, schools leaders
must clearly identify objectives, content, principles and methods of management of
teaching process.
As mentioned by Castaldi (2001), the goals of teaching activities are:
Equipped for students with comprehensive standards of political ideology, moral,
cultural, scientific, technical and physical targets specified in the goal of teaching.
To fulfill these goals, training plan and curriculum content.
To ensure the teaching process at the highest quality.
The contents of education management:
Managing the content and objective of teaching.
Managing operational test and evaluation, determine qualifications, diplomas and
Managing active teaching and learning in the classroom.
Managing activities outside the classroom: extra-curricular, self-study, practice,
access to production facilities - services related to curriculum
Managing and coordinating the activities of the organization pedagogy in schools:
the professional activity, the hours
Managing a team of teachers, the support staff for teaching activities.
Managing to improve operations, the professional team of managers, teachers.
Managing the support conditions for teaching activities: physical facilities,
equipment, teaching equipment, the financial condition
The management methods of teaching activities:
Administration method:
It is used by objective of management to apply power directly to the goals, tasks in
order to request the objective have to implement through the document or oral direct
directives, resolutions and information
Educational method:
A method that can impact directly or indirectly to attitudes, perceptions and
behavior of the objective in order to create operational efficiency of organizations and
individuals through political education , direct exchange, set a good example
Psychosocial method:
A method that subject of management impacts on objective to create positive social
psychology of communication through common activities, groups form, direct
communication to create intimacy.
Economic method.
Each method in management are certain positive aspects. Manager have to depend
on the objective of management, circumstances and specific conditions to select and
manipulate, combine methods to manage a flexible and efficient way (Castaldi, 2001).
Effective teaching and learning
To discuss effective teaching and learning, it is helpful to use a framework and
the one illustrated in Figure 1 below was developed from the Improving the Quality of
Education for All (IQEA) research project. This framework encompasses four different
elements of effective teaching - Teaching Skills, Teaching Relationships, Teacher
Reflection and Teaching Models. Importantly, it is only when these four elements are
in synergy that they are able to support effective teaching as Seymour informs us,
„isolated components or effective elements of individual components do not result in
strong effects on student achievement‟. (Seymour, 2003).
Figure 2.1: Four ways of thinking about teaching, (Hopkins, 2007, p 76)
Each of these components will be explored in turn drawing primarily from effect-
size research, and where appropriate, findings from the TLRP and others. Effect-size
research is often used in education studies to quantify the size of difference between two
control groups. Effect-sizes are given as a decimal figure and are calculated by comparing
the mean score of the two control groups and dividing by the standard deviation.
Vocational education:
In Smithers‟ research, he pointed out the characteristics of good Vocational
Education as follows:
1) Qualifications that qualify;
2) Setting and maintaining standards through credible assessment;
3) Developing particular skills in the context of general education;
4) Clear and accepted routes through the education system. (Smithers, 2002).
In Vietnam, Vocational Education is adjusted by the Law on Vocational
Education. On behalf of the national government, the Ministry of Labour, Invalids,
and Social Affairs is currently responsible for government supervision of vocational
training and technical teacher training schools throughout the country (two
universities, and one college). Having been approved by the Socialist Republic of
Vietnam in late 2006 and put into practice in 2007, the Law on Vocational Training