: Ms. Pham Minh Van Anh
: Le Ngoc Tuong Vi
Student code : 25202315440
Da Nang, 2023
I hereby declare that this is a graduate internship report of my own research.
All information, business processes and data presented in this report are true and
reflect the business situation of Asia Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Da Nang
I take full responsibility for this pledge!
Da Nang, Date…month… 2023
Le Ngoc Tuong Vi
With the knowledge that I have learned at Duy Tan University, in addition, to
the dedicated guidance of the teachers in the International Training Department , I
was able to complete my course. In particular, I would like to thank the instructor Mr. Pham Minh Van Anh for the past time, who has been dedicated and dedicated
to sharing knowledge, experience and ideas about the content of the topic, inside
and out. Besides, she also helped me better understand what needs to be done to
complete the thesis.
The school created maximum electricity, I was introduced to practice at the
personal customer credit department of Asia Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Thanh
Khe transaction office in Da Nang . During my internship at the unit, I had the
opportunity to connect with the knowledge I have learned at the school in recent
years. With the dedicated help of Customer Service Manager C, along with the staff
and employees working at the internship unit and the guidance of Ms. Pham Minh
Van Anh, International Training Department - Duy Tan University has helped me
build the internship report in the most comprehensive way.
Once again, I would like to thank everyone during the internship and the
preparation of this graduation report. Due to limited knowledge and inevitable
shortcomings, I hope that you can give me suggestions so that I can improve
I am very grateful and sincerely appreciate this valuable help!
Da Nang, day… month… 2023
Le Ngoc Tuong Vi
1. Reasons for choosing a research topic..........................................................1
2. Research Objectives......................................................................................2
3. Research questions........................................................................................2
4. Subject and Scope of Research.....................................................................2
5. Research Methods.........................................................................................2
6. Structure of the topic (Research Outline/Layout)..........................................2
COMMERCIAL BANKS..........................................................................................3
1. Theoretical basis for lending activities of commercial banks........................3
1.1. The concept of lending activities of commercial banks.............................3
1.2. The role of commercial lending activities..................................................3
1.3.3 . Classification of commercial banks lending activities...........................4
1.3.1. For loan purposes....................................................................................4
1.3.2. According to the loan term......................................................................4
1.3.3. According to the loan guarantee method.................................................5 Loan to buy house - land....................................................................34 Construction loan – home repair........................................................34
2.2.3. Housing loan process for science and technology at ACB – Thanh Khe
Transaction Office...................................................................................................35
2.3. Analysis of housing lending activities for science and technology at ACB
– Thanh Khe Transaction Office.............................................................................37
2.3.1 General situation of housing lending activities for science and
technology at ACB – Thanh Khe Transaction Office..............................................37
2.3.2. The situation of lending activities according to the purpose of using
capital...................................................................................................................... 42
2.3.3.The situation of home loan activities according to the loan term of Thanh
Khe Transaction Office...........................................................................................47
2.3.4. The situation of home loans by loan repayment method of Thanh Khe
ACB Transaction Office..........................................................................................51
2.3.4. The situation of home loans under the guarantee method of Thanh Khe
Transaction Office...................................................................................................56
2.4. General assessment of home loan activities for individual customer at
ACB - Thanh Khe Transaction Office.....................................................................59
2.4.1. Achievements of Thanh Khe Transaction Office ACB.........................59
2.4.2. Disadvantages in home loan activities of Thanh Khe PGD...................61
CONCLUSION CHAPTER 2.........................................................................66
SCIENCE AT ACB BANK – THANH KHI Transaction Office – DA NANG......67
3.1. Objectives and orientations of Thanh Khe Transaction Office ACB Bank
................................................................................................................................. 67
3.2. Solutions to complete home loan activities for science and technology at
ACB - Thanh Khe Transaction Office.....................................................................68
3.2.1 The main solution comes from Thanh Khe Transaction Office ACB....68 Solutions to complete home loans for low-income customers...........68 Solutions to improve the prevention of bad debts, limit risks before
and after buying a house..........................................................................................69 Promote marketing activities of Thanh Khe Transaction Office ACB
................................................................................................................................. 71 Improve professional qualifications, service style as well as
professional ethics of ACB staff at Thanh Khe Transaction Office.........................73 Solution for information asymmetry from customers.........................74 Solutions on building a suitable interest rate base..............................75
3.2.2 Other solutions.......................................................................................77 Solutions for ACB Bank....................................................................77
CONCLUSION CHAPTER 3.........................................................................81
Table 2.1
The situation of capital raising activities period 2020–
2022 of ACB Transaction Office Thanh Khe
Table 2.2
The situation of capital use in the period of 2020-2022
ACB Thanh Khe Transaction Office
Table 2 .3
The Situation of business results in the period of 2020 2022 ACB Thanh Khe Transaction Office
Table 2.4
Table 2.5
Table 2.6
Table 2.7
Table 2.8
The situation general of home loan activities in the
period of 2020-2022 of Thanh Khe Transaction Office
The situation of home loan activities according to the
purpose of using capital in the period of 2020-2022 of
Thanh Khe Transaction Office - ACB
The situation of home loan activities according to the
loan term for the period 2020-2022 of Thanh Khe
Transaction Office - ACB
The situation of home loan activities by loan
repayment method for the period 2020-2022 of Thanh
Khe Transaction Office - ACB
The situation of home loan activities under the
guarantee method for the period 2020-2022 of Thanh
Khe Transaction Office - ACB
Diagram 2.1
Diagram 2.2
Diagram name
Chart of organizational structure of Thanh Khe
Transaction Office
Flowchart of the home loan process of Thanh
Khe Transaction Office
1. Reasons for choosing a research topic
Along with the development and integration of the Vietnamese economy, the
real estate market The property has had very active times, playing an important role
in promoting socio-economic development. However, the negative impact from the
world financial crisis and the economic difficulties have made this market show
many signs of instability and fall into a state of recession. However, not every
segment of the real estate market falls into this situation. In fact, this situation opens
up a new direction for the real estate market, which is the home loan segment . This
is a very promising investment channel because the demand is absolutely real and
huge, and is identified as a key strategic program of the country at the moment.
Once this product segment develops well, it will certainly not only help the real
estate market prosper but also have a positive impact on the whole economy. The
only problem is how to make this need come true? The answer to the above
question must originate from the connection between the real estate market and the
credit market. Once a popular credit growth channel, the downturn in the real estate
market has led to a narrowing of real estate lending activities at banks. The new
direction in the real estate market forces this activity to focus on the real demand for
houses to live in from individuals. And this is the cause of the new race of
Vietnamese banks today.
Not out of the above trend, Asia Commercial Joint Stock Bank (ACB) - Thanh
Khe Transaction Office is also paying close attention to this product segment. If this
credit activity is highly effective, it will not only help the bank understand the needs
of the market, increase market competitiveness and profit. Therefore, banks should
promote and focus on the lending segment of individual customers to bring more
benefits to the bank. To learn, analyze and offer solutions for lending activities to
buy houses of Science and Technology at Asia Commercial Joint Stock Bank Thanh Khe Transaction Office. Therefore, I choose the topic "Analysis of home
loan activities at Asia Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Thanh Khe Transaction
Office, Da Nang.
2. Research Objectives
Systematize the theories of bank lending in general and home loans for
individual customers at commercial banks in particular.
Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of home loan activities at ACB
Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Thanh Khe Transaction Office, Da Nang.
Recommendations and solutions to improve the efficiency of home loan
activities at ACB Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Thanh Khe Transaction Office,
Da Nang.
3. Research questions
Realizing home loan activities of Asia Commercial Joint Stock Bank at Thanh
Khe Transaction Office - Da Nang ?
Solutions to improve the efficiency of home loan activities at Asia
Commercial Joint Stock Bank, Thanh Khe Transaction Office - Da Nang ?
4. Subject and Scope of Research
The object of lending activities are individual customers at ACB Commercial
Joint Stock Bank - Thanh Khe Transaction Office.
Research scope at ACB - Thanh Khe Da Nang Transaction Office in the
period of 2020 - 2022
5. Research Methods
The research method is based on quantitative methods, analytical and
synthesis methods. The research data source is based on data provided from ACB
Bank - Thanh Khe Transaction Office and legal regulations in Vietnam.
6. Structure of the topic (Research Outline/Layout)
Chapter 1: Theoretical basis of commercial banks' home loan activities
Chapter 2: Actual situation of home loan activities of ACB - Thanh Khe Da
Nang Transaction Office
Chapter 3: Solutions to improve home loan activities for science and
technology at ACB - Thanh Khe Transaction Office
1. Theoretical basis for lending activities of commercial banks
1.1. The concept of lending activities of commercial banks
Pursuant to the Law on Credit Institutions , Circular No. 39 /2016/TT commercial banks: “ Lending is a form of credit extension whereby a credit
institution assigns or commits to hand over an amount of money to the customer for
use. used for a definite purpose, within a certain period of time as agreed on the
principle of repayment of both capital and interest.”
1.2. The role of commercial lending activities
The lending activity of commercial banks is the basic activity of connecting
idle capital with those who really need capital in the economy and creating a large
amount of money in the economy.
Lending activities of commercial banks provide finance to customers.
Commercial banks lend money to customers to support their personal and business
activities. This helps customers get financial resources to invest in new businesses,
buy houses, cars, cover daily expenses or pay off other loans.
Lending activities of commercial banks help banks to generate profits,
commercial banks earn interest from lending money. This interest rate is calculated
based on the loan and loan period. Commercial banks use profits from lending to
pay employees, invest in technology , grow capital, and grow business.
The lending activities of commercial banks also help the bank to build more
and more sustainable relationships between customers and banks by providing good
and effective lending services. The fact that the bank attracts many new customers
and maintains good relationships with old customers contributes to the expansion of
the credit market.
In addition, lending activities help to generate stable financial income. Interest
from lending activities of commercial banks provides a stable source of financial
income for the bank, helping the bank to rely on for development. and invest in new
products and services, improve infrastructure, and strengthen credit risk
management and ensure future sustainability.
1.3.3 . Classification of commercial banks lending activities
1.3.1. For loan purposes
Consumer loans , in Clause 1, Article 3 Circular 43/2016/TT- commercial
banks, “Consumer lending is the lending by a financial company in Vietnam for
individual customers in order to meet the capital demand for purchasing and using
goods and services for customers. consumption purposes of the customer, the
customer's family". For consumer lending, the loan amount can range from a few
million to hundreds of millions of dong depending on the needs of the customer and
the borrower's financial ability. Loan terms are typically between 6 months and 5
years depending on the loan and the lender's agreement. Consumer lenders include
people who need to borrow money to cover personal or family expenses, have no
collateral and are able to repay according to an agreement with a bank or credit
institution. Consumer loans are typically used to pay for personal expenses,
consumption or training expenses, but can also be used for small business purposes.
Business borrowing is defined as lending money or assets to invest in one or
more different businesses, including equity investment, fixed asset investment,
purchase of goods, liquidate investments or pay payables in the course of business
operations. Business lending is a credit activity Used by banks to support
businesses, organizations or individuals that need to borrow capital to expand their
business or invest in business activities. When making business loans, banks will
often require these loans to be secured by the customer's assets, and these loans can
be paid in installments or in full at a time after a specified period of time.
determined. Business loan purposes include loans to purchase fixed assets, loans to
invest in business expansion, loans to invest in fixed assets and loans to supplement
working capital.
1.3.2. According to the loan term
The loan term is defined in Clause 8, Article 2 of Circular 39/2016/TTcommercial banks regulating lending activities of credit institutions and foreign
bank branches to customers authorized by the State Bank of Vietnam. Nam issued
as follows: “Lending term is the period counting from the next day of the day the
credit institution disburses the loan to the customer until the time the customer has
to pay off the loan principal and interest according to the terms of the loan
agreement. agreement between the credit institution and the customer.”
According to Time Loan terms and credit activities of commercial banks are
divided into three types short-term loans, medium-term loans and long-term loans.
Short-term loans are forms of unsecured loans or mortgages at banks or
financial companies . According to Article 10 of Circular 39/2016/TT-NHNN ,
short-term loans are loans with a maximum loan term of 01 (one) year.
Medium-term loans are a popular form of borrowing at most banks and credit
institutions today. According to Article 10 of Circular 39/2016/TT-NHNN,
customers will receive financial support for a term from 12 months to 60 months
(from 1 year to 5 years). Mid-term loans will help solve capital needs. business,
customer consumption and reduce financial pressure because you will have
payment flexibility in the longer term. However, the payback period is slow, so it
can be accompanied by some risks for the bank.
Long-term loan according to Article 10 of Circular 39/2016/TT-NHNN, longterm loan is a form of loan with a term of more than 5 years. The loan will be
assessed by the bank according to the needs and documents to decide the loan term.
Long-term loans often apply large loans such as home loans, real estate loans, loans
to mobilize capital for production and business, car loans, etc.
1.3.3. According to the loan guarantee method
Pursuant to the Law on Credit Institutions No. 02/1997/QH10 dated December
12, 1997, "Loan security is the application of measures by a credit institution to
prevent risks, create an economic and legal basis for the recovery of loans already
lent to customers.
Loans secured by assets are loans made by credit institutions whereby the
borrower's debt repayment obligations are committed to be secured by pledged or
mortgaged assets, assets formed from Loans borrowed by customers or guaranteed
by assets of a third party.
Unsecured lending, also known as unsecured loans , is a type of loan without
collateral, pledge or guarantee of others, but only based on the creditworthiness of
the borrower to decide. loan.
1.3.4. According to the loan repayment method
Installment loan is a type of loan where the customer has to repay the principal
and interest periodically. This type of loan is mainly applied in real estate loans,
housing loans, consumer loans, loans for small businesses, loans for technical
equipment in agriculture.
Loans with only one repayment term, also known as one-time repayment
loans at maturity.
Loans to repay many times but without a specific repayment period,
depending on the financial ability of the borrower, they can repay at any time.
2. Theoretical basis for home loan activities of commercial banks
2.1. The concept of home
2.1.1. Concept
Housing is regulated in the Law on Housing 2014 and is explained in Clause
1, Article 3 as follows : "House is a work built for the purpose of living and serving
the daily-life needs of households and individuals ."
2.1.2. Attributes and characteristics of the house
Individuals and households have legal ownership or use rights (also called
sovereignty) in housing/apartment/land plot projects when they have legal papers
and are allowed to trade/transfer. transfer in accordance with the provisions of
current law.
2.2. Home loan activities of commercial banks
2.2.1. Concept of home loan
Home loan is a form of loan made on the basis of a credit contract between a
bank and a customer, in which the customer uses the loan to buy a house and is
responsible for fully repaying the principal and interest as stipulated in the credit
contract .
2.2.2. Features of home loans
Objects of home loan are individuals with full legal capacity and belonging to
permitted by law . The object of a home loan is an individual customer, and it is
more difficult to prove the finance of this object than for a business customer. With
business customers, officials Credit can rely on financial statements and income
statements of enterprises to prove the source of income and expenditure. In contrast,
the object Science and technology can hide personal information necessary for
financial proof such as work and health status, etc.
Borrowing needs depend on the individual's income. Subjects with low
incomes and difficult circumstances have a need to improve their lives but are
limited due to unsecured income with the need to borrow to buy a house. For
middle-income people, when income increases, consumers' need to improve their
lives increases. Therefore, lending to buy houses for people middle-income is the
target market commercial banks target by the needs of customers they are large, and
at the same time their income is higher than that of the upper group . Objects with
high income , they have a need to borrow when they have idle and flexible capital to
spend and accumulate. for medium and long term investment with high interest rate,
the houses they are interested in will be apartments High-class apartments with
large area, villas or private houses bye....
Regarding the loan interest rate, because home lending is a lending activity
with a relatively long repayment term because Therefore, the bank can apply a fixed
interest rate for the first period and a floating interest rate for the remaining loan
term. This is the other point distinguishing home lending from other consumer
lending activities, because other consumer lending activities apply only with fixed
interest rates. NH and a credit contract customer may stipulate a base interest rate
plus a fixed rate.
As for the loan, unlike most consumer loans, the size of a home loan is usually
much larger. That's because homes are often great value. Therefore, in consumer
loans, home loans contribute significantly to the overall credit ratio due to the large
number of loans and the small size of the loan. Home loans usually have very long
terms (may be from 10 years to 30 years) in the bank's loan portfolio. In general,
with such a long period of time, this type of loan is also very risky because during
the loan term the economy always changes, not only that, but objective issues such
as the health of borrowers are also very important. may affect their debt.
2.2.3. The role of home loan activities
For the Bank, home loan activities are one of the forms of loans with higher
interest rates than most other bank loans, besides consumer loans. Therefore, this is
a potential profitable channel for banks. Special The Bank can cross-sell other
products, thereby increasing the bank's lending volume and bringing profits to the
For customers, home loans are timely in terms of quantity and quality of
capital for customers. With advantages such as safety, convenience, speed, easy
access, thereby satisfying the diverse home ownership needs of customers. With the
purchase of a house on installments, customers can replace the source of the rental
cost with the cost of paying the bank, which brings many benefits to customers.
Especially after a while, customers get their own house without spending much.
For the Economy - Society especially for the low - income class, the bank's
lending to buy houses for science and technology helps them own land, houses, etc.,
thereby contributing to stabilizing and improving the quality of life of the whole
commune. festival.
2.2.4. Classification of home loan activities Segmentation by loan purpose
Based on the intended use of the customer, it can be analyze according to the
following criteria: home loan and home construction - repair. This division helps to
understand each customer's needs in each area. From there, the Bank can make a
more specific plan and operation direction to achieve the best business results.
Buying a home is a loan to finance the purchase of a home and house.
Housing construction and repair is a form of loan to finance the construction
and repair of houses. Segmentation by loan term
The credit period is the period from when the loan is first disbursed until the
principal is repaid for the last time. Usually divided into short term, medium term
and long term. Determining the right time will help the bank collect debts on time,
closely monitor the repayment periods of customers' principal and interest to
minimize risks.
A short-term loan is a loan to buy a house or other real estate with a shorter
repayment period than traditional loans. Usually short-term home loans have a term
of less than 1 year.
A medium-term loan is a form of borrowing money to buy a house or other
real estate with a repayment term that is both shorter than a long-term loan and
longer than a short-term loan. Typically, the medium-term home loan term lasts
from 1 to 5 years.
A long-term loan is a form of borrowing money to buy a home or other real
estate with a repayment term that extends over a long period of time, usually more
than 5 years. This is the most common way for homebuyers to own a home and pay
off debt on a long-term repayment schedule. Sort by guarantee form
Banks have introduced forms to ensure the safety of capital when lending,
including 2 forms: First, mortgage is a form of borrowing money to buy a house in
which the property is used to buy a house. Ensure that the loan of the house and
land intended for construction or repair is owned by the borrower. The second is
unsecured This is a home loan that does not require property or real estate as
security. Instead, the borrower's personal assets and personal creditworthiness will
be considered and the commitment of a third party guarantee to ensure the timely
repayment of principal and interest to the bank. According to the loan repayment method
Installment home loan is a type of loan where the customer must repay the
principal and interest periodically. This type of loan is mainly applied in real estate
and housing loans .
Non - installment home loan is a form of loan that is not repaid through
regular installments, but instead, the customer pays the principal once upon
2.2.5. Factors affecting commercial banks' home loan activities. Objective factors
a . Population growth
Population growth leads to an increase in the needs of society in general and
the demand for housing in particular. Housing demand is a quantity proportional to
the population factor, so population growth is a factor affecting the efficiency of
commercial banks' home loan activities.
b. Residential income
Housing is an essential and indispensable need of every citizen. Therefore, the
minimum demand for housing will increase in proportion to the growth rate of
income. As people's income levels increase, the basic need for housing also
increases. However, as incomes continue to increase, the demand for essential
housing tends to decrease and the demand for luxury housing increases. Therefore,
whether the income level increases too quickly or decreases too sharply, it will
affect the house buying activities of commercial banks.
c. Economic growth rate
In the process of integration and economic development. the implementation
of growth policy in all sectors, all fields… is essential. The country is developing
day by day and people's living standard is improving day by day, the need for a
spacious house is also inevitable. Therefore, the bank's home loan activities will be
d . Regulatory environment
As a factor that regulates all socio-economic relationships of the participants,
the legal environment will affect the efficiency of credit activities. A complete,
synchronous and stable legal environment will create conditions for all economic
sectors to operate in accordance with the legal framework, creating fairness in terms
of rights and responsibilities for both borrowers and lenders, minimizing credit risk
and improve lending efficiency. Subjective factors
a. From the customer side
Customer 's capacity includes financial capacity, market capacity, production
capacity, customer management capacity, etc., which directly affects the efficiency
of credit operations. Whether a credit is repaid on time or not depends greatly on the
capacity and qualifications of the customer. This is a decisive factor in whether
customers use loans effectively or not. If the customer's capacity is limited, does not
correctly predict the fluctuations of market demand, the analytical ability is
underestimated, the professional level is not high, the use of resources is inefficient,
the technical technology old, outdated, low management level... then production and
business efficiency is definitely not possible High, low competitiveness, limited
ability to generate revenue to repay bank loans , will affect the bank's lending
b. From the bank side
A bank's development strategy is a system of views, basic goals and
objectives, as well as solutions and policies in order to make the best use of the
bank's resources, advantages and opportunities. achieve long-term goals in the
shortest time possible. A clear, correct and appropriate development strategy will
guide activities for all banking operations, including credit activities. Depending on
the bank's development strategy, which is to grow or stabilize the target market, the
target group of banks will be different and this may affect the bank's credit
Credit policy of commercial banks is a system of measures related to credit
restriction to achieve the planned goals of that commercial bank and limit risks and
ensure safety in credit activities of the bank. Credit policy is determined on the basis
of the bank's development strategy in combination with industry management
regulations of state management agencies. It reflects the lending policy of a bank,
becomes a common orientation for credit officers and bank employees, creates a
common consensus in credit activities in order to limit risks and improve
profitability. . Credit policy needs to determine the size, term, method of lending
and which lending areas are tending to develop. An appropriate credit policy will
help the bank determine the direction of using existing capital sources, creating a
high-quality, low-risk asset and achieving the overall business goals. Thus, a
reasonable credit policy will be the basis for improving the efficiency of the bank's
credit operations.
2.2.6. Indicator to evaluate the results of commercial banks housing
lending activities.
a. Indicator reflects the sales of home loans
Sales of home loans is the total amount that banks lend to buy houses during
the period. It generally reflects the bank's home loan activities in a certain period,
usually in a financial year.
The indicator reflects the absolute growth of home loan sales:
Absolute sales growth value
= total home loan sales year (t) – total home loan sales year (t-1)
This indicator shows how much home loan sales in year t increase or
decrease compared to year (t-1) in absolute terms. When this indicator increases, it
means that the amount of money that banks provide to customers also increases,
better satisfying the needs of customers, and it also shows that home loan activities
have been expanded , satisfying the needs of customers.
Indicators reflecting the relative growth of home loan sales :
Relative Growth Value =
absolute loan growth value
x 100
total home loanbalance∈the year (t−1)
indicator shows the growth rate of outstanding loans in year (t) compared to
year (t-1). When this indicator is higher, it shows that home loans occupy an
increasingly important position in the lending activities of banks.
b. Indicators reflecting home loan debt collection